《~His Hufflepuff~ Draco Malfoy》~9~



The two of them sat on the blankets that covered the ground, one of them covering Astrid's bare legs since she hadn't expected to be going anywhere except to sleep. The pair had been sitting in front of the open window for a couple of hours talking about the day, Astrid pointing out all the stars and constellations that she had memorized over the years, Draco only could point his own constellation, the one he was named after as that was the only one he had learned growing up.

Then they started talking about theirs families and parents. Draco spoke fondly of his mother and proudly of his dad, saying that his father was sometimes hard in him but the teen knew that he wanted him the best for him. When he about Astrids mother she replied with, "Well you know that my mom is the charms teacher. She can be scary at times but she is a very nice person and as sacrificed a lot for me to be here." She smiles at the thought of her mother.

"And what about your father?" He asked

This made her freeze. She hadn't talked about her father with anyone except Rhea and Daisy. After what happened...

Draco seemed to sense the tenseness his question had caused and quickly said, "You don't have t-"

"No, I want to. You told me about your family so I'll talk about mine." She took a deep breath before starting, "When my mom got pregnant with me, my father, even though he practically just a sperm donator, he left my mom and me. Her and I were alone until, when I was two, my mother brought home Zach. He was a tall man with dark brown hair and scruffy beard that fit him very well. He was the nicest person I had ever met. When he and my mom got married and they had my little sister, Niko, he didn't considered me his step-daughter and I never considered him my stepdad. I was his daughter and he was my dad. My dad used to say, "Kindness is not a option but it is seen as a weakness to weak people." He was the best. Then when I was ten, the year before I came to Hogwarts, some people broke into our house. Death Eaters. They killed him in front of me. Luckily, some Aurors from the ministry came and got them but they couldn't save Zach." She sniffled before smiling and chuckling, trying to get rid of the sadness that filled her face.


"Ok but enough of that!" Draco could still feel the lingering sadness on the girl sitting next to him as she was trying to distract herself by looking up at the stars and giggling ever so often but he didn't bring it up. He know what it was like to feel wrong in a right world and have no one to be with in those times. So he would be there for her when she needed.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" The sound of her soft, airy voice snapped him out of his trance as he looked at her. Her clear skin seemed to glow in the light of the lanterns, the thick white hair that had fallen out of her bun was tucked behind her ear so he had a unobscured view of her face as she looked up at the stars above.


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