《Arctic love》Nine
I had never hated my job ever, I loved it, I loved the whole flashing my badge, kicking down doors, the chases. I got a small boost of serotonin from all of those things but the one thing I hated was when we couldn't do our job and save everyone and have to the families, that sucked.
Once the elevator doors slide open the team walks out slowly, all of us had been quiet on the drive back from D.C "well what a bust," Dave mumbles as I shrug off my FBI jacket and settle into my chair. It wasn't too late, almost ten pm and I knew our team wanted to get the paperwork done now instead of later.
"I'll get the coffee ready," Lauren sighs. Lily comes out and hands us our piles of the case and I flip open the file as I grab my phone, seeing a voicemail, I press my phone to my ear.
"Hey," Penny's voice begins, I immediately smile. "I know you're probably driving back from Washington right now and will most likely stay at work but I've got the big meeting tomorrow thing yea whatever Umm but on your way home can you pick up some things? Addie is craving cashews and pickles, I don't even like pickles but yea. Okay I hope you're safe," she says and the voicemail ends.
I lower my phone and grab a sticky note, writing down cashews and pickles. I ignore the tingling feeling I'm having when Penny said home, I had practically been living at her apartment, which I knew would happen but it still warmed my heart and that sounded so girly to me.
"What the hell's got you smiling like a weirdo?" Dave asks. I glance at him.
"Nothing, Penny just asked me to buy her cashews and pickles,"
"Cashews and pickles?" Scout repeats making a disgusted face.
"whatever momma wants I pick up," I shrug.
"You're gonna make a good dad and husband," Lauren muses passing my desk, I roll my eyes.
"So how is Penny doing? and can I be godfather?" Dave asks me and I laugh.
"Penny's fine, we've started on the nursery and she's loving it. And you're gonna have to take the godfather thing up with her yourself, I'm not touching base on that," I reply.
"Woah wait, I wanna fight for godfather role," Bill begins.
"me too, fuck you guys," Scout nods. I laugh. "what about you William? wanna fight for the role of godfather for Phillip's baby?" He asks our unit chief. Dave and I make eye contact and snicker.
Our unit chief hardly cracked a smile and usually kept his cold expression on twenty-four seven, the one time I did see him smile was with his wife and children, that's it.
"No," William nods lowering the file in his hand, "but you guys keep continuing to argue about that,"
"oh it's on, FBI face off for the role of the godfather," Dave exclaims
"You boys are idiots, Alex's daughter isn't a toy," Lauren speaks up.
"Phillips you didn't tell me you were having a girl, congrats," William tells me and I thank him.
"Any advice? don't you have one?" I question turning in my chair to face him.
"I've got two," My unit chief nods and I swear I saw a smile small. "Just be ready to fall head over heels for your daughter when she first grabs your finger," he tells me and I nod.
"I think he's already ready for that," Bill says and the boys chuckle.
"and lots of tea parties," William says with a small smile and I nod again.
"Thanks," I chuckle.
"You'll be a great father Phillips, I have no doubt. You and Lauren already baby these guys," William says thrusting his thumb to the boys as he walks away. Lauren laughs, I reach over and we fist bump.
"that's just plain rude," Scout mumbles turning to his desk now. I smile.
Three hours later, I was sliding out of my car and towards a twenty-four-hour gas station, I got lucky with this gas station. I wasn't sure if gas stations even sold pickles but it was definitely worth a shot. I quickly scan the shelves for cashews and going over to the cold section of the gas station, "do you by any chance have pickles?" I question the clerk.
"No, sorry," he says confused. I curse under my breath and walk towards him anyways.
"Tank two," I inform him and slide the can of cashews over.
"Pickles?" the older man asks me.
"my girl, she's pregnant and wanted cashews and pickles," I tell him and we share a quick chuckle.
"Well I'll pray for you, I remember how my wife was when she was pregnant and I couldn't find the cravings she wanted," he tells me handing me back my change. I slide my wallet back into my pocket. I thank him and he wishes me luck again before I leave the store. As I slowly and quietly enter Penny's apartment, I set the can of cashews on the kitchen counter near her neatly stacked meeting notes for tomorrow, or later today. I quickly search the cupboards and I indeed find a jar of pickles in the back of one of the cupboards, I knew we had some but she didn't just look properly.
I glance over at Penny as I walk into the small walk-in closet, I pull out my gun and do my process of opening up the safe in the closet and placing my gun and holster in there. Back at mine, I would keep the gun in my nightstand but I knew Penny and her concerns about my gun so I stuffed it away in a safe for her.
I slowly slide into the blankets and pull Penny closer to me as I flip her around, she moves closer to me and places her head on my bare chest, she lets out a sigh of most likely relief that I'm finally home. I rub her back gently, I knew I wasn't gonna get any sleep but knowing Penny could finally fall asleep was fine by me.
I never would've expected Penny to be such the horny type but pregnant mommy equals horny mommy. I wasn't gonna complain though, sex with Penny was fucking amazing.
I run a hand down between her perfect boobs and skim past her growing stomach before gripping her hips, helping her move her hips against mine. She was a fucking goddess as she circled her hips against my dick, her moans bouncing off the walls. I knew she had concerns about her not fitting all of me in her but now I fit perfectly in her and she tightly held me against her.
I move my hand to rub circular motions over her and she gasps, "Xander, I'm coming!" She moans loudly.
"Come, baby, come for me," I encourage her as I quicken my pace trying to get her off. She was quick to come, screaming into the air above her. I smile. Leaning up I slowly kiss my way up her body, sucking on her boobs quickly before sucking on her neck.
"You feel fucking amazing Pens, fucking tight and dripping for me," I whisper into her ear as she holds onto me tightly coming down from her high. I quickly roll us over in bed, the sheets getting stuck between us. She brushes her hair out of her face as I grab her legs and place them on my shoulders.
"Oh fuck your huge Xander," she moans. That definitely boosted my ego up to about a million. I grab onto her hips gently as I start to move in and out of her.
"Oh god, how many times are you gonna make me come?" She asks.
"As many as I'd fucking like baby," I smirk kissing her ankle as I begin to move faster. I let out a low grunt as I lean forward, my arms holding me up. Her legs fall off my shoulders and wrap around my waist, we both let out a satisfied moan as I slide in deeper.
"I'm coming," she announces to me as my hips continue their brutal action. She comes immediately, her walls squeezing me and I groan.
"Fuck," I mumble falling against her gently as come inside her, the good thing about her being pregnant was that I didn't have to wrap up and me coming inside her was simply for mine and maybe her pleasure.
"Oh god," she exhales as we come down from our highs. I kiss her collarbone, her necklace of her parent's wedding rings sticking to her body.
"God you're unbelievable," I mumble tucking her hair behind her ears.
"Wonder if it'll be this good after I'm pregnant," she mumbles and I laugh slowly lifting my hips. She shivers as I leave her body. I reach around and grab the covers, pulling them over us. I lean down and kiss her.
"I'm sure we'll find somewhere to make sex better after your pregnant," I muse as I pull her back against me, our bodies radiating heat which made sense because we've at it for hours at this point.
"Your phone's going off," she tells me tiredly. I move my head up and glance over her's to see my phone blowing up with notifications on the nightstand I usually put my phone on. Lowering my head back to the pillow, she turns and snuggles into my neck.
"Yea the boys on the team are having some awful competition on who's gonna be godfather to Addie, it's probably them blowing up the group chat. Lauren is probably pissed at them," I tell her tugging at her hair.
"Who said they were gonna be godfather?" She asks suddenly.
"They did, Lauren and I are letting them because it's hilarious," I chuckle and I feel her smile against my skin.
"The crib should arrive tomorrow morning," she yawns. "Are you sure you can stay home and build it?" She asks.
"I'm home all weekend Pens, don't you worry," I assure her rubbing my hand over her belly she was twenty weeks and Addie was currently the size of a banana.
"Your gonna have to put up the removable wallpaper on before you build the crib," she mumbles. I chuckle.
"Pens, we'll figure everything out tomorrow, I promise, stop letting your OCD kick in,"
"If I didn't let my OCD kick in this pregnancy would not be going as smoothly as you'd think Xander," she scolds me and I smile, leaning forward and kissing the crown of her head.
I listen to her breathing even out as I continue to rub my hand against her stomach softly, I never knew I could love someone so much before.
"What?" Penny snaps. I chuckle as I stare at her, standing in the middle of the second bedroom of her apartment, hands on her hips, leggings, and one of my t-shirts on.
"Nothing babe, you just look hot, that's all," I shrug and she flips me off.
"Well, what would you like me to do? Suck you off in the middle of our daughter's nursery? Or continue guiding you on how to place the shelves?" She asks, tapping her foot.
"any other day I'd say get on your knees but you ruined it by the fact we're standing in our daughter's nursery,"
"That's what I thought," she nods and I chuckle turning back to the shelf I was hanging up.
"Ouuuuu it looks so cute in here!" Savannah gushes. "It's not too pink, gives the modern look but still screams girl,"
"Pens did a lot of planning for this nursery," I say. Ed comes in and tells me the crib has arrived and I take my leave and follow my best friend out, better to let the girls gush about the room.
"My God, if Pen is that bossy while she's pregnant I cannot imagine how Sav is gonna act like," Ed sighs. I chuckle.
"Pen isn't bad, I like her bossy." I shrug.
Ed makes a gagging noise, "that's disgusting," he mumbles.
"Oh please, you think I liked to hear you moan out how good Sav is when you two started dating? The number of beers I downed in five minutes was a lot," I remind him jabbing him with my elbow. He flips me off.
Two hours later, most of the nursery was finished beside the tiny things Penny wanted to get.
"I will not be having Chinese, Nope," I hear Penny say loudly as I enter the main area of the living room.
"Pen," Savannah whines.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
"Sav wants Chinese but I want sushi, and I'm the pregnant one here," she reminds her best friend.
"Ed and I are picking the Chinese up, I'll grab you some sushi Pens," I tell her stepping behind her as she sat on the barstool, "what kind do you want?" I ask leaning down and kissing her cheek.
"Oh my god you are so whipped for her I can't," Savannah says smirking at us, mostly me. My hand falls to Penny's stomach.
"Maybe," I shrug "oh because I know she can get real snappy when she's pregnant," I tell her and Savannah rolls her eyes.
Penny leans back into my chest, "okay so sushi, you know my order don't you?" She asks.
"Am I supposed to?" I ask.
"You are going to be a terrible father," she mumbles and I chuckle.
"I know your order Pens," I assure her before I nod Ed and we take our leave. "I'm gonna have to buy a new jar of pickles," I tell my best friend and he laughs.
"so now the boys on my team wanna go at it and fight for the role of the godfather," I chuckle against my beer.
"they do know it's me right?" Ed asks me with a laugh.
The two of us were currently sitting at a bar, in dire need of a drink and a small boy's night. Before we used to go out every week but that was before one of us was married and the other was expecting a baby.
"Let them go on with the fight thing, I actually wanna see it," I muse.
"Okay touche, they'd end up killing each other," Ed says and I chuckle. Pulling out my phone as it buzzes, it was Penny.
"Hey baby, how's girls' night?" I question.
"Alex, it's me Savannah, Pen and I are heading to the hospital," Savannah says and suddenly the loud bar music becomes quiet.
"what? why?" I question quickly.
"she's bleeding so we're heading to the hospital, were like ten minutes out," she tells me.
"Okay, we'll meet you there. Pens baby, I'll see you soon," I say before hanging up. I quickly tell Ed what's going on and we stand up, Ed throws a couple of bills on the bar and we rush out.
I was a nervous wreck as I ran into the hospital and demanded a nurse to get me to Penny. I swing open the hospital door and three heads snap up but my eyes zero in on one, Penny's. I quickly glance over her as I walk over, I lean down and kiss her quickly before turning to the doctor.
"what happened?" I question out of breath slipping my hand into Penny's.
"A placenta previa, it's actually common for women who are at the twenty mark week," The doctor assures me.
"and she's okay and the baby?" I question confused slightly.
"Both mom and baby are fine," he tells me and I sigh. "Penny will just need bed rest for a few weeks and limited activity, a C section may also be needed when it's time for delivery," He tells me and I nod. "But both are fine and Penny," he says turning to her, "when your next appointment comes up your doctor will see if you can get off bed rest but I'm amusing you hate that idea so keep it easy okay?" He asks and she nods, "we'll keep her overnight for today just to be sure," he tells me and I nod thanking him.
I watch as he leaves before crouching down beside her, "you okay?" I ask Penny softly, kissing her hand.
"I'm fine, if I knew any better I'd say you're worried," she teases me and I smile.
"Damn right," I nod and kiss her forehead.
"You should go back, you work tomorrow," she tells me.
"No I don't, I'll stay here all night," I assure her. Savannah tells us she'll bring us clothes in the morning before they leave. Slowly I lower myself onto the hospital bed beside her, she immediately curls up into me.
"I was so scared Xander," she sighs, I rub her back. "I read some miscarriage stories and I don't know if I would've been able to handle it," she mumbles, I kiss the top of her head and tell her to get some sleep.
When Savannah had called saying she was taking Penny to the hospital I couldn't help but think about Addie, obviously, and Penny. What if something was wrong and I had lost them both? That terrified me even more.
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