《Tracks》Chapter 20-football
"The biggest lies are the ones that you tell yourself"
Song- Ghosting; mother mother
Wednesday school was cancelled due to a teacher work day or whatever. Theo, Cameron(who I haven't talked to since Monday), Grayson and Connor were all dragged to the school to help Sara paint her room.
She tried to talk me into helping too but I offered to watch Ella instead. She was going to just bring Ella to the school but with the help of Dave, we talked her out of it. I don't think I could stand a whole day with Cameron.
I've been doing pretty good at ignoring him. When we're around each other at school or for dinner I just don't talk to him or even act like he exist. Everyone finds it weird seeing as when we usually fight, we bicker with each other the whole time.
Now it's radio silence.
He doesn't look at me, not guilty look, no glare, no nothing.
But I'm not going to spend my entire life waiting for him to grow a pair and apologize.
So like I said, no school. This meant sleeping in.
At least that was my plan.
Sara dropped off Ella who was sleeping in her portable crib they keep here currently. I was peacefully snoozing when the horrid sound of a phone call woke me up. Unburying my head from my pillow my hand slams onto my dresser trying to stop my phone before it wakes up Ella.
Answering I'm met with the smiling face of Miles, way to chipper for 10am.
"Good morning my beautiful best friend!" He said joyfully earning a groan from me.
"No excitement until after 12" I mumble, shoving my head back into the pillow.
"No can do, get up. I'll be over in an hour." He informs me, matter-of -factly.
"Why?" I ask while trying to force my eyes to stay open.
"Can't a guy wanna hang out with his favorite person?" He wiggles his brows over the phone.
"Ellas here" I tell him hoping it'll change his mind but instead he looks even more happy.
"Now I can hang out with both of my favorite people" he tells me quickly before telling me to "kindly drag my ass out of bed and get dressed so I don't look homeless"
So much for sleeping in
An hour later I'm dressed in a random hoodie and some jeans. My hairs in a messy bun and I opted out on makeup. That and I didn't have time since Ella woke up right after I got dressed and had a meltdown.
I finally calmed her down, fed her and changed her diaper before changing her into some overalls and a pink shirt underneath. While tying her hair into 2 brown, curly pig tales I hear the front door open.
"Hey, hey" Miles chirps meeting me in the kitchen. "There's my gorgeous girl"
"Why thank you" I reply sarcastically knowing he was taking to Ella, who he'd scooped up in his arms.
"I thought I said not to look homeless" he scans my outfits. I give him a plain look so he surrenders "fine, you ready to go?"
"Where are we even going that is so important you dragged me out of bed at an unholy time" I grumble, placing Ellas diaper bag in the top of her stroller then buckling her in the front.
"We're having a Miles and Mars day!" His statement brings a smile to my face.
We used to have what we called "miles and Mars days" at least ones every two weeks. We'd just do random stuff together. He said he wanted to make sure I always knew that even if he hangs out with the boys a lot he still cared about me.
He was a genius at 9 years old.
"And I woke you up at 10am" he deadpans,helping me carry the stroller down the porch steps.
"Okay, I guess this is a worthy cause." I admit while we start walking down the street. We pass Suzy, the local flower shop owner, dropping off a delivery.
" 'morning kiddos" she waves as we walk past.
"Morning Suzy" Miles and I both reply before continuing to walk.
"How's college applications going?" I ask him, letting the cool air brush my skin. The smell of fall was in the air.
It was probably just the pumpkin spice muffins the bakery makes this time of year but still.
"Long" he groans earning a small giggle from me. He goes into a story about one of his applications deleting and basically having a breakdown. "Now, what's been up with you?"
"Nothing much" I shrug not meeting his eyes. He always has a way of pulling the truth out of me and once glance at him will have me spilling all my guts.
"Mhm, what about the truth." He nudges my shoulder with a small chuckle. "Like why you've been oddly quiet the past couple days"
I made a mistake. I looked at Miles and then I caved.
"Cam and I are fighting" I tell him, feeling a rock on the sidewalk bump the stroller.
"But you guys fight all the time" He says with a confused expression.
"Not like our other fights, this ones bad." I take a deep breath. We stop at a bench, sitting down. Ella faces us in her stroller, playing with her toys.
"What happened?"
Miles has always been the person I've told everything to. He's the best secret keeper and gives even better advice. So I end up telling him the whole story.
"Wow" he mutters when I'm finished, staring ahead. "I don't know what to say"
"Miles, you were supposed to help!" I slap his arm lightly. He holds his hands up in defense and his eyes go wide.
"Okay, I know how to help" he smirks grabbing my hand and Ellas shoulder before dragging me down the street.
"Okay, you were right. This did help." I mumble, taking another bite of my ice cream before taking the smaller spoon and feeding it to Ella.
"I always am" he teases while eating his own icecream. Scooping a finger full of my ice cream out, I smear it across his face. Ella and I both start giggling at Miles annoyed and angry face.
"Now that was just rude" he comments, taking a napkin and wiping it off.
"Yep" Ella says while still laughing and clapping her little chubby hands that are covered in icecream.
"Are you kids causing trouble in my shop?" Mr. Saunter, Miles dad, asks while walking out from the back of the small ice cream shop.
"Why of course" I reply, standing up and hugging the tall man I've known since I was a kid.
"Wouldn't expect any different" he chuckles, patting my back. "I hope you're getting my boy into trouble, he needs it." He winks at Miles who in return, roll his eyes.
"When have I not?" I retort, nudging Miles shoulder. Miles ignores us instead feeding Ella more ice cream.
"That's my girl"
We leave the shop a few minutes later. Ella refused to get in her stroller so instead I'm bouncing her on my hip and Miles is pushing the empty stroller that holds the milkshake his dad gave me for free in the cup holder.
Miles is in the middle of telling a story when I hear a familiar laugh from up the street. I stop in my tracks and Miles does the same. Looking straight ahead I spot Cameron and Serena.
His arm was around her and a smile was on his face as if he just finished one of his dumb jokes. Serena however, was glued to her phone not even looking at him.
When he spots me though, his smile drops and guilt fills his eyes. He looks away and pulls Serena in the other direction when Ella starts to squirm.
"What is it Ella-Bella?" I ask, tickling her stomach, we start walking again.
"So this thing between you two is really serious?" Miles questions sending me one of his caring, sweet smiles.
Sighing, I look to where he's walking away and nod "yeah , it is"
The sound of the crowds cheering fill my ears. The crisp air sends chills down my body causing me to tighten my jacket around me. The stars are no where to be seen due to the bright lights surrounding the stadium.
My friends all surround me including Cameron, who I haven't talked to since Monday. I'm still majorly pissed at him but this is the longest we've got without talking. We've never been in this big of a fight.
And we've never gone more than a couple days without talking.
Most of our fights were over stupid things and we'd just yell at each other until we made up. This was different and I hate it.
Theo and Grayson dragged me to the football game because I need to show "school spirit" or whatever.
My ears were aching from all the yelling, I couldn't feel my fingers and Theo and Asher kept leaning over me to talk to each other the entire time. I eventually got fed up and moved besides Bri, who I'm surprised came.
Addie sat on the other side of her gawking at all the cheerleaders in their uniforms. So we're Grayson and Connor, I slapped them so they would shut up.
Miles sat right below me and I kept playfully kicking him, enjoying the glares he sent my way. It's so fun annoying him.
My hands turned purple from the cold and it was obviously Georgia finally decided it was fall. A jacket was thrown on my lap that I immediately recognized as Cams. He was wearing a thick hoodie under his jacket he just gave to me.
I looked up at him but he was looking away so I slid it over my thin jacket and melted into its warmth. It smelt like Cameron too. The beach and cologne mixed leading me to involuntary inhale.
When we scored the winning touchdown all of my friends and the rest of the stands stood up screaming and cheering. I stayed sitting until Theo and Asher forced me up and made me cheer.
The entire school rushed to the field. The flurry's of people along with my twins grip on my arm forced me to follow. When we got down there I spotted Serena giving a long hug to a football player.
Cameron's jaw ticked as he watched. When she spotted him, she ran into his arms and kissed him. Addie, Grayson and Connor all fake gagged and I just rolled my eyes before looking away.
After the crowd died down we al headed back to Cams truck and Ashers Jeep which I opted to ride in instead of riding with Cam on the way here.
"So what are we doing now?" Theo questions while leaning against the truck.
"Going home and sleeping?" Brianna suggests. Theo ruffles her hair resulting in her flipping her off.
"Let's go to the diner!" Grayson suggest while climbing into the truck bed.
"Good with me" I say before getting in the Jeep. Everyone agrees and we pile into the vehicles, heading to the diner.
The smells of greasy food and coffee surrounds me when I walk in, hearing the familiar chime of the bell. Carol smiles brightly, walking from behind the counter and hugging all of us.
"Do you ever sleep?" I ask her, pulling away. She laughs, patting my arm.
"Once in a blue moon" she tells me "go grab y'all seat and I'll have a sweet tea out for you in just a minute"
Theo hugs her quickly before we all go to our corner booth. Grayson and Connor fight over a seat leading me to fall on the floor. They both freeze, staring at me wide eyed. Bri helps me up off of the floor.
Slowly turning to the boys I say "I'm gonna kill you both."
"But you love us" Connor pops his bottom lip out.
"And we're your favorites" Grayson does the same as Connor.
"That's debatable" Theo snorts "I'm her twin"
"And that the exact reason I don't like you" I tell him before slapping Connor and Grayson head and sitting down. "Actually the only person I like here is Carol"
"That's just rude" Asher crosses his arms "we have something going baby" he winks flirtatiously.
I swear , he can't go a day without flirting with someone.
"Does anyone wanna drive me to the nearest bridge so I can jump off?" I ask pulling open my menu.
"I will!" Addie sticks her hand up in the air "only if I can jump with you."
"Deal" we shake on it across the table.
"Is this concerning to anyone else?" Brianna asks while pointing at us.
Miles says "yes" while everyone else says "no" besides Cam who sits quietly.
"I'm gonna order like 6 burgers" Theo tells us, shutting his menu.
"Your stomach might explode" Cam laughs, shoving Theo's arm.
"You underestimate my capabilities." He says before closing his menu.
When the food comes out, my mouth was watering. I got a burger and onion rings along with another tea. Grayson and Connor practically bounce in their seat as another waitress placed their plates in front of them.
They almost lunge for the food but Asher puts his arm in front of them, stopping them long enough for the waitress and Carol to set down everyone else's food.
"Damn this looks good!" Asher exclaims.
"Hell yeah it does!" Theo's voice was muffled due to him stuffing his face with burgers
"Language, there a little ears!" Addie covers Brianna's ears.
"Fuck off" she mumbles eating a fry.
"Bri! I'm shocked!" I place a hand over my heart, snickering quietly.
"I think we corrupted her" Cameron add, shaking his head.
"Y'all are bad influences, I however have never cussed." Theo brags earning plain looks from all off us. Miles reaches over and flicks him.
"Shit!" He seethes while grabbing his arm.
Taking a sip of my drink I say "oh yeah, a real saint you are"

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