《Ninjago: the Daughter of the Overlord》Chapter 1: The End and the Beginning


Their comes a time in life when you have to grow up, it feels like it comes in an instant and you don't have time to prepare. When left alone in the world who do you turn to, what feeling is left?



"please sit over there"

"here's your order"

"someone go to table 3"

"Aria can you get it"


Aria smiles to the costumers "welcome, can I get your order"

'curse my ability to hear other's thoughts' Aria sighs

After she gets the costumer's orders she walks to the counter and puts it in. Aria Lord, currently 16 years old, formerly 10. It's a long story, don't ask about it. Aria finishes the dishes as she feels a surge of dark power in Ninjago. Not too long ago everyone had to evacuate because of stone warriors, now what?

Everyone heads outside and looks up into the sky to see a beam of light. Everyone was saying how it must've been the ninja returning and they all looked happy. Aria closed her eyes and she could feel a large dark presence.

"about time" Aria takes a couple steps forward "it took him long enough, I was getting tired of this boring city"

The Garmatron appears from the beam of light and everyone runs away but Aria. The Overlord laughs as he infects Ninjago City with Dark Matter.

"Daddy!" Aria shouts

"huh" the overlord turns and faces her

Aria puts a hand on her hip looking annoyed

"who are you?" the overlord growls "why do you stand there?!"

"You old geezer" Aria jumps up onto the Garmatron with ease "are you getting blind?! I'm Aria, your daughter, you've been sending me gold from the dark island to pawn off for money!"

"huh.." the Overlord stares at her "can't be, my daughter's 10"

"check again, I got stuck in a comic store with the ninja and a grundle "Aria sighs "the ninja used some weird thing to turn themselves and the Grundle older, but I got caught in it too"

"hm, a test to make sure" the Overlord says "if you're my daughter then you'll survive getting hit with dark matter"

"good enough for me" Aria jumps down in front of the cannon "come on dad, shoot"

"forget it, you're definitely my daughter" the Overlord says "you've got the same recklessness as your mother"

"I'll take that as a compliment daddy" Aria laughs and jumps back onto the Garmatron "what took you so long?"

"A prophecy takes a long time to act you know" the Overlord growls

"So, speed it up next time" Aria sits down

"I didn't think i raised a brat" the Overlord grumbles

"right" Aria smirks "because you didn't raise me at all"

"I-" the Overlord stops "hey you're distracting me!"

"Hm?" Aria looks at her nails "distracting you?"

"You sure are my little princess" the Overlord grumbles "what's with the outfit you're wearing?!"

"I was at work" Aria looks at him bored

"Isn't the gold I give you enough, you own a mansion in Ninjago and you own a castle in the kingdom!" the Overlord shouts "what else do you need?!"

"A life" Aria replies

"very funny" the Overlord hits the button and shoots more dark matter out

"ooo" Aria stands up and walks over "a button"

"no" the Overlord says

"I just wanna push it" Aria puts her hand over it

"no" The Overlord grabs her hand "princess I love you, but stop annoying me while i'm trying to take over the realm"


"hehe" Aria rubs the back of her head "sorry daddy"

"be useful princess" the Overlord places his helmet on Aria's head "go command the army"

"yes!" Aria cheers

"I must complete my transformation" the overlord tells her "you keep an eye on things alright"

"got it" Aria jumps off the Garmatron

The Overlord heads off on his own as Aria runs around the city commanding the Stone Warriors to begin construction on the new city. She soon hears the roar of a dragon, she looks up to see her father now in his true form, a dragon. He was shooting dark matter at a small dragon and a mech.

"damn it" Aria curses "the ninja"

Aria runs up in front of the Stone Warriors

"hey! to the tower now!" Aria orders "protect your master"

As the Stone Warriors move to the tower they begin firing at the ninja. Once they all arrived at the tower Aria ran half way up the stairs and stood there watching. The Green Ninja's mech landed where the stone warriors were and began fighting them.

"Time to bring out the big buttons" Lloyd slashes at a group of Stone Warriors "Ninja—" The mech's arm gets shot off.

Aria looks over to see evilized Nya laughing and keeps shooting at the mech until it falls over.

"dark matter is some really powerful stuff" Aria mumbles

With the Green Ninja pinned down, the Ninja jump off the Ultra Dragon to fend off the advancing Stone Army. Aria rushes up the stairs to her father.

"father, the ninja-"

"but.." Aria smiles "you're right"

"What do you mean stay out of danger?" Aria crosses her arms "I'm your daughter, danger's my middle name"

"That's stupid" Aria says "but you know what I meant"

"what do you mean they're coming?!" Aria shouts "what about the stone warriors?"

"..." Aria put her hand on her head "damn it when did that happen?!"

Aria looks down to see the ninja all heading up the tower.

"daddy what are we gonna do?" Aria looks at the Overlord

The Overlord roars and shoots out dark matter.

"Look out!" Cole gets hit with Dark Matter.

"Cole, come on. Get up!' Lloyd shouts

"Ugh. I'm hit. Go! Go on... without me." Cole commands

"We need to move. Now!" Kai shouts and they continued up

Aria looks at the Overlord "they're still coming"

The Overlord roars and shoots out dark matter.

"Get out of the way!" Jay pushes Lloyd before he gets hit with Dark Matter, taking the shot instead

"Don't look! Just keep climbing!" Kai shouts

They quickly continued up

"Ugh. From my calculations, with the distance remaining to the top, the odds are that only one of us is going to make it" Zane says

Jay and Cole have been corrupted by Darkness and come after them, holding up their Elemental Blades.

"Go on. I'll hold them back" Zane says

They both attempt to strike Zane, but he blocks the blades with his own. Lloyd and Kai continue up the steps.

"It looks like the Green Ninja is going to make it up" Aria tightens her fist "daddy-"

"what?!" Aria shouts "no way"

"No, I'm not leaving now" Aria argues "I just got you back, we just started creating the world mommy wanted to make.."

"Of course" Aria smiles "mommy wanted a world where light and darkness lived together in peace, but in order for that to happen the light would have to let the darkness in, that's what all this is for"


"and we can do it together" Aria tells him "I can fight beside you"

"What?!" Aria shouts "yes I am, I-"

"...but I wanna help" Aria looks down

"Of course" Aria smiles

Aria giggles and runs over to the side of the building, she waves to her dad before jumping to the building over. She stood there and watched, she had a bad feeling about this.

Lloyd makes it to the top of the building and confronts the Overlord.

"I have come here to fight you!" Lloyd shouts

"You're in no shape to fight. It's over. Evil wins" the Overlord says

"A ninja never quits!" Lloyd shouts

The Overlord laughs "You don't even have a sword"

"I don't need a sword" Lloyd surrounds himself with his Energy, creating a force field.

"Then all I have to say is... goodbye" The Overlord opens his mouth and blasts Lloyd with Darkness, nearly pushing him off the building.

"Yeah alright dad!" Aria cheers

Lloyd's Energy force field grows, harming the Overlord. Lloyd becomes the Ultimate Spinjitzu Master. Lloyd's gi has changed to a golden color.

"Oh no.." Aria looks worried

The Overlord swipes at Lloyd and the latter is pushed back. Lloyd blocks his wing and is kicked backward. Lloyd counterattacks. He kicks the Overlord, sending him back.

Lloyd summons his Golden Dragon.

"You can't defeat me. Where there is Light, there will always be Shadow!" The Overlord shouts

"Unless my light is bright enough!" Lloyd shouts

The Golden Dragon tackles the Overlord, and they are both sent falling downward.

"Daddy!" Aria shouts

The two dragons move upward. The Overlord surrounds Lloyd with a cloud of Shadow, allowing himself to grow in size. The Overlord starts laughing and attempts to devour Lloyd, however, the latter starts resisting.

"No. No! NO! NOOO!" The Overlord shouts as Lloyd uses Golden Power to defeat the Overlord.

"NO DADDY" Aria screams

The Overlord implodes, and the fog engulfing entire city disappears with everyone who was corrupted is turned back to normal. Aria opens her eyes to find herself on the ground and not on the building any longer.

Aria's eyes filled with tears as the people around her begin to wake up and cheer. Aria looked down at the ground as her tears started to fall.

"why..." Aria whispered "why him too.."


"Come here, you tin can"

"Is this really happening? We did it?"

"We did it. You did it. I did it! Heck, who didn't do it!?"

"this isn't fair damn it" Aria gritted her teeth "nobody understand anything"

Lloyd flies down on his Dragon to the ninja, Aria looks up, glaring at him from afar.

"Lloyd! " The ninja all shouted as he hopped off

"You were brilliant, son" Misako hugs him

"Because of you, Ninjago was saved. Because of you, there will be a tomorrow" Wu smiles

"At least, my father didn't die alone" Aria sniffs "his father is dead too"

"We will all miss your father" Misako says comforting Lloyd

From behind them, Garmadon emerges from a pile of rocks and approaches them limping. He has been purified by Golden Power.

"Lloyd" Garmadon called "What... what happened?"

Aria's eyes widen "why.. that's not fair"

"Garmadon, is it really you?" Misako asks

"Dad? Dad!" Lloyd runs and embraces him.

"Every ounce of evil and venom is... gone" Misako embraces Garmadon

"damn it" Aria looks down "daddy.."

"I feel good" Garmadon says "It's been so long"

Wu smiles "Good to have you back, brother"

"Wu! Good to be back" Garmadon says happily

As the family walked away the other ninjas grouped together

"Aw, would you look at that? Who would have thought we'd ever see the day? You think we should dogpile them?" Jay questions

"Let's give them their moment. They earned it" Kai replies

"It's been quite a ride" Cole says

"You think there will be others?" Zane asks

"I hope so. I liked being a ninja. It's not like we have many other skills" Cole says

Jay laughs "Ha, speak for yourself, I'm looking forward to doing a little inventing, maybe some model building, dabble in poetry"

"Jay's right. We've come a long way and there's no reason why we can't use what we've learned in our everyday lives. And who knows? We may have gotten the balance right today, but there's always tomorrow. There's no way of knowing what's around the corner. But as long as there's something worth fighting for, there's always a need for a ninja. And we'll be ready" Kai says

"Damn it" Aria shakes with rage "damn it ...damn it! ...DAMN IT"

Aria's eyes glow purple and she stands up. Aria puts her hand out and a dark energy ball is made in her hand.

"they have everything and I have nothing!" Aria shouts in anger

Aria throws the dark energy ball at Lloyd, Wu noticed and quickly jumps in front of Lloyd. Wu uses spinjitzu to deplete it on the account of her powers being weak. They all turn and look at her.

"oh my.." Misako stares at her "is that-"

"Aria" Wu speaks

"Lloyd!" the ninja run over

"Are you ok?" Kai asks worriedly

"yeah I'm fine thanks to Sensei" Lloyd replies before looking at the girl

"Damn it" Aria's eyes return to green "It's not fair!"

"Don't make trouble" Cole walks over to her and holds his hand out to her "come on, I'll take you home cuz"

Aria slaps his hand away "stay away from me"

"Sensei who is that girl?" Kai asks

"Aria Lord" Wu sighs "the Overlord's daughter"

"t-the Overlord's daughter" Kai looks worried "isn't she dangerous, shouldn't she be under watch somewhere or something"

"She's just a child" Wu tells him

"A child who's just lost her father" Misako adds

"yeah.." Lloyd looks down looking guilty "I suppose she can't be blamed for acting this way"

"Her mother died when she was young" Wu says "I wonder who will take care of her"

"Perhaps Cole can" Misako suggests

"why Cole?" Jay asks

"Cole and Aria are cousins" Wu explains "Aria's mother was adopted by Cole's grandparents long ago, making them cousins but not sharing the dark blood of the Overlord"

"I don't want your help or your pity!" Aria shouts

"Stop being so stubborn!" Cole shouts

"I don't care how long it takes" Aria glares at him "I will defeat you, all of you!" she points at Lloyd "Just wait Green Ninja! I'll be stronger then my dad, and I will end you!"

Wu looks concerned "Aria-"

Aria quickly runs, away from everyone and everything, back to her home in the woods. Once she entered her house she fell to the floor and cried. In an instant her father was taken from her and she was once again alone in the world. This was the beginning of it all, it was time to grow up and take over her new role.

Aria wipes her tears and runs around her house. Shoving things into a bag and packing what she would need. It's time to train, the end of her father was the beginning for her.

As Aria walked through the woods she stopped and looked up at the moon "I promise dad, I will defeat them and make the world you and mommy always dreamed of, our home"

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