《The Coldest Summer:Book 1 (BWWM)✓》Twenty-six


Latin music blasts in the air. Jamal and his gorgeous blonde brought us to this club soon after dinner. I'm not really a clubbing material, but right now it simply feels perfect. I'm having so much fun, talking and drinking with my two girls.

The guys kept arguing about football earlier, so we kindly asked them to get lost. Who wants to know what Messi and Ronaldo did, or did not do last season? Even right now we can still hear them arguing as they're seated at the bar, not far from our booth.

"I hate football," Jamal's blonde utters.

"Tell me about it." Sam rolls her eyes while pulling the cocktail glass to her mouth. "But it's like every guy in the world loves it, and some of us just have to put up with the nonsensical arguments."

Sipping my large cocktail, I smile and say, "Exactly how they put up with your discussion about the type of nude lipstick to match your skin tone."

"Jamal always gives me the you-look-good-in-everything speech whenever I ask him about my fashion scruple," the blonde says, making us all laugh.

Apparently her name is Natasha, and she is actually so cool and friendly. She's engaged to Jamal, which explains their relationship better.

"So, when are you two getting married?" Sam asks her and it catches my interest.

I love hearing people's plans for marriages and other romantic endeavors. It's a reminder that love does exist, even if I'm yet to fully experience it.

"Maybe this autumn, because it's my birthday season." Natasha beams, and I can feel the ecstasy from the pink in her cheeks.

"So lovely," I comment dreamily.

"I know, right?" Sam remarks, her eyes gleaming in similar fashion as mine.

I sip my large pinkish cocktail while letting my glance wander around the dance floor. A few people are sweating their bodies out at the sound of samba or . . . salsa? Whatever the name is, I love the sound of it. And then the music changes into a song that catches my full attention.


"Oh, I love this song!" Natasha snaps sassily.

"Me, too!" Sam seconds.

"Me three." I raise a dramatic hand, and we all laugh; the kind of laughter that emphasizes naughtiness. "No, you can't be serious," I utter as my eyes snatch their nod.

Natasha gets up abruptly. "Come on ladies, let's get this show started!" she screams, and I certainly can't believe I'm following them.

"Yes, Kiki. Get up!" Sam insists, up to her feet.

Why not? My subconscious acquiesces, too.

On the dance floor we easily catch up with the beat. We form a row and sway the same steps to follow the classic Macarena choreography.

Perhaps this is the only song that can get me on my feet. Sam and I have loved it since we were little. Plus a little bit of alcohol in my blood, I quickly lose myself.

The boys are completely stunned by this craziness; none of us contain the laughter. And now the entire population in the club has shifted attention to us.

More people join in, and together we make the night wild. Macarena is an old song but it never leaves anyone who knows it indifferent, even today.

As the song ends, the club is filled with cheers and whistles. I think it's enough dancing for a lifetime; and when another song plays, I take the chance to slip into the ladies' room.

Moments later I'm staring at the reflection of myself before my eyes. The tight up-do of my hair makes me smile at this girl in the mirror, who has so many issues to resolve.


I take a deep breath and freshen myself with a splash of water.

On my way out I pass by a certain couple chuckling under the dim light, entertaining their hormones. Yuck! I wonder if I'll ever get used to clubs and the things happening inside.

However, this one is a bit decent compared to others I've been to once or twice.

I'm about to leave the restroom area when a hand takes a hold of mine in a soft but startling manner. I almost scream out of fear, but the face I decipher in front of me turns my fear off.

The feeling of someone touching me without a warning always brings me the memories I'd rather forget. A smile flits on my face as Liam pulls me further into the dark corner.

"Did I scare you?" he breathes, enveloping my waist so that I crush my body against his hard chest.

"A little," I utter, trying to calm in his arms, his face quite near mine. "What are—" My speech pauses when his mouth invades mine.

Damn, he really knows how to turn me on. He kisses me deeply. It's a short, firework kiss mixed with a taste of Scotch that succeeds to really keep me quiet.

"I'm forever awed with your ability to find me, Mr. Darcy. It is plausible." I stare at him blushingly, my arms around his neck.

"Really now?" He grins triumphantly, and I can still smell the sensual scent of aftershave—flowery, spicy, and chocolate—even after we part. I guess he had a shave today and he looks five years younger. "I shall make it my mission to awe you every single day, Ms. Jones. It makes me happy."

I flush. "I shall wait and see how you're going to do it, then. Just be careful with my heart, because I can hardly handle surprise attacks like this one."

His eyes sparkle. "That shall be kept in mind. I apologize for my recklessness," he says, melting my poor heart.

"You don't need to." I smile profusely, succumbing to the heat overpowering my body, little by little, making me yearn for one more of his kisses, touches . . . or more? Jeez! "Miss me?" I glance up at Liam, trying to ignore my sexual urges.

"All the time, trust me. And you dance beautifully," he breathes softly against my skin. "You're like a box full of surprises."

"Thank you, babe. Can I go now?" I arch my brows playfully.

"Not so fast, young lady." Liam pulls me back, fully aware of my game.

Goodness he's just playing with my hormones right now.

"What?" I whisper, Liam's forehead against mine, my lips quivering as they brush lightly against his. "Are you drunk?" I tease, trying to free my mind that's so indulged into what my body wants.

"Me? I'm perfectly sober," Liam replies, his voice gentle and playful. "I drink responsibly, Ms. Jones, in case you're worried." His smile, full of gallant, mocks me sweetly.

"Oh yeah? Then what is this indecent behavior of cornering the poor, defenseless woman in the dark, huh? Are you infatuated by this lady that much?" I wet my lip audaciously, feeling so free while imprisoned in his arms—my little bliss.

"Yes." Liam leans back against the wall, dragging me with him, my breasts sagged by his muscles. I need a fan! "She drives me crazy, and it's impossible to resist her sphere of prettiness."

I burst out laughing, not knowing if I'll ever get tired of Liam's mischief. I know there's a lot more to him, and I can't wait to learn about it. All the mysteries of Darcy.


"Are you suggesting that I'm irresistible?" I tilt my head back to have a perfect glimpse of his facial profile, my body still into his tight grip.

"Are you having doubts about my speech?" he prompts in a sound that only he can make.

Like an English gentleman he is.

"Hardly," I reply, "because I still wonder if being poetic is one of your tricks to capture the beautiful souls out there."

Now he laughs hard. "I heard I have manners of an old, conceited lad," he tells me. "Do you think an average woman would stand here listening to my boring speech?"

"An average woman?" I raise a questioning eyebrow, a hint of pride pulsing in my heart. "And what am I, Mr. Darcy?"

He pulls my face closer, his eyes bored into mine condescendingly; but I don't fret. "The special one I've been waiting for," he whispers, and I turn into melted cheese right away.

Damn! For the first time in my life I'm in an uncontrollable urge for the manly touch.

Liam's touch, to be more precise . Only him.

"Don't mislead me, Mr. Darcy," I remark. "It's easy to get confused with your promising words," I add, and he doesn't say a thing but smile.

The music is still rocking heavily. I hear 'hips don't lie' by Shakira.

Again I feel like a teenager in love, making out in the club, at some abandoned corner, and it's extremely exciting. I've never done this before, but better late than never.

Liam nuzzles his lips against mine, tantalizing with a sexy smile. I respond by digging my hands into Liam's hair, and pull him for a very long kiss.

Our tongues dance smoothly as we hold each other tightly. Man, I love this! I gasp for air when I release my lips from his, but our foreheads remain locked in a passionate way.

Pulling back, Liam plants a soft kiss on my forehead and says, "You're beautiful."

"So are you," I reply huskily, and we share a laugh.

Our gaze remains locked, and I can see the longing, utmost affection, and fire in his eyes. Does he want me as I want him? I mentally stay anxious, hoping to find the answer.

"I love you, Kira," he mutters slowly, and awakens all of my five body senses.

My eyes widen. Did he say he loves me?

"Liam," I breathe, stunned.

"I want to have you all the time, by my side." He hugs me tightly.

My eyes are lingered with tears, feeling overjoyed upon hearing these few magical words. It makes me wonder if I've ever heard them before.

Of course I have, but why does it sound so new and overwhelming?

"I just want to kiss you right now." Liam sensually trails his lips on mine, and I hold his neck responsively. "Forget Samantha, forget your sleazy excuses . . . I just want you to feel me."

Ignoring the music, the noise, the people, and everything else, my lips meet Liam's. Butterflies bat their wings in my stomach, our lips coaxed together promisingly.

God, I love this man. I need him more than I've ever needed anyone before. Yet I know I can't have him. He is near yet so far, a thin, stubborn wall keeping us apart.

I feel his hands inside my top, caressing my skin rhythmically, our kiss deeper. Fuck, he turns me on, slurring me, making me forget the harsh reality even for a while.

"I swear I'm having a hard time, Kira," Liam breathes, and I know what he means. "I really want to make love to you."

"Me, too," I whisper, smiling at the feeling of his turned-on boy.

"Why don't we just elope?" he teases, but his gaze seems earnest.

I laugh briefly.

"And then what?" I ask softly, tipping my head back to catch a proper sight of his face.

"I don't know." Liam smiles fondly, his gaze fixed on mine intensely. "We can just go to England."

"Oh really, now?" I quip, regaling the idea in my head.

How cool would that be, huh?.

"Yes, I'll take very good care of you, I promise."

"And forget everything?"

"And everyone." He cups my face, and the look of his glistening blue eyes makes me suck in a deep breath. "Can't we do that?" He kisses the corner of my mouth.

"How I wish it were that simple," I tell him softly, my inner conflict resumed to its peak. "Let's get back to the others, they may start to worry especially since we're both absent."

Why is it so hard? I cringe inwardly.

I'd love to enjoy this moment without any mental distraction. I'd love to kiss him, make out with him, and eventually make love to him, but it still feels wrong.

Because I'm still a traitor until I come clean.

I turn around to leave, but Liam refrains me with a back embrace. I stay rigid momentarily, feeling multiple emotions at once, my eyes going extra moist.

"How long, Kira?" he asks, and despite his half-drunk state, I can still understand the intensity of his question.

My heart tightens, guilt washing over me. I stay still for almost a minute, wondering what to say. Do I even have anything to say? I'm not being fair with him, I know, and mostly to Sam.

Not even to myself.

"I just," I start, but end up holding my tongue, feeling lost.

Liam sets me free. "Go ahead first, I'll go outside to get some air," he says, and I know he's hurt.

"Liam, wait." I hold him, stopping him from moving. "You said we should forget everything else tonight, can't we do that?"

What am I saying?

"Yes, I did, but then I think it's a bit ridiculous." He sighs. "I mean, can you go with me somewhere else tonight? And forget everything else, for just one night?"

"Yes," I answer promptly. "I can do it, Liam. We can go right now, and forget everything, just this one night." I'm holding his hand desperately.

"Kira," Liam utters, brushing a hand on my cheek. "I said I love you, and I mean it. I want you, so badly, and I need you, very much, but not just for one night." He hugs me once again, kissing the top of my head. "I want you as my woman, the one I'm free to be with, anywhere, anytime, and not a one-night-stand."

"Liam . . ." I hardly utter.

"I'll be outside. Go and join the others." He walks away.

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