《messages // frerard》conversation eleven pt.2


Frank, Mikey, and Ray finally arrived at the hospital after an hour drive there. Frank swings the car's door open and takes a deep breath of the fresh air, glad that the drive is over. Mikey and Ray opens their doors and quickly closes it. "Frank, you need to close the door you're sleeping season is over now." Ray tells him harshly. Frank raises his eyebrows at him, putting a hand on his hip and holds one finger up. "You can't tell me what to do you're not my mother." He says sassily and wiggles his finger at Ray while saying that.

They heard a snort behind them and Frank was the first one to see who is was. "Mikey, really?" Mikey just shrugs his shoulders, acting like he doesn't know. "It was funny." He admits. Frank just rolls his eyes and slams the car door. "Rude." He jokes, starting to walk to the hospital.

Mikey and Ray decided to stay in the waiting room while Frank goes to Gerard's room. After getting the room number and floor Frank zooms to the room faster than sonic and quickly runs to the elevator. Frank pushes the number to go to the floor and patiently waits. He finally bends down and takes a few deep breaths from the running and his small anxiety.

Is this too early to meet him?

Does he even like me?

Will he hate me?

Is he okay?

And his hugest one he can't stop thinking about that gives him chest pains.

Will he remember me?

That question makes Frank's heart shatter into two huge pieces of his heart, a tint of hint and pain in his stomach, and sadness in his dreamy eyes. After a minute of questioning twirling in his mind he hears the elevator's little Frank darts out of the small space room and takes a small stroll to Gerard's room, looking at every door for the right number.


64.. no

69.. no

75... no

80... no

87.. right door!

Frank unlocks the wooden door, his hand rapidly shaking from anxiety and sweaty too. The short boy finally builds up some balls and finally opens the door fully, looking at the depressed boy. Gerard Arthur Way, the 20 year old guy he has been talking to for almost 4 months on kik, sleeping on the hospital's bed helpless. Frank looks to the right and sees a guy with a brown quiff hairstyle next to the sleeping body. "That's probably Brendon." Frank tells himself, walking toward Brendon.

Frank taps Brendon's shoulder gently. "Are you Brendon Urine?"

Brendon silently laughs "It's Urie."

After two hours of talking to Brendon, Frank learned a lot about him. He learned that Brendon is 19 and he is living with his fiancé Ryan in Florida and he had to take a plane to get here after hearing the terrible news about Gerard. He also learned that Brendon and Gerard were best friends in elementary school but slowly drifted away after 8th grade started, but around the end of their senior years they became best friends again.

Frank deeply sighs from exhaustion, running his hands in his long ass hair, combing it nicely. Frank glances at Gerard tiredly. Gerard recently just dyed his hair bright red, it looks really good in Frank's opinion, a skinny body that is more skinny than Frank's. He wonders if Gerard starves himself to death, now Frank is more worried than before.

"You tired?" Brendon asks him quietly, sipping his hot coffee slowly. Frank shakes his head, looking at Gerard for the 1000th time today. Frank instantly nods after thinking about it. "Yeah, I'm exhausted." Brendon simply nods. "I'm probably going to take a quick nap." Frank tells him "Tell me when Gerard wakes up." Brendon just gives him a small 'okay' before Frank swiftly falls asleep.


"I-Is that F-Frank?"

"Yes, it is, Gerard."

"Oh my god.. This isn't the time to meet him."

"Gerard, he literally spent almost 8 hours to see you and your brother paid for him too."

"And he really wanted to see you."

There was a loud sigh "Fine."

Frank hears a smile. "Alright, he is sleeping so don't wake him up."

"Of course I won't he looks like a fucking kitten when he sleeps."

And that was when Frank finally woke up from his deep slumber.

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