《Leo x Errian》Chapter one.


||Life before||

You live in an old house near Aprils farmhouse. You were old friends with April whenever April was their. You used to live with your parents but they died shorty after you turned 10. You've been alone since and live in the old house alone. You had a pet wolf. The wolf stumbled onto your porch one night, seeming to ask for help. You helped with its recovery, and when it was done it never left your side for some reason. The wolf was stuck to you 24/7. But you got use to it. It would help you hunt half of the time, or when ever you where sick. The wolf was albino, with a small part of its ear torn a bit. It also had lots of scars on its body, making it look more intimidating then she was. Since she never left your side you decided to name the wolf. You decided to name it frosty. More then just because of her fur. Well one reason was the far but another reason was the factors that she didn't mind the cold. She seemed to love it more then any other season. Your house was small but enough room for just the two of you. It was a two story house, but ever since your parents death you keep the upstairs off limit for more then one reason. One was that your parents room was located up their and you didn't want anything be touch, but it was also the place where they breathed their last breath. The same place you watched in fear and horror as they died, being in the middle of it. Not wanting to ever remember it you sealed it off. Never setting foot upstairs. Plus you never had any luck cleaning the stains back when you were 10, but getting older you became better at it. You were now 16 and still lived alone. Your normal routine consist of waking up and getting ready, sometimes getting in the shower. Making food for you and frosty. Do some house work, going out side and practice target practice. Going hunting, and if you still have time you'll bath Frosty and play with her for a bit and sometimes but not all the time see if April had returned. But I stopped doing that so often. She hasn't been back for over 13 years, so i normally don't check anymore. You have been taking a small online class to be a nurse, mostly for Frosty state. You didn't want her to get badly injured and not knowing how to fix it. Even through it was boring and almost quiet several times you would look at Frosty and remember why you where doing it. It was also for your sack.

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