《Da Capo》Epilogue


As the sun sank lower in the sky and dusk began to turn into night, the wedding reception commenced with dancing, drinking, and laughter. There were large double doors leading out to a wide patio behind the reception hall, and as it got darker, tiki torches and string lights flickered on and lit up the area, creating a beautiful glowing light. A few dozen guests decided to wander outside on this beautiful summer evening, getting away from the loud music and dancing, so they could drink and chat with each other away from the noise.

Pretty soon, the bride and groom, as well as a few of the bridesmaids, made their way outside onto the patio together, chatting happily with each other as they headed over toward a small unlit fire pit under a wooden gazebo. A few empty chairs and a cushioned loveseat surrounded the fire pit, and string lights hanging above them gave the area a soft, ethereal glow.

Marcus walked over to the nearby wood pile and began to gather up a few pieces of wood. "Does anyone have a lighter?"

"I have some matches," Aiden said, reaching into his tux's front pocket and pulling out a small matchbook.

"Where on earth did you get a matchbook?" Jess asked her husband incredulously, placing a hand on her swollen belly as she lowered herself onto the cushioned loveseat.

"They were giving them away at the front desk here," Aiden said, gesturing toward the reception hall. "I just grabbed one. I figured they might come in handy."

"And so they have," Morgan said amusedly, settling herself down on a nearby Adirondack chair and rearranging her wedding dress so she sat more comfortably. "Jess, is it okay for you to be sitting near a campfire in your condition? I don't want you inhaling too much smoke if it could hurt the baby."

"I think this is actually one of those smokeless fire pits," Kyle pointed out as he and Stephanie sat together on one chair, Stephanie cuddling his lap as he wrapped an arm around her. "You can tell from the cylindrical design."

"Really? That's so cool," Marcus said, impressed. He finished putting the pieces of wood in the fire pit and Aiden struck a match before tossing it inside. After a few moments, a small flickering flame grew from the depths of the woodpile, and sure enough, there was no smoke.

"We should throw in some old newspapers," Morgan suggested as Marcus brushed off his hands and made his way over to her. "Or maybe some sticks from that nearby brush?"

"You are not lifting a finger, my dear bride," Marcus insisted humorously, and the next moment he leaned over and scooped her up into his arms, lifting her out of the chair and holding her (fittingly enough) bridal style. Everyone laughed as Morgan squealed in shock, quickly wrapping her arms around her husband's neck so she wouldn't fall.

"Oh my God, Marcus!" Morgan said, her voice whiny. "Don't do that!"

"Sorry babe," Marcus grinned, not looking sorry at all as he pressed a kiss to her cheek. He then moved to sit down in the Adirondack chair Morgan had previously inhabited, moving her so she sat sideways on his lap and he could essentially hold her in his arms. "There we go," he smiled happily, looking quite pleased with himself.


Everyone laughed again as Morgan rolled her eyes, trying but failing to look annoyed at her new husband. She casually rearranged her skirts again so they would lay flat before once again wrapping her arms back around her husband's neck.

"Marcus has been your husband for a few short hours, and he's already calling the shots, huh?" Stephanie teased her best friend, and the others chuckled.

"Oh please. Marcus knows I got him wrapped around my little finger," Morgan said haughtily, moving a hand up to rake through his hair, and Marcus grinned at her like a man deeply in love. "Don't I, sweetheart?"

"Yes you do, dear," he said, his voice dripping in honey. The others laughed again.

"Kyle and I would bust your chops, Marcus, but I think neither of us are really in a position to talk," Aiden said, smirking over at Jess as he sat at her side. His arm was stretched out behind her on the loveseat, and she had leaned over to rest her head on his shoulder. Jess glanced up and smiled at her husband, and he smiled lovingly back.

"Agreed," Kyle grinned up at Stephanie, who still sat cuddled on his lap and her cheek resting against the side of his head; she rolled her eyes, but smiled all the same as she glanced down at her boyfriend.

"Steph, I don't think you ever told us how you and Kyle met," Morgan piped up, smiling eagerly over at the couple. "Why don't you share the story with us?"

"Ooh, yes! Tell us how it happened," Jess said excitedly, running a hand along her pregnant belly. "Was it love at first sight?"

"No!" Kyle and Stephanie said emphatically at the same time. The others cracked up.

"Oh, so was it hate at first sight?" Morgan asked, her eyes lighting up even more, if that were possible. "Kyle, what did she do?"

"Why do you assume it was me?" Stephanie asked indignantly.

"It was you," Kyle insisted. "I had to use the performance hall you were practicing in for my masterclass, and you refused to leave!"

"Only because you were being an asshole about it," Stephanie said stubbornly.

"So you got off on the wrong foot," Aiden said, grinning at the two of them. "All of the epic love stories start out that way."

"Was that the story with you and Jess?" Kyle asked, raising an inquisitive eyebrow at the other man.

"Nope. I just baked some bread that he really liked," Jess piped up, grinning.

"What, seriously?" Kyle chuckled as the others snickered. "Man, it didn't take much for you to fall, did it?"

"What can I say? It was some really good bread," Aiden said, not looking the least bit embarrassed as he grinned down at his wife.

"Well, I love Morgan and Marcus's story the best," Stephanie said, looking over at the bride and groom. "It was like a reverse meet-cute."

"Really? What happened?" Kyle asked, sounding interested. His genuine investment in all Stephanie's friends' stories didn't fail to make her smile.


"I had a meeting in Morgan's office building, and I was walking through the atrium when some asshole knocked into me," Marcus explained. "I dropped my briefcase and all my papers fell out, and I had to get on the ground to pick them all up."

"And I was nearby when it happened," Morgan continued, smiling down at her husband. "So I walked over to help... I was like your knight in shining armor."

"Yes you were," Marcus smiled lovingly up at her, and he leaned up to give her a soft kiss on the lips.

Stephanie watched the two newlyweds, and inexplicably felt her throat lock up with emotion. She had already made the decision to move to London with Kyle, but the thought of leaving behind her best friend suddenly hit her like a dagger in that moment. Morgan was starting a whole new and exciting chapter of her life, and the fact that Stephanie wasn't going to be around for that made her tear up. She blinked several times before looking away, trying to compose herself.

Kyle seemed to notice Stephanie's distress, and he gently squeezed her waist, giving her a small reassuring smile. He clearly understood what was on her mind, and Stephanie gave him a watery smile back.

"Are you alright, Stephanie?" Jess asked, clearly concerned when she noticed Stephanie's face. Stephanie, not wanting to tell the others why she was really crying, quickly nodded before wiping her eyes.

"Yeah I'm fine," she said reassuringly, giving a small sniff. "I'm just really happy for Morgan and Marcus, that's all."

The others smiled understandingly, including Morgan, though there was something else more assessing in her expression as she gazed at her friend. Stephanie wondered if Morgan had realized that Stephanie was planning on going back to London with Kyle, but chose not to say anything, at least not yet. She was resolved not to break the news until after the wedding was over.

Fortunately, at that moment, a handsome man in a suit appeared holding a tray of champagne flutes in one hand and a champagne bottle in the other.

"Good evening, everyone," the man grinned at the group at large. He was an older gentleman with neatly combed salt and pepper hair, and as he smiled at them, the wrinkles around his eyes became more prominent. "My name is Richard Grand, and I'm the owner here of the Bay Harbor Country Club. I hope you're all having a wonderful night, and I just wanted to come over here to see if all of you would like some champagne for a celebratory toast?"

Morgan's eyes lit up happily. "That sounds like a wonderful idea. Thank you!"

"You're very welcome," Mr. Grand said kindly, moving to pass around the flutes to each person. "Although, my apologies to the young pregnant lady here, I don't have any nonalcoholic champagne with me."

"That's okay. I have my water here," Jess smiled, reaching down to pick up a water bottle she had brought with her.

The man finished handing out the glasses before grasping the neck of the champagne bottle and pointing it away from the others. He expertly popped it open, and the cork flew off with an explosive pop, causing a stream of bubbles to fountain out of the bottle and onto the ground. Everyone clapped.

"I can pour the champagne for all of us," Aiden offered with a grin, getting to his feet and walking over to the caterer to take the bottle from him. "Thank you so much, Mr. Grand."

"You're very welcome, sir," the man nodded gratefully, handing him the bottle. "Have a wonderful evening, and congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Sato."

"Thank you," Morgan and Marcus both smiled at Mr. Grand as he nodded at them and made his departure.

"It was nice of the owner to come over here and give us some champagne," Aiden said, moving to pour everybody a glass. "What do you think we should toast to? Apart from the obvious, I mean."

"Oh, you mean my marriage?" Morgan teased her brother as he poured her a glass of champagne. "Why would we want to toast that?"

"How about Aiden and Jess's new baby?" Stephanie suggested, smiling over at Jess, who smiled back.

"Or how about Stephanie and Kyle finding each other?" she suggested, raising her water bottle to them.

"Or how about Stephanie's amazing musical performance at the reception?" Kyle suggested, smiling at his girlfriend.

"You performed with me – you'd deserve a toast too," Stephanie pointed out.

"We'll toast to all of us," Marcus suggested as Aiden finished pouring champagne for each of them, and he moved to sit back down beside his wife. "All of us are here tonight, celebrating this amazing day. Morgan and I just got married, Aiden and Jess are married and expecting, and Kyle and Stephanie found each other and are deeply in love..." Marcus raised his glass in the air, smiling at everyone. "Let's raise a glass to all of us being the happiest we've ever been."

Stephanie felt momentarily surprised at Marcus's toast, but realized he was right. She was the happiest she'd ever been. She couldn't help but smile and turn to look at Kyle, who she saw was smiling as well. He looked up at her, his eyes conveying his sincerity, and the two of them immediately leaned in for a kiss.

The happiest we've ever been.

That definitely felt like the truth.

"I think that's a wonderful toast," Jess smiled, looking just as affected as she gazed into her husband's eyes. She raised her water bottle in the air. "Cheers."


Stephanie and Kyle both raised their champagne flutes along with Morgan and Marcus, all of them smiling as they thought about the bright futures ahead of them. Stephanie knew there were a lot of uncertainties ahead, and a part of her was scared for what her future held, but she was excited to start a new chapter with the love of her life.


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