《Arctic love》Two
"I don't understand why I have to be here?" I say in a questioning tone.
"Uh because I can't be there?" Savannah says in a duh tone.
"Isn't it the groom who can't see the bride on her wedding day, who the hell cares about you seeing Ed in his suit,"
"Pen," Savannah whines as I pull the door to the tailor's that Ed sent me the address to. I chuckle.
"I'm here, don't get your panties into a twist, my god," I mumble to my best friend.
"I love you Pen,"
"Yea I know, I'll whip them into shape," I tell her, and she thanks me before we hang up. "Well boys let's see you get hot," I demand clapping my hands together. Edmund chuckles as he sat on the chair.
"The best man and groomsman are in there first, better if they went first," he tells me and I nod.
"Come on!" I exclaim, "give me your best catwalk," I demand to the five boys in change rooms. I turn and place my purse on an empty chair.
"You mean nude catwalk?" A voice says behind me, I turn and see Alexander coming out swinging his tie around his neck.
"Please, you'd like that wouldn't you," I huff as the rest of the groomsman walkout. I walk towards Alex and grab his tie.
"There aren't many adjustments needed right?" I ask the tailor.
"No, I did most of them," He tells me.
"So their good to take the suits home?" I ask and he nods. "Great that's one off the checklist," I mumble, I swat Alex's hands and he drops them.
"Ed I don't wanna sound like a prick,"
"You always are one," I mumble to him, glancing up considering our height difference. He narrows his eyes at me.
"But," He continues, "this tie color is ugly." I stop and stare at the tie and silently agreed, it was ugly.
"I agree," I announce turning around. Edmund sighs, "Sav shouldn't have left you in charge with this one thing," I shake my head and grab my phone.
"We have a selection of ties at the front," the tailor tells me as I ring Savannah up.
"Perfect, come on Xander," I say and grab his tie and pull him forward. He grumbles behind me but follows.
"The color tie Ed picked is ugly as hell," I sigh.
"What's the color?"
"Grey." I deadpan.
"The boy's suits are grey." She deadpans.
"I know," I sigh and turn to Xander, he shrugs.
"Just choose whatever you think is best, I trust you," she says and hangs up.
"I may kill her," I mumble as I turn to Xander. The boy's suits were gonna wear a dark grey but the light grey tie did not go with the suit.
"Aren't you gonna ask for my opinion?" Xander asks me.
"Yea would I do that?" I question.
"Because I'm best man?"
"If I let you choose the color you'd end up picking like dark green,"
"Gross," He mumbles and I nod I grab a black-tie "why the hell didn't Ed just pick that what the fuck," He says as I swing it around his neck and he holds the grey one.
"Yea that's better, black's so much better," I nod. I look at Alex, "what?" I ask.
"Nothing I'm just wondering how you're standing here,"
I give him a weird look, "with my two fucking legs?" I reply.
He chuckles, "no, after what happened almost a week ago, how can you be so fine with it?" he tells me.
"I'm fine," I shrug. He suddenly reaches up and grabs my wrists.
"Pens," he says softly.
"Xander," I say mocking him with my nickname for him. "I am fine, stop fucking worrying,"
"I think your wrong, who's it gonna take to tell you to take a few days off of work? Savannah? I'll call her," He says.
"Derek Morgan,"
"Who?" He gives me a confused look, "who the fuck is that? Is he fictional?" He asks.
"Yea from Criminal Minds," I deadpan.
"Oh my god, are you kidding me?" He sighs.
"Of course I'm kidding Xander, come on lighten up, I'm okay," I chuckle and pat his cheek before moving past him.
He pulls me back and I whirl around, "you know they are a group of terrorists and this case is odd because they have never once gone back to their old attacks and they told you themselves Pens that they will come back," He stresses.
"I have a strong feeling that you actually care," I tease him.
"My job is to protect people Penny, it's my job to protect you and the people of this city,"
"You could've just said you didn't actually care,"
"Oh my god, Penny, listen to me. Whatever you may think, they will come back."
"I know," I sigh and wiggle my wrist out of his grip. "I know they'll come back, do you not think I registered that when he put a gun to my head?" I whisper yell.
Alex stares at me and his eyes soften, "sorry lovebirds, I didn't hear anymore bickering so I finally thought Pen killed you, Alex," Edmund says.
I turn on my heel, "no, not yet, super close but we found the right ties," I say walking towards him.
"Black?" Ed asks and I hum in response. "I could've done that,"
"Yes but the problem was that you didn't do that," I give him a smile as I pat his shoulder, Edmund grumbles behind me as I glance over the rest of the groomsman.
"I think we're good on suits," I tell the boys crossing my arms. "Hang it up, no creases please or,"
"Or she will slit our throats," Alex says from behind me. The boys snicker.
"And you think that's not a threat?" I ask Alex.
"Pens," Alex laughs as he follows everyone else to the change rooms, "I know it's a threat," he says and gives me a suitable wink. I roll my eyes at him.
I hug the folders to my chest as I spin around glancing at the artwork hanging, despite my manager telling me I should take the week off, I slipped into my work clothes and headed back to the museum. Sure it was hard but I never went back to the basement, and I won't be going back for a while.
"Hey Penny," someone says into our shared earpieces "we've got a couple of FBI agents here to look over footage from the,"
"Oh yeah, I'll come, everyone else is busy and I'm free, at the front?" I ask.
"Yep," she says. I mumble a quick response before turning on my heel and walking down the way I came. Thankfully I had bumped into another co-worker who could go in and file whatever paper I had.
"Thanks, Ethan," I smile at him.
"Course," he nods and heads the other way.
"Penelope?" An Agent asks.
"Penny but yea," I smile a bit, ignoring Alex's staring.
"We're just here to look and grab footage from the other day," The male says.
"Course, I'll lead you guys down," I tell them and turn, I hear them following a few people on the earpiece talk about a misplaced art piece. I mumble annoyed and rip out the earpiece.
"Are all elevators accessed with fobs?" Alex asks me as we step into the elevator.
"Yea, which one holds our PIN number too," I tell them.
"They couldn't have gotten in from up here then," the other male beside Alex says quietly. "Do you guys have any security down here?" The same man asks,
"Uh besides the couple security guards in the surveillance office usually no," I tell them.
"For a building with such expensive art pieces and sculptures you'd think there would be more down here," Alex says. I shrug. I twirl myself fob around my finger before knocking on the door to the surveillance office and beep in.
The two males flash their badges and I now understood why Alex would find that cool because I would love to flash my FBI badge everywhere.
"Be our guest," one security guard nods as they move aside. I lean on the doorframe, thinking it's better if I stay so they can get back out.
"Is that loading dock open?" I question confused.
"Is it not supposed to?" Alex asks me. I shake my head immediately and bring my earpiece back.
"Loading dock, number five is open, confirmation please," I say.
"Nothing is due today," someone confirms. My eyes widen. Alex was already up.
"Peter stay here, you come with me," Alex demands to one of the guards and he nods. I follow them. "Pens stay there,"
"Hell no, you need my fob,"
"Pens," Alex says holding me back. I shrug him off and move past him. The two quickly follow me as I fob in and it doesn't work. I try again and again and nothing.
"Move back," Alex says pulling me away and behind him, he grabs my fob and tries. Alex moves back and kicks it open, he and the guard raise their guns as they enter slowly.
"FBI!" Alex yells as they move in. I stand by the door, the wind blowing past us, moving my dress around.
"Clear!" The guard yells from my left side.
"We're clear," Alex says walking over to me. "It doesn't look like anything was taken," He tells me. I shake my head and walk towards the opened garage door. Thankfully nothing was taken but a guard was on the ground and a message on the ground.
"Xander!" I call. I listen to them walk up to me as I stare down at the written message, most likely with the guard's blood.
Alex sighs from beside me, "Special Agent Alexander Phillips, joint terrorist task force I'm gonna need Crime Scene at Virginia Museum of Fine Arts" he calls in.
I blink and shudder before moving back, I bump into Alex as I stumble away, "okay come on, I need to talk to a manager or something," He tells me and I nod and allow him to show me out.
A week later I hadn't seen Alex since that day the loading doc guard was killed and I knew that terrorist group had bombed another office building.
Savannah hands me a tray and I slowly slide into the burning oven, "Hey babe, if you need help with those steaks ask Alex," Sav says as Ed comes back into the house.
"No let the man sleep," Ed waves us off.
"Why is he even here then?" I joke.
"Because he's a good friend, just let him sleep, I actually don't think he's slept in the last two weeks, one can only run on caffeine for so long," Edmund says as he walks back out to the grill on the deck.
"He does look like he hasn't slept in ages, I hope he's okay," Savannah mumbles. I actually couldn't agree more because when we stepped out of our cars and pulled up in front of Ed and Savannah's house he did look extremely tired but nonetheless gave us smiles and teased me.
An hour later I hear Ed smack awake Alex as I grab some wine, "that is not how you wake someone up, you asshole," Alex grumbles angrily as they walk into the dining room.
"Morning sleeping beauty," I tease him as we both settle into chairs beside each other. He shoves me gently and I laugh.
"So can we expect you to go back home Alex or will you be going to headquarters again?" My best friend asks.
"Sav I love how you care about me but I'm fine," Alex assures her. My best friend hums clearly not satisfied with the answer. Before anyone could say anything else Alex's phone buzzes and he pulls it out, giving the engaged couple a small sorry before answering.
"Special Agent Alexander," he greets. "Your kidding?" He sighs, "okay I'll join the crime scene unit until you guys arrive, I got it," He sighs as he stands up.
"I'm sorry," He begins, "one of our men was ambushed and killed," He sighs.
"Go," Savannah nods. He nods before rushing out. "Babe we have to convince him to eat something or get decent sleep," Savannah says as the front door closes.
"Sav you know how is during a case, never sees the light of day, stuck at headquarters, he'll be okay," Edmund assures her.
"It still doesn't sit right with me," Savannah says.
"It doesn't matter to you," Ed says with a chuckle and Sav swats him. The rest of the night was filled with mostly wedding talk, like as promised and by the time it was midnight I was sliding into my car and heading home, on my way home I decided to stop at the grocery store and grab some ice cream.
I pull out my phone from my purse as I step out of the grocery store, "Penelope Valentine?" A voice asks.
"Yes?" I ask slowly.
"My names William I'm with the FBI and whatever you do, do not get back inside your car"
"Excuse me?" I question confused.
"There's suspected to be a bomb in your vehicle, we are just down the road," He explains and I hear sirens coming up the road and soon FBI agents come rushing forward.
"Pens," Alex says in distress rushing towards me. A few people begin to clear the area and mark off my car.
"What the hell is happening?" I question Alex as he pulls me away, I watch as he shoves his gun to his hip.
"One of the men they killed, the group, was one of your co-workers, one of the hostages," he explains. My eyes widen. "Come on, let's get out of the parking lot." He says.
"So what they're checking for a bomb?" I exclaim. He nods. I sigh and follow him as he pushes me forward gently. I had to admit seeing Alex in his FBI vest was kinda hot but I would never tell him that because it would boost his ego so much more than it already is.
"Are you okay?" He asks me once we stood on the street.
"I'm fine, nothing wrong," I tell him. Before he could respond I hear gunshots and I was quickly pulled to the ground, Alex quickly covering me as car glass flies everywhere, once it stopped Alex stands up.
"Stop! FBI!" He and someone else yells raising their guns. They both let out a few shots. "Dammit," Alex sighs. "Did you get the license?" He asks his co-worker as he helps me up.
"No, I'll get the security cameras though and see what I can find," The other agent says. Alex nods.
"You okay?" He asks again with a tired sigh.
"What the hell is happening," I ask him.
"Alex," an older male says from across us. "Take her home, we're setting up a watch on all those held hostages from the museum, we're finishing up clearing the bomb and we'll station a cop outside all houses," his superior says and Alex nods.
"Come on let's go," Alex says and I don't fight back.
"How am I not shocked you live in a studio apartment Pens," Alex chuckles tiredly. I roll my eyes as I flick on the light.
"Be aware you could find nude paintings," I tease him, knowing he may need it, Alex laughs from behind me as I drop my bags on the kitchen counter.
"I told you to wait for me goddammit," He tells me and I stick my tongue out at him.
"You didn't have to follow me up," I say.
"I'm just gonna pretend your kidding," he tells me as he walks over to my windows and lifts the curtain a bit. I bite my lip.
"You're worried aren't you?" I ask him. He turns back around.
"Yea," he nods. "Because one of these times it could be too late and I'll find you dead on the floor or something,"
"Oh, you're worried about seeing my dead body?" I question.
"Who else am I gonna tease and flirt with who hits me back with insults?" He asks with a smile, I chuckle.
"The charmer you are," I mumble as I reach into the plastic bag and grab my ice cream. "Since I guess you'll be here for a bit, ice cream?" I ask, holding the pint and two spoons.
"Are you actually for once being nice to me?" He questions tilting his head. I shrug. "Am I the one dying? I feel like it's me dying,"
I roll my eyes at his dramatic ass and move to the couch, he settles down beside me and I hand him a spoon.
- In Serial10 Chapters
That which does not kill me, makes me stronger
Authors note: I will release 1 chapter a week. Please rate / comment, if there are suggestions for plot and character that i like i will incorporate them into the story. I will post a chapter and edit later so apologies for small errors. Gets the chapter up quicker.This novel is a futuristic VMMORP with a twist, set in a dystopian Australian future in 3040. The main character is Braizo Nakamura, a 17 year old Japanese / Aboriginal Australian teenager who is confined in solitary confinement for life years in one Australia's toughest adult prisons. The worlds first murderer for 100 years, Braizo is crippled by an abnormality in his brain which prevents him using any neural implants or tech. Locked away since he was 14 for a revenge killing, without contact with another human being, Braizo has no idea of the change that swept the world only months after his incarceration. It was in 2077 that the great spaceship of the Warden appeared over the skies of earth and revealed a shocking truth, not only were human beings not alone in the universe, but their countless humans spread across millions of galaxies. The branch of humanity on earth was merely part of an old, thought to be extinct bloodline. The Warden had sought to use this bloodline for his own purposes as part of the Great Game, a fully immersive virtual reality world that was created by an unknown entity billions of years in the past. The Great Game was now populated by players from millions of different civilisations across countless galaxies. Braizo is forced into the Great Game by an old enemy in an attempt to kill him, but instead of dying Braizo receives a special ability that is both a curse and a blessing. So begins his adventures in the Great Game.
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A world where all myth clash. Three great factions vying for supremacy. A multitude of power eyeing them from the shadow. In this world, à child was born. One so rare that his kind was basically unseen. Bestowed with a name synonymous with death, known as the uncrowned king of the church, what kind of storm will this child bring? Follow our hero as he visits the world and brings change to the society. Disclaimer: The DxD franchise does not belong to me. I am just a fan trying to bring an alternative story to a novel I like. The cover picture doesn't belong to me either. Note: This story will be mainly in the Slashdog part which is part of the DxD universe but set 4 four years prior to the event of DxD. Also, DxD is a light novel with 25 volumes + side volumes and a sequel with already 3 volumes called Shin Highschool DxD. Only the first ten volumes and some side stories have been adapted in Anime. As such many terms and characters, I use may be unknown. But don't worry I will do my best so that everyone can follow. NOTE 2: I AM currently writing another fanfic called THE TRIALS: PATH TOWARD GODHOOD. Try it. The mc is different in personality but I hope you'll like it nonetheless.
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Moonlit sky
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When the life of the young Archduke of the land of Caldera, is saved in battle by a girl wielding a tremendous power newly gifted upon her, the encounter triggers a sequence of events that will irrevocably change the lives of the people around them, and forever reshape the balance of power across the lands of the Northern Continent, on a world watched over by the technologically advanced, enigmatic, and benevolent Archons.Wandering into the midst of a battle between the lands of Caldera and Kaitain, Fallon encounters Falken Claymore, the Archduke of Caldera, beset by enemies and moments from death. She chooses to save his life by summoning her Warlord, a powerful yet unconventional armor that grants her the power to defeat his opponents, despite her inablity to use it to its full potential.With the battle ending in Caldera's favor, Falken seeks to take responsibility for Fallon, bringing her home with him to the mountain-citadel of Calandor. But his desire to protect and nurture her into a fully fledged Khan -- an officially acknowledged Meister of a Warlord -- places him at odds with the people close to him, and risks his engagement to the daughter of the royal family of a neighboring land.However, it is the arrival of representatives of the Khan Orden, which oversees all individuals gifted with Warlords, that brings matters to a head, and forces Falken into choosing between his heart and his duty to the people of Caldera.Book One of ""The Seals of Arcala"Status: Draft 1.0 Completed but being removed. Draft 2.0 is now being posted.
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Darkest Shadow
In a world, where the strong are revered and hailed by the weak, where the weak rise up to be strong, and where the strong die to be weak once more. This is the world of elementalist, those who control the elements to their will, and summoners, who have the ability to summon familiars to serve them. This world is known as Estela, currently at peace yet clouded with the sins of man, corrupted by the hands of man, defiled by the hands of man.Let the shadows plunge this evil world into darkness, to gain a chance to have light shine upon it once more ...-Warning- Yandere Harem...(My first story so I don't know what to make of it. Criticism is always welcome, since it helps me improve.)
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