《Another Me? COMPLETE/EDITING [Book 1 of Mangle series]》10.


I had had enough with Foxy's crap! I appeared behind him and punched him in the head, making him black out. I caught Foxy and practically threw him to the ground. "Golden Freddy are you OK?" Freddy asked me as I looked down at the russet colored fox. "Yes I'm fine, Freddy." I looked up to see Marionette sit Toy Freddy down and walk over to me. He put his hand on my shoulder. "Thank you." He said then turned to Mangle who was barley conscious. I looked at my ripped arm and grunted at the sight of it. Walking out, I made my way toward the kitchen.

I couldn't believe what just happened. I hugged Chica tighter and she pulled away so she could go up to Mangle. "Mangle...?" She asked quietly. No response. Marionette waved to Toy Bonnie and Toy Chica. "Take Foxy to the Parts and Service room, lock the door." He commanded. The couple nodded and grabbed Foxy, heaving him to the Parts and service room. Chica ran to the kitchen, probably to relive some stress.

I walked into the dark kitchen and seen Chica making pizza, Goldie standing there repairing his arm. "Chica, you alright?" I asked. Chica turned toward me. "Well of course I am." She smiled and I knew she couldn't be sadder.

I opened my eyes and seen Marionette leaning over me, connecting some wires back together. "There." He murmured to himself. I sat up to see I was on the stage then all the memories came flooding back and I growled at the sight of Toy Freddy. Oh man, I ripped off his ear? I asked myself as I seen the small bear sitting down and rubbing his head. I felt immediately bad but I still hated him. "Thanks Puppet." I sighed and got up, clinging to the ceiling. Oh man I'm an idiot because of course Toy Freddy wouldn't take her, plus it was a animatronic hand I seen take her. Sighing I made my way to Toy Freddy who put his hands up in defense. "I'm sorry." I simply exclaimed, landing on the table beside him. The clock read "Obviously it couldn't have been you because I seen a glimpse of a purple animatronic hand take her." Toy Freddy put his hands down and stared curiously at me. "Purple?"



"Oh, well I'm sorry for being such a jerk." The withers heard this and smiled. Marionette floated back to his box after fixing Mangle and sunk into his box then it struck

I heard the Parts and service room door open to reveal Freddy, Bonnie, and Chica walk in silently as I had heard the clock outside. Stupid Puppet, stupid Springtrap, stupid Golden- I was distracted by Freddy. "Look we know your angry at them but our top priority is getting Funtime Foxy back!" I heard Freddy but didn't listen. The brown bear crossed his arms and rolled his blue eyes, leaning against a wall and closing his eyes. I'll get revenge and save Funtime Foxy.

I listened to the kids outside as they gathered around my box. Grabbing a stuffed blue Bonnie I popped out of my box. "What's your name?" I asked a little girl who had long ginger hair and green eyes, maybe around 8. "Lora!" The girl answered in her high pitched voice. "We'll hear you go Lora!" Then the rest of the day I pretty much handed out plushies to every kid. Like everyday.

I almost yelped as a kid pulled my tail off and placed it where my bow tie would be. Stupid toddler. Suddenly a little boy with light brown hair and blue eyes walked over to me. He reminds me of Toy Freddy. The kid was maybe around 9 and had a blue t-shirt with a printed on red bow tie and even held a Toy Freddy plushie! "Gabe let's go!" His, must be Mother, shouted but the little boy protested. "No I wanna stay here!" He then poked my eye and I couldn't take it any more at how much he looked like Toy Freddy, annoying and bossy. I made a huge mistake at this point. A faint growl escaped my throat and Gabe looked at me more curiously, bending down as he tried to pull off my extra head. That's it! I snapped.

How curious, that boy kinda reminds me of, well, me. I thought and I could tell the others thought the same as we performed our usual singing routine every. Single. Day until we heard a snap. I jumped and immediately stopped singing and the humans couldn't hear it so they thought I just stopped but no, it was Mangle. Despite the humans looking at me I turned to Toy Bonnie with a questioning look stamped onto my smiling robotic face. Toy Chica was the only one aloud to walk around so when she was serving pizza she looked up. "Um I'll be right back!" She said in her usual cherry voice.


Being very close to Mangle's room I could hear the snap. It was when I was handing a little black haired boy a stuffed Toy Foxy. Earlier I had given a little boy that reminded me of Toy Freddy a Toy Freddy plushie. When screams were heard I dropped the Toy Foxy plushie I was holding and the boy scooped it up as I disappeared quickly into my box. Mangle...I thought.

I strolled into Kid's Cove expecting to see toddlers and kids pulling poor Mangle apart but instead I opened my blue eyes to see a kid laying on the floor, frontal lobe bit off and the kid bleeding. Badly. If I could be sick I would so I quickly walked out when the screams started. I gave Toy Freddy a look that said 'You don't wanna know.'

I recognized the look Toy Chica gave me and I gulped. Watching as policemen rushed in I seen the boy they were carrying out. The one that look like me. We then pretended to shut down as everyone had left quickly and that night it wasn't better.

I practically flew out of my box, rushing to the stage as the withers got up and out of the Parts and Service room. I was breathing heavily as Toy Freddy looked at me like 'I seen him.' "We need to find Mangle!" I breathed in and we cautiously walked over to Kid's Cove. I stood in the doorway and was about to step in when Mangle screamed and appeared right in my face then flinched back.

"So-Sorry Marionette." She looked hurt. "What. Did. You. Do?" I contained my anger and seen she had blood stained teeth. "They-they'll scrap us MANGLE!" I shouted in her face. Mangle flinched back and dropped to the floor. Foxy tried to push me but Golden Freddy held him back with amazing strength. Foxy turned to cut lose of Goldie's grip and he whisper-yelled. "Cut me and I'll put you out of order permanently." I turned away and pushed through the group of the animatronics and went into my box other wise I probably would have attacked Mangle.

The others stared at Mangle, shocked and scared. I shook my head and let go of Foxy them stood in front of Mangle. "Hey don't look at her like that..." I knew Mangle was recalling what I had told her. "She's not the only one who's had blood stained teeth..." Freddy first spoke. "The Bite of '83" he muttered. I jumped and looked stunned. "H-how do you know that?" I asked, very confused. "Puppet told me before." Freddy mumbled. The others looked as confused as me. "I thought that was only a myth." Foxy commented, hugging Mangle. I shook my head. "No it's not, that's why the first diner was closed." I spoke louder. They were all silent until I disappeared. What Did I just do?

I opened my eyes slowly to see I was in a very dark room with one single little light. "Ah your awake." A low voice echoed through the room. "Where am I?" Suddenly remembering who ever took me lured me into the shadows. "You'll find out soon enough." The voice chuckled and I cringed at how the laugh shattered through me.


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