《Off Camera / A Treegan Love Story》While The Guys Are Out, The Ladies Shall Have Some fun


The Next Day

It's Sunday evening the sun is going down and I'm sitting outside with my friends. We're all sipping sangrias, eating, talking and laughing.

I'm about to take another sip of my drink when Ashely and Shay decide to snap a selfie with me.

"This ones going on snapchat!" Ashley tells me. I laugh. I watch as she writes a caption and then clicks post.

#Buttahbenzo and TBells Sunday evening spent in the sun. Ashley goes back over to where she was sitting beside Lucy and Sasha.

"It's so good to see all of you!" I tell my friends.

"Well you've been so busy with your new man." Shay laughs. I can't help but blush and smile. All of a sudden I notice her as she reaches for a hotdog in the middle of the table and she pulls out a bottle of hot sauce from her purse and pours it on her hot dog. I notice Ashley, Sasha and Lucy roll their eyes along with me. Anyone who knows Shay Mitchell knows she is addicted to hot sauce!

"Hey. I love my man but you ladies are all very important to me!" I tell them.

"Did he officially ask you to be his girlfriend? Or how did it happen? I really want to know!" Rebecca says in excitement across from me. She is a makeup artist that works on Pretty Little Liars and over the years we have become best friends.

I begin to tell everyone how it happened and I can tell by the looks on their faces they think how he asked was really sweet.

"I'm so happy for you T!" Lucy tells me. She is sitting beside Rebecca.

"Aww thanks Goose!" I reach for Lucy's hand across the table and squeeze it.

For a few more minutes we talk about Keegan and then we all decide to lounge by the pool. Some of us on lounge chairs. Me, Shay, Sasha, Lulu and Rebecca decide to go in the pool. Ashley and Cheryl decide not to.

Even though it's Sunday night it's pretty busy at this bar I'm currently at along with Ian and Tyler and my friend Ben (who lives in my old neighbourhood). We are sitting on a rooftop overlooking Los Angeles. The city lights around us are stunning. We ordered a lot of food (mostly appetizers) along with drinks.


I'm laughing at some joke Ian told me when Tyler comes over to me and puts his arm around me.

"Hey man. What's up?" I ask him.

Tyler smiles. "We're both dating beautiful girls. Now we must find Ian a lady." We turn to look at Ian who is shaking his head and laughing.

"What? Are you laughing at my matchmaking skills?" Tyler asks Ian.

I can't help but laugh. This is too funny.

"What about that blonde over there?" I say to Ian as I point to a waitress who occasionally has been casting glances at Ian for a majority of the time we've been here.

Ian turns his head to look at her. I can tell he's thinking about it.

"So dude, are you going to ask her for her number?" Tyler asks.

"I don't know..."

"What have you got to lose?" I reply. "If she says no, she says no. But If you don't ask her, then you'll never know."

The whole time we had all been on Pretty Little Liars, Ian had never been in a relationship for very long. He tried dating people who weren't in the acting industry but he never had much luck with those women either. They didn't understand his busy schedule.

After a few minutes we decide to change the subject. Ian doesn't go over.

After being in the pool for 15 minutes I decide to get out and join my other two friends who decided not to go in.

I start to shiver and Cheryl walks over to me handing me a towel. I begin to dry myself off.

"Do you miss him?" She asks me noticing the sad look on my face.

I nod my head. "Yeah a little bit." I reply with a small smile.

"Troian you're so cute."

For a moment I debate whether or not to send him a text as I eye my phone on the table. Before I can walk over there Charlie comes running over to me with a tennis ball in his mouth. I take it out and throw it across the yard for him. Bella sees Charlie and runs after him. I laugh as I stand there watching them run after it.

"Time for a dance party!" Shay announces as she gets out of the pool along with the others who were in there with us. Ashley and Cheryl get up and we all make our way into the house.


Shay immediately cranks up the music once we're all in the living room.

"Hold on girl. Let me go upstairs and put some clothes on." I say laughing.

A few minutes later after I've changed into a plain tshirt and some jean shorts I join my friends who are all dancing. My friends who were in the pool with me have since changed into their clothes.

I let myself relax and begin to dance with my friends. The music has a cool club vibe that I really like. It feels so good to let loose before the next two weeks become really busy as we wrap of the season of Pretty Little Liars.

Shay and Ashley start dancing together to I Can't Feel My Face by the Weeknd and we all shout Buttah Benzo. We all laugh as they bust a move in the middle of the floor. For a few minutes we all get so into our dancing I don't even notice Keegan and his friends come through the door.

Me and my friends stayed out until 9:30 and we decided we had enough of the bar we were at. Ian and Tyler along with Ben we're all trying to think of what we would do and I told them we could go back to mine and Troian's place. We just opened the front door and Troian and her friends are dancing in our living room. Troian's the only one who looks shocked to see me and the guys while the rest of her friends are too into their dancing.

Troian comes over to me and gives me a hug and kiss.

"What are you doing home?" She asks me.

"I'm going to watch some Netflix with the guys." I reply. We have a large theatre room in the back of our house. That's where I was heading.

"Ok." She shouts over the music.

I give her a kiss and a hug and then head to the theatre room with my friends.

As soon as I make myself comfortable in my seat, I start to scroll through the different movies.

"What do you guys want to watch?" I ask them.

"Game of Thrones!!" They all shout.

Ian doesn't answer.

Ben lightly punches him in the arm.

"What's up man?" He asks. I look at Ian who is holding his phone and texting someone. Before we left the bar he finally decided to go over to the waitress and ask her for her number and she had given it to him.

Ian finishes texting and looks up at all of us.

"I was texting Lacy."

"I'm happy for you man!" I tell him with a smile.

"Thanks." He replies.

"I hope this one works out!" Tyler replies.

"Tyler." I say as I scowl at him.

"What?" He asks me looking confused.

I shake my head laughing.

We finally all decide that we'd rather watch a scary movie and decide to watch Annabelle.

I'm having so much fun dancing I don't know how much time has gone by. I briefly brake away from my friends to check the time on my iPhone 11pm. I should probably get to bed soon.

Ashley comes over to me.

"Hey." I say to her.

She smiles at me and gives me a hug.

"I think I'm going to head out." She replies.

"Did you see Tyler? He's here with Keegan. They're watching a movie in the theatre room."

"Yeah I did." She replies with a smile. "I want to get a good sleep though. I'll see you at work tomorrow." I nod my head and we hug one more time before she heads out.

A few seconds later my other friends start to leave and not too long I'm left with only my friend Lulu.

"Are you ready for bed?" I ask her. She nods her head. Since we both have to be at set around the same time tomorrow morning, I told her she could stay over and we would head there together.

We clean up food and towels from the backyard before we head upstairs.

Once we're upstairs Lulu heads to the guest room and I head to the master bedroom down the hall.

As soon as I've changed into some pajamas, I pull back the comforter on my bed and climb in. Most nights Dan jumps onto the bed and will sleep with me and Keegan. Tonight is no different. As soon as I've laid down he jumps up onto the bed and snuggles up to me, purring away. It's not too long before I'm completely sound asleep.

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