《Justice League : War of the Motherboxes》Lois and Martha
This is what I need you to do, First lower the ship down to the windows I can then check if she is working today or not but knowing Lois she is a workaholic and most likely is there, Heck even on her days off she is working" said Clark "Got it Clark" said Adam he then proceeded to lower the ship and since it was still in stealth mode the ship was still invisible, Clark stood at the cockpit with J'onn, Alanna and Adam "Which one is Lois?" asked J'onn "The red head there" Clark replied, They could see Lois working at her desk he then noticed someone come up to her, This guy was new because he wasn't working at the planet when Clark was there, The man was 6 feet tall, 36 years old, black skinned, green eyes, well built and was dressed in a grey suit.
The group of four watched as Lois and this man conversed with one another, What happened next was a bit of a shocker, The man planted his lips on Lois as she then responded happily "Looks like you were right Alanna she has moved on and I'm happy that Lois has found someone else and is not mourning me any longer" said Clark, They then saw Perry approach the couple and hit the man upside the head with a rolled up Daily Planet newspaper and started to reprimand him & Lois with the both of them now laughing at the telling off that they were being given.
Clark began to use his super hearing and could hear their conversation & heard the name of the man "Richard White that is who he is, This must be Perry's nephew, Perry did mention that he is a reporter as well, J'onn how good is your telepathy?" Clark asked "What do you need me to do Kal?" said J'onn "Send a message to Lois mentally telling her to come to the roof of the building" said Clark.
J'onn proceed to do just that with Lois now getting up from her chair as Clark heard her tell Perry & Richard that she was getting some air and could see that she was heading for the roof.
Adam pulled on the steering wheel which began to lift the ship up.
Daily Planet Rooftop
Lois stood on the roof and looked around for whoever had called her up here, Just moments earlier she was talking to Richard and Perry when a voice spoke to her inside her head and told her to come up here, Lois felt a presence behind her and turned around with her eyes now locked onto the man in the black trench coat who now had his hood up "It's you that guy from earlier who save that plane, The one everyone is calling black trench coat guy" said Lois "That is really the best name they could have come up with for me" said Clark "Who are you?" asked Lois.
Clark pulled his hood down "Someone you used to love, Hello Lois" she stepped back in shock as tears came to her eyes "Smallville but that's impossible I saw you die" said Lois "That is what I thought as well but I never really died, I was in a coma instead which put my body into a state of regeneration" Clark replied "We had 2 funerals for you, One for Superman and the other for Clark Kent, We mourned you and turns out you were alive the whole time, What happened after you woke up?" she asked.
Clark approached Lois and hugged her as she then hugged him back "It is nice to see you too Lois, How are you?" Clark asked "I was fine until now, Damn Smallville you're just full of surprises" "Well I never expected that I would come back to life but I do owe you an explanation" said Clark.
Clark told her about how he climbed out of the grave in the early hours of the morning after and immediately flew up to the sun to heal himself, That he needed to get away from Earth and see how it would cope without Superman, He went onto explain about his journey in space and the various planets he visited.
Lois laughed when he explained to her what Maxima was like with him "So let me get this straight, This Queen Maxima tried to seduce you and in response to that you left her planet as quick as possible to get away from her" "Trust me when I say she is a very strange woman and frankly I hope I never run into her again" said Clark.
Clark went onto explain about how he met his new friends who had brought him back to earth "So this alien J'onn J'onnz was the one who was talking to me in my head and telling me to come up here" said Lois "Yeah he knew my biological parents and told me a lot about my family" said Clark "That is nice" said Lois.
The two of them stood there in silence until Clark spoke up again "I see that you have hooked up with Perry's nephew Richard" "Yeah he joined the planet 2 months after your death, We worked together first on various stories and then we eventually hit it off and have recently started seeing each other, I like being with him, It has been a year Clark I had to move on and Richard has been filling that void that was left in my heart, I am not going to run back to you just like that and I don't expect you to do the same either, It wouldn't be fair to Richard, I will always treasure what we had Smallville but now that you are back it is time for you to find someone else as well" said Lois
Lois interlaced her hand with his as Clark then spoke "Thank you Lois I will always treasure what we had as well but my heart desires someone else, This person that I love she is very special to me and I just hope that when I finally do talk to her she will want me as well" "Well first of all go see your mother to reassure her that you are still alive and then go get your girl and declare your love for her" Lois replied she then gave him a kiss on the cheek and began to walk away "You're not going to ask me who this woman is?" said Clark.
Lois turned back and looked at him with a smile "Your love life is none of my business, Now go before someone see's that your dumbass is still alive", The both of them laughed "Goodbye Clark" "Goodbye Lois" she then headed back into the building.
J'onn opened the side door to the ship with Kal now flying in "I can tell that went well" said Alanna "Yeah it did, She was very understanding about it, Now next stop Smallville, Kansas".
Smallville, Kansas
The Kent Farm
One year it had been a whole year since her son's death and Martha was struggling to cope she had gone to visit Clark's grave earlier in the morning and the moment she approached it she had broken down right there, Last time she felt pain like this was when she lost Jonathan she struggled to cope but Clark was there for her as a son would be for his mother but her biggest fear was losing her child, This special boy who was sent from Krypton to Earth and was gifted with powers, Jonathan and she adopted him and from that moment on he became their son, She loved this boy more than anything and all she wanted to do was protect and nurture him.
Martha was proud of the man he had become and loved watching him on the tv saving lives whenever he would go out as Superman even though there were some people in the world who thought that he was a menace to society and that he should leave this world because to them he didn't belong here, It especially pissed her off when they kept giving him shit over the destruction of Metropolis from his battle with Zod and the various incidents last year just to discover that Lex Luthor the little shit was the one who was behind it all and then to create a behemoth so that it would kill her son and rid the earth of Superman, That spoilt selfish brat had robbed her of the only child she had and now she was left all alone.
She had help though, Throughout the past year Lana Lang and Princess Diana had visited her often to make sure she was okay she enjoyed their company and liked the fact that Diana and Lana had become close friends, Lois visited a few times when she could and had given the ring back to Martha due to her now finding love again in a man called Richard White after that she had stopped visiting, What also surprised her was when Diana had told her of Clark saving her one time and that when she helped him take down Doomsday she felt a connection with him that was much stronger in her opinion than what Lois had with Clark, It was her woman's instinct that Martha knew Diana was in love with Clark as well even though he was with Lois.
Martha had asked Diana why she had hidden herself amongst the human race for so long Diana had then told her everything about the Amazons and how they were created, She then told her of her birth due to her mothers affair with Zeus and why she had been exiled from her own home, Martha couldn't believe it when Diana told her that she was 5000 years old, Martha had also asked Diana why she hadn't come to help Clark against the Kryptonians, Diana had told her that she wasn't one to normally opt out of a fight but she believed that it would have been a bad idea to get involved in a battle between kryptonians, The way she saw it was that this was a battle that had to be settled between Kal and his people but she was rooting for him when she watched his battle with Zod on TV which made Martha laugh.
It did make her think though what life would have been like for Clark if he had met Diana instead of Lois her thoughts were then interrupted by a knock on the door.
Martha opened it and was greeted by a man in a black trench coat "Can I help you with something?" she asked "Yes you can actually, I am here to see my mother" Clark pulled his hood down, Tears came to his eyes as he then smiled at her "Hi Mom" Martha gasped in shock and awe "Clark how, This is impossible, Please tell me that I am hallucinating right now" Clark grabbed his mothers hands and placed them on his cheeks "Mom it is me your son standing alive and well in front of you and just to let you know you are definitely not hallucinating" said Clark.
Martha wrapped her arms around him and cried into his chest as he then returned the hug and began to cry as well "Oh Clark it is you, Thank you god, Thank you so much, You gave my little boy back to me" "I missed you so much Mom" said Clark who then kissed his mother on her head.
The both of them stood there in the Kent home and cried happy tears
"My beautiful boy what happened to you more so how is this even possible?" Martha asked "I will explain you mom but I need to ask permission from you for something first?" said Clark "What is it?" she asked "I made some new friends they were the ones who brought me back to Earth and right now at this moment they are waiting outside in their spaceship, Will you allow me to invite them in?" he asked "Of course they can come in they brought you back to me" Martha replied, Clark smiled at her "Just to give you a heads up mom, (One of them is human, The other one is from another planet while the third is literally a Martian from Mars itself) he was a friend of my Kryptonian family" said Clark "I don't care that he is an alien as well he helped bring you back to me, Now invite your friends in" said Martha.
Clark turned to the front garden raising his hand he signalled for them as the side door to the ship opened.
Alanna stepped out first, Behind her was Adam and last of all was J'onn who was still in his true Martian form, He had considered shape shifting into someone else so that Martha would not be scared but Kal reassured him that his mother would not mind of what he looked like in his true form if she was capable of raising an alien baby then she could definitely deal with a 6 foot 7 green Martian coming into her home.
The 3 of them approached the steps "Mom I would like you to meet Adam Strange, His wife Alanna and J'onn J'onnz" said Clark "It is nice to meet you Mrs Kent" said Adam "Mrs Kent it is nice to finally meet the mother of Superman" said Alanna "Mrs Kent it is an honour to meet you" said J'onn "Welcome to my home and please just call me Martha and if anything I must thank you three for bringing my son back home, Now please come in" the 5 of them entered the house and sat down "So Clark care to explain to your own mother on how you survived and what you did after that?" said Martha he then ran down his whole story to her she now understood why he left without telling her, Clark needed time for himself to see what the galaxy was like and gain some peace of mind as well she also laughed when he told her about Maxima and was happy that he was able to get away from this crazy Queen or as Alanna called her the Whore of Almerac.
Alanna went onto explain to Martha and Clark that the only thing Maxima wanted from Superman was his babies, Once she had got that she would just toss him aside like he was nothing, It is why men avoid getting close to Maxima and why Almerac had no king but now that Maxima knew of Superman's existence, The only one she would desire right now is him and the only way to make her go away is if the person she desired was in love with someone else "Thank god I got away from her, God knows what kind of method she would have used to get her hands on me" Clark thought to himself.
Martha then got up and went to the kitchen with Clark now helping her make sandwiches for himself and their guests while in the kitchen she pressed his cheek with her finger a few times "Sorry Clark but I am still trying to make sure that you're actually standing here and it is not a dream" Clark arms wrapped around his mother "I am here Mom with you burying me last year and thinking I was dead it must have been hard to cope but I am sorry for leaving without telling you" said Clark "It's okay Clark I forgive you, I am just glad that you are actually alive and well" said Martha she then kissed him on the cheek "I love you son" "I love you too Mom" he replied.
The two of them then carried on making the sandwiches.
Once that had been sorted, The 5 of them sat at the table eating whilst Martha then explained about the past year to Clark as he sat in amazement at hearing Diana's past learning now that she was a demi goddess & princess of an immortal race of Amazon warriors when Martha mentioned how Heracles and his men forced themselves on the Amazons it took all his self-control to not get extremely pissed off at hearing that.
.Martha carried on explaining about Diana being trained by her Aunt Antiope in secret
.How she accidently knocked her Auntie down by crossing her bracelets to defend herself from her Aunt's attack.
.Steve landing on Themyscira.
.How he was followed by the Germans who were then killed by the Amazons.
.Steve telling them about the destruction that world war 1 was causing.
.The Amazons theorizing that it was the exiled Ares who was responsible for the war carrying on for so long.
.How Diana beat Artemis in order to become the Themysciran champion so that she could go & help Steve end the war.
.Diana falling in love with Steve Trevor.
.Her killing Ludendorff thinking he was Ares and then to find out that that another man called Sir Patrick who they thought was their ally was actually the god of war in disguise.
.Her killing the evil god and ending the war.
.Steve Trevor being murdered by mustard gas that was thrown by a group of German soldiers who couldn't accept the loss.
.How she was exiled from Themyscira for falling in love with a man.
He was also shocked to find out that she was 5000 years old "5000 years old and still as beautiful as ever" said Clark, Martha then explained about Diana becoming friends with Lana and how the both of them helped Martha cope with Clarks death.
Clark told his mother about him visiting Lois and that he was happy that she moved on "Clark don't you want to tell your mother about Diana?" asked Alanna "What is it?" asked Martha "It's Diana mom, I'm in love with her, For the past year I have not stopped thinking about her and when I first met her I felt something, A connection sort of, I even dream of her in my sleep Mom and thanks to Alanna she helped me realise these feelings I had for her" said Clark.
Martha smiled at hearing that "That is good to know Clark because just to let you know Diana loves you as well" Clark was taken aback while Alanna, Adam and J'onn were now grinning "She does" Martha nodded her head in response "Yes that connection you felt with her she felt it as well, She misses you very much Clark, There was one night where I found her sitting in front of your gravecrying her eyes out and even on other occasions she would cry for you, Diana is just like you a unique individual amongst a fragile race and the one man she desired who most likely knows what it is like to have all these powers whilst still trying to fit in was then snatched away from her due to you sacrificing your life, Diana loves you a lot and now that I know you love her as well, I urge you to find her and speak to her immediately so you can tell her how you feel" Clark was about to say something when a knock on the door interrupted them, Martha opened it and saw who it was "Diana".
Kryptonian and Amazon
Kal and Diana
Hope and Peace
The ultimate power couple
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