《~His Hufflepuff~ Draco Malfoy》~11~



It's was Girls Day Out. Girls Day was the rare occurrence in the trio that none of them had anything planned. Like dates, flirting, other friends to hang out with. No one had asked them to go to Hogsmeade with them so they decided that they would go with eachother.

That's not true actually.

Astrid was asked to go on multiple occasions but didn't understand that they were asking her on a date and said that she already had plans with her girl friends. Which actually, come to think about it, the number of boys that talked to her was increasingly depleting ever since she became friends with Draco. What a weird coincidence...

Rhea never went with anyone or invited anyone to go with her to Hogsmeade. As she preferred flirting with girls that were on a date and/or pick up a girl to snog behind The Hogs Head.

But Daisy actually got asked by one of the Weasley twins but didn't tell the other girls cause she didn't want to make them feel like she was leaving them for a boy. So she declined but at least told him why and said next time.

As the girls walked through the snow covered cottage town, they talked and laughed as the pointed out different things. The trio of girls walked into the busy pub, The Three Broomsticks. Sitting at the plush sitting booth, they talked about the things happening at school.

"So..what's been happening, say I don't know...Draco?" Daisy asked, acting innocent so she could get a straight answer.

"Oh! We went to the Astronomy tower and talked about life and stuff. It's was really fun!" Astrid said excitedly as she recalled the memories of a few nights ago.

Her two friends gave eachother a look that made her tilt her head in confusion and ask, "What's with that look? This is like the fourth time you've done that!" Her friends just shrugged and sipped their tea-butter beers, I meant butter beer. Astrid gave them a weird look before shrugging to herself a drank some of her on.


As their conversation continued, Daisy seemed to be distracted by something. Or someone... When Astrid and Rhea looked over to where she was looking. Over in the corner, they saw one of the Weasley twins, Fred maybe, looking over at them as the other, probably George, teasing him about something. When he saw that he was caught by the girls friends, he quickly looked away to his brother that was nudging him.

It was Astrids turn to look smugly at Daisy with the help of Rhea. Her cheeks became darker as she muttered "shut up" to them around her breathe making the other two laugh loudly.

As time went on, Rhea ended up finding a Ravenclaw girl that had just been broken up with her boyfriend and was seeking some kind of attention. So Rhea ended up leaving with the poor girl and was probably having... 'fun times' with her behind the Hogs Head.

Daisy stayed for a bit before she was called over by the Weasley twins but she was reluctant to leave her fellow Hufflepuff alone but after some convincing, she left with a big smile on her face as she was going to see her favorite twins, *cough* Fred *cough*.

So Astrid was left alone. Which was fine for her because despite her very happy and outgoing personality, she enjoyed being alone sometimes, that she part of the reason she loved the sanctum so much. She liked being alone with her thoughts even if they ran wild some times.

She walked to the snowy clearing, one with the perfect view of the Shrieking Shack. It was a large clearing that normally was filled with grass and flowers. She brought some of her creatures over here so that they could roll around and frolic in the flowers instead of laying in the cool shade of the tall spruce trees.


As she walked down the white path she heard screaming. Very girly screaming. She stopped when she saw three boys dressed in black winter clothes running away from the place she was walking to. As they ran passed her in fear, she saw who they were. Draco, Crabbe, and someone from Slytherin that he didn't know.

She couldn't say anything to them as they ran passed her so fast and probably didn't even see her. Her hair blends in easily.

Confused about what she just saw, she turned slowly to the clearing and walk slowly to it. When she got there, she saw that Ron and Hermione were looking just as confused about what just happened.

She walked up to them and stood next to Hermione, "Hey guys...what just happened?"

They didn't say anything as the tassels on Ron knitted hat wiggled up and down before a thick piece of Hermione's hair wagged side to side. Astrid felt both of her face cheeks being poked and pinched. She giggled when she realized who it was, "Harry!"

The boy in question pulled something off his head making him visible again as he laughed at their reactions as the girls giggled along with him. "Bloody hell Harry..that was not funny!" But he gave in and laughed along with them.

"Harry, how did you do that?" The hufflepuff asked after her giggles had subsided.

"Invisibility cloak. It was a gift from my dad!" He said happily as he smiled at her, probably from giggling.

The four of them continued to talk and hang outside till their noses and cheeks become red and cold, making them want to go back into the warm castle. Astrid was glad that Girls Day Out ended like this.

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