《Another Me? COMPLETE/EDITING [Book 1 of Mangle series]》4.


I stared into the darkness of the room. "How could they do this to me!" I shouted. I knew no one could hear me and no one would come. "Stupid Marionette, I will get revenge on him someday! But what about Fredbear? Oh I guess they call him Golden Freddy now, whatever. He was my closest friend but he had to betray me!" Oh snap out of it your talking to yourself now! I would have to find a way out or perhaps I could kidnap an animatronic? No that would be to easy! I want a little fun and games included. Only two animatronics know about this room, of course! Smiling I leaned against the wall, closing my eyes in thought.

I looked up at the clock. it read. Foxy was speaking to Chica and Freddy was leaning against a wall, talking to Bonnie. The toy's were over on the stage. I rolled my one golden eye as Toy Freddy talked about the Withered. Mari was just standing by a table, deep in thought. As for me? Well I hung upside down in the corner of the stage, avoiding the other toy's. Am I really a piece scrap? Useless, uncared for? I thought as I decided to try talk to the other toy's. "Hey guys!" I cheered as I hung upside down beside them. Toy Freddy turned around and glared at me. Geez what's his problem? Toy Bonnie avoided my gaze and TC tried her best to not acknowledge me. "What do you want, Mangle?" Toy Freddy hissed. "I-I was just bored; thought I'd come over." Toy Bonnie shifted his gaze once I caught him looking at me. "We-well shouldn't you piece of..." I could tell Toy Bonnie really didn't want to say it. "Piece of scrap be in the Parts and service room?" Toy Freddy snickered and TC chuckled slightly.


I noticed Mari had caught our conversation but before he could reach us a yellow bear appeared in front of Mangle. He turned to the Toy's and growled. "What's your problem, bear?" The toy's looked taken back and a little frightened at the sight of the bear. "Uh-um." Toy Freddy stuttered and I stifled a laugh at his cowardice. "Fred-Golden Freddy I'll take care of this." Puppet exclaimed as he reached us. The golden bear nodded and disappeared. "Just because Mangle is well, mangled doesn't mean she isn't a different animatronic." He explained to the toy's. Toy Freddy crossed his arms and smirked. "But we don't want a animatronic scaring the children!" He argued as he gave me a sick glare.

"Deal with it teddy." Marionette retorted before walking off leaving Toy Freddy's mouth agape. I watched as the withered snickered and laughed at what Mari just said and I grinned at the toy's before slinking away. "Hey Mangle!" Foxy greeted as I looked very happy. "Hey guys, what's up!" Freddy smiled and Bonnie waved. Chica just sat there, staring off into space. "Wow we heard what Mari said." Freddy chuckled. "Yeah, defiantly showed Toy Freddy!" Foxy smirked and I blushed. Ugh he's so cute! What no what am I saying? "Well I'll be going now..." I trailed off as it struck 6 A.M as the withered trotted off.

I sighed and lay motionless as the children came in. They smiled and greeted me even thought I did not move. Stupid toddlers. I growled then I remembered what Marionette told us a few days before we opened up. "Don't hurt children; or we'll be scrapped." It was so hard not to hurt a child as I felt my ear being pulled off and attached to my shoulder. I could just see Marionette giving a stuffed Freddy out to a little girl. Must be nice to move around! I thought as another kid pulled off my finger. I flinched and the kid stared at me for a second. "Woah did you see him move?" Him? Excuse me I'm a GIRL! "Probably just glitched. " A older kid shrugged and walked away from me.


I heard a knock at my box. I shifted and opened up to see Mangle hanging above the box. "Oh hey Mang!" I smiled and opened my box only to hear the music box. "Stupid Night guard." Then I shrunk back down in my box.

I growled as the music went off. Making my way to the stage I seen Toy Bonnie awake. "Uh, Hey Mang!" I ignored him and he looked hurt. "Sorry about Toy Freddy..." he trailed off and I looked at him. A loud static noise came from me and I covered my mouth. Why couldn't I speak? "Mang?" It was Foxy as he walked out of the Parts/service room. I shrugged sadly and made my way to Foxy. Dropping into his arms I closed my eyes, resting a little.

"Where's Marionette?" Freddy asked, not looking at the Toy's. "In his box." Mangle murmured. "Oh." Freddy shrugged and crossed his arms, leaning against a wall.

Marionette could hear someone outside his box and he peeked out the lid to see Goldie. "Goldie?" He asked. "Once I kill the Night Guard can you fix the withered?" Marionette nodded. "Of course but I can't get out unless you do." Goldie was then gone.

I walked out of the game room. "Hey Golden-" Freddy started but I walked past them, making my way down the hall ignoring them all. "OK?" I heard Freddy say to Foxy. Something isn't right. I appeared in the Night guards office and rolled my eyes as he squawked. "Uh...h-hi Goldie?" Only night two wow. I thought before waking up and he screamed, grabbing his shoulders I stared right at him.

He knows I'm here. I thought as I laughed. "It won't be long now I just have to wait for Mangle to make a stupid move." I grinned and laughed more. I will come back.

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