《Arctic love》Seven
"I'm gonna say this now because you are officially moved in Pen but I hated that studio loft," Savannah chuckles and I hear a gentle smack.
"Yea like how did you bring dudes up there during one-night stands?" Ed jokes as we successfully lowered the couch into the 'living room' space.
"Dude," I grumble at my best friend.
"Oh right sorry, don't want Alex becoming jealous," Ed chuckles, I flip him off walking towards the girls as they finished up the kitchen.
"My loft expressed who I am," Penny says, "you know the art freak?" she says slowly lifting a box.
"hey," I say softly grabbing the box from her and placing the box on the counter, "you aren't supposed to lift anything, come on Pens," I remind her, she rolls her eyes.
"Xander I'm seventeen weeks pregnant, not unreliable," She reminds me placing her hands on her hips.
"No heavy lifting or lifting at all," I remind her back. We stare at each other intensely before she sighs and shakes her head. I smile a bit as I open the box up for her.
Since I've gotten back from California, besides work Penny and I spent most of the time trying to find her an apartment near me, which we did. It was in a safe neighborhood, community, the other apartment owners were nice and even her landlord. Penny thought I was being a little overdramatic but I told her I was just taking normal precautions, I wanted her and our kid-safe that's all I wanted.
"has it been like this the whole time?" Savannah asks closing a cupboard.
"What? Xander being an overdramatic ass?" Penny says and I sigh, Ed raises his eyebrow at me finding this amusing.
"I'm not being overdramatic, I just don't want you to lift anything hard," I tell her, leaning back on the counter.
She scoffs, "ever heard of an independent woman?"
"Pens you're pregnant," I deadpan.
"And a ton of women have a baby alone," She states.
"I'm not here to fight with you Pens," I tell her as she passes me.
"Then what the hell are you doing here?" she asks me angrily as she walks out. I sigh as a door slams shut.
"I'll go check on her," Savannah begins.
"No, I'll do it. I'm the one that needs to apologize, she was right" I begin and push off the counter, "about all of it," I mumble.
"I never thought I'd hear Alex admit he's wrong or needs to apologize to someone," I hear Ed tell Savannah as the two continue unpacking the kitchen.
I knock on Penny's bedroom door before pushing it open slowly, she was sitting on the floor, on her area rug, putting books and such away on her white bookshelf. I sigh and sit down beside her after closing the door a bit.
"Pens," I say softly, she ignores me. I slowly grab the book in her hand and reach under grabbing her chin and forcing her to look at me, "Penny," I say.
"You can leave if you want to fight again Xander," She tells me.
"I'm not here to fight, I promise. I'm here to apologize," I tell her dropping my hand from her chin. "you were right, you are right. I'm treating you like a glass statue when you clearly aren't and I'm sorry," I tell her.
"I'm sorry for snapping too, I just," She trails off "it's the hormones," she mumbles seeming embarrassed. I stifle a chuckle. I put the book on her bookshelf before reaching for her and pulling her into between my legs.
"I should trust you when you say you are capable of whatever because you know your own limits and I'm sorry," I tell her pulling back her hair. She leans her head against my knee and looks up at me.
"When I can't handle something I'll let you know, I promise," She says and I nod. I cup her cheek and tilt her head up.
"You should've just kicked my ass, I don't really like apologizing," I tell her and she chuckles.
"At least your good at it," She murmurs, "that will definitely be useful in the future," she tells me. I chuckle before leaning forward and kissing her. She wraps an arm around my neck. Her knee brushed up against my dick and I pull away wincing, my dick was acting up before my feelings and I need to get that under control asap.
"So, think the bed needs christening into the new apartment?" I blurt out. Penny and I both immediately make a weird face, "sorry my dick literally just spoke for me," I tell her and she laughs.
Penny brushes off my comment, obviously used to me and my dirty mind. She moves away and grabs a photo album-looking book off her bookshelf. She leans back into me and I lean back on my right arm and play with her hair with my other hand.
"Are you about to show me sonograms right now?" I question her. She hums. "oh showing pictures of our baby is supposed to get my dick back down?" I joke.
"Precisely," she nods, I laugh.
"Hmm I don't think that's gonna work because I'm having flashback memories of us creating this," I say and pat her stomach gently. I watch her fingers fiddle with the edges of the scrapbook.
I push off my hand and lean into her "because Pens I think a lot about that sexy mouth of yours and the moans and screams,"
"I did not scream,"
"You screamed my name," I deadpan and she shuffles in her spot and my dick restraints against my jeans, oh hell.
"I remember how fucking tight and wet you were," I mumble against her ear and slowly lower my hand down between her legs. She gasps and bucks against me.
I place the scrapbook on the ground as I lean back against the wall pulling her closer to me, "I remember that big dick of yours," she mumbles "how it stretched me and I still couldn't handle it all," she sighs huskily as my hand tightens around her pussy. Her head falls onto my shoulder.
"Fuck," I mumble as she presses her ass against me.
"Xander," she moans out quietly as I unbutton her jeans before I could continue a loud crash from the kitchen and we hear Savannah yelling at Edmund loudly. Penny and I both sigh. I button her jeans up.
"We'll finish later," I mumble to her before I nudge her up. My dick was so hard right now but our best friends just had to be idiots.
The second the door closed behind Ed and Savannah I grabbed Penny by the waist and pulled her against me, the two of us stumbling and falling onto the couch. I had my back against the couch as she laid on top of me, on her side.
"So I was thinking of staying here tonight?" I say in an amused tone as I brush my knuckle over her cheek.
"Hmm I think we'd both like that," she mumbles. I give her a confused look for a second before she grabs my hand and placed it on her stomach.
Gripping her hip I slowly flip us so she was on her back, I hold myself up with my elbow trying not to squish her as I squished myself between her and the back of the couch.
I skim my hand past her stomach and fiddle with the button of her jeans. Using my other hand I place it on top of her head as she turns her head to me.
"If your gonna stay here, your making dinner," she mumbles as I slowly move my hands down her pants.
"Sounds good to me," I mumble leaning my head down and capturing her lips on mine. She gasps as I brush against her pussy. "What do you want to eat, pretty, you can choose," I mumble against her lips.
She gasps again and I smirk, "Xander," she moans softly. Oh god, I've missed her moaning my name.
She grips my hair tightly moaning again, "yea baby, you're so wet for me,"
"Hmh," she nods, "only for you," she mumbles bucking her hips against my hand.
"Yea baby," I mumble, "come for me," I whisper in her ear, I eye her as she gasps loudly, her lips ajar and her eyes shut. "Baby, come," I demand softly in her ear and she shudders against me letting go.
She exhales slowly reopening her eyes and looking at me, I smile at her "that was hot," I tell her and she blushes. Slowly retracting my hand I hold the waistband of her jeans.
"I needed that," she confesses and I chuckle.
"So is it true that pregnant women are seriously horny?" I ask.
"Didn't you just finger fucking me and me coming on you already answer your question?" She scoffs and I laugh. "But dinner?" She asks.
I shake my head smiling, "you definitely aren't the type to shy away after some sort of sexual encounter huh?" I ask. She scoffs.
"Do you know me at all?"
Brushing a piece of hair off her face I shake my head, "I'm feeling like I don't know as much as I thought, but I'd love to keep figuring it out," I muse.
She smiles "that's fine with me," She nods.
"So momma," I tease, "what's for dinner?"
"Wanna go get some Thai?" She asks with a smile, I shrug and nod, smiling back at her.
"And pay up boys," Lauren says excitedly as she brings the poker chips over to her, the rest of us groan.
"I don't even know why we consider playing with you anymore," Dave mumbles.
"Yea you just keep taking our money," Scout shakes his head,
"Doesn't matter you all still fall for it, come on," Lauren beckons with her hand. I lean back in my chair and grab my wallet from my back pocket.
"How did you learn to play like that Lauren," I mumble.
"She grew up in Vegas," Bill points out as I hand Lauren a ten-dollar bill.
"Woah, wait, is that the sonogram?" Lauren asks me pointing to the picture inside my wallet. I nod and she grabs my wallet.
"It isn't recent, that's when she was thirteen weeks, we go back next week," I tell her and she nods smiling at the picture.
"I mean I haven't met your girlfriend but your baby is gonna be hot as fuck," Dave says.
"And how the hell do you know that?" Lauren chuckles handing me back my wallet and sonogram. I stare at the sonogram with a smile.
"Because look at Alex, if I were gay I'd definitely try and get in his pants," Dave shrugs and we laugh.
"Dude," I laugh.
"Okay, sorry I'm late," William says walking in. I glance back and slip the sonogram back into my wallet. "I hope everyone has their to-go bags ready,"
"Where are we going?" Scout asks as we stand up.
"Florida, we leave in ten," William announces, "we'll touch base and debrief with the BAU on the plane," William says.
"Ouuu the Bureau gets to lose two jets," Dave mumbles as we leave the conference room.
"It must be bad if we're going with the BAU and we're leaving now," I say as we each grab our to-go bags from underneath our desks. As I grab my FBI jacket and bag I quickly grab my phone calling Penny.
I didn't know if she was busy or running a tour right now at the museum but we had plans tonight, like every night. I hadn't gone back to my house in almost a week and was usually at Penny. My balls were blue at this point.
"This is Penny Valentine, leave a message at the beep and I'll get back to you," Her voicemail says. I curse quietly as it beeps.
"Hey Pens, I Um I'm heading to Florida right now so when you try me I'll probably be on the plane but I'll call you when I can, please take it easy," I say before hanging up.
The team walks into the elevator as I dial Ed, "Hey man," he answers on the second ring.
"Dude I got Pens voicemail but can you go over there later and make sure she's good and eats something, I'm heading to Florida right now," I say.
"Yeah sure man, don't worry Sav and I got it. Just do your job," My best friend tells me. If only it were that easy.
"Thanks," I mumble before we exchange a quick goodbye and I hang up.
"Who knew Alex could be so worried about someone," Scout jokes as the elevator goes down.
"He's having a child and that girl was apart of a hostage in a massive terrorist attack, don't be an ass," Lauren mumbles beside me. I ignore my co-worker's banter as I send Penny a quick text too just for safe measure.
I push my back against the wall and slowly lean forward so I can glance down the hall, I look towards the special agent of the SWAT team we were working with and I nod, we slowly move forward towards the end of the hall. I test the doorknob and once I realize it was locked "Michael Aaron FBI!" I yell.
"Michael Aaron!" I yell louder, "FBI!"
I look at the male beside me and tilt my head before stepping back and allowing them to kick open the door, I walk in slowly raising my gun. We shuffle in slowly and I peer into the kitchen it was clear, I follow Scout into the hallway again and I point to the closed door.
"We need bomb tech in here," Someone says into the earpiece. Scout tries the doorknob and we step back as before I kick it open, Michael glances at us and quickly slips out the door, I fire a shot anyways but miss as he jumps down the fire escape.
"Shit," I mumble and I quickly follow him as Scout says he's going down the fire escape. I slide through the window and jump down, keeping my gun lowered I slowly lean over the railings, and soon a gunshot went off, I pull back before running down the stairs.
It was a stupid duel with reckless gunshots fired at each other, He slipped into another window and I slide in behind him. Keeping my gun lowered as I walk through the abandoned apartment building it looks like.
I fall to the ground moaning in pain, I kick Michael back as I turn to my back and he stumbles back, I stand up slowly my brain hazy, like idiots we run for each other, and I push him through the already broken wall, we wrestle on the ground, both of us getting in some good punches. I groan grabbing my shoulder as I fall against a wall.
"You son of a bitch," I grumble as he raises his gun at me before he could fire at me, someone beats him to it and he falls to his knees, blood coming out of his shoulder. I stumble forward and kick the gun away before pushing him onto the ground and pulling his arms behind his back, I reach for my handcuffs in my back pocket and glance up.
"You okay?" William asks me lowering his gun and walking towards me.
"Fine," I grumble as I lock the handcuffs on Michael.
"I'll finish him," Lauren tells me shoving her gun into its holster. I nod and move aside.
William glances over me "I want you to get checked by a paramedic, am I understood?" he says. I nod slowly as everyone walks out, I grab my shoulder and roll it as we walk out.
"Dude, next time wait for back up," Scout chuckles lightly as we exit the apartment building.
"You know I don't do that, was the bomb disconnected?" I wince and Scout nods as a paramedic usher's me towards an ambulance.
I sit at the back of the ambulance, stripping off my FBI vest and let the medic do his job, "You good?" Dave asks me and then glancing at the medic.
"A minor headache nothing big but I'm giving you ice for your shoulder, it's not dislocated but it is bruised so take it easy," He tells me and I nod grabbing the ice from him and wincing.
"dude, taking in a gunshot and a concussion, how are you human?" Dave asks me.
I shrug, "I don't know but all I know is that I'm about ready to head home," I tell him with a sigh.
- In Serial61 Chapters
Fuji takes cultural and mythological aspects from eastern society and bundles it with original fiction. Sun goddesses, Elder dragons, and magical powers galore. Further down this page contains minor spoilers, avert your eyes if you wish to read without any predisposed knowledge. With that in mind, let’s go into where we start this story- The sun goddess Amaterasu has gone missing, plunging the earth into eternal night. Beings of darkness and pain have started emerging from the shadows and have been deemed the title Yokai. The shogunate has formed a committee of samurai and swordsmen gifted with the embers of Amaterasu to slay the beasts of shadow, but their efforts have grown unsuccessful. Ash covers the land as snow. The embers of a forgotten time have died out. All that’s left is us and the dark. *** Main site Discord Vote
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Volume 1 link!Volume 2 link! Dylan is your average nerd. He works downtown for an architecture firm during the day and enjoys all manner of games and media in his spare time. But while Dylan likes all forms of sci-fi and fantasy, he really likes the genre of superheroes. So when an indie company releases a virtual reality MMO where players choose to play as heroes or villains, Dylan immediately buys into it. He has a specific type of character he really enjoys watching, something that always makes his inner child laugh in delight. The Saturday morning cartoon villain. Yes, those inept, bungling, yet highly dangerous villains found in so many of Dylan's cartoons as a child. He loves how they always come up with strange ways to conquer the world and how they get thwarted every weekend. He remembered laughing at every silly antic, every cliched shout of "Curses! Foiled again!" He loves it so much he decides to take this idea into the MMO. But to grab a playerbase, the company has announced a promotion that players with a high enough reputation can get contacted to become permanent raid bosses in the game. Those chosen will be paid as if employees of the company. Serious players all hoping to live the dream of playing videogames all day rush to purchase copies of World of Supers! What will happen when Dylan, someone playing the game for fun, clashes with these overly serious players?
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Post War Rules
Life on Torus Terminal is usually fast paced, but simple. A frontier Terminal has little room for easy living, but the great, circular station does boast shopping and culinary experiences from many Imperial races and cultures. Any star is, by its nature, extremely far from its neighbors. But laser highways, and the great shimmering sails of the light-rider spaceships make the trip into only about ten years. Still, the denizens of Torus Terminal eagerly await the day when the Anti-Euclidean Engine their station is built around finally comes online. Once that is done, they will have unfettered access to the entire Empire. Instantaneous travel and trade across hundreds of stars. Torus Terminal does boast one other oddity: a creature which calls itself Human. As he says, the last of his kind for now. He has made quite the life for himself on Torus Terminal, especially in the darker corners of the station. The elites of Torus Terminal praise his name, for once he took up arms, crime began to fall. What they did not realize was that was because he had claimed the seedy underbelly of Torus Terminal for himself and his own goals. The elites praise him as a paragon of law. The criminals fear him as a ruthlessly clever crime boss. Those closest to him, know him as the General. This story was originally posted on the Humanity Fuck Yeah subreddit, where it evolved from a simple play on a historical figure in a science fiction setting into a full blown space opera. I kind of took it as an opportunity to explore a setting I've had rolling around in my head for years. I also decided that it would be nice to have it in a place where I could more easily come back and edit it later, so I'm reposting it here. Here's a link to the original posting if you're interested: https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/e9cwpl/post_war_rules/ If my genre and tagging is subpar, let me know. I'm still new to Royal Road and I'm open to help. Feel free to comment and make suggestions, or discuss. I love comments, and so long as we keep things civil I also love criticism.
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