《The Beauty Of Rose》M O O N L I G H T
I STOOD IN SHOCK FOR a few moments before I snapped into action.
My husband, who'd appeared from literal thin air, was engaged in a brawl with Cleveland. "Stop it!" I yelled. The two men continued as if I had not spoken. "Matthew stop!" He was the one who drew the first blow after all. I threw my arms around the waist of my husband and tried to pull him away with all the strength I had. He didn't move an inch.
"Stop it, Rose," he growled.
"I will not."
Cleveland disengaged from Matthew once he saw I was a potential victim of his blows, but his fists were still clenched at his side. He looked livid. "Your husband is a madman!" he barked.
"And you are cad!" Matthew yelled back.
"What on earth are you talking about?" we yelled unison.
"You were going to touch her without consent!" Matthew spat.
My mind flashed to a few moments before when Cleveland had been dangerously close to me. He might've tried to kiss me, in all honesty, but I doubted he would've pinned me against the hedges against my will.
"I would never touch a woman without permission." Cleveland grimaced in disgust. "What kind of man do you think I am?"
"A man who tried to touch my wife." Matthew's voice quaked with anger. "Release me, Rose."
"Lord Cleveland, do go inside," I ordered.
"If this man wants to fight, I'll fight. I'm not—"
"Go inside!" My exclamation was so loud I was sure the other guests could hear me in the ballroom. Cleveland glowered at the both of us before turning to walk back to the Palace. Matthew made an effort to leap after him, but I dug my nails into him with the ferociousness of a cat until Cleveland was a ways away.
"You can let go of me," Matthew coldly announced after a few moments. "He's gone."
I reluctantly released him, and to my relief, he did not run to the ballroom. I noticed a nasty purple bruise on his cheek. Without thinking, I reached out to touch it. Matthew took a step back.
"Do not touch me." His voice made me want to shrink.
"Matthew, I replied steadily, you're injured. It'll do no you no harm to let me look at it."
"Do not touch me!" Matthew snarled. "Don't ever touch me, Rose. Especially when you're going to stand there and defend him."
"I did not defend him."
"You acted surprised when I said he was going to touch you!"
I couldn't meet my husband's eyes. "He wouldn't have taken liberties."
"He wouldn't have..." Matthew stopped, his eyes wide in incredulity. Then he threw back his head and laughed. The sound sent a shiver down my spine. "Oh I see."
"That was the plan, wasn't it? Introduce yourself to dukes and princes that might want to marry you after we divorce. What better way to do that than let them sample their prize in the privacy of the gardens?"
I shook my head. "That is not what that was."
Matthew folded his hands together. "Forgive me, dearest. It seems I spoiled your plans. If I'd known your plans whore in the gardens tonight-"
"Don't!" There were angry tears in my eyes. "Don't you dare. You are the very, very last person that gets to call me a whore."
"I'm sorry," Matthew said sardonically. "What would you rather me call you?"
An angry sob was building in my chest. "You're being cruel."
"What do you expect Rose?" he exploded. "How do you expect me to feel when you're entertaining other men—"
"—I am not entertaining anyone!"
"—entertaining other men when you know..." Matthew broke off. "You know exactly how I feel. Even if you wish to deny it."
"You think I'm not hurting too?" I asked him. I bit my lip to steady the quivering. "You think it does not pain me that you danced with everyone but me? That after tonight you'll go back to her bed."
"Then tell me it's real, Rose," Matthew said. He sounded breathless. "Tell me what we have is real." There was something warm snaking down my cheek. A tear. I quickly swiped at it. "You're crying."
"I am not crying and there is nothing real," I whispered. Matthew walked toward me, as if I'd said nothing. I took a step backwards. "There is nothing real," I repeated. He drew closer. I stepped back again, only to slam into the hedge behind me. There was only breath between us now. "Do not touch me, Matthew. Do not."
"I won't," Matthew said. It sounded like a promise. "Just give us one moment." His fingers grazed my own. I knew he wanted to hold it. I hated myself for wanting him to. I hated myself for wanting to collapse on his chest like some lovesick teenager. I hated my heart for pattering alarmingly inside of me, as if I'd just run a race. I dared myself to look into his eyes. They were on fire.
"One," I said firmly. I quickly ducked away from our corner. "I'll find something cold to put on your cheek on the ride home. Go tell the footmen to bring the carriage around so we can leave."
The ballroom fell silent as I walked in. Leticia smiled when she saw me. I snatched her stupid fan and threw it on the ground. Even the musicians paused. "I am not a plaything, Your Highness. You do not get to manipulate me and those around me."
"Rose." Leticia's voice was a perfect mixture of warning and shock. "Please."
"You know how that duke is. You knew what would happen if you left us alone together, and you had to know I wasn't comfortable with it. You engineered a scheme that blew up in my face." I paused, to let my words permeate in the air. "Do not meddle in my life again." I walked toward the exit, taking the arm of a stunned Matthew with me.
"I thought you were already in the carriage," I remarked as we left the Palace, a little annoyed he witnessed me making a scene.
"I thought you were getting something cold for my cheek," Matthew returned.
I sighed. "Oh God, I'm sorry about that. I really did intend to do get you something."
"Before or after you told off our hostess?" Even in the dark of the carriage, I could see him smiling.
"Preferably before. After would've worked fine too."
"She would've kicked you out," Matthew laughed.
"Not before I got something for my husband." I couldn't resist a smile. "Did you see her face?"
"Forget the princess. Did you see the faces of all the other members of the hall?" Matthew leaned in close. "I actually saw a fly go into a woman's mouth."
I erupted in laughter. "You did not!"
"I did!" We couldn't stop laughing. There was nothing but eye-watering, belly-aching laughter for a few minutes.
"I cannot believe I did that," I said after our laughter had ceased.
"You'll be the talk of the kingdom," Matthew said.
"I wonder what she'll do to me as punishment," I mused.
"She'll probably never talk to you again," Matthew replied seriously. "How did you make her acquaintance anyway?"
"We met at The Georgia."
"I figured. It's just..." Matthew paused. "How did you become friends with a princess?"
"We were bonding over our philandering husbands," I replied. The words slipped out before I could help it. "I'm sorry...I didn't mean..."
"You needn't apologize on my behalf, Rose," Matthew replied softly. "The prince cheats on her?"
"With a Lady Covington apparently," I answered. "She cheats on him too."
I saw Matthew brows arch in the moonlight. "I thought so. Was it the earl we greeted at the door?"
I nodded.
"I'm surprised he lets her. I couldn't imagine..." Matthew didn't finish his thought. I could feel his eyes burning into me.
"You couldn't imagine letting your wife do the same," I finished.
"I'm sorry, Rose." His tone was plaintive.
"For what this time?"
"For having to burn down his home. I gave him a sum, if it means anything, before I had it burnt."
I didn't know what to say. "Why would you give him a sum just to burn down his house?"
"I had to."
"You didn't have to do anything."
"You disrespected her, Rose."
"She tried to kill me!"
"I know," he replied brokenly.
"And how long did it take you to figure it out?" I asked bitterly. My husband was silent. A horrible realization was starting to dawn on me. "Don't tell me...don't tell me you knew what she did before you had my lover's house burned."
"Don't tell me that your wife disrespecting your mistress causes more concern than your mistress killing your wife?"
"Try to understand—"
I didn't let him finish. I banged my fist against the roof of the carriage. "Let me out!"
"Let me explain," Matthew pleaded.
"Let me out!" The carriage screeched to halt. I threw open the before stumbling out.
"Rose!" Matthew called after me. I pretended I couldn't hear him as I trudged into the darkness. "Where are you going?" I walked faster. "Where do you possibly think you're going?"
I turned around. "I don't know! I just...I cannot breathe the same air as you."
"She's carrying my child, Rose! She's vengeful and volatile and she's carrying the most precious person in the world to me. Do you have any idea what she might do if I did not prioritize her?"
"I don't want to hear this."
"I had to burn down Blossom's cabin. I had to make a spectacle. I had to make her see that what you did would not stand."
"Congratulations," I said coldly. "You succeeded."
"It's not like that," Matthew whispered.
I pointed an accusing finger at him. "You love her. You love her and the baby inside of her. You do not love me. I don't..." I paused to keep myself from crying. "I don't fit."
"Do not say that," he begged.
"Then tell me you have no love for Victoria."
There was a very pregnant pause between us. I shattered it by walking briskly by him toward the carriage.
"Rose," he pleaded. There was a rawness in his voice that almost made me turn around.
"I want a residence of my own. The Georgia was splendid, it was, but I don't want to stay there any longer. I want to be moved into a new house in three days time."
"And I want the divorce papers ready by the end of next week."
"Rose." Matthew took hold of my arm and pulled me close to him. "Please."
"You don't realize it do you?" I asked softly.
"You don't realize how cruel you're being. Otherwise, you wouldn't keep doing this to me."
"I am not cruel."
"You are cruel. Do you understand how easy it would be for me to succumb to your kisses and fall under your spell? And then what? You would take my innocence and my love and my soul only to abandon it for a new wife and child. You would get your happy ending. And I would be utterly alone. Worse yet, I will be heartbroken."
"I am not trying to be cruel."
"Then leave me be, husband. If you cannot have me, leave me."
"Leave me," I whimpered. "Leave me."
Matthew woke up before the first light the next morning. He stared at Victoria sleeping unperturbed at his side and thought about how much he hated himself. Last night, he should've brushed Rose's tears away. He should've thought of something---anything---to soothe her distress. But there was nothing he could say to make the true problem go away.
Over the last four years, Matthew had steadily fallen in love with Victoria. She always seemed to know exactly what to do or what to say. And she'd been beautiful. She was beautiful. Sure, Victoria was rash and ambitious, but it didn't come from plain selfishness.
"My parents are sweethearts," Victoria had told him one day. "But they do not know how to keep a single cent. They were constantly getting abused by greedy landlords and heartless employers. I spent a good share of my childhood on the streets begging, Matthew. It was horrible." Matthew had nodded as she spoke, entranced by her sordid tale. "One day, it all ended. One day an old man decided to pluck a twelve year old off the street and have his way." Matthew remembered the way his heart had wrenched to hear how she was abused at such a young age. "He paid me afterwards, I guessed that it was to appease his conscience. That day, I learned I possessed something that would keep a roof over my family's head. I've been selling myself ever since."
Matthew had promised her two things that day: she would never have to sell herself again and that he would love her. So far, he'd fulfilled his promise. But did he want to? He knew that Victoria had tried to kill his wife in order to cling to the only good man she knew. He knew his mistress was terrified of returning to a life of abusive, selfish men---especially with a young baby to take care of. And a fortnight ago, this truth was enough to keep his image of her from souring completely. But now? He felt a violent anger every time Victoria spoke ill of his wife. He couldn't help thinking of every bitter word his mistress had uttered against her. And it didn't help knowing that if the roles were reversed, he doubted Rose (who'd endured struggles of her own) would've been as horrible to Victoria as Victoria was being right now.
Frances' words from the night of Victoria's deceit rang in his ears. "It didn't matter if Victoria killed her by cutting off every limb from her body, Rose would never have killed Victoria's parents. Not in this lifetime or the next."
She'd apologized for slapping him in his workspace for God's sake, even when it had been completely deserved. Rose didn't have a true malicious bone in her body despite every malicious thing that had ever happened to her. How could he excuse Victoria's behavior when his wife existed? How could he excuse the Balcony Incident? He shivered as he recalled Victoria's action months ago.
"You'll marry me won't you?" Victoria asked. They were standing on the terrace, gazing at the sinking sun. Matthew had his arms around Victoria, absently kissing her neck.
"Of course, my love," he murmured against her skin. He wouldn't dream of bringing a bastard into the world. It was time his farce of a marriage ended anyway.
"Promise me," Victoria insisted.
"I promise."
In a flash, Victoria unwound herself from her lover. She ran to the balcony and tossed her legs over the rail. "If you leave me an unmarried woman with a child Matthew, I will throw myself over this railing."
Matthew had quickly pulled her away from the railing. "Don't you ever talk like that," be barked.
Victoria only stared up at him, unfazed. "I'm not joking. If you allow our child to be born into this world with a whore for a mother, I will take my life. A life as a ruined woman with a child is no life at all."
"You are mad, Victoria, mad! You will not take the life of my child."
Victoria put a hand on her stomach and patted it gently. "I won't let you dishonor us. I mean it."
That day would always haunt him. Her demented words would never leave his head. He'd never seen just how manipulative Victoria had been until this moment. How had he fallen in love with such a person? How could he love her still? Matthew stared at his mistress with heavy resignation. He might not be tied to her because of enduring affection, but it didn't matter. If he did not divorce Rose, he would lose Victoria and his heir forever.
And Matthew knew he could not live with himself if he was responsible for their deaths.
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