《messages // frerard》conversation seventeen


"Gerard, please i wanna sleep," Frank groans in a tired tone, "and its 5:23 am, my wake-up time is 1 pm now leave me alone."

"Frank, your plane leaves in two hours," Gerard tells him, "can you please get up, for me?" Frank slowly forces his head up and faces Gerard, who was giving him puppy eyes. "No." He says strictly and drops his face on the comfy pillow again, grabbing the blanket over his head.

Gerard lets out a deep sigh and shakes his head, chuckling at Frank's actions. He carefully jumps on the bed and crawls to Frank's body slowly, then engulfs him with his arms. "You know, Frankie," Gerard starts, "If you get up I'll buy you some coffee." A smirk forms on Gerard's face when he feels Frank getting up.

"OKAY LETS GO YOU OLD GRANDMA!" Frank yells loudly, pushing Gerard off of him and heads to the door. The boy on the bed just laughs at Frank quietly, shaking his head as he gets up.

Frank is ruining Gerard's life in many ways he cant explain.

**Time Skip bc im lazy**

"Im gonna miss you, Gerard." Frank whispers, sending shivers down Gerard's spine. The tall boy bites his bottom lip, holding salty tears from his eyes. "Im gonna miss you too, Frank." He whispers back, sadly. "We'll see each other soon, right?" Frank asks him, breaking up the tight hug and grabs his bags. Gerard nods.

Frank gives Gerard a warm smile, taking a step towards him and pecks Gerard's cheek. Instantly, his cheeks turns bright red.

Flight to New Jersey is now open

Frank turns around and starts heading to the airplane, glancing at Gerard for the last time. As, he begins walking he hears a yell behind him. "Frank!" Frank glances to see who was calling his name, it was Gerard.


"What is it, Gee?" He asks, getting really confused. "I-I-" Gerard stutters, his eyes getting wider every second. "You what?" A pair of soft lips slams on Frank's, a sweet coffee taste on the lips.

Fireworks explodes in Frank's stomach, thoughts and feelings swirls in his mind as his lips touches Gerard's. Frank slowly pulls away, his eyes staring into Gerard's hazel eyes.

"Frank, Im so sorry I-" Frank breaks the sentence by pressing his lips against Gerard's, before running into the plane.

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