《She's back and she's bad》{Number Fifteen}


"Winter" I heard a voice whisper into my ear making me bury my face further into the sex god scented pillow.

I felt a vibration against my cheek before I feel hands on my hips "winter come on" slowly opening my eyes I look down and see Lucas underneath me.

Squealing I jump up from the bed and fall backwards onto my ass making me yelp in pain, opening my eyes fully I look up to see Lucas leaning over the bed with concern written over his face.

"Are you okay" he whispers making me crack a grin before I nod my head "good get up we have important business" he laughed while I pull a face.

It takes a couple of hours before we leave with thirty or forty so men with us trailing behind us.

"So where we going" I asked while Apollo Lucas's technology guy works on hacking into a system.

"We have a 10-33 maybe a 211 on the dock Westside of town sir, there are multiple 10-54's but I'm not clear yet" Apollo said still typing away at his computer.

"Uh Lucas, what's a 10-33, 211 and a 10-54" I question moving my eyes towards him as his knuckles tighten around the wheel.

"AP, send a link out to the gang behind us, tell them to suit up and be ready" Lucas grunted completely ignoring my question.

Shrugging it off I continue to watch as the scenery around me changes from tall buildings and skyscrapers to, tall skyscraper trees and mud then to open ocean, moving ships carrying shipments and docks.

"Turn on the right here boss" Lucas decreased his speeded before he fully stops parking his car in amongst the tanks to keep it hidden.

"Here put this on and stay in the car if someone comes within a ten feet radius of the car grab the gun in the glove box and shot" he demanded shoving a bullet proof vest over my hoodie I was wearing.


"Gee thanks, I guess" I muttered adjusting the tightness.

"We are here to do a deal, but it seems that the Goolies had other ideas" Lucas said cupping my face before he pulled away.

"Okay but be safe, and if I hear a gun shot I'm running in there myself" I said pulling him in and kissing him.

He pulls back and smiled giving me a nod before jumping out.

Doig the same they all give me confused looks there were about fifteen to twenty men there all under the age of nineteen and twenty.

Standing next to Lucas I kiss his lips before I pull away "be safe mi Rey" I whispered and turn to look over everyone as they smirked.

They all got into a line and I was completely confused until my brother walks up and kisses my cheek as I kiss his back.

Then it dawned on me that they all wanted a kiss on the cheek as well making me smile.

Whispering good luck to him he walks over to stand behind Lucas, Clayton walks over and bends a little to reach my height as I place a hand on his right cheek kissing his left cheek.

This continued until it reached Courtney, sending her a smile she frowns at me.

"I love you Courtney and I need you so stay safe for me yeah" I smiled as she cracks a small smile herself and nods her head.

"I forgive you, you bitch" she said kissing my cheek and hugging me.

Turning around I see Lucas looking at me with adoration and amusement written on his face making me smile.

Looking over all the guys I see them smiling at me even though I'm like two or one year younger then them.

"Be careful and show them who's boss" I shouted as everyone hooted and hollered.


Walking up to Lucas I smile "I guess they accept you as the soon to be Reina my love" Lucas smile grabbing my hand and kissing it before the turn and walk away as I'm left with Apollo since he's the Tech guy and stuff.

Jumping in the car we work on getting everyone in their safe and sound so the gang who's inside doesn't hear them although I'm pretty sure they have a fair idea that we're here.

Once their in and and Apollo sigh and give each other a high five before we start playing card games for an hour or so until I hear a gun shot go off making me jump from my seat and grab the gun that's in the glove box and run to where I had heard the gun shot.

There was multiple gun shots and I kick the door open to see a gun being pointed at Lucas head, with one swift cock of the gun I press the trigger and the body falls limp to the fall.

Everyone turns and points their guns at me until the realise that it was me with a huffing and puffing Apollo behind me.

Running to Lucas I check him for any wounds and noticed that he had a bullet in his shoulder as he bleed out.

"Ap go get the first aid kit from the car and hurry" I orders as the man runs back outside towards the car only returning two minutes later with a red kit in his hand.

I did my magic and pulled out the bullet before sewing the hole together before I clean the escaped blood that had dropped out when I was sewing.

Kissing his wound he smiled at me before someone throws him a clean black shirt.

"Alright line it up" I commanded as everyone scurried into a line.

Courtney was first seeing as she was the only girl, I checked her over before smiling and kissing her cheek.

I did the same with everyone else as well making sure there was no more people bleeding out.

Smiling to myself I nod and hug Lucas waist even though I knew my Friends wanted answers about how I shot someone in the head and fixed Lucas bullet wound.

The drive home was silent the low humming of soft music in the background.

The men walked into the house and to their assigned rooms most probably, but the gang and I walked into the living room where I plopped on the couch.

"Movie anyone" I asked as the all stood in front of me blocking my view as they gave me the 'Explain' Look.

Smiling I spring of the couch and take off into a sprint as I hear the faint groans and protests of my friends.

"WINTER!" They shouted before they start chasing me.

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