《chains | anidala》the room


Silence. The first thing she realized was the overwhelming silence.

Padmé opened her heavy eyes quickly, sucking in a breath at the blinding blue light. She scanned the room diligently, attempting to remember where she was.

The room was visually cold. It's dark furniture and hard floors mimicked not the warmth of a home, but more of the coolness of a meeting chamber. It was still, containing no life of its own.

There were no windows lining the walls, along with no trinkets of any sort. Just a couch, dresser, and two narrow hallways.

Padmé stood up, immediately feeling the weight of her protruding stomach. She rest her hands on her child, reminding herself of the reality of her situation.

Closing her eyes once more, a single tear streamed down her pale face. She inhaled deeply, her body trembling.

She felt his grip around her neck and saw the hatred in his eyes. Her ears rung with the screaming. The cries of anger from the mouth of the man she loved... yet he was fading away.

Panic overcame her as she began to rush around the room. She followed the hallways, discovering a kitchen and bedroom.

"Where am I?" She whispered. A pain filled her head as grief overcame her. She was confused, unable to fully comprehend the events of the past. Padmé didn't know how long she'd been out, where she was, or quite frankly what was going on.

Where was Anakin? The last she'd seen of him were his raging yellow eyes. The last she'd heard were his enraged screams.

You will do as I say. You are my wife.

Anakin had never been so controlling.

Pacing with fear, Padmé crossed the room multiple times. She began to helplessly drown in thought. Her mind was haunted with the crying of children, the sound of lightsabers, and the laugh of Palpatine. She gripped her stomach harder as she realized Anakin was capable of murdering the innocent lives of children. He was capable to hurt the innocent life of their own child.


He was even capable of hurting her now, too.

The crazed look in his eyes was all she could see. She felt like she'd store into the soul of darkness, remembering his craze for power. It was nothing like the Anakin she knew. Nothing like the one who'd spent hours with her, discussing what life would be like if they ran away with their baby to Naboo.

What a beautiful life they would have lived. One filled of singing and laughter and love.

Yet here she was, locked in a silent room, awaiting her fate. She had no idea who her captor was, or what they wanted.

A sob broke through her body as she fell to the floor. Padmé curled herself up and held onto her child like a life force. It was just the two of them, up against whatever evil hid behind the metal door.


Padmé felt as though days had dread on. However, it had only been a couple of hours. Her brown hair was tight in a bun as she busied herself from task to task.

She was quickly able to discover that the living space had been set up to a certain degree. There were a few sets of clothing in the dresser beside the large bed in the bedroom. All of it was black. In the closet a number of dark cloaks hung. She'd shivered, realizing that they must have been Anakin's. If not his, she couldn't begin to fear who else was living there.

The kitchen held items as well. There were a couple dishes and random items of food. Padmé frowned at what little there was, but she was grateful to have any at all. She was starving, feeling as the baby kicked. They seemed to agree.

"We'll be alright, little one," She whispered. Her fingers shook slightly as they rest. She was nervous, scared that whatever would come after the loneliness of the room would hurt her child.


She needed her baby, it was as if they were her very breath. The child was the last thing she possessed from her life before.

Her last piece of Ani.

Tears began to flow again, the pain of the statement stung like a knife. She felt like she were being cut slowly across her chest, as if someone was scavenging for something inside of her.

Anakin had changed so drastically. He was battling something, but she never would have guessed it would lead him down this new path.

He wasn't Anakin anymore. He was a creature of the dark...

She felt her child's kicks against her hands, and she grinned sadly. Inside her was the last piece of light from Anakin Skywalker. Her light.

Padmé ran to the bedroom, collapsing in the blankets as she held them close. She began to sob, her body moving heavily up and down. Things were never supposed to turn to this. This was supposed to be one of the most joyous parts of her life. She and Ani were about to have a baby. They were so close to escaping into the life they'd dreamt of for years.

But he ruined it. He gave it up.

Because of her.

Her thoughts were cut off by the opening of a door. She froze, the sobs of her body had muted. The thumping of several feet echoed along the floor.

"She's not here," A robotic voice said loudly. It didn't sound like one of a droid. It was muffled, slow with words, and monotone.

"The door doesn't seem to have moved since you left this morning, Lord. Should I send out a request for a lockdown?" Padmé recognized that sound. It was one of a clone.

She was quickly able to put the information together. Padmé was being held captive by the dark side. The same side that had ripped Anakin from her grasp.

Immediate anger rose in her throat. It tasted like salt, with a tang of venom. She wanted to get her hands on the robotic creature that was in charge of her captivating.

"No," The robot answer. He sucked in a deep breath. "That will not be necessary. Leave me."

"Yes, Lord Vader."

The door shut, meaning Padmé was alone with her captor. She had never heard such a dreadful sound. She didn't recognize the clonking of his feet down the hall.

She didn't know if she was supposed to run or hide. Considering there were no windows or other doors in the bedroom, she knew she was unable to run. However, hiding may be in the question.

Seeing that the only thing to cover her were blankets, Padmé sighed. Terror began to settle in the pit of her stomach. She held her breath and waited for whatever awaited her.

The figure walked into the room. It was dark, covered in black from head to toe. It wore a mask that covered its head. All it bore were a pair of dead and endlessly dark eyes.

She shivered, goosebumps covering her skin. Padmé bit her tongue, immediately feeling the warm taste if her own blood.

After a few moments, the robot spoke. "Aah, you're awake. I've been waiting for you, my love."


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