《RotTMNT Oneshots and Headcanons》Taking Care of your Boyfriend When He's Sick


- He's quiet

- Since he's big, it's hard to lead him to his room

- He doesn't like to move at all so good luck with getting him up

- "Hey, hun, you need to get up."... "Honey, your soup is going to get cold."

- He likes to stay in one place because of his headaches

- He does not like to take any medicine so you're going to have to convince him

- He complains occasionally but it's usually grunts

- If he's in his room, you usually just bring something to watch, read, or listen to.

- A lot of the time, you're going have to convince him to do some things

- He likes to cuddle but is fine if he doesn't, he doesn't really ask for it and usually just tells you that you can do other things

- No kisses

- You kiss him on the forehead anyway

- Overall, he just won't really do anything

- One word: cuddles

- You can't even leave three feet away from him before he just tackles you into a hug

- Overall, you're stuck with him

- You better wear a mask 'cause this boi is going attack you with kisses

- He will compliment you every chance he gets

- He complains that he is warm and yet asks you to cuddle with him because he is "cold"

- "Babe, come here. I'm cold."

- "You were just complaining that the floor is lava."

- "Ssshhh, cuddle."

- If you have to give him medicine (do they actually have to?), he will refuse it

- You're going to have to be creative

- He usually will take the medicine if you offer him a kiss

- If Mikey or you cooks chicken soup, Leo likes to have it with you and just watch a movie


- When you guys cuddle, he likes to lie his head on your stomach or your chest

- Your heart beating or your stomach move up and down when you breath brings him to sleep

- Overall, he becomes more affectionate than before

- And you're more likely to get sick than going out unscathed. Unless you really have a good immune system, I applaud you.

- Ah, Donnie. Our sweet, sassy, sarcastic, and dramatic Donnie.

- He becomes extra dramatic

- "Alas! The beautiful creature from the heavens has finally arrived!"

- "You're sick, aren't you?"

- "How dare you accuse that!"

- You try to take care of him but he keeps insisting he's fine.

- He really tries to be casual but it doesn't work

- If his sickness is really bad, he's going to act like some evil mad scientist

- Once he does, you just drag him to bed.

- "The machine is ready, I can finally rule the world! Evil laugh!"

- "Alright, bed time."

- He actually didn't build anything to rule the world, he was seeing things. Don't worry.

- Once you actually get him to admit that he is sick, he'll try to make sure you are far away from him

- He doesn't want you to get sick!

- You're going to have to be stubborn with him

- He tries to take care of himself but you make sure he is relaxed rather than stressed

- He wants food? You make sure it's easy on the stomach

- He needs to take medicine (if needed)? He reluctantly accepts it.

- Since he does not want you sick, he usually doesn't ask for cuddles

- You always see the longing look he gives you though, he tries to deny it


- Too late, you guys are going to binge watch your or his favorite TV show with blankets and food

- He's not happy when you do that but he can't deny the cuddles

- He will not kiss you what so ever

- He's content when you guys just do that

- I like to think he actually does say things he would never usually admit

- If you guys are already dating, it's probably compliments you never heard from him before

- "Your eyes shine as bright as the Alpha Canis Majoris." (Yeah I changed it, I think the last one was much more offensive, sorry)

- He just really tired most of the time

- He can still be hyper but it takes a toll on him very quickly

- I think he's the easiest to take care of

- He is not afraid to ask what he wants

- You try to say no and the most absurd things

- He usually gets it anyway

- Superpower: puppy eyes

- "Hey, boo, can I have dessert pizza?"

- "Baby, you shouldn't be-" Cue the puppy dog eyes "...ok."

- He will tell you "I love you"

- "Have I ever told you that I love you?"

- "Yes, this is the fifth time this hour."

- "Oh... well, I love you."

- "I love you, too."

- He tries to do an art project but you usually have to be there to make sure he does not do any large projects or dangerous ones

- In a way, it's an art date

- He likes to hold you in some way and kiss you.

- He kiss your hands and never your lips

- He holds your hands or hugs you

- Cuddle sessions happen and it's always peaceful

- You guys always go to sleep when you do

- You actually took a video of your boyfriend sneezing, you kept it and may or may not have sent it to April

- You both just gush over their kitten like sneezes

- You guys agreed to never mention it to the boys

- Your boyfriend never found out about it



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