《Another Me? COMPLETE/EDITING [Book 1 of Mangle series]》12.


I walked down the hall heading to the Night guard when I heard whispers. "Huh?" I asked myself and looked around and there standing was none other then Funtime Foxy! "Funtime Foxy!" I screeched, grabbing her wrist. She smiled and hugged me. "I-I found you!" She laughed and I led her down the hall, toward the stage.

I leaned against the back wall all nonchalant and crossed my arms. I was smart enough to keep enough distance from the other animatronics unless they came to me, especially Marionette. "Alright so here's the pla-" Goldie started then Freddy came in. "Guys!" He practically shouted. I looked up to see...Funtime Foxy? I never knew what she looked like but her eyes looked a little different from an animatronics eyes. They were tinted red and she turned to me right away, a smile plastered on her face. "Springtrap?" She asked. Marionette told her about me while I stood there, watching Funtime Foxy.

Golden Freddy came over to me and elbowed me. "Hey!" I grumbled. "Why did you just suddenly decide to help us?" He growled and I rubbed my left shoulder, remembering how he crushed them. "Ugh...I just wanted to." I shrugged and looked away. "Mhm." Goldie crossed his arms and looked at me skeptically. "Hey just be happy I did because I can change my mind just as quick!" I snapped back. Goldie snickered and disappeared. Funtime Foxy walked up to me next.

"Hi Spring-Sprang!" She waved. I falsely waved and nodded my head in greeting. Funtime Foxy stood in front of me and I shifted uncomfortably. She got closer to my face and growled, her face plates opening slightly. And I thought I was frightening. "Hey Funtime Foxy," I murmured. She looked at me, confused. "There's only one person that calls me Spring-Sprang." I leaned in closer to her face until her face was only two inches apart. "I know who you are." I whispered.


"Ew, you two are kissing!" I looked down annoyed to see BB standing there. "What? No I-!" But it was to late. "Hey guys Springtrap and Funtime Foxy are kissing!" He yelled and every one looked at me. I shoved Funtime Foxy away and stood right behind BB. Puppet crossed his arms and smirked. "BB...I'm gonna kill you!" I kicked him and he practically flew across the room. "Plus we didn't kiss are lips weren't even touching you idiot!" I shouted. Goldie teleported in confused.

"Nope." He said, disappearing.

"Well this just got weird." Mangle exclaimed as she ran on the ceiling. Funtime Foxy hugged me from behind. "Ahhh get off me!" I shouted angrily as I swung around, pushing her off. "TOLD YOU!" BB shouted from across the room. If I could blush I would. "No I was telling her-" I stopped. I couldn't tell them, yet. "Aww come on Springy..." I heard Funtime Foxy coo. I ignored her and facepalmed. "Puppet." I called, walking into the Game room.

I waited for Marionette as he floated in and he defiantly didn't want to be there with me. "I know you hate me and crap but I need to tell you someth-" Before I could finish explaining Funtime Foxy was shouting my name. "I'll tell you later." I whispered. He didn't look amused and escaped to his box.

"What?" I growled. I stopped, seeing that Freddy was thrown onto the stage, unconscious. "Wha-what did you do?" I shouted, anger boiling inside me. "He challenged me, telling me that I wasn't myself..." the other's stood all huddled in a group, looking terrified. I stood in front of them and growled, the only time I wish I had my knife that was, unfortunately, still in the Safe room. I watched Freddy stir a little and Funtime Foxy held him down with one foot. "Now why don't we play a little game...shall we?"

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