《Da Capo》Chapter 5


While Kyle had been heartily against doing any sort of activity outside of his flat or his classes at the Royal Academy, his manager Reg seemed to have other ideas. On Monday the following week, some of the students and professors were apparently taking a day trip to the British Museum to see an exhibit about ancient musical instruments of Europe and Asia, and Reg strongly urged Kyle to go. The trip was free, and going on it meant Kyle could skip his masterclass for the day, so that was enough reason for him to agree.

Kyle had done only two masterclasses so far, and he honestly hoped he would warm up to them eventually, because right now he was having a rather miserable time. He wasn't accustomed to teaching a large group of students, especially when most of them just seemed starstruck by being in his presence. The few students who'd mustered up the courage to play for him were undeniably talented, but he wasn't sure if the constructive criticism he'd given them was going to help in any way.

Musicality was such a difficult concept to convey to someone, since so much of it was unique to the musician. Trying to translate it into words to a group of eager students who pretty much just wanted to take a selfie with him was difficult to say the least.

Kyle now waited with the small crowd of students and teachers in front of the Academy as the bus that would take them to the museum pulled up by the curb in front of them. Everybody was casting him furtive, eager glances while whispering to each other - Kyle didn't really like it when people did this, but he was used to it at this point in his career.

Everybody piled onto the bus, and Kyle followed, sitting by himself near the front and feeling glad that he didn't have to talk to anyone. He gazed out the window as the bus pulled out onto the street, his mind wandering back to his masterclass.

Thoughts of his class soon led to the red-haired violinist who had hijacked his first lesson last Monday, and who he'd run into again this past Saturday in the auditorium. She was apparently friends with Miss Zebrowsky, one of the music theory professors at the Academy, and he had overheard Miss Zebrowsky call her "Steph".

That must have been her name: Stephanie.

Kyle didn't know why that Stephanie woman annoyed him so much, but she did, and it almost pissed him off more with how much he was still thinking about her. The temerity she had to talk to him like that was nothing short of confounding - she clearly didn't know who he was in the classical music world. How could someone apparently attending the Royal Academy not have any idea who he was? While Kyle was never one who tried to use his fame to gain favor with people, it irritated him all the same that this one random red-haired woman was so dismissive of him.

Not that she matters or anything.

Kyle decided to push this Stephanie girl out of his mind for the time being. The last thing he wanted was to be wrapped up with yet another violinist.


The bus taking all the students and teachers to the British Museum was crowded and noisy, and Kyle could feel himself getting more and more annoyed as they moved through the city streets. Thankfully, however, the ride was pretty short as the bus soon pulled up to the front steps of the museum, and people immediately got out.

Kyle stepped off the bus , gazing up at the austere-looking building as the rest of the students came spilling out of the bus behind him, chattering amongst themselves.

"I thought I noticed you. What are you doing here?"

Kyle looked over and almost jumped upon seeing the red-haired woman herself standing beside him, gazing at him with her clear green eyes. It was hot out today, and she looked very summery and cute in a blue tank top and jean shorts, large sunglasses pushed up on her hairline. The word 'beautiful' crossed Kyle's mind, but quickly dismissed the thought.

"Bloody hell," he couldn't help but say, frowning at her. "What are you doing here?"

She raised an eyebrow at him. "I asked you first. Don't you have a class to teach on Monday mornings?"

"Technically yes," Kyle conceded. "But I can set the schedule however I want, and this day trip was free, so I figured I might as well take advantage of it. Is that why you're here?"

"Pretty much," she shrugged. The two of them began to make their way up the steps toward the museum. "My roommate had to work today, and I didn't really feel like practicing all morning, so I decided to come on this trip with the other students to kill some time."

The fact that she had a flatmate was rather interesting to Kyle, and then he remembered that teacher she was speaking to at the Academy on Saturday. "Is your flatmate Miss Zebrowsky?" he asked Stephanie, and she nodded.

"She and I went to college together, and we were in the same music programs," she explained. "But while Lydia went on to become a music teacher at a prestigious university, I got stuck at a boring HR job in Boston."

"Ah," Kyle said, smirking in realization. "So you aren't a student at the Academy at all, are you? You're just friends with one of the teachers and you're taking advantage of the practice rooms."

Stephanie stopped in her tracks, staring at him warily. Kyle stopped to look back at her, and felt a bubble of laughter creep up his chest seeing her look so nervous. "Um... I probably shouldn't have said that," she said, scratching the back of her head awkwardly.

"It's alright. I'm not going to tell on you or anything," Kyle said, and he continued his way up the steps toward the museum. He heard Stephanie begin to follow him. "But to be honest, I sort of already suspected you weren't a student. You're clearly not from around here, and it doesn't appear as if you've been attending classes. Also, you had no idea who I was."

"My goodness, what a tragedy," Stephanie said with a snarky sarcasm that made Kyle grin. "I didn't immediately recognize The Great Kyle Lancaster! How do I get around in the world?"


"So you do know who I am," Kyle pointed out as the two of them entered the museum. The interior atrium was an impressive circular space filled with beautiful dappled light, and Kyle and Stephanie followed a group of students toward the ancient musical instrument exhibit.

"Well, yeah. After Lydia explained it to me," Stephanie rolled her eyes, and Kyle had the inexplicable urge to laugh again. "You're a famous concert pianist, right?"

"I s'pose," Kyle said simply. A group of student girls walking ahead of them keep glancing over their shoulders at Kyle, giggling excitedly before turning back forward again. Kyle grimaced, not saying anything.

"That must get pretty annoying," Stephanie said, obviously noticing the girls giggling in front of them. "You probably love it, though," she added, causing Kyle now to roll his eyes.

"Bloody hell, you do like making assumptions about people, don't you?" he asked exasperatedly.

"Just with you," Stephanie smirked. "The first time I met you, you were judgemental about my violin playing. Forgive me if I think you're a bit stuck up."

"Well, you were interrupting my first ever masterclass," Kyle stated. "And you didn't leave when I asked you to. What else do you expect?"

"Well then, I deeply apologize for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, and that it inconvenienced you," Stephanie said sarcastically. "But don't tell me you were actually nervous to teach a class? Don't you perform piano for audiences all over the world?"

"I do, but I still get nervous sometimes. I'm human," Kyle shrugged. "Performing in front of hundreds or even thousands of people isn't exactly easy, and considering the fact I've never been a teacher before, naturally I was nervous about how I would do. The Royal Academy is a very prestigious university, and the students who attend it are the best of the best. I guess I just don't want to let them down."

Kyle hadn't planned on opening up like that, but the words just sort of came out. Thankfully, Stephanie didn't tease him again. "That's understandable, I guess," she said. "It's just hard to imagine people who perform in front of other people for a living getting nervous."

Kyle laughed. "It gets easier, I suppose. But you're right that it is strange."

The two of them continued wandering around the museum exhibit, looking at all the interesting displays of ancient musical instruments from various cultures throughout Europe and Asia. Kyle wasn't planning on having Stephanie here as his "museum companion", so to speak - he had expected to just look around the exhibit by himself, not really wanting to talk to anyone, but he honestly didn't mind having her with him. She was interesting company at least, and the other students thankfully didn't approach him seeing that he was in conversation with someone. That was definitely a bonus.

"So how are you liking the British Museum so far?" Kyle asked as they walked up to a display of ancient lutes and lyres. "Feeling a bit more cultured? Not that you would know what that is, as an American."

"Oh really?" Stephanie lobbed right back. "And you think I should be more British? Stuffy, boring, and pretentious?"

"Ouch," Kyle chuckled. "You can be pretty sharp when you want to be."

"Must be the American in me," Stephanie smirked at him before turning to look at the display before them. "They seem to have a lot of stringed instruments for this exhibit."

"Maybe we could try to find the violins," Kyle suggested.

"We should," Stephanie laughed. "When we first walked in, I actually saw a sign for a display about luthiers. Maybe I'll check that out while we're here."

"You're interested in luthiers?" Kyle asked with a smile, and Stephanie nodded eagerly. "My uncle is actually a luthier. He owns an instrument shop here in the city called Lancaster's."

"Really? That's so cool," Stephanie smiled, her eyes shining. "Maybe I'll stop by there, I've actually been meaning to get my bow rehaired while I'm in London."

"I'll let my uncle know who you are so he'll give you a discount," Kyle said, and Stephanie blinked in surprise. He didn't know why he was trying to be nice to her, but something inside of him was urging him to be. He wasn't really sure what to think about that.

Before Stephanie could say anything, however, Kyle saw a familiar person hurrying toward them. His stomach dropped.

"Oh God," he murmured, glancing away.

"Kyle! There you are," Reg smiled as he approached, stopping in front of them. "I tried calling your phone but you weren't picking up."

Reg glanced at Stephanie curiously, and Kyle felt himself blush for some reason. He gestured to her. "Reg, this is Stephanie. Stephanie, this is my manager Reg."

"Hi, nice to meet you," Stephanie said politely, shaking his hand.

"You too, Stephanie," Reg said, gazing at her with scrutiny. "Are you with the Academy?"

"She is," Kyle piped up before Stephanie could say anything. "She's with the violin program."

"Oh, splendid," Reg smiled at her before turning back to Kyle. "Kyle, I apologize for interrupting your day out, but this is important. The curator of the British Museum learned that you're here today, and he would like to take a picture with you to help promote the musical instrument exhibit. Darren Henley is apparently coming by and will be promoting it as well."

Kyle felt his spirits fall a bit, not expecting to be forced to do press today. Taking promotional photos tended to take an inordinate amount of time, and he probably wouldn't have time to see the rest of the exhibit. "Do I have to?"

"Yes Kyle, and I'm sorry. It's all sorted out already," Reg said, gesturing for Kyle to follow him. "We're set to meet the curator in about fifteen minutes, and I don't want us to be late."

Kyle grimaced before letting out a sigh, glancing over at Stephanie, who was looking at him. "Sorry, but I have to go and do this. I'll see you later?"

"Yeah, sure," she said, still gazing at him. She offered him a small smile. "Have fun at your photoshoot."

"I'll try," Kyle snorted skeptically, and with that he followed Reg out of the exhibit, strangely wishing that he could spend the rest of the day with Stephanie.

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