《Justice League : War of the Motherboxes》Leaving for Earth
Clark Kent stood in his hotel room, Mere moments after hearing that Darkseid was heading for Earth he immediately began to bundle his clothes into his large rucksack (He shaved, Took a shower & dressed into his Superman armour) minus the cape which was in his bag and put on his long black trenchcoat instead over it, He looked at himself in the mirror and saw that he was a lot different now than he was a year ago, His hair was shorter and was spiked up at the front, His body had become bigger muscle wise as well.
The Kryptonian pulled his hood up & put the rucksack on his back and made his way down to check out of the hotel, With that done he headed outside, Rann was a long way away from home but if he pushed himself during his flying hopefully he would be able to get to Earth before Darkseid.
The other side of Rann was completely different from the flaming sea, Rann was still in the process of recovering from an attack by Parallax (Sworn enemy of the Green Lanterns) that happened a few years ago which made the world almost uninhabited, Very little people lived on the planet, Yet it was still amazing to see the people there working on making it a tourist & scientific planet again.
He heard of Sadarth, One of the leading scientists who was still to this very day working his ass off in making this world a better planet.
Kal gave that man credit for what he had done but he was more interested in his son-in-law who was the protector of Rann he was one of a few who stopped the wars, He wore a jetpack & was armed with a laser shotgun and was currently patrolling from the skies & noticed the Kryptonian walking through the streets "Finally I have found you Kryptonian".
Clark slowly walked into the city with a few shops open while most of them had tattered signs with no life in them, During his walk he could feel that he was being watched he was about to fly off and start his journey to Earth when six eyes literally focused on him, He sensed their movements coming closer to him. The smell of sex on two of them while the other he couldn't tell what he was like he was not anything that Clark had sensed before "He must not be from Rann, He must be another life form" he thought to himself "Hello Kal-El" a soothing calm voice said to him.
Krypton's last son spun around in order to see the man who knew his birth name, He pulled his hood down and lifted his arms up to prepare himself for a fight "Kal El son of Lara and Jor-El, Stand down I mean no harm" "How do you know that name, How do you know my parents?" the Kryptonian asked "Kal-El you were only a little child when I saw you, You have grown up to be a man" the man spoke calmly he was dark skinned & looked old and was wearing some sort of suit while the other two people stood next to him holding each other as if they were a couple.
The male was wearing a red battle armour with a white 'X' on it and was armed with a laser shotgun and the other was dressed in a dark blue jumpsuit "My name is J'onn J'onzz and this is Adam Strange and his wife Alanna" "How do you know my parents?" Kal asked "Let us walk Kal" said Jonn ignoring the question completely,
Clark stood still as he watched the three figures walk past him.
J'onn turned back to him "You want to get back to Earth don't you?" asked Jonn "Wait, What, How the hell did you know I was heading for Earth" "We are going to Earth" said Adam making his wife giggle "I...You want me to come with you?" Kal asked "Well of course Superman, Why the hell else were we following you" said Alanna.
Clark felt a shock go through his body they knew his secret "J'onn is a mind reader and we have been watching you on the Galactic news channel, Your acts of kindness did not go unnoticed" said Alanna.
Kal's anger started to rise which made his pupils turn red "This is not the place to fight Superman we need to get to Earth as soon as possible" said Jonn "And why the fuck should I trust you three?" Clark asked "Because Kal-El I can tell you a lot about Krypton, Your parents and help you take down Darkseid" replied Jonn.
Clark stood there in silence and contemplated whether it was worth taking the risk to trust these three individuals "Look if you don't want to go with us just say so but it makes more sense for you to come with us since we are going in that direction as well" said Alanna
On board the ship which was rather large it contained bedrooms, A bathroom, Kitchen, Medical room and a weapons storage room.
Clark sat staring at the three people who were preparing for lift off but his mind was somewhere else, This man knew his biological parents, What else did he know the Kryptonian was so lost in thought that he didn't notice J'onn taking a seat opposite him "Before I tell you about your home planet, I must tell you about mine" said J'onn "You're an alien as well?" Clark asked "Correct" J'onn replied he then shapeshifted into his true 6 foot 7 green Martian form "I come from Mars, I am also the last Martian just as you are the last Kryptonian" "Is your race extinct because of Darkseid?" Clark asked "No there are two types of Martians on Mars, Green Martians & White Martians, White Martians were a violence race most focused on war and fighting one day they decided to attack us we...we were unprepared" said J'onn.
The Martian closed his eyes "Everyone is dead including...my wife & child" "I am sorry, J'onn" said Kal "It's okay Kal-El that was almost 200 years ago" he replied with a sad smile "It would still hurt though the pain of losing your family" Kal replied, J'onn nodded in response "It did but I promised myself that day I would help the weak" he replied "So you want to help me defeat Darkseid?" asked Kal "Yes I want to help you defeat Darkseid sadly Alanna and Adam cannot be part of this battle due to Alanna's medical state" "I'm pregnant" she shouted happily from the front of the space ship "Congratulations is it going to be a boy or a girl?" asked Kal "We don't want to know, We would rather be surprised instead" replied Adam "I needed Adam to fly us to Earth and if you don't mind me asking what happened to you after krypton exploded?" the Martian asked.
Kal-El proceeded to tell J'onn his whole life story all the way up to how and why he was in space "You said this Lex Luthor created a Doomsday?" asked J'onn "Yeah he did" said Kal.
Jonn got up and retrieved a computer tablet he then pulled up a picture of the real doomsday and showed it to Kal as Superman looked at the grey skinned white haired creature that had spiked shaped rocks protruding out of it's skin in various places "The Doomsday you took on was a clone, The real Doomsday is still out there somewhere in space, This Doomsday was created by a mad kryptonian scientist named Bertron he would kidnap innocent kryptonians in order to experiment on them eventually the council & it's military discovered what he had been doing so he unleashed his Doomsday onto Krypton in retaliation for being discovered, It took a lot of effort to take him down. The council of Krypton decided to have him imprisoned on the source wall so a team of Green Lanterns came to take him away everything went smoothly until Krypton had gotten word that during Doomsdays escort to the source wall he had broken out of the prison construct of the Green Lanterns and had killed the team that had been assigned the task of taking him away, After that no one knew where Doomsday went, All we do know is that he is still alive and that he goes from planet to planet wreaking havoc & destruction, This one is a lot more powerful than the one you took on, I have no doubt that one day he will find you so that he can kill you Kal-El".
The Kryptonian sat there in horror knowing now that there was another Doomsday out there in the galaxy and this one was more powerful than the clone he fought "Why haven't people tried hunting him down and why would he come for me?" asked Kal "They have but he comes and goes you could go to one sector of space and by the time you have got to the planet he is causing destruction on by then he'll have left and disappeared it sounds bad I know but Doomsday is a truly powerful opponent and the reason he would come for you is because you are one of a very few highly powered individuals who could take him down, Your strength would rival his and he likes a challenge" said J'onn "What happened to Bertron?" asked Kal "He was executed for his crimes" J'onn replied "I am normally not one for the death penalty but I have to say this Bertron deserved it" said Clark "Imagine what kind of monsters he could have created if he didn't get caught" said J'onn.
Clark sat back and felt more at ease he already felt like he could trust this man with his calming voice his soft introduction (maybe not so soft for stalking him) and his caring side the way he told him his story was so chill "You said that you knew where I came from and that you knew my parents can you tell me about them?" asked Kal "Of course about 36 years ago when I was traveling around the galaxy, I came across a planet so advanced in technology it was magnificent, I landed on the planet expecting a warm welcome but sadly they banned space travel, Jor-El your father helped me understand Krypton and became a brother to me, I learned so much from him he even explained to me why the planet was dying, I left just about 2 weeks before you were born but moments before i left I asked Jor why he didn't want to leave, He answered me saying that he has made many mistakes but his child has not and will live on as the last Kryptonian, You have the same eyes as your mother you were only a newborn when your planet exploded, I am sorry Kal".
J'onn went on to talk about how his mother was one of the bravest & deadliest fighters on Krypton and that she was one of the most kind hearted woman he had ever met he also told Kal about his uncle Zor-El & Aunt Allura In-Ze and that they had a child called Kara-Zor El, He then talked about his abilities.
Clark felt like his eyes were beginning to sting this was the first time in a long time that he felt like crying, The last time he felt like this was after battle on the blackest night "Thank you J'onn for telling me all that, I'm glad I met you and know that from this moment onwards, I consider you a friend" he stretched out his hand which J'onn shook "It is my honour Kal-El if there is anything else you would like to know just ask"
Kal then remembered something it was a dream he was having recently and maybe J'onn knew the answer to it "There is one thing during my time out in space I would get this recurring dream where I am lying asleep and next to my bed is this big white dog watching over me almost like he is guarding me and then when I wake up he isn't there" "Krypto" said J'onn "Krypto is that the name of this dog?" asked Kal "Yes that is his name what you are experiencing isn't a dream Kal it is your dog Krypto he was the family pet of the house of El he is trying to talk to you if I'm correct Krypto is trapped in the phantom zone, Jor-El must have put him there so that he wouldn't be killed by the planets explosion and knew that one day you would eventually free him" the Martian replied "I have a mini phantom zone projector in my rucksack we can get Krypto out now" said Clark "Not now Kal but in time we will let's focus first on taking down Darkseid, I know he is your dog but we need to get this done first" Kal nodded in response and headed for the bedroom.
Clark laid down on the bed watching the ceiling imagining what it would be like if he went back to Earth but most importantly what it would have been like if his planet had not have been destroyed, Would he be a scientist like his father or a warrior like his mother he felt sad & nervous to return back to Earth he was beginning to ask the same questions that he asked a year ago with him coming back on the anniversary of his death, What would the people think of him still being alive also being stronger than before due to the many times he has been close to various yellow suns and the amount of sunlight his body had absorbed due to them,
He was so lost in thought that he didn't notice Adam come up to him "Hey" said Adam, Clark sat up and smiled in return his mother always taught him that a smile can brighten up anyone's day "Hey what are you doing here?" Clark asked "Um I came here in order to give you these" said Adam he produced what seems to be three needles with a blue substance inside and handed them to Kal's awaiting hands "These are blue sun molecules" said Adam "Blue sun" replied Kal "Yes I have been researching up on you and had help from J'onn, I found out that a blue sun will boost your powers so this is kind of like steroids for you" "I don't want to cheat" replied Kal "J'onn had a feeling you would say that something about your father also being too noble but you have to trust me when I say Darkseid is stronger than you think and you will need a boost in order to defeat him" said Adam.
Clark stared at the substance in his hands "Are you sure that this will help me?" Clark asked "100% I recommend injecting these about 30 mins before you take on Darkseid so it gives it time to kick in one syringe lasts 8 hours but since you are using 3 of these, The effect will last a total of 24 hours" "Thank you for this but I must ask why you are helping me?" Kal asked "Earth is my origin just like Krypton was yours, I don't want to see the place that I was born taken over by anyone especially someone like Darkseid, I want you to be the protector of my world" said Adam "I promise you that I will not allow anything to happen to Earth" "Thank you Superman" said Adam "Clark" replied Superman "What?" Adam asked "You can call me Clark which is my Earth name that was given to me by my adopted parents or Kal which is my kryptonian name, I don't mind either one" "I think I will go with Clark, I prefer that" said Adam "Could you do me a little favour?" Clark asked "What is it Clark?" Adam asked "There is something I want to discuss with Alanna this particular subject I think I would need a woman's perspective instead" "Let me guess a woman" said Adam "Two women actually" replied Kal.
Adam eyes looked in shock a grin came to his face "wow didn't know you were a player" Clark face palmed and chuckled "It is not like that you imbecile now will you get your wife to come talk to me while you go pilot the ship".
Adam walked to the front of the ship "Alanna he wants to talk to you about something and one more thing he has two other names you can either call him Kal or Clark he doesn't mind either one" she got out of the seat and headed for the bedrooms when she entered she saw him sitting there on the bed in deep thought "Clark, Adam said you wanted to talk to me about something" he got up immediately and offered her his spot on the bed "You don't have to get up" said Alanna "I insist please you're the one who is pregnant" said Clark.
Alanna sat down on the bed "So what is going on in that head of yours?" she asked "I was hoping you could help me with a dilemma I've been having I think when it comes to this I need a woman's advice" said Clark "That is fine now tell me everything" Alanna replied "3 years ago before my battle with General Zod and his Kryptonian army I met this human woman named Lois Lane she is a reporter for a newspaper called the Daily Planet they are based in my city of Metropolis she had been hearing rumours of my existence & began to investigate me she was very persistent and had been able to follow my tracks all the way back to my childhood home in Kansas she wanted the world to know about me but I was able to convince her to not publish anything about me, After that Zod found out that I was on Earth and broadcasted a message to the entire planet about me living amongst the human race and that I was to surrender or he would attack Earth, I first gave myself up to the U.S army and told them that I was going to surrender to Zod they then escorted me to an interrogation room where Lois was waiting to interview me she asked me a few questions and from there I was escorted outside and waited for Faora (Zod's 2nd in command) to come and get me she arrived and was also given an order by Zod to bring Lois as well we were taken to the main ship but during our journey I handed Lois a key that if used correctly it would take control of Zod's space ship, We met Zod but during mine and his conversation I collapsed due to the atmospheric difference between Krypton and Earth, From there me and Lois had got separated from each other while the kryptonians were dealing with me, Lois had activated the key it contained the last piece of my biological father Jor-El due to her doing that he was able to get complete control of the ship and escorted Lois to an escape pod but one of Zod's soldiers came at the last moment and had been able to get a few shots off at her pod just as it was ejecting in doing so the pod was now hurtling to Earth instead of it's natural state of flying, I then went to go save Lois and was able to get to her in time and break her out of the pod".
Kal went on to explain the incident where she fell out of the air carrier moments after it had crashed into Zod's ship and how he had to save her then and about the final battle with Zod "I then decided to get a job at the Daily Planet and got into a relationship with Lois" he then explained the 3 separate incidents last year where he had to again save Lois and then mentioned Diana and how they took down clone Doomsday together his whole body language changed at that moment.
Alanna noticed the giant smile on his face when he talked about her "I don't know why but when me and Diana was facing Doomsday I felt more of a connection with her than I ever did with Lois and throughout this past year I haven't been thinking about Lois" "You've been thinking about Diana" said Alanna "I even dream of her" said Clark "Well if you want my opinion this relationship you had with Lois sounded very unhealthy and one sided, No offense but the amount of times you have had to save her is truly ridiculous, This woman clearly likes getting herself in danger because she knows that you will save her, For god's sake Clark I don't want to sound like a bitch on this but Lois was definitely taking advantage of your good nature and when it comes to Diana" she then giggled "What is it?" asked Clark "Oh Kal-El you haven't realised that you're in love with Diana" said Alanna.
- In Serial11 Chapters
Finding Home: The Quest for Knowledge
Angela was quite surprised to wake up one day in the middle of a forest, transformed into a character from her favorite MMO game. Now she's wandering around, lost, trying to get back to her own world and her own comfy bed. But things aren't going quite as she planned. She's aquiring traveling companions instead of the know-how to get home. At this rate, she's going to lose her job and break her rental contract and end up being something totally useless like a Hero!
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Earth's Hydra
Earth, the planet we live on. It is a fairly mundane place to some and they wish to escape, to trade in Earth for a wonderful land full of magic and monsters where adventure awaits for the ones thirsty enough for excitement to live in danger every second of their lives. As for others, it has the potential to become more, to become a planet that births a breed or species that will explore the stars and innovates technologies that can lead to the answers of the universe and maybe even start a race that is immortal. This immortal race will forever explore the stars and create new planet shaking inventions. Some just want to live their lives to the fullest and accept what they have already, enjoying the love of family and experience what is the “modern life”. There is one thing that everyone can agree on though, Earth is home. Our Home. We have always lived in the darkness, away from the prying eyes of more advanced or dangerous species that live in the outer reaches of the boundless void that is space. We did not know this though, as for our Mother, Earth, has protected us without our knowing until we have become intelligent enough, cultivated many advanced beings, and even have the ability and will to unite if put against the corner. Now, Earth has run out of energy and can no longer protect us, her children, and it is now our turn to protect her. To protect our Home. The protection of Earth has been put into the hands of Earth's Hydra, an 8 group organization that has enough battle power for 8 other planets! ******************** The cover picture is an editted version and here is the original, all credit goes to them. https://www.rgdd-darkdesigns.com/hydra.html
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Good Morning, Mr. Kay
Mr. Kay, a forlorn surgeon, finds comfort in an unusual therapist named Eve, a strange creature that lives in the interdimensional realm of White Space.
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After her return from St.Petersburg, the daugter of a small church priest keeps an eerie silence. The priest goes down to his personal hell of loneliness and remorse in the desperate search for an answer. A chilling Russian gothic from Leonid Andreyev (1905), the master of psychological drama and suspense. The translation is mine. The original book is in the public domain.
8 193 - In Serial58 Chapters
return to sender | knj + kth + jh
Dear Namjoon,I know you won't read these, but by the time you find them I'll be dead. - jh tw; suicide, suicidal thoughts, abuse, abusive relationships, main character death (if there's anymore please tell me!!)© cherryjoonseok 2016
8 495 - In Serial36 Chapters
YAOS 1 - Limitless Adventures - Yet Another OP Story Book 1
December 23rd 2018: Book 1 is now up at Smashwords and at Amazon. December 30th 2018: V1.1.2 of YAOS Book 1 is out, some content additions, fixed typos. Amazon's enhanced typesetting now displays tables properly. YAOS is shown through the eyes of some genius athlete getting OP inside a VR, ah wait, Full Immersion game, ?F.I.O?. Not a Hero, not a Nerd, just a driven individual paying for mistakes made, biding time until he can return to the Real World. He isn't defined like you'd normally do it, you can pick his looks and name all on your own, just like you do in video games. Believe it or not, keeping his looks undefined is harder than you think. His backstory isn't expounded in detail, but it drives his choices. Book 1 isn't about depressing sob stories but about fun and rushing forward, pursuing new horizons. Oh, and you'll end on a cliffhanger! Well, most serials do, so you will probably expect that without being told explicitly. But it isn't that bad, there's a lot of reveals and more to come once this book, that is the first in a planned three-part series, is finally ready for release on amazon et al. The published version will have: 1.) Godawful speaker tags, I hate them, they make you stop thinking and speed up editing so much. In hindsight they should have been in to begin with. But I stand by my goals proclaimed earlier. You guys should think while reading, that is the whole point of the exercise. Apply the knowledge and ideas, improve yourself, get creative! 2.) Pretty colored tables, the damned blue boxes, a lot of work, 69 in one book. Finally fixed amazon's centering issue. Can't say I liked the hours needed to debug that. 3.) The promised Mitara chapters. 4.) A cover! 5.) And lastly, updated polished versions of several chapters. MC shares more of his past, some terrible chapters (esp. 32) finally work. Some new scenes, minor rewrites in parts. Text flow and other issues. The current challenge is to maintain essential ambiguity while satisfying people wanting to know more without thinking three steps ahead. Balancing one with the other is tough. The smut which was in remains, but the story told is not to be superseded by it. A 15+ rating for the first book is also important, not to mention, YAOS wasn't meant to contain any smut to begin with. If the Author can turn to writing full time his output should increase, so please support YAOS #1 once it does finally release. ~Thank You~ No maps so far, that should be in, but is really hard to get done right. Again, tips are appreciated. Update September 2017: Stubbed chapters, sorry guys, currently don't have time to upload them elsewhere, polishing book 1 and 2, writing 3, takes precedence. Book 1 is in heavy editing, too much to keep synced and continuing editing. I'd need a site which offers JS-free rapid managing of chapters and comments. Coding one myself or setting a premade up is out of scope until I'm done with the books. RRL-old offered that, nuff said. This is only here because the author believes in fairies, nobody reads this, most likely. October to December 2017: Life threw some curveballs. February 2018: Book 2 draft 1 completed, at ~150K words. Book 2 is fairly epic in scope, requires 1 rewritten chapter, some editing. Tables and miscellanea are in, but needs at least a grammar pass. March 2018: Book 3 at 28k words, first arc, rest needs serious planning for spin-off and satisfying conclusion. July 2018: Yet another proofing/editing session of books 1-3, 101+ chapters, ~300k words. B3 at 48k, starts out great, but no ETA, no wordcount limit, in flux. But prioritizing my writing cannot be done, I hate the delays as much as you, but you will prefer the whole released in a timely fashion rather than wait. Knowing myself how excruciating waiting can be, at least you'll get significantly polished versions and an ETA on book 2 by release of book 1. December 23rd 2018: Book 1 is now up at Smashwords and in the process at Amazon et. al.. . To all who wait patiently, offered feedback, thanks again!
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