《messages // frerard》conversation twenty seven


Frank's POV (normally I do 3rd POV but I'm lazy so)

I'm hungry.

Lately, I've been craving for some sweets such as Nutella, cupcakes, cake, brownies, basically anything that looks delicious. I want to shove every single treat into my mouth without choking to death, but at the same time i can't at all. The thing is; I absolutely hate Nutella, cupcakes, and cake. I know I look like a picky 5 year old who can study the food to see if there's anything wrong with it, but trust me I'm more mature than that. I know there's many other options like chocolate bars, cotton candy, or candy.


Hey, it's been awhile since I messaged Gerard, I think I should text him and ask how's he doing because it's been almost a week since we've talked. I glance over to my phone that was on the wooden table and grabbed it with my hands, putting in my password and instantly pressing on the kik app.

frnkiiero: hey, sorry it's been awhile I guess you're busy with stuff but anyways I love you bb

No response, just left on read

frnkiiero: hey, you alright?


frnkiiero: hello ?? okay, Gerard that's it you better spill it.

jurardway: I think we need to break up.


Instagram: spookyhometown

Tumblr: danlestervevo

snapchat: killjoysvevo

Quotev: planetarygo

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