《Tracks》Chapter 6- Fluffy cows
"It won't matter how loud you love if the other person isn't listening" ~angel a.g
Song- are you mine; Artic monkeys
I must've dozed off because the next thing I remember is the bell ringing. Luckily I was tucked in the little corner so I didn't get stampeded by loads of students heading to class.
I keep my eyes closed but sense people crowded around me. I peek one eye open and see all of my friends gathered around me. Cam bends down and hands me an open granola bar.
"Eat." He commands stuffing it in my hands.
"I don't wanna hear it. Eat it or I'll shove it down your throat"
"Geez, so violent"
"How are you feeling?" Brianna asks while Miles reaches an arm down to pull me up. I brush myself off and grab my backpack from Addie who carried it out from the classroom.
"You shouldn't of let it get that low" Miles scolds shaking his head.
"Cry me a river" I retort and start walking. He rolls his eyes and follows the rest of the group.
"Shouldn't you go to the office, or home?" Addie asks.
"No, I'm going to stay here. I don't want to worry mom." I tell them.
"Too late" I freeze and turn to Cam. "Ma already texted your mom. I'm driving you home, our moms orders"
"Fine" I grumble saying goodbye to everyone and making sure Theo stays at school even though he insist he needs to come home with me to make sure I don't die.
Sara already called the office to check me out. Usually when I'm low I stay at school but since I almost fainted they think it's better to rest. I walk to Cams truck and get in the passenger side.
Cam follows me out running a hand through his dark hair and getting in the drivers seat.
"You should let me drive" I suggest. He looks at me with a plain expression.
"With what license?"
"Oh, right here" I reach into my bag as if I'm looking for something and pull out my hand with my middle finger sticking up and flipping him off.
"I'd rather you not faint while driving and kill us both" He laughs. "I'm too pretty to die" he turns the car on and places a hand behind my headrest looking behind us and reversing.
"You wish, I would be doing the world a favor" I reply as he starts driving down the road. "Besides I'm fine now. I don't even need to go home."
"My mom and your mom both said so and they scare me so I'm doing what they say"
I gaze out the window until I see my house come into the view. He stops and pulls the keys out of the ignition. We walk to my front door and he takes his keys and unlocks it.
He and his entire family have a key to our house just like our family does for theirs. He opens the door and walks in throwing his keys on the small table by the door. I huff slinging my backpack onto the floor and heading to my room.
Cam follows me in as I plop onto my bed face first. "I missed you" I tell the bed and grabbing Charlie holding him to my chest.
"Are you talking to your bed?"
"Yes, yes I am"
"You're weird" he mumbles kicking off his shoes and laying on the bed next to me smooshing me.
"Move asshole" I mutter out of breath while he smothers me.
"What was that?" He pries.
"I said move!" I use all my strength to push him over but overestimate my own muscles and accidentally push him off.
Okay, maybe it wasn't an accident.
I laugh so hard tears come to my eyes. I clutch my stomach trying to slow my breathing down. When I finally calm myself I crawl over and peak down at Cam who's laying on the floor with a glare.
"Oops?" I shrug biting back my smile. He shakes his head before quickly reaching up and pulling me onto the floor. I hit it with a large thud.
"Oops?" He mocks before tickling me quickly.
I squeak from shock before erupting in a fit of giggles. I quickly stand up and start running out of my room. Cam chases me through the house before pinning me onto the couch. He hovers over me, we both breathe heavily trying to catch our breath.
His eyes pour into mine. The same familiar ones I've know since forever. His lips are curved up into a smirk and my heart can't help but flutter.
Then the realization hits.
I sit up forcibly causing Cam to sit up too. He looks at me with question written all over his face. I calm myself before speaking.
"I don't think your girlfriend would like this very much" His eyes widen when he realizes what I mean. He looks away and clears his throat.
"How about we watch a movie?" He suggest and I nod scooting as far away down the coach as I can.
That was weird.
Cameron is my best friend. He's the person that knows everything about me. Our moms would always joke that we were going to get married but I would never risk our friendship.
Besides I don't see him that way.
And as much as I cannot stand Serena I would never help someone cheat.
He flicks on a movie and we watch it in silence for about 20 minutes until the awkwardness fades and then we start arguing about the volume. He gets a message which he checks and groans.
"Ma said I need to come back to school before I fail all my classes and end up working at McDonald's the rest of my life" He reads in a squeaky voice.
"Wow, not dramatic at all"
"You're telling me" he snorts standing up. "Are you going to be okay on your own?"
"The entire house to myself with no annoying brothers or annoying you" I say "of course"
I haven't had me time since the nurses split Theo and I up for 2 minutes to weigh us when we were born. It's going to be great.
"Bye Lee" We do our handshake before he walks out the door. The second he leaves I walk out the door and go to my room.
I turn on my old stereo popping in a Cd of all my favorite songs and turn it up all the way. I hop onto my bed and start belting out the lyrics at the top of my lungs and jumping around.
"Love story" by Taylor swifts comes on and I start screaming the lyrics.
That is until I hear a creek coming from my door. I turn my head to look at the door when I see Cam standing there with a large smile. I scream falling straight to the ground startled.
He turns my music down as I calm myself placing a hand over my heart. "What are you doing here?"
"You forgot your phone in the car" he holds up my phone, his dimples shining even brighter from the size of his smile. He clicks on my phone looking at the screen saver. "By the way, what's with the picture?"
I snatch my phone from his hands looking down at it and smiling. A brown fluffy cow that's smiling in a field of dandelions pops up.
"It's a fluffy cow" I tell him admiring the cute cow. "Look how cute, I'm going to buy one eventually"
"You are, are you?" Cam has his arms crossed and a amused smile.
"Yep" I nod plopping on my bed.
"Well you do that, I'm gonna go to school" he says spinning and walking out the door. When I'm sure he's gone I turn my music up and start dancing again.
A few hours later I'm sitting on my floor painting a picture of the mountains with a sunset and snow. Im humming to my quiet music playing in the background. I'm adding some clouds when I hear the front door burst open and many footsteps.
"Honey I'm home!" Addie yells.
"I'm here!" I holler. I tuck a piece of hair that fell in front of my face behind my ear. My blonde hair is tied into a loose messy bun. I'm wearing one of Theo's oversized t-shirts and some small black shorts.
My leg is bent tucked underneath my straight leg. I dip my brush in more paint when my door opens. Miles, Cam, Theo, Asher, Brianna and Addie all walk into my small room.
"Woah Mar that's beautiful!" Brianna exclaims sitting down next to me to admire my work.
"Holy shit it looks real!" Asher adds before sitting in my vanity chair with his legs stretched in front of him.
"It really is, you should enter it in a show or something" Miles suggest sitting next to Bri. Theo and Cam plop onto my bed and Addie leans against my vanity.
"Or sell it!" Theo exclaims.
"Make some big bucks" Cam adds but I roll my eyes adding the finishing touches before placing my brush in the cup of water.
"You guys know I don't sell my art, besides no one would buy it" I gather all my paint stuff and put it in the cardboard box I keep it all in before sliding it to the corner of my room and placing the canvas on my dresser to dry.
"I beg to differ" Addie scoffs. "You could be the next .... divinchi or whatever the hell his name is"
I chuckle before laying at the end of my bed. Miles goes to my closet and pulls out some clothes before chucking them at me.
"Get dressed, we're going out"
"I'm quite comfortable here, go without me" I wave him off grabbing Charlie and holding him to my chest.
"No can do Mar, your either coming with us or were staying here with you" Theo tells me. I huff standing up.
"Well, you boys got to get out so I can get changed" I demand opening my door and motioning for them to leave.
"You sure you don't want me to stay sweetheart?" Asher asks as he walks by sending me a wink.
"Hard pass, I'd rather sniff one of Theo's dirty socks" I grimace shoving him out of my room. Afterwards I grab the clothes that Miles threw at me and pulled them on while Addie and Bri told me about their day.
When I was done we all piled into the truck, luckily I raced to the truck so I got to be in the front. I say next to Cam with Asher smooshed on my other side. He kept elbowing my ribs while Cams shoulder melted bumping my head.
"Get you elbow out of my ribs" I seethe shoving him.
"Get your ribs out of my elbows"
"That doesn't make sense"
"You don't make sense"
"I hate you"
The rest of the car ride was me arguing with both of the boys. Once we arrived at the water tower I basically climbed over Cam to get out of the truck.
"I'm never riding in the front with you two again." I tell them stretching my legs. The boys high five with victorious faces.
"Yes! Our plan worked!" Cam exclaims. I walk away flipping them both off.
"I hate them both so much" I say to Bri and Addie.
"Me too" Addie agrees.
"I say we murder them" I suggest. Addies smile grows.
"No" Bri protest.
"Why not? I have a whole plan worked out" I reply sticking out my bottom lip.
"And I have a body bag!" Addie yells earning confused glances from all the boys.
"Perfect! I have my bat plus 2 extra in my closet" I tell them but Brianna stops in front of us.
"We're not killing anyone, I cannot go to jail before college" She shakes her head.
"So after college?" I ask but she rolls her eyes and keeps walking.
"So we're not killing them?" Addie asks me.
"No, we are"
The sounds of crickets chirping fill my ears as I walk onto the porch. Grayson and Theo follow close behind. I spot moms car in the driveway causing me to smile knowing she's home.
I walk into the silent house and see her hunched over the table asleep. I place a finger over my lips motioning for my brothers to be quiet.
Walking over to her I stand next to her rubbing her back. "Mom, wake up" I whisper.
She doesn't budge and after a minute I glance up to my brothers with worry all over my face. Theo comes and sits on the other side of her and shakes her lightly. She jumps up with wide eyes before recognizing us.
"Oh, I must've dozed off" she chuckles standing up and brushing off her pants.
"Mom, you need to sleep" Grayson tells her. I see how worried he looks so I quickly grab his hand giving it a small squeeze.
"I have a shift at the diner in..." she glances at her watch on her wrist "10 minutes. I got to go."
"Take off for the night, you're exhausted." I say softly . She sighs grabbing her purse.
"I'll be fine, don't worry about me." Mom places a hand on my cheek.
"But mom-" Theo starts to argue
"Enough." She says firmly. Theo clamps his mouth shut looking at his feet. "I love you guys, have a good day at school tomorrow my dears" She kisses Theo's cheek and gives Grayson a hug.
We all watch as she walks out of the front door. A pit forms in my stomach. I look over to see Grayson with tears in his eyes. I quickly grab him and pull him into a hug.
"She's working herself to death" He whispers. I feel my own tears forming but hold them back. Theo comes and wraps his arms around both of us.
"We'll be okay" he tells us and I nod.
"We always are" I agree.
We stay in each other's embrace for a moment all calming down. Ever since dad left she had worked constantly. She barley slept, had constant headaches and never ate.
I tried to convince her to let me get a job but she refused saying my only job was to do good in school and be a kid.
"How about we sleep in the living room tonight and watch some movies?" I suggest pulling away from my brothers. They both perk up and nod.
"I'll make the popcorn" Grayson tells us running over to the cabinet. I go to my room throwing on some flannel pants and a tank top before heading back in the living room with my arms full of pillows and blankets.
I lay 4 comforters on the floor with a bunch of pillows and a few throw blankets for us to cover up with. Grayson pours the popcorn into a big bowl while Theo grabs the remotes. We all sit with our backs against the front of the couch.
"What do you guys want to w-" when I was finishing my sentence the door burst open and Cam and Connor walked it.
"What are we watching?!" Cam asked holding a tray of slushees from the local gas station.
"What are you guys doing here?" Theo asks while both boys sit on either side of us, Cam next to me. He hands Grayson and Theo a green and purple slushee then me a cherry/ cotton candy one which is my favorite.
"Charlotte called Ma saying you guys might want some company tonight" Cameron explain sticking his hand into the bowl of popcorn. I slap his hand but he quickly grabs it and shoved it into his mouth.
"Of course she did" I mumble taking a sip of my slushee.
"What happened?" Connor asks stuffing his mouth full of popcorn.
Theo, Grayson and I explain how moms working 100 plus hours a week, barley sleeping or eating and basically working her self to death. They both process our words looking extremely worried.
After we tell them the story I quickly change the subject before they can question us anymore and ask what movie we should watch.
"Fast and furious!" Grayson and Connor exclaim earning firm no's from the rest of us.
"Princess and the frog!" Theo shouts. We all look at him and he shrugs. "What?"
"Princess and the front? Really?" I tease.
"1.) it's the best movie 2.) the plot is amazing 3.) the songs are phenomenal and 4.) Tiana is a perfect representation of feminism" He list off with his fingers.
"You're a feminist?" Grayson questions.
"Of course"
I reach over and fist bump Theo. Cam grabs the remote and turns on princess and the frog causing both Theo and I to perk up drastically.
"You two are children" Cam scoffs but I ignore him keeping my eyes glued to the screen.
I try to concentrate on the best Disney movie ever but I can't. I feel the worry growing in my chest for my mom. Cam senses my worry and wraps an arm around me. I lean onto his shoulder and soon doze off.
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*** THIS IS THE OG 'MR GRUMPY' HOWEVER I AM IN THE PROCESS OF RE-WRITING IT AS A NEW BOOK, THIS CAN BE FOUND ON MY PROFILE, CHECK IT OUT XOX ***Somehow I managed to get myself lost in 3 minutes. I mean I know I don't have good concentration but its pretty impossible to get lost that quick you know? Well not for me.But on the bright side, I met a hot, angry, slightly scary guy. So it's probably not that bad. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't but you know what? Who cares? ◆◆◆◆Meet Anastasia Wilkson, she's very optimistic, gullible, clumsy and naive. She thinks the world is made out of Rainbows and Unicorns. She is always smiling at the littlest things.Now meet Adrian Miles, he is always angry, he hardly smiles but gives out an occasional smirk once in a while. He is also a total hottie that is always looking for a fight. He has a dark past that he hopes stays buried. What happens when these two meet? What happens when Adrian's dark past catches up?Read and Find out★BTW this Book is Cliche as Fudge. PLEASE DO NOT TRY AND COPY MY WORK!! THIS IS MY OWN FUDGEN WORK. SO PLEASE DON'T BE A DOUCHE FACE AND COPY MINE WHEN YOU CAN CREATE SOMETHING BETTER. Cover made by the lovely @Me_For_President_ Highest Rank- #17 Teen Fiction OH MY GOOOODNESS
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