《Another Me? COMPLETE/EDITING [Book 1 of Mangle series]》Prolouge


I awoke with a jolt. Where was I, and why do I feel so different...? He thought as he tried to stand up but his legs failed him and he fell back down onto the ground. I sighed and looked up. It was pretty dark in here, was anyone else here? Trying to speak I moved my arms back only to discover my left arm was missing. "AhA-AH~" I screeched as it came out as a high pitched glitch. Shifting was suddenly heard in the room and I made out the silhouette as, Freddy!?

"Wha-Bonnie...?" I heard Freddy and seen him turn my way. He was barley damaged with only a few wires sticking out here and there with a few holes in his suit. After my, well my used-to-be-eyes- adjusted to the dark I scanned the room. "We must be in the Parts and Service room." Freddy said as if he read my mind. Clanking sounded on the wall behind Freddy and he turned around to see Foxy. I curiously cocked my head as I couldn't move to see a russet furred fox standing up, scrapping his hook against the wall. "Aye mate, what happened here?" He asked, looking curiously at Freddy then to me.

"Mmm can Yo-u gu-ys KeEp it down Pl...e.e.ase?" A female voice echoed across the room. "Chi-ca." I looked toward the chicken who stood up slowly, arms extended out. She gasped and stared at me, along with Freddy and Foxy. "Wha-what?" I gulped had felt for my face to only find it wasn't there.

That's when I screeched.

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