《Off Camera / A Treegan Love Story》A Treegan Wedding
My whole entire life I have never been one of those girls who always imagined her "wedding day". I don't know why but I haven't been planning my wedding in my head since I was five. That has never been me. As I sit in the makeup chair on a sunny Saturday in early December, I feel very excited to be getting married to the man of my dreams. My best friend. As cliche as that sounds. Everyone is bustling around me and making sure everything about this day is perfect. We are in a large beach house in Santa Barbara, California over looking the ocean. The guys are getting ready in another part of the house and my friends won't let me see him! Rebecca Wachtel is doing my makeup (she is one of my best friends and was also my makeup artist on Pretty Little Liars) and Dave Stanwell is doing my hair.
I'm in another part of the large living room getting my hair done with the other brides maids. We're all wearing silk pink robes that say Troian and Keegan get hitched 2016 in blue sparkly writing on the back. I am the maid of honour, Shay, Sasha, Lucy and Ashley are bridesmaids along with Alex McKenna a good actress friend of me and Troian. I have been anxiously making sure everything runs smoothly today for everybody especially the happy couple. Occasionally when I catch a glimpse of Troian I see how happy she looks. Keegan makes her so happy and I'm so grateful to be part of their special day.
Last night...
It's been a few hours since everyone arrived at the beach house. Just the wedding party. It's 11pm and I'm sitting on the window seat overlooking the beach. Everyone else has gone to bed. Troian is outside cuddling up to Keegan and saying good night by the looks of it. They don't know I'm watching them. I don't think they could look any cuter. All of a sudden Troian enters through the kitchen door and I try to look casual as she comes and sits down beside me.
"Were you watching me?" She asks.
"I came down to have some tea and admire the moonlight over the ocean."
"Bullshit!" Troian replies with a laugh.
"You caught me!" I say.
Troian leans against the wall and sighs.
"Do you want some tea?" She shakes her head.
"I think I'm going to head to bed."
"Ok." I reply. "Are you ready for tomorrow?" I ask her before she gets up.
"Yeah. I'm so excited!" She replies looking excited. "I love you Lulu and I'm glad you're here for my special day." We lean into hug each other before saying good night.
I smile as I get my hair curled and think about that moment between me and my best friend last night. She has never stopped blushing when she talks about Keegan. I'm happy to know that he loves her and cherishes her and wants nothing more than to be there for her and make her happy.
"Ok man. Are you ready?" Tyler asks as he does my tie for me.
"You look sharp." Ian says.
I'm with Ian, Tyler, and a few of my other friends in a room on the second floor of the house the wedding party is staying in.
"I think we should sit down for a second." Tyler says. I give him a confused look and Ian follows us. We sit down at a little reading area with three couches which over looks the beach where me and Troian will be getting married.
"What's up?" I ask looking at both of them. I can tell this is nothing serious by the looks on their faces because they both have smiles on their faces although Tyler is trying to look serious.
"I think it's time you know about the birds and the bees. Because tonight is going to be a very special night for you and Troian." Tyler says. I look at Ian who can't help but laugh and I join him.
"We've already been together in that way." I say looking at both of them.
"We know. We just thought it was funny." Ian says.
I roll my eyes and laugh some more. These two can be ridiculous sometimes but I love them anyway! All of a second I hear my phone ringing. I remove it from my pocket and I see that Troian is calling.
"Hey." I say into the phone. "How's my beautiful bride?" I ask.
"Missing you." She replies.
After our hug last night we hadn't seen each other. Sleeping without her last night sucked. I would never get used to that. Ever. As I listen to her voice now full of longing, I get a tugging feeling in my heart. I really can't wait to be with her and for the minister to pronounce us husband and wife.
In the background I hear Charlie and Bella barking. Dan is sleeping on his bed in the corner of the room looking cute as ever curled up in a ball.
Everyone is dressed in their bridesmaid gowns. I chose navy blue flowy dresses with thin spaghetti straps and beaded belts. My dress is long and flowy with white lace and cap sleeves. A flower with a small vale covers my face. Most of my hair is pinned up and two long curled pieces hang down on either side of my face. My makeup is natural. A light rose blush covers my cheeks and a coral lipstick covers my lips. The only jewelry are two small pearl earrings in my ears. The white lace lingerie I recieved at my bachelorette is underneath my dress and I can't wait for it to be removed later by Keegan.
We all exit the back of the house and make our way down the beach. All of our friends and family have arrived and are sitting on opposite sides of the aisle. As the music begins to play mybridesmaids walk down the aisle with their small bouquets and groomsmen.
When my dad comes to walk me down the aisle I could almost cry. He kisses me on the cheek and we make our way down the aisle. With each step Keegan comes closer and closer into view.
When I turn to look at her, tears spring to my eyes. Troian is the most gorgeous bride I have ever seen. If you told me that I would one day be marrying her I would of called you crazy. I couldn't be any happier to be standing here today about to marry my best friend. When she takes her place beside me I can tell she has been crying too.
"Hey." She says smiling and taking my hand.
The minister begins the ceremony and the whole time I'm looking into Troian's eyes and she's looking into mine. It feels like we're the only two people here.
To say this guy makes me weak in the knees couldn't be more true. I still have as big a crush on him now as I did years ago when I first met him. When we met I was off and on with Patrick. Then I met Keegan. I feel like my heart has always belonged to him. I can't imagine standing here today with anyone but him. It feels like we are the only two people here right now as we listen to what the minister says. For a brief moment I turn to look at the audience and can see everyone smiling. When I turn back to Keegan it is time for us to say our vows.
"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride!"
I dip Troian back and kiss her passionately in front of everyone.
"I love you T!" I tell her as I look into her beautiful eyes. She smiles back at me.
Everyone claps and cheers for us. I am the happiest guy in the world right now.
After photos and cocktails it is time for the reception to start. I went back to the house before the reception started to change into a gold dress.
It's now 6pm and everyone is starting to gather under the giant white tent overlooking the beach. Our wedding which is a garden theme couldn't be more beautiful. Lights glimmer hung above the tables which are filled with white candles, and white flowers.
Keegan and I make our way in and all our guests stand up to clap and cheer for us.
When we finally sit down at the head table with the rest of the wedding party, the soft music begins to play and the servers begin to bring out the dinner. From where we're sitting I can see the table where my mom, dad, brother and his girlfriend are sitting.
All of a sudden I see a familiar face, red hair and a slim body. I would recognize her anywhere. Sarah Rafferty. Another actress friend. She's on Suits the show Patrick is on.
I get up to give her a hug.
"Hey! It's good to see you!" I tell her.
"It's good to see you two." I reply with a smile.
The last time I saw Sarah was on one of my many trips to Toronto a little over a year ago, before me and Patrick broke up. It feels like ages ago. Since then, we had just been chatting on FaceTime and texting occasionally. I thought seeing her again might feel awkward but it doesn't. I couldn't be happier.
"You look beautiful." She says as she admires my dress. She extends her hand to Keegan and he shakes it and tells her how nice it is to meet her.
"I'll come by and catch up with you later." I promise her and then she heads back to her seat with her husband and two daughters. I sit down beside Keegan and take a sip of my champagne.
Three hours later...
The dancing for the night is well under way. I have shared a dance to At Last with my dad. Now I'm beside Keegan and holding his hand as we wait for the DJ to cue the music for our dance. Over the past several weeks we had been putting together the perfect dance. Just like us we wanted it to be fun and memorable - not your typical boring wedding dance. That wasn't us. We stand behind a curtain and look out onto the dance floor. I feel nervous for a second. All of a sudden The Backpack song begins to play a slide show of photos of the two of us as a couple on PLL and in real life begins to play. When the music stops and the slideshow ends and the lights on the dance floor are still dimmed, that is our cue. Keegan leads me out onto the floor. We first start dancing to Don't Stop by Foster the People. Our wedding party joins us on the dance floor for this. It has everyone getting up and dancing along with all of us.
When it's time to dance to our first song as a couple, I pull Troian closer and breathe in the scent of her floral shampoo. Then our song Turn The Lights Down Low begins to play. I couldn't imagine a more perfect moment. The fact that I am here dancing with the most beautiful woman and I get to call her mine for the rest of my life is incredible. The whole time we're dancing we don't take our eyes off of each other. When the song is over we turn towards our guests and bow for them. Everyone claps and cheers.
"T over here!" I hear a voice call. It's Ashley. She's standing with Lulu, Shay, Sasha, Janel, my friend Alex and Lucy. I run over to all of them.
"Let's try out that photo booth." Lucy says with excitement.
"Coming!" I shout as I run over.
I don't know how long we're all fooling around in the photo booth, but we have fun trying out the different props and making funny faces. I'm laughing as I get out. I just took a funny photo with Shay and Lucy where we tried to all make our eyes look cross eyed.
I see Keegan standing with the guys and make my way over to him. I lean into his ear when I reach him.
"I want you." I whisper to him in a sexy voice.
He turns around and blushes.
"I know." When I was changing into my sparkly gold dress for the reception, Keegan came into my room and we almost made love on the bed. Although we thought we should wait for later or we might not make it to the reception. It's been a couple days since we last had sex and I can't take it much longer.
Keegan takes my hand and leads me to a corner out of ear shot of the guys.
"We will have the entire house to ourselves after the wedding is over." He reassures me. I nod my head.
The wedding party was all packed and ready to leave tonight after the wedding. Tomorrow we would be leaving for our honeymoon after we dropped the dogs off with my mom.
"I love you." I tell him before I kiss him.
"It's time for Troian to toss her bouquet! I wonder which lucky lady will catch it!" I hear Lulu's voice over the speaker. I turn around to make my way to the dance floor to find all my single friends eagerly waiting for me to toss my bouquet. I walk over to the head table to quickly grab it before making my way to the middle of the dance floor.
After I toss it I hear a loud scream.
"It looks like Ashley will be the next lady to tie the knot! Congrats Ashley!" Lulu says.
The music begins to play and everyone goes back to dancing. Keegan comes and joins me on the dance floor. All of a sudden LCD sound system starts playing.
I notice Ashley and Tyler come over to us.
"You better be careful bro. Ashley is the next to get married." Keegan says to Tyler. Tyler rolls his eyes and laughs.
"I want you to be a bridesmaid T." Ashley says with a smile.
"I would be honoured!" I say as I give her a hug.
Everyone dances to a few songs before it's time for me to sit on a chair in the middle of the dance floor and have Keegan remove my blue lace garter. He lifts up my gold dress and I can't help but blush. Once he removes it he stands up and lifts his arm up as he prepares to throw it for all the single men who stand behind him.
"Throw it dude!" Shouts Tyler.
Keegan throws the garter and it feels like time stops for a moment. I hear a scream and turn to see Ashley screaming before I turn back. Ian is the one who catches it. Everyone claps and cheers for him including his girlfriend Sophie who is standing off to the side with my friends.
The next hour and a bit is spent dancing and trying to say hello to as many of our guests as possible. After we say our hellos and thank people for coming, Troian spends a bit of time at the table with her family. I see my mom standing at the edge of the dance floor looking around at some couples who are dancing to a slow song. I run over to her and give her a hug. When we pull apart I can tell she's been crying.
"Your dad would of been so proud of you!" She tells me.
I turn to look back at Troian who is laughing at something her brother said. Her parents are laughing as well. Then I turn back to my mother.
"Do you think dad would of liked Troian?" I ask her.
My mom nods her head and smiles.
"You'll be such an amazing husband! I love you."
"Aww mom. I love you too." We hug for a few minutes and then just as dancing queen by Abba comes on, my mom goes over to the dance floor.
"Troian it looks incredible on you!" My mom says admiring the sparkly butterfly hair clip in my hair. It belonged to my Grandma Bellisario my dad's mom who passed away when I was ten.
"Thanks mom." I reach over and give her a hug.
I've spent about ten minutes talking with my family. It has been great to spend some time with them before I leave for my honeymoon with Keegan. After saying bye to everyone I make my way back to Keegan who is now dancing to a slow song with his mom. I stand there and watch them. As I do I can't help but smile. It's so cute how much love he has for her. He catches me watching and mouths an I love you to me which I return.
All of a sudden I feel a hand on my back. I turn to find my brother standing there.
"Hey." I say to him.
"May I have this dance?"
"Of course." I reply.
Nick leads me on the dance floor and we begin to dance.
"I have something to tell you." He says.
"What is it?" I ask him.
"I got a job offer."
"That's great!" I reply with a smile.
"It's in Seattle. We're moving there in January."
"Oh." My brother Nick graduated with a degree in computer science this past May.
"I'm going to miss you." I tell him. I have always been very close with my younger brother.
"I know. We will keep in touch ok. I don't want to move and only see my big sister every five or ten years."
"Don't worry. I'm happy for you Nick. I love you!" I tell him. We hug and then finish dancing to the song.
"Actually the house we bought has a guest suite. We're going to fix it up for you and Keegan." Nick says as we make our way off the dance floor. "Consider it a wedding gift from us, because we can't wait for you two to visit!" He says with a smile.
"Oh my god! I love it! Thank you!!" I give him a hug and a kiss.
As the night begins to die down I go and find Troian after dancing with my mom. She is sitting with her family.
"Here's my handsome groom." She says with a smile.
"Want to take a walk with me?" I ask her.
She nods her head and smiles and after saying bye to her family, gets up and takes my hand and we make our way outside.
Even though it's California it is December and it's a chilly night. Before we left the reception Troian threw on a short white fur coat over her gold sparkly dress.
We sit down on a bench on a hill just a few feet away from the reception tent. The music fades away with the sound of the waves crashing against the shore. There is a full moon tonight that shines down onto the ocean. It looks beautiful. Beside me Troian leans in close to me and lays her head on my shoulder.
"Well we did it. We're married!" I say to Keegan. I'm holding him and my head is resting on his shoulder.
"I love you. So so much." He replies. I lift my head up and pull him in for a kiss.
"I love you more." I tell him.
We look out onto the water for a little bit just holding each other and not saying anything.
A big chapter in our life was closed, but we still have a whole story to write and we will be doing it together as husband and wife. We have a lot of new beginnings to write. As I look into the sky at the stars holding my new husband close to me, I can't imagine being married to anyone else now. Keegan is my best friend. My true love. I was always meant to be with him.
I can't imagine not being with Troian now that I am married to her. I love her so much. I can't wait to have new beginnings with her for the rest of my life. We hold each other close as we look at the sky. As sad as it is to have closed a big chapter in our life, I know we have a lot to look forward to and I can't wait to do all of that as her husband. Troian is my best friend. My true love. I was always meant to be with her.
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