《Justice League : War of the Motherboxes》Invasion Begins (Part 1)
Darkseid sat on his throne watching his army preparing themselves to invade earth with Steppenwolf informing him a year ago that the last Kryptonian had been killed, Earth was now ripe for the taking and now he could get revenge for the loss he had suffered 30,000 years ago he didn't expect at the time for Humans, Atlanteans and Amazons to form an alliance and that he would actually lose but they had pulled it off and forced him to retreat and in doing so he had left 2 of his mother boxes behind there was a third but Steppenwolf had informed him that he could not locate the third one for some reason it seems to have disappeared.
Steppenwolf had shown Darkseid the location of the other two boxes and had theorised that the one that was pinging in the middle of the Aegean Sea must have been coming from Themyscira (home of the Amazons) while the other one was pinging from the North Atlantic Ocean which must be where Atlantis is and since it had been 30,000 years reactivating the boxes was going to take a while due to them not being used for so long.
Uxas had another mother box created just for this due to the third one not being found his plan was to active this one between Gotham and Metropolis, Retrieve the two that were left behind and activate all 3 of them together on Apokolips so he could then make his arrival on Earth.
Darkseid looked at the 6 foot, 205 lbs male that was dressed in red and black armour "Steppenwolf how long is left to wait because I am starting to lose my patience?" asked Darkseid "Not long now Master the motherboxes that were left behind are now at 90% completion, It is just a matter of time before they finished and we finally have our revenge" said Steppenwolf "Desaad run the plan one more time so everyone knows what their task is" said Darkseid.
Skulking at one of the computer consoles stood a 5 foot 11, 152lbs, grey wrinkled skinned man who was in a hooded purple monk robe this was Desaad he was the torturer of Apokolips and chief counsellor to Darkseid "When the boxes reach full capacity you Steppenwolf will take an army of Parademons and attack the home of the Amazons while our team of female furies and an army of Parademons as well will be tasked with taking down Atlantis while that is happening we will activate this new motherbox and use our Parademons to attack the citizens of these two neighbouring cities, Once we have the two motherboxes that were left behind we bring them back here so Master Darkseid can activate all 3 to open his portal which will allow him to descend onto this pathetic planet and declare himself as it's ruler" said Desaad.
A small group of women stood to the side they were the female furies of Darkseid the members consisted of:
Lashina - (The strongest and Leader of the Furies her abilities consisted of superhuman strength, durability, speed and hand to hand combat her weapons were in the form of electrical charged steel whips that could extend, retract and wrap around targets.)
Bernadeth - (Sister of Desaad and 2nd in command of the Furies. Lashina and her would often argue and fight each other over the issue of leadership of the Furies her abilities also consisted of superhuman strength, durability and telekinesis which she uses to control her faren knife which had the ability of burning it's victim from the inside out.)
Mad Harriett - (A very insane woman who enjoys the feeling of torture and pain her abilities consisted of superhuman strength, durability and hand to hand combat while her weapons consisted of energy claws that could rip her foes to shreds.)
Bloody Mary - (A sadistic vampire woman who enjoys draining the energy out of her victims via vampiric blood sucking the result of this ability allows her to mentally control her victims to do her bidding.)
Gilotina - (A formidable fighter who has the ability to slice through any material with her bare hands she has also been trained in the art of swordsmanship by Steppenwolf.)
"Master Darkseid if I may ask a question?" said Lashina "Go ahead" said Darkseid "It has been 30,000 years since you last invaded Earth even with the Kryptonian dead besides the Atlanteans and the Amazons, How do we know that there aren't any other people on Earth with special powers as well" said Lashina "You may be right but even if their are people like that, They still won't win because they made a big mistake by taking possession of items that weren't theirs, Yes I did leave the motherboxes behind when I was forced to retreat and yes I could have easily created two more but instead I want them to realize why destroying the boxes would have been a better idea than keeping them intact. I guarantee you that they didn't expect me to make a return but thanks to the mortal called Lex Luthor he provided me the opportunity to reactivate the boxes I left behind and 30,000 years was enough time for me to plan my revenge" said Darkseid "Make them be destroyed by their own mistake, I like how you think Master" said Lashina.
"Master Darkseid it's time" said Steppenwolf he activated the two boxes that were left behind while Desaad activated the third one between Gotham and Metropolis "After 30,000 years I return to have my revenge and this time I will be the victor" said Darkseid.
The Amazons stood at various points each and every one of them dressed head to toe in Grecian style warrior armour and armed with a weapon, Moments after shouting for her Amazons to take up arms Hippolyta had grabbed the Motherbox and placed it at the top of the staircase that led directly into the city and now it was just a matter of time before it fully activated.
The box at that moment began to rise off the ground and into the air, A beam of orange light shot out from the top of it as the boom tube portal started to form the Amazons immediately readied themselves for battle.
"My Amazons we defeated these bastards 30,000 years ago and we will do it again, The gods are with us because we are warriors who have faced many threats throughout our lifetimes and we have always walked away as the victors and this will be no different the moment they come through that portal I want each and every one of you to stand strong and show them what happens when you challenge an Amazon make them regret setting foot on this sacred island that we call home." said Hippolyta.
The boomtube had now formed as the army of Parademons flew out of it "ATTACK!" shouted Hippolyta, The two sides clashed, Artemis and Phillipus stood back to back as a duo and began to cut the Parademons down. Hippolyta was in the middle of destroying a few Parademons as well when a sword clashed with hers "Hello Hippolyta we meet again" "Steppenwolf after 30,000 years you return" said Hippolyta "And this time I will be the victor" said Steppenwolf "I highly doubt it I beat you once and I'll do it again it was by pure luck that you survived our first encounter and now you have just made the biggest mistake ever by setting foot on this sacred island and for that I'll take your life" said Hippolyta.
Hippolyta pulled back and swung her sword at him which he was able to block with ease he pushed her back with his sword and swung it at Hippolyta who blocked the attack as well and attempted to land a kick which was deflected away with a kick of his own she brought her sword upwards to the left and right of Steppenwolf who quickly bobbed & weaved and used his momentum to spin around and land an attack on Hippolyta left thigh who then yelled from the pain and could feel the blood pouring out of her newly acquired wound, Steppenwolf rushed at the Amazon Queen and brought his sword down towards her, Hippolyta quickly sidestepped and followed up by smashing her right fist across his jaw which sent him flying across the concrete floor.
Steppenwolf stood up and shook the dizziness from his head the strength of that punch felt like it had been delivered from a titan itself, All of a sudden Hippolyta took to the air and flew towards him with great speed and allowed her the opportunity to land a kick to his chest which sent him backwards into the wall of the coliseum in doing so he coughed violently from the impact "How are you that strong" asked Steppenwolf this was due to Hippolyta wearing the gauntlets of Atlas which gave the wearer the strength of a god while the sandals of Hermes gave her the ability to fly "What's wrong Steppenwolf finally realized you're in over your head?" asked Hippolyta he got to his feet slowly "I don't go down that easy Bitch" said Steppenwolf who got into a stance and readied his blade.
Hippolyta did the same as the two ran at each other.
Smallville, Kansas
The Kent Farm
7:30 pm
Clark stood in the back garden of his home and was currently looking up at the night sky as he thought about the past year and his time exploring the galaxy while Diana now stood on the back porch watching him while also eyeing up every inch of his god built body, A smile formed on her face "It's not a dream anymore he is actually here alive and we are now officially together as a couple, Thank you Aphrodite for giving me what my heart desired" she thought to herself "Enjoying the view I see" said Alanna who now stood next to her she been watching the Princess for the past half an hour from inside the house and decided to join her "I don't know what you're on about" said Diana who was now trying to hide her smirk "You can't fool me Diana I can tell that you're undressing him with your eyes because I do the exact same thing with Adam and there is no shame in admitting that you like looking at your man" said Alanna.
Diana rolled her eyes and giggled "Fine I admit it I was ogling him but can you blame me look at him he's magnificent" Alanna chuckled and looked at Clark "I can see what you're on about you love him a lot don't you" Alanna asked "Yes I do I keep having to reassure myself that this isn't a dream he is here and we are officially lovers" said Diana "I am glad he has you Diana, You should have seen his smile when he was telling me about you on the way to Earth it was so adorable, He loves you so much Diana" said Alanna.
Martha joined the both of them she had just finished helping Adam set up the guest bedroom for him and Alanna while J'onn was now sitting on the sofa reading articles about the JL on his computer tablet "Diana as happy as I am for the both of you I must ask even though it has been a century since you were exiled eventually you will have to go back to Themyscira and tell your mother about Clark she barely tolerated Steve when he washed up on your island, How would she react to my son?" asked Martha "What makes you think they will allow me back Martha?" asked Diana "Exiled for falling in love with a man is a ridiculous punishment Diana you have been away from your home for 100 years, Your mother and sisters must be missing you dearly and I think when you are ready you should just go and see what happens" said Martha.
Diana kept staring at Kal and began to speak "I am not too sure if they would welcome me with open arms Martha seeing as they now think that my mind has been corrupted by the world of man that day in the senate room when I told them about Steve dying in my arms, A lot of my sisters cheered that he was dead and that he could no longer indoctrinate me, It angered me at how cold hearted my sisters had become and their refusal to move past what Heracles and his men had done. I had to stop them on multiple occasions from trying to kill Steve, Luckily with him he wanted to get off the island as soon as possible due to him being needed by his unit in London so he could carry on fighting in the war when it comes to Kal, I think my sisters reaction would be a lot worse with him having godlike powers their fear would only be heightened but my mother even if she condemned me for being in a relationship with Kal she would have no right to tell me off because she laid with Zeus, The result of that affair was me and then to lie about my birth for all those years telling me I was a clay statue brought to life by the gods, That hurt me a lot and she still had the nerve to tell my sisters that all men are bad and that all they want is to force themselves on women. The hypocrisy is what infuriates me the most Martha".
Martha thought about what Diana had just told her "But your sisters know now of your mother's affair with Zeus and Hera punished her for a whole year" said Martha "Hera found out how?" asked Alanna "From what I was told by Hermes that day he came to me in 1919 London, My fellow sister Artemis of the Bana Mighdall tribe eavesdropped on a conversation between Mother and Phillipus, Once she had learned the truth about my birth she told my sisters, The Gods of Olympus then learned as well and that is when all hell broke loose, Hera jealousy heightened to a new level she stepped onto Themyscira with my mother begging for her forgiveness but it was futile, Hera took Mother to the underworld and for one whole year she tortured my mother for her affair with Zeus" said Diana "Oh my god is she normally this brutal with women who sleep with Zeus?" asked Alanna.
Diana shook her head in response "No the reason she did it to my mother was because Hera was the one who looked out for my mother and sisters after they were violated by Heracles and his men, The queen of the gods, The woman who had Themyscira created for them to live on she looked after us and became the main goddess that we would pray to and then for my mother to sleep with Zeus it hurt her deeply she would have tortured my mother beyond that of a year it was only because a God from the cosmos who was good friends with Zeus intervened and saved my mother" "Didn't you try and rescue your mother?" asked Alanna "I was fully prepared to go but Hermes told me that it would be futile due to Hera locking Tartarus off even from Hades & Persephone themselves she was not going to let my mother get away with what she had done, For too long Hera has stood by and put up with Zeus various infidelities and for him to now acquire a daughter from a woman that she has protected and watched over for thousands of years she declared no more" said Diana
Clark had been listening for the past few minutes and had now taken a keen interest into the history of the Amazons so he could learn more about Diana's people he turned around to face her "Who was the god that intervened?" he asked "It was your god Rao he was the one who saved my mother from Hera" said Diana.
Kal's expression was one of shock "Rao intervened" "Yes Beloved see Rao would pay visits to Olympus when he could because him and Zeus were best friends and the last time he visited was in 1920, A year after Hera found out about the affair when Zeus informed him of what had happened Rao was furious that while my mother was being tortured by Hera, Zeus sat on his throne and let it happen also Rao had been warning Zeus for thousands of years to stop his philandering ways and that one day it would eventually come back to haunt him. Rao rage was so great that day he beat the living hell out of Zeus for what he had done and told him that their friendship was over and to never get in contact with him ever again"
Kal couldn't believe what he had just heard to learn how powerful Rao was that he even beat Zeus in a fight "After that incident Rao journeyed to Tartarus and convinced Hera to let my mother go, Rao took mother back to Themyscira when he first appeared my sisters were about to attack him until the new Queen immediately stopped them from doing it" "New Queen" said Alanna, Diana nodded her head in response "Yes with my mother gone Athena goddess of wisdom took over as Queen of Themyscira to give my sisters guidance when Rao returned with my mother he left her in the hands of Epione chief healer of Themyscira while Athena and him then went to sort out the situation in Olympus which ended with Zeus staying as king, Athena decided that she would work closely with my Mother to regain the trust of my sisters and eventually give the throne back to her, Hera decided to leave Olympus saying that she needed to be away from Zeus so her and Rao headed out for the cosmos and she has never returned since."
Diana went silent for a brief moment and spoke again "There was one other thing that happened which hurt me a lot, A week after my mother was returned Athena and her had a vote cast by a show of hands whether I should be allowed to come home, Most of my sisters voted no while a small group voted yes my sisters had said due to my Mothers affair with Zeus and the consequences that came from her getting involved with a man and the deception behind it, They decided that due to the love I had for Steve it was best for me to not come back and that Man's world should remain my permanent home" tears came to her eyes.
Kal saw them & immediately walked towards her pulling her into his arms she cried into his chest with her tears now wetting his House of El crest.
Clark looked at his Mom and Alanna "I got this" he whispered, The both of them caught on and went back into the house shutting the back door leaving Clark and Diana on their own.
The son of (Jor & Lara, Jonathan & Martha) knew this feeling all too well because he had experienced this last year it was the feeling of rejection & loneliness but the only difference between him and Diana was that he was rejected by humanity while her own sisters, The people she considered her family had rejected her, Exiled her and made sure that her exile was kept intact "Hey it will be okay, Please don't cry my love I know what you're feeling right now because I have felt like this as well" said Kal she looked up at him "You have" Diana replied "Yes what you are feeling right now is rejection and loneliness I felt like this last year when humanity turned against me due to Luthor various incidents especially the court explosion".
Tears came to his eyes from the memory replaying in his mind but he refused to let them fall he had to stay strong for his Diana right now she needed an anchor and he needed to be exactly that "The amount of bodies I had to pull out that day it ended up making humanity bay for my blood even more I felt so rejected like I didn't belong here I felt" "Lonely" said Diana "Yes lonely" Kal replied.
Diana cupped his cheeks "Your mother told me that for most of your life you have felt lonely and confused" "Growing up I realized how different I was to other kids one time in elementary school my super hearing and x ray vision kicked in it was too much to handle so I ran out of the classroom and locked myself in the janitors room the school had to call Mom to convince me to unlock the door whilst I was waiting for her I could hear the mean comments coming from my classmates and well that made me feel ten times worse" said Clark.
"She told me about that and how you saved your classmates when your school bus crashed and how she and your father had to strongly deny to the Ross family that you saved them" Diana replied "Your sisters what were they like with you having all this power?" asked Kal "My sisters were very accepting and understanding the way they saw it was that I was a blessing from Olympus they had a deep respect for me even though I was the Queens daughter I saw them as my equals and they treated me the same but ever since my exile and having spent an entire century in man's world I have felt so alone" said Diana "I am sorry that you have felt like that but just know this you're not alone anymore my love you have me your Kansas Farmboy and I have you my Amazon Princess we are two halves of one whole and are each other's future" said Kal.
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