《"I'm Fine" || TomTord Fanfic》13-Just A dream


Tord woke up, and gasped. He looked around, he was in the alleyway

Tord hugged his knees, and teared up. "That was all a dream..?..Tom.. everything..?"

Tord let's out a small sob and begins to cry. Tord began to scream, not even caring if people heard or not.

"NO! NO GOD NO! THAT CANT BE A GOD DAMN TOMMIE!? TOMMIE!!! WHERE ARE YOU!? THIS CANT BE A DREAM!" Tord covers his mouth so that way he won't scream anymore.

"But... I was awake..."

"I saw Edd...Matt...Tom.."

"I was in the hospital..."

"That was all a "

Tord silently began to cry more. "No..God no..."

Tord stood up, and wiped the tears from his eyes, and lifted his sleeve, cuts still spilled all over his arms, hair still messy, and still looked stressed.

It was all a dream

Tord pulled his sleeve down and started to walk out of the alleyway and looked around, and people gave him disgusted looks.

The usual.

Tord pulled his hood up and started to walk around, and bumped into someone.


Tom smiled.

He didn't look angry.

He looked happy.

Tord started to step back, and Tom walked closer to Tord and pulled him close. Tord gasp, and Tom pressed his lips onto Tords.

Tords eyes widen in shock.

Tord was confused.

Tord was scared.

What's going on?

Tord looked at Tom. "Tom..what's going on?"

Tom chuckled and kept Tord close to him. "It was all a

Then Tom faded away.

Tord fell on his knees.

Was he hallucinating? Was he alive? Awake? What's going on?

What's going on?

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