《One Direction's Sixth Member Imagines》Protective over you



The boys and I agreed to go out for lunch, I finished getting ready.

I wore a simple t-shirt, shorts that are just above my knees, a pair of white sneakers. I matched the look with a necklace that Liam gave me for Christmas and sunglasses.

We all walked out of the hotel, accompanied by a security guard helping us get through the crowd,

and we went inside the van.

"Where do you guys wanna eat?" I asked, taking off my sunglasses.

"That sandwich place that we went to yesterday" Harry suggested.

"Oh yeah, they have great sandwiches" Niall nodded, while I checked my phone.


We finished eating, I saw a few paparazzi waiting for us outside.

"We should go now, to avoid getting mobbed." Liam insisted. We all nodded, walking outside.

As we went outside people started taking pictures of us. I heard someone whistle to me. I ignored it.

"Damn Y/N, got a smile for me?" One of the paps called, The boys throws him a glare.

Niall grabbed my hand, getting protective.

While walking. A man suddenly grabbed my ass from behind, Louis noticed the action and pushed him away.

"What's your fucking problem pal?" He fumed, The push made the man drop his camera.

"This is an expensive camera! and stay away from me man" The man looked at Louis. Other paps yelled at Louis to move away. Zayn walked towards Louis and helped him.

"We don't care. Don't ever touch

Y/N like that again, you're so fucking disrespectful. Stop recording." Zayn remarked, pushing a camera away that is shoved in his face.

Niall moved me away from the scene, I gave him a look.

"Niall, you need to tell them to stop, before it gets any worse." I ordered, He nodded.

Liam and Harry tried to pull Zayn and Louis away, after a few minutes they finally pulled away and we all went inside the van.

"Are you okay, Y/N?" Louis questioned softly, I gave him a weak smile.

"Thank you guys, but you know I could've handled it myself." I sighed.

"We know you can, but we just can't handle you being disrespected like that" Zayn explained, I nodded, giving them an embrace.

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