《POSSESSIVE paul lahote love story(editing)》gone
"Just go already," Jared said irritablely as he held most of Jacob's weight in his arms. Jacob was almost knocked out with the amount of drugs Carlisle Cullen had dosed him. Sam had hurried forward, leading the group back to Emily's. Paul, Jared and Embry had picked up Jacob together and were carry his unconscious body back. But Paul had kept looking back to see if Nicky was ok. Sam ordered them away, not really explaining why they had to leave in a sudden rush. But an order is an order. Paul had to follow it.
Paul was itching to to ask the mind-reader what was running through Nicky's mine when she first saw him phased. She looked stunned. Paul couldn't define any single emotion except shock. He was freaking out the Nicky wouldn't talk to him again. And if Nicky was scared of him, Paul probably would have died inside.
Paul looked hopefully at Sam, asking a silent permission. He shook his head 'no' and strutted forward, a mission to get back to Emily's.
Paul mentally groaned. He didn't need this. The sun was setting and Nicky was probably walking home... by herself.
He needed to talk to her. He was so mad a few nights ago when she refused to kiss, let alone touch him. It annoyed him to no end. Why can't she trust him?It was obvious something was different about her. Paul had always liked differed but there was something seriously different about his imprint.
For instance... what the hell was she doing ripping vampires into pieces?
Once the group reached Emily's back yard, Kim, Claire and Emily herself came rushing from the door and ran to their respected wolves. Times like this some of the members, Embry, for starters wished someone was running out to him. He would never tell anyone that though. Especially after all of Paul's imprint drama. There was already enough going around.
It freaked Embry out. What happened when he imprints and she doesn't like him? At all? Or what if she is some physco killer out to kill shape shifters? Or what if his imprint is a lesbian? But what if he imprinted on a guy? All these thoughts ran through Embry's mind. On second thought- maybe he didn't want someone running out to him.
Seth was full of pride as he had won the battle between Riley and himself. He had a newly found respect to Edward Cullen. Siding with the Cullen's changed the young wolves perpespective on them. Not all vampires were bad.
After smooching with Emily for what seemed like hours Sam finally regained himself. He wanted Paul to see his imprint, of course. But there was something that had been tugging at Sam's chest. He would protect his pack (which included the imprints) from anything... but there was one question that was on his mind. Was Paul's imprint a threat?
"What's going on with your imprint?" Sam asked, the other pack members stopped their recounts and listen intently to what Paul's response would be. Sam wasn't the only one curious.
"I don't know..." Paul said slightly embarrased, he didn't know much about Nicky. He didn't even know if she was human or not. What kind of imprint was he?
"What do you mean you don't know? You imprinted on her!" Leah said angrily. Leah wanted to imprint badly. Her connections to Sam, especially him being pack leader weren't helping. She wanted to get over him, imprinting seems to be the only way. She would devote her life to her imprint... if she even has one.
Leah didn't always think like that though, she use to hate the fact that Paul imprinted. He was the only one who agreed with her on her theory that 'imprinting sucks' but now that she has seen how controlled and happy Paul has been lately, she might be going against everything she said. Plus Leah admired Paul's imprint.
Nicky had balls. She was tough, she could fight vamps. She was the perfect imprint for Paul. Most of the pack couldn't picture Paul imprinting on a girly-girl.
Leah admired Nicky for not going all lovey-dovey at first sight like most of the imprints. She liked Nicky's strong willed personality and not giving into the imprint. She likes to think that Nicky and her would be great friends, and found it amusing everytime Paul moped around thinking about every little word Nicky had said to him.
And not to mention what Nicky did today.
"Dude- your girl is badass!" Seth said cheerily, still on his high after his ego hitched up a notch.
The whole pack nodded in agreement.
"Why- what happened?" Kim asked curiously.
"Guess who showed up on the battlefield?" Jared said, tucking Kim into his side to protect her from the chill in the air.
"Err... Nicky I'm gussing?" Kim said as if it were obvious- it was obvious since they were just speaking about it but Kim couldn't help kissing her wolf on the nose lightly. He was so cute, even when he was talking to her like she was 5 years old.
"Oh my... what happened? Is she ok?" Emily said stressing herself out. Sam burried his face in her shoulder to keep her calm, also hiding the tiny smile on his face. Paul was going to have a hard time with his imprint after all. She literally kicked a vampires but!
"She's ok, I think. I wouldn't know since your fiance won't let me see her!" Paul demanded angrily. His fists shaking by his side.
"Relax Paul." Sam said in a bored voice. He was use to Paul getting worked up so easily, especially when it came to Nicky. It happens daily. Although Paul was happier and calmer, his control was so much better than before but he still over-possively thought he owned Nicky, and that got him a little grouchy when Sam told him otherwise.
"I'll explain later," Sam whispered kissing Emily's jawline. She nodded, concern on her face. Emily was always the mother of the group, she had always felt like the pack was her family. Even Nicky whom she has never met before.
"Paul. This is what you are going to do. Go to Nicole. Talk to her... explain about the legends, I'm sure she would want to know what we are too. Then ask her. It's important we know," Sam said with sudden firmness in his voice. The pack gave him a weary look.
"It's just a precaution. I don't want anyone getting hurt. Especially after what I've witnessed today. Who knows what she could do-"
"Nicky is not dangerous!" Paul snarled.
"And how would you know. Did you even think for a second she was capable of fighting a vampire?"
"That explains the vampire ashes..." Collin muttered under his breath. He liked Nicky, he hasn't known her for long but she fit in with the group easily. She didn't even shy away from the fart jokes Brady made at the lunch table at school- that's gotta count for something, right?
"Well... maybe, No? I don't. I never thought. I didn't pay attention enough..." Paul grumbled more to himself then Sam.
Quil who was holding onto Claire, gazed back at Sam who sighed. He was watching the argument like a tennis match, his attention turning back to Paul after Sam looked like he wasn't going to say any more on the subject.
"She's not dangerous..." Paul whispered. And he knew it. It was true, Nicky couldn't be dangerous. She's too special. She's not like that.
"Go." Sam sighed. It was all Paul needed before he sprinted back into the forest were the sunset was going down in the horizon.
"Stay clear of the battle field!" Sam called out, knowing Paul could easily hear him.
The Cullen's told them a quick thanks and pretty much told them to leave, something about another coven of powerful vampires. Sam just hoped Paul wouldn't do something stupid. Which is so very likely to happen.
"Dude's whipped," Embry mentioned to Claire. She nodded her head once in agreement, not having a clue what had happened. Claire was just happy the Qwilly was home. And vice versa. I don't think anyone could take Claire away from Quil after today. Quil nuzzled Claire's neck in relief. It was hard to focus today when Claire was away from him. He was still in the fatherly-protective stage of their relationship soon enough the big brother stage would kick in.
Brady would have mumbled something about a cradle snatcher-paedophile but not at a time like this. Not when Quil squeezed his eyes tight to try and hide a few stray tears. He really cares for Claire and he doesn't give a shit what the pack calls him. At the end of the day Claire was the only one who mattered.
Brady kept quiet... for the time being.
"Is Nicky a vampire?" Emily asked, picking up that Nicky was not somewhat normal from the previous conversation.
"Who knows," Jared said, his eyes looking distant.
Paul's POV
I ran around the meadow where the battle was after hearing Sam's precaution. I heard the older Cullen... what's his name again? Edwin? Edwarldo? Something like that, mention to Sam that the... crap what's the name of that vampire coven again? Voltry? Votery? Err... something like that, were heading over to the meadow now.
After running around the meadow without being seen or heard from I followed the trail up to Nicky's house.
I heard voices in the house and quickly knocked on the front door, not caring if I was disturbing anything.
The door opened suddenly and Nicky's mum looked so relieved, her face looked tired and her hair was messy. Carly was right behind her mother looking nervous but once they saw it was only me the little hope in their eyes vanished.
"Paul." Nicky's mum said exhaustedly. Her relief in her eyes died at the sight of me.
"Hi Mrs. Summers, hi Carly, is Nicky home?" I asked shifting anxiously on his feet.
"No," Carly said breathlessly. My attention was on Carly as she placed a hand over her mouth. Her eyes were red from crying.
"Pardon?" I asked using my manners and hoping I heard her right.
"She's not home," Carly repeated. Her voice cracked. Mrs Summer's started crying, putting a hand over her heart.
Please say this is a joke and that she is just upstairs, I thought but I could only hear two heartbeats in the house, they belonged to Carly and her mum.
"Where are you going?" Mrs Summers asked. I had no idea what she was talking about til I realised I was running straight to the battle field were the fight was earlier today. It was only a quick sprint there but I couldn't get there fast enough.
My blood was pumping faster in my viens, my heart was beating and my mind was racing.
Where the hell is Nicky?
As soon as I jumped out of the trees I saw the startled and frightened looks on the Cullen's face.
"Where's... what happened?" I asked when I felt the tension.
The blonde-chick leech hissed and me and my temper rised. Bitch.
"The Volturi just passed through. don't worry everything's ok, they left everyone unharmed." The head leech told me in a creepishly calm voice.
"What's a Volturi?" I asked, my eyes darting around everywhere to try and spot my Nicky.
"Only the most powerful and dangerous coven in history," The blonde-dude leech said in a dark voice.
And I repeat;
Nicky's POV
I couldn't remember were I was. I didn't even know if I was alive or dead. I couldn't feel anything, couldn't see anything and I couldn't even smell anything. It was like all my senses cut off. It was scary. All that I could do was just hope, pray to someone or something that my family would be alright.
I was only left alone with my thoughts... even that was pretty scary.
When I think... I tend to freak out. And since I actually can't feel any emotion or do anything about it, my mind was a huge clusterfuck.
The last thing I remembered was being stomped on by a group of parasites wearing capes.
And then before that I remember watching the sunset and thinking about before that when Paul showed up... shirtless and shoeless with a longing expression on his face. He was the wolf that fought by my side. The wolf with the brown, intelligent human eyes.
I had no idea were-wolves existed. Since when can they turn on their own free will? Or when there was no full moon?
Full moons suck :|
And good vampires? What a joke, I bet this was a set-up. To trap me and to get me captured.
There's a reason you don't see mermaids chilling out in the open.
In my mind it felt like years, but really- it wasonly five hours later was when my senses kicked in.
At first I smelt crisp air. Like it was snowing, maybe I was still in Forks.
Then I felt a cold chill climb up my body. Starting at my tail.
How can I feel this cold I have never felt this cold before in my- wait tail?
I tried to wiggle around, but I couldn't. I can't see anything yet nor could I hear.
What happens if I don't see again? Or hear? What happens if I'm dead? Oh my God, what would happen to my family. They'll be devastated if I'm dead. Or I'd like to think that, what kind of family wouldn't be devasted? Ok... I'm freaking out. I tried to concentrate but all these unanswerable questions kept springing up on me. I think I was starting to have a panic attack.
I tried to use my voice, to call out to help or something but I couldn't.
"Don't struggle, it will only make things worse," A familiar, yet distant voice called out to me.
"Silence!" A young yet mature voice commanded.
I strained my ears to hear where that sound was coming from- and if there was any other sounds I could identify.
I heard the sounds of water dripping. It was loud and ecoed across the room. Just the sound of that dripping water told me the room was huge. I was definately inside but it was freezing. I felt my nervous ease up on my body. I felt... dizzy. Almost upside down? I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't move my muscles.
I tried to speak but my vocal chords weren't being very vocal.
"Mermaids are a disgusting waste of space. You can't even feed off them..." The young voice mused, breaking the silence, "isn't it a shame to dispose such beauty. Don't tell Aro I said this. But I think this one here is truely something to marvel," I felt cold fingers poke at my shoulder. I tried to snarl but it only came out as a wierd throaty cough.
"Tsk tsk, don't make me hate you already young one. You are the youngest one of many of your kind that have entered these walls. I will tell you this now... don't bother trying to escape. It will only make your death quicken."
I finally could strain open my eyes enough to see a young demon. The one I saw earlier in the cape with deep blood-red eyes. He had a wicked grin on his face when I realised I was in my mermaid form, hanging from the roof by a giant metal hook.
Like a fish, I was hanging upside down with a fishing hook pierced painfully through the end of my tail, right where my two fins parted. And it hurt like a bitch.
The room was made of cold cement covered with ice, like a giant freezer. I saw a few naked mermaid bodies lying in the corner... limp. And I gulped when I realised that could be my similar fait.
I wasn't the only one hanging from the roof. I recognised the first voice that spoke to me... her skin a freakish pale and blue, her eyes bloodshot.
"Aunt Molly?" My voice sounded hoarse from not using it in a while. She nodded once in acknowlegdement and my heart squeezed in my rib cage.
"Once you enter these gates, you never come out." He spoke again.
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