《Tracks》Chapter 24- Halloween
"The most beautiful part was I wasn't even looking when I found you" - Autumn
Song- like or like like; miniature tigers
I stood on a small step ladder, handing up fake spider webs and humming to 'monster mash' with Sara and mom. Both women were sipping on a glass of wine and gossiping while decorating.
I tried to listen to bits and pieces but my mind was way to preoccupied. Ever since I saw Evan outside my house a couple weeks ago, I feel constantly on edge.
It's as if eyes are always on me. I've barley slept a wink since that night. His car drives past my house all the time. Random disgusting text are being sent to me and letters are being taped to the window.
They all have disgusting messages about my body or how I'm a whore. I've tried to hide it from everyone but Theo can tell somethings up. Luckily I told him I was just Pmsing and he froze up, dropping the subject.
Too many other problems are going on in our life right now. I don't need to add mine on top of them. I can handle it myself.
"Do you have your costume picked out Mar?" Mom asks, snapping me out of my daze. I step off of the ladder and glance around.
The Taylor's house was decorated in the most extreme Halloween decorations. Every year we have a small party. All of our friends come along with Miles dad, Brianna's Grandma, Carol from the diner, and some other close people from the neighborhood.
It's been a tradition since I could remember. Sara went all out on the decorations and every year upped herself. Halloween's tomorrow and everyone's prepping.
Halloween's tomorrow and I still don't have a costume... whoops?
My minds been to preoccupied to even think about Halloween. In fact, the only reason I remembered it was because Theo wouldn't shut up about his costume.
"Uh- yeah, I do." I tell them, looking away from their prying glances.
"What are you going as?" Sara question, hanging up a mirror that when you walk past an old lady jumps out.
Think Marlee, think.
"It's a surprise!" I exclaim a little too quickly.
"A surprise?" Mom echos suspiciously.
"Yeah, I decided to pull a Theo and make you all wait to see it tomorrow." I fake chuckle while fluffing up a spider web.
"Okay then, I'm sure you'll look great hon." Mom walks over and kisses my head.
"Thanks" I muster up a small smile.
"Well, I think we can handle it from here. Why don't you go see what trouble the boys are in." Sara suggest, placing her hands on her hips and looking around the room.
That meant they wanted to talk about something serious and didn't want me to hear. I nod and head to the back yard where Theo, Cameron, Grayson, Connor and Dave were all 'setting up tables'
That's what they were supposed to be doing. Instead the tables were set up as barriers and they were throwing old baseballs at each other while trying not to get hit with one.
I watch for a few minutes before heading back inside and up to Cameron's room where I took a small nap on his bed.
It was the longest I had slept in days
I tie up my last Ponytail, one on both sides of my head and add an extra layer of lipgloss that shines pink before taking a step back and glancing over myself in the mirror.
After a lot of pestering from Brianna and Addie, we all decided to go as the power puff girls. I was bubbles, Bri was Blossom and Addie was Buttercup( which was very fitting for her).
My hair was tied into 2 ponytails with blue hair ties. I was wearing a blue mini-skirt with a black belt and a tight, baby blue, long sleeved shirt with stopped above my belly button.
My makeup was a baby blue eyeliner and lots of highlighter on top of my regular makeup routine. For shoes I wore black, high topped converse.
The shirt showed a little too much cleavage for my liking but Addie threatened to steal all my sweet tea if I didn't wear it so I had no other options.
I felt mentally drained. The text and letters haven't stopped coming in and neither has my sense of being watched. Being constantly on edge was exhausting.
It's even more exhausting trying to hide it from everyone. Theo always knows when somethings up(twin things) and I can't use my period as an excuse anymore which means I have to act perfectly normal constantly.
Even if it feels like my life's crumbling apart, I force on a fake smile and act like myself.
Whoever the hell that is because at this point I don't even know.
Theo bangs on my door impatiently. "Marlee, hurry the hell up!"
"Calm your tits, I'll be out in a minute!" I shout back to him. Quickly twirling the piece of hair that was framing my face, I open my door.
Theo was standing, looking annoyed, in front of my door. He was dressed as a minion from despicable me. He painted his face and hair yellow, was wearing big goggles and had some blue overalls I think he stole from Sara.
"Wow" I scoff, looking him over.
"I know, I look incredible." He spins around, a prideful look on his face.
"Incredibly stupid"
We grab Grayson, who was dressed as a banana. Yep, you heard me right, a banana. Walking down the road to the Taylor's house, where mom already was, I walk at a slower pace than the boys while constantly looking around me.
"You guys look wonderful!" Sara gushes, kissing both of my brothers cheeks.
"Don't lie to them" I kid as she hugs me.
"You look beautiful Mar" she says softly. The entire house was even more decked out than yesterday. Sara had a classic witch costume that her and mom matched every year since high school.
The backyard had multiple round tables set up, string lights all around and more Halloween decorations. Music played over the speakers they had set up.
A table full of snacks was propped against one of the fences and other one full of just candy was beside it. I spot Dave and Ella, who was waddling around on the grass.
She was dressed in a small cow onesie that made my heart melt. Dave was wearing a cowboy outfit with a large cowboy hat. He smiled and waved me over.
"Now you're just the cutest thing I've seen" I coo, picking up Ella.
"I thought that was me" Cam pouts, appearing beside me. I choked on my spit when I looked to him.
"I'm sorry but what are you supposed to be?" I hold back a laugh.
"A potato!" He motions to the brown costume that only shows his face, arms and bottom of his legs.
"More like shit" I chuckle, setting Ella down.
"That's what I said" Dave tells me before grabbing Ella and heading inside.
"I thought it was a good idea" he tells me with a small frown on his face.
"I know you did bud" I pat his shoulder, sending him a sympathetic smile.
"That's it, I'm changing."
An hour later we're all in the backyard waiting for people to show up. Cameron still hasn't came back downstairs after declaring he was going to change. Connor matched Grayson but was an apple.
Don't ask me why in the world they decided to dress up as fruit but it's better than Theo who was literally painted yellow, which is 100% going to stain his face.
"Is this more to y'all's liking?" Cam asks when he comes back outside. He was wearing a dress shirt, slightly unbuttoned around the collar.
With it he was wearing black jeans and a crown. It took me a minute for words to form in my throat. His hair was messy in its golden brown shade. The shirt made him look 10 times more attractive.
I'm surprised drool didn't fall out of my mouth. You could slightly see his muscles through the shirt that one side was tucked into his pants.
"Awe, I loved the poop outfit" Connor whines, crossing his arms.
"It matched your personality well" Grayson tells him, popping a piece of candy in his mouth. Mom slaps his hands away, shooting daggers at him.
"Save some for the guest" she demands before going back to talking to Sara and Dave.
"Shut up dumbasses" Cam tells the boys, sitting down.
"So who are you now?" I question, quirking a brow.
"Im a prince"
"Obviously, but what prince?"
"Prince Cameron"
"More like princess Cameron" Theo tilts Cams crown to the side.
Voices sound from the open back door and Miles and his dad walk in. Miles was dressed as Harry Potter and his dad was just wearing a Santa hat.
"It's all I could find" he tells us while walking over to Dave. They dive into a conversation about the house like all dads do.
"Looking snazzy honey" I wink. He pulls out a chair and sits at the table.
"And so do you sweetie"
Soon enough everyone arrives. People were at the table or standing around the yard. The sun had set but due to the lights it was plenty bright. Corn hole and other games were set up which my friends were currently playing.
The first few minutes was spent taking a million pictures of all of us. Asher showed up in boxers and a tie with nothing else.
"I'm magic mike!"
"More like a man whore"
Everyone munches on the different snacks the moms prepared. Around 30 people came like every other year. Bri and her grandma brought a fruit tray.
Addie and Asher brought some store bought brownies. Their parents didn't come which wasn't surprising seeing as I've never met them before. They're always working or on random business trips from what Addie has told me.
Other people from the neighborhood who've been coming for years also came. When we were little the parents would take us all trick or treating and then come back for the party.
They'll probably do that again soon when Ella gets older. A couple other toddles play in the yard with her on a large quilt with baby toys spread out. The moms stand near them drinking Halloween themed drinks and gossiping.
The men all play a very competitive game of corn hole while my friends all play ladder toss. I stand, leaning against the fence watching with a fake smile on my face that gets harder to hold as the minutes pass.
What if he comes? What if he's watching right now?
"Mar! Come play!" Addie demands. Her outfit matched mine but a lot more skin showing and in green. Her black hair was combed just like buttercup.
"I'm good" I tell her but Miles comes over and drags me to the game.
"You're playing" he says sternly "and you're on my team since you're the best"
He's right, I am the best.
We went against Addie and Theo then when we won went against Cameron and Asher. Of course we won both rounds. Brianna played with me an Miles occasionally.
After everyone else got fed up with me beating them, they decided to call it quits.
"I don't know how you got so damn good at that" Asher mutters bitterly before shivering.
"I bet you're wishing you wore actual clothes now, huh?" Addie picks on her brother, pushing a piece of her hair out of her face.
"Nope, I look sexy." He tells her in a confident way.
"Yeah, Grams is totally gonna swoon for you along with all the other middle aged women here." Brianna retorts while fixing her red skirt.
"Hey! Charlottes a Milf" Asher says earning a laugh from Miles, Cam and Bri. Theo and I both exchange disgusted looks.
Theo hits Ashers head as he chortles "dude that's my mom!"
"I can't help it, the Gardner genes make some hot ladies" he defends "I mean look at Marlee"
Theo and Cam slap him this time "that's my sister"
"What?! Your moms hotter!" Asher shrugs his shoulders "she doesn't look like she's had three kids."
"Why as sweet as that is Asher" mom comes up behind him, wrapping an arm around his shoulder "you're a little too young for my liking" she pats his head and I stifle my laughter.
Asher turns bright red and looks down. Cam, Theo, Miles and Addie were all doubled over from laughing. Brianna bites her lip to hide her giggle.
"Of course Ms. Gardner"
Most people left besides a select few who stay later and sit around the fire, drinking and laughing with the other adults. We snatched a big bowl of candy and left a little after 9.
Walking down the street with my arm interlocked with Brianna, I keep my eyes open and constantly look around. Everyone else sings monster mash and stuff their face with candy.
Theo, Addie and Asher are on a major sugar high. They're seriously worse now then when they're drunk. Cam carries Theo on his back and Addie leans onto Miles, forcing him to dance down the street.
"Are you okay?" Bri asks bringing my eyes back to her from the street.
"Yeah, totally!" I lie, putting in a fake smile.
"You seem like you're on edge or something" she shrugs, unwrapping a Reesie's and popping it in her mouth.
"Just Halloween jitters" I tell her while playing with the bottom of my skirt.
"Okay" she sends me a reassuring smile and wrapping an arm around me in a half hug.
Once at the water tower, we climb straight up. There's no clouds and we were far enough way from the town that we could see thousands of stars. I laid back and stared at the stars.
Thanks to everyone's else dumb argument on who the best super hero was, for the first time in days I wasn't thinking about Evan. I just listened to them and watched the stars quietly.
We spent hours up there playing cards and just talking. When it hit around 3 we decided it was time to head back. After dropping everyone off we then arrived at Cams house.
Mom, Dave and Sara were all asleep. The house was mostly cleaned up. Connor and Grayson were passed out in the living room with a scary movie playing. Theo's sugar rush had passed and was now in the sugar crash faze.
"You're squashing me" I whine in a hushed voice, trying to help him up the stairs.
"Just like when we were in the womb." He yawns, making it to Connors room and plopping onto the couch. I go to Cams room and change quickly before crawling into bed.
The sense of paranoia returned along with the bad feeling in my gut that's been here for days. My makeup was off and my hair was in a messy bun. I plugged up my phone as Cameron walked in.
He was wearing a pair sweats and no shirt like always. My eyes trailed down his body, admiring how well he looked.
"You tired?" He asks, laying in bed next to me and flicking off the lamp.
"Exhausted" I groan, snuggling into his soft comforter. He chuckles while fluffing his pillow up and wrapping his arm around me "how have you been since the break up?"
Okay, that came out really insensitive but it's Cam. We've always been straight forward with each other. Except for now, I'm keeping a huge secret from him.
Telling him would only make it worse but that doesn't stop the guilt from forming.
"Good surprisingly" he tells me. "When we were together I never notice how unhappy I was with her and now I feel, I don't know. Free I guess, that probably doesn't make any sense does it?" He ramble which is rare for him.
I look up and see the honestly in his eyes. Nodding, I place my head back onto his chest.
"It makes sense, to me at least." I say when he yawns again. "Goodnight Cam"
"Goodnight Lee, sleep well"
Little did he know I wouldn't be sleeping at all.
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