《Riansh》🌸CHAPTER 4🌸



Riddhima entered the hospital filled her entry at reception .Riddhima was going towards the lift when she heard a familiar voice but didn't turned back and went inside the elevator .

Riddhima's Pov

I felt I heard Angre's voice now . But what he is doing here .He should be in India following his boss's orders blindly .

Oh Riddhu you are overthinking concentrate on your work.

Riddhima reached her floor and went inside her cabin .

Ri : Nurse send my patients one by one .

Nu: Ok mam .

Riddhima started checking her patients one by one .Soon it was lunch time .She was sitting on chair resting her head on headrest when nurse entered .

Nu: Mam Mr Aryan had sent lunch for you .

Riddhima nodded and Nurse left keeping the lunch box on table .





After sometime Riddhima completed her work and started packing her stuffs.

Ri : Today is my scan and I am very much excited then last time .

Riddhima went to one floor down to meet her gyna .

Ri: Good evening Julie Aunty

Dr.Julie Christ .A successful and experienced gynalogist have experience of thirty years .

Ju: Good Evening Riddhima .How are feeling now .

Ri : Better .

Ju: Are you ready for your scan .

Ri: Yes .

She made her lay on the bed and applied the gel on her belly .

Ju: Riddhima you can see your baby on monitor .

Riddhima got tears seeing her blood ,her special one growing inside her .





After Sometime

Riddhima was done with her scan and was going to 2nd floor to meet Vinni .

Riddhima entering her cabin

Ri : Vinni

Vi: Oh hello Riddhima .

Ri : Hello .

Are you not coming home .

Vi : No , Actually our team is going to a complicated surgery today and I am assisting Dr Andrew

Ri : Ok ,

So I am also not in mood to go .I am sitting on couch there .

Vinita Sharma

An NRI living in London since long .She was with Riddhima since childhood in orphanage later shifted to Delhi .


A nuerologist .





At Raisinghania's Side .

Sia was shifted in Scan room for citu scan while Vansh was pacing here and there in tension .

Dadi's Pov

Please bappa give our Sia back to us .For which Sins you are punishing us. Why are you giving Sia punishment for mistake we did .

Chachi's Pov

Sia is getting punishment of our sins .If Vansh would have crossed check before throwing Riddhima out of his life Sia might would have fine .He blamed Riddhima for Sia's condition but did nothing with this Ahana .




After two hours

Riddhima was sleeping in Vinni's personal room attached to her cabin .She woke upand washed her face .She was going outside when she heard some loud voices near OT she turned and looked a man arguing with nurse .

Riddhima went there without noticing the people and said .

Ri : Excuse me Sir .

Is this your home that you are shouting .

The man turned and they was shocked to see each other because the man was none other than Vansh .

Riddhima was shocked and she maintained a emotionless face .

Ri: It's not your home Sir that you are shouting here and there are other patients also . Your voices can disturb them.

Ish : Oh you bloody bitch .

Ri: Mind your language . It's hospital .

But Ishani being Ishani started blabbering which irritated Riddhima and pregnancy hormones make difficult Riddhima to control .

Ri(shouting) : Security

Soon the gaurd came there .

Ga: Mam any problem .

Ri : Throw this woman outside or if possible in mental hospital .

Gaurd went towards Ishani but she his behind Vansh

Va : She will not do again .

Ah : Oh you bitch how you reached here maybe trapped some rich man and they sponsered you a trip before she could blabber more .


Chachi slapped Ahana

Ch: Chii shame on you .She is not like you who traps rich person like you .


Folding her hands infront of Riddhima

Ch: I am sorry Riddhima . Please forgive me beta what I did .I am sorry .

Riddhima held chachi's hands and said .

Ri: Elders do not bow there head infront of youngers there hands are to slap them on mistakes and showing right ways .

Ri(to Ahana ) : Miss are you a mental patient .If you are you really need a psycatrist's .I am seeing you all for the first time and you are behaving like bitches .

Mind your language and get some brain .It's not your husband's house . It's my hospital .

Va : Let me call the Dean .I will get you out of this hospital .

Vansh called Dean who is an elderly man like a father figure to Riddhima .

Va : Sir I want this doctor out of your hospital .

De : I am sorry sir but we gave her job because of her ability not on Someone's demand .If you have problem with her .You can go doors are open .We can't remove her from her job .

Riddhima but why he want you to out of this hospital .

Ri: Sir ,he was shouting for no reason . Even there are two mental cases in his family his wife and sister .

I just told him to maintain peace but his sister and wife started blaming me.

De : It's ok Riddhima

It's your last chance mister .

Dean left

Dadi didn't said anything to Riddhima she was just noticing her and her little flushed belly .

Someone from behind : Riddhima

Raisinghania's were shocked to see Aryan while he didn't noticed them .

Aryan came and hugged her protectively .

Ar: Where were you .I am calling you from since last one hour .You how much I was tensed .Even Vinni was also not picking my phone .

Ch(emotionally ) : Aryan

That's when Aryan noticed Raisinghania's

Ar: Mom

He hugged his mom .

Ch: Aryan where were you .You know how much I was tensed for you .You didn't have money with you also .

Ar: Don't worry mom .I am fine . Kabir and Riddhima helped me to get settled here .Now I have my own designing company and even successful business than Mr Vansh Raisinghania .

Vansh was shocked to hear him because he always called him Vansh bhai .It was first time he called her Mr Vansh Raisinghania .

Da: Aryan

She was coming towards him .

Ar: Stop there Mrs Raisinghania .I don't want to talk to you , go to your grandson and grand daughter in law .

Mom I will meet you tomorrow when I will come to drop Riddhima in hospital or I will send driver he will drop you in my office.

Chanchal nodded

Aryan hugged his dad and left with Riddhima showing his haterd towards Raisinghania's .

Ah : See dadi how Aryan behaved with you I know she is taking revenge from us. She had manipulated Aryan against us .She had now trapped Aryan .

Da : Shut up you are the reason we threw him out .

Ch: Not only Aryan but Riddhima also .

We know Vansh didn't cross checked anything .Once Sia woke up .I will see how much he will drown himself in guilt .

Ru: Shut up Chanchal .

Vansh saw Aryan and Riddhima leaving hospital premises in car .

Va : Wasn't I enough for you that you did this to me .Why did you betrayed me with that Kabir .

He got tears and immediately wiped them .

Doctor came out.

Doc: Surgery was successful .She will be awake by forty eight hours but next twenty four hours are also crucial .

Precap: Sia Up,

Raisinghania's humiliation .Riddhima slapped Ahana .


Stay Tuned for next update

Till then Bye

Jiya Vats

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