《Riansh》🌸CHAPTER 6🌸


Vansh went to his penthouse .As soon as he entered he collapsed on floor .

Va(shouting): I am to the worst man who abondoned both his wife and child .How can I be so cruel .

Va: I made that Ahana attack her twice when she was pregnant .Whatif something happened to her that day when I left her in that hotel .

How can I so dumb that I trusted that woman who killed my mom over the person whom I loved.

No no I can't lose her again .I want her in my life.I want to cherish all the moments with her .I want to pamper her .I want to live all the beautiful moments with her.





In Riddhima's hospital

Riddhima is checking her patients one by one .

Ri : Do this exercises and report me after one week.

Riddhima's Pov

That bitch Ahana cursed my child .How dare she .I felt to kill her . Bloody bitch .

Both Husband wife are mad . No no whole KHANDAN is mad and that flipper dadi .

Arghh my head is paining .

In Sia's room

Si: Chachi where is Aryan bhai.

Ch: Maa threw him out because her grand daughter in law blamed him of molestation.

Si: What

Didn't she trusted bhai.

Ch: No

Leave it He is happy here with Riddhima and Kabir .

Si: Bhabhi is here .

Ch: Yes .

Si: I want to meet her .

Ch: Sia you can meet her soon .

At VR Residence

Vansh came there and saw Dadi and Ishani and Ahana .

Va: We want to ask forgiveness from Riddhima .

Ish: Why we will .She killed my child .She needs to ask forgiveness from me.

Va: Shut up Ishani. Your child died because of your foolishness.

Da: I am not going to ask any forgiveness. Just move on with Ahana.

Va: Shut up dadi .I will bring Riddhima back .


Ish: Bhai she will never forgive you .So forget her.

Va: Just shut up

Ish: I will shut up.

But how will you shut up Sia and Riddhima whom you betrayed.

Will she ever forgive you .

You saw her getting humilated. You insulted her love .You killed love for you in her heart. You allowed us to burn her stuff infront of her.

Didn't you think that what if she might be innocent .

We did what you told us .It's not our fault and we don't want to ask any forgiveness .

Da: Ishani is right .If possible leave this house and our business.

Vansh was very much hurt seeing his chameleon family .

Va: Oh Thank you so much for freeing me. I will happily separate VR empire from Raisinghania business .

Da: You can't do this.

Va: Mrs Indrani Raisinghania if you are forgetting let me know you that I have sent Raisinghania business at heights .You merged my company in Raisinghania business .

So forget that I will give you a single penny from my share .

Saying so Vansh left .

Vansh was walking on road remembering Riddhima's words when she left him on Makar Sankranti .

Vansh was feeling pain in his chest and while walking don't know when he fell on road clutching his chest .

Someone came and saw him and took him with him to hospital .

Vansh's snake family betrayed him . They showed their true faces . They proved that Vansh is just a mere Money making machine for them.

The same sister whom he always treated as his daughter refused to help him .

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