《chains | anidala》the rebels


The rebel base was small. It was located beneath the ground, using a cellar that was contained three rooms connected by a narrow hall. There was a room for medical needs, where the twins were being kept. A room for the Jedi to sleep in while in hiding, where Padmé had been placed. And finally, the largest room was where meetings were held.

Padmé shifted uncomfortably in her shoes, unaware of her position in the meeting. Would the Rebels think of her as a traitor, hiding away with Anakin on Mustafar? Would her previous authority as a Queen and Senator be underminded? What was expected of her?

Questions ran through her mind with each passing second, making her oddly aware of how stuffy the room was. Her shoulders were touching both people next to her, giving her no room to move around.

It had only been two days since she'd given birth, and Padmé was still tremendously sore. She hadn't been examined by a medical professional since her birth, and she desperately wanted some sort of pain medication to bring down the cramping and pain between her legs.

Along with that, she'd spent barely anytime with her children. Usually, a mother could savour her first days with her babies. Padmé wasn't given that luxery. Instead, the miracle of life had been delivered on a cold metal ship floor, and she had been on the move ever since. The nurses in the medical room had spent more time with her children than she had so far.

Suddenly, a wave of grief washed over her as she examined the group of people before her. Each person was laughing and enjoying each other's company to some extent, despite the terrible things that were going on outside. Padmé couldn't help but miss Anakin.

She imagined his arms around her waist as they discussed strategies with Obi-wan and the rest of the Rebels. Because the Jedi Order was falling apart, she imagined they could let their secret out. Together, with their babies, they could join forces with the Rebels and restore the balance in the galaxy.


But reality was different. Everyone knew about Padmé and Anakin's relationship, and Anakin couldn't be here to help the Rebels defeat the Sith. Anakin was the Sith the Rebels were after.

"Earlier today," Obi-wan spoke loudly to the crowded room. Voices began to quiet as he talked. "General Organa and myself were able to locate Senator Amidala. She is safely, and has given birth to two healthy babies. A boy and a girl. She has agreed to speak on her experiences from the past couple of weeks, as many of you are aware she was held captive by the Sith Lord Darth Sidious and his apprentice Darth Vader."

Murmurs scattered across the room, Padmé could sense as eyes began to settle on her. She felt small and transparent.

Clearing her throat, she began to speak with as much volume as she could muster. "Hello," she called out to the people who stood in front of her, "I'm not sure of how much of my personal situation you are all aware of, however, I will attempt to tell you what I believe is important."

From across the room, Obi-wan nodded his head in encouragement. Earlier, he had filled her in on the fine details of Order 66 and what they knew of Darth Sidious and Darth Vador. She noticed that he never called him Anakin anymore, which made sense, considering the man Anakin once was seemed to have died and replaced by a vicious monster.

Drawing in a deep breath, Padmé announced, "Anakin Skywalker and I got married in secret three years ago. I was not aware of his relations with the Sith, however I could sense he was battling with himself for the last few months. Once I was told about his turning, I went after him to Mustafar. He didn't listen to me. Instead, he locked me in a room on the planet for a couple of weeks until I escaped. If it weren't for my water breaking, I could have made it back to Coruscant alone. But I went into labour and the Sith found me. He tried to kill me, but Ani-" She paused, correcting herself. "Darth Vader protected me. He cut off the Sith's legs, and we left the planet together. I escaped from him with the twins off of a planet not far from here."


The rebels began to ask questions, shouting to one another from across the room. Padmé tried her best to listen.

"I drugged him before I left," she added. "He should have slept for the night. Obi-wan destroyed the ship and it's tracker so that he couldn't follow me."

"Why didn't you just kill him while you had the chance?" Someone asked.

"Because he's my husband, I can't just kill him! I'm not a murderer," she defended.

"He's not your husband. Your husband was Anakin Skywalker. This is Darth Vader. He's powerful, and he'll come looking for you on Coruscant first. You've put us all at risk."

"Padmé has done no such things!" Obi-wan interjected. "She will be under my protection, Darth Vader will not lay a hand on her. It's not her responsibility to kill him, anyways."

"Then who's is it?" She asked suddenly, her heart beat slowing.

The thought had slipped her mind. Although Anakin had betrayed the Sith and attempted to destroy him, that didn't matter to the Rebels. He broke almost every Jedi code, and betrayed the entire Republic. With the help of her husband, the world as they knew it had fallen to pieces. It didn't matter where Anakin's allegiance lied currently, he would forever be a traitor and a threat to the Republic, democracy, and peace.

"It's mine," Obi-wan responded. "I will eliminate Darth Vader."

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