《Bakugou's Lover》Chapter Eleven: The Longest Night...


"But Todoroki!" Iida followed Todoroki as he marched through the silent house. Ever since Todoroki got an address he's been hell-bent on just rushing in. Iida was trying to reason with him but Todoroki only thought he was holding him back. "Todoroki! You know you can't just rush in there. For all we know they could be setting up a trap!" "That is a possibility but what if they really did make a mistake and they are going to move him somewhere else?" The shorter walked into a large room filled with people in suits.

"Why don't you send in a scout first? We could lose so many people." Iida whispered to him. The last thing he wanted was to get everyone to panic. "They could be expecting that first. We don't have time for this!" That got the attention of everyone in the room. He stood in the center of the room. The people surrounding him were people that worked for the Todoroki family. They had been working under them for years. Some of them were business partners with Enji that lost everything. Some of them traded their freedom for their lives. Some even walked in there by themselves.

All they know is that they have to listen or they will lose their lives and families.

"I called upon you because we are taking down LOV." A few worried glances were sent through the room. Momo sent one to Iida as he just nodded. "They have taken Eijiro Kirishima and Izuku Midoriya from us. We are going to avenge them for what they have done. We are going tonight, I need all hands on deck for this one, this one is going to be dangerous." Todoroki glared at everyone before placing a hand on Iida's shoulder. He left, slamming the door behind him.

The room filled with hush voices and whispers. Normally if they were to do something like this they would be informed a few days beforehand. So they could say goodbye to their families. Some of them knew that there was a possibility that they wouldn't come back.

"Iida? Is this true?" Iida looked up to see Ojiro, Hagakure, and Momo walking over to him. "He's not listening to reason right now." Hagakure huffed. "He's been acting like that for the past couple of days now. It's getting hard to deal with." "I know. It's going to be okay. After this, everything will be over." Momo mumbled "Hopefully," under her breath before pulling out her phone and walking out of the room. "I truly hope this is going to be over." Ojiro half-smiled before pulling a tired Hagakure away.


Iida looked over the room. Everyone was on their phone telling their families goodbye or trying to get any rest because they didn't know when they were leaving. Iida sighed before making his way to try and reason with Todoroki again. "It's going to be a long night."


Ojiro pulled his wife towards his chest. They weren't really married. He could only wish. They both could only wish. They were going to be married before Yagi and Midoriya smashed in their door. The night that happened terrified them for life.

"What do you think they will be like?" Hagakure said, rubbing her belly. Ojiro almost had a heart attack because of how cute she looked picturing their son or daughter. "I'm sure they will be as beautiful as you, honey." "I hope so." She smiled as she watched her fiance cook her dinner. He was her perfect househusband. Hagakure had to take maternity leave because of her baby, but she didn't mind.

"Are you sure you're okay? I can get more pillows?" She smiled and laughed. "I'm really fine! You don't have to worry about me that much. I'm only four months pregnant." She put a hand on her baby bump and smiled impossibly wider. "We're going to be parents!" Ojiro joined her. He was so happy sitting there with her, thinking about the future.

Then there was a bang.

Six people walked in holding handguns pointed at them. Ojiro ushered Hagakure behind him as he backed up towards a wall. "W-what do you want?!" Ojiro watched as the two of them walked closer to them. He protected her as much as he could. "You just be Mashirao Ojiro. And behind you must be Toru Hagakure." He didn't say anything. Could he pull off lying? Or would that make everything worse?

"Toru Hagakure, your father has passed all his debt onto you." The older one said. He was tall and lanky. "My father? How did he do that?" "He left. Don't know where to but he just up and left. He did lay this out." The green-haired man handed Ojiro and paper.

"My daughter will take my debt." with their address under it. Hagakure put a hand over her mouth before she fell to her knees. Ojiro went down with her to lessen the fall. She cried into her hands as Ojiro comforted her. "Until we find him. You will be paying his debt of 50 million dollars." Ojiro felt her curl more into herself. "We don't have that kinda money." The green-haired one laughed. "Of course you don't. No one does." He smiled as he held the gun towards Ojiro's head.


"Sir." One of the men held up a frame. "They're doctors. Highly professional ones at that. We could use them." The green-haired man frowned. "Iida. You're no fun." He put down his gun and followed the tall one out. Leaving the one man and the scared couple. He slowly approached them and held out his hand. "If you want to live, just do as they say." Ojiro nodded. Pulling himself up using Iida. He helped his wife up and they followed the blue-haired man.

That was over two years ago. That day changed their entire lives. Ojiro flinched as he felt Hagakure shoot up. "Don't take my ice cream!" Ojiro laughed as she looked around her confused. "W-what? Where am I?" Ojiro smiled and pulled her into a hug. "I love you, you know?" She gasped. "You love me? I had no idea!" He laughed at her fake shocked face.

"Lucky for you. I love you too." He smiled and pulled her into a kiss. Ojiro pulled away and smiled at her. Hagakure set her head on his shoulder and smiled to herself. Even if this wasn't the life they planned together, they are still together. And that's all they could ever ask for.

The door was shoved open. Causing both of them to jump up. Ojiro blocking Hagakure. But it was just Iida. "Iida?" Hagakure opened her squinted eyes and sighed. "You know we don't like that!" "We're about to leave." Ojiro widened his eyes, "Now?! I would have thought we would have got a little more time?" "Well, he got aggravated again so we have to go now." Iida ran out of the room leaving the two. Hagakure grabbed his hand and smiled. "Come on now. Let's see this through to the end." He was surprised. She knew she could possibly die today but she was still smiling.

"Together?" She nodded. "Together!" If they were to die they would do it together. And he would be content with that. And like that, they ran out of the room.


Todoroki placed his hand on the wheel. He had a long drive ahead of him, beside him sat Iida. Iida still looked worried but that didn't matter. They were so close. He just had to see Bakugou once more. His Bakugou. His Katsuki. His all his. No one else's. He needed him. He was alone otherwise.

He wasn't dumb he knew they all hated him. They all know what he's done. Katsuki doesn't though. He wasn't been tainted by that life. And Todoroki wanted to make sure that never happened. But it did. He doesn't know what's happening anymore. He's out of control. He needs to take back control. He will take care of Dabi and everything will be normal again.

But this time he will have Katsuki by his side. Cooking for him and being his wife. He smiled to himself. He'll make sure that Katsuki will never leave him.

The road was clear and so was the moon. It shone in the sky as he drove down the streets of the city. "Momo says that everyone is a mile behind us so we can't just rush in while we get there," Iida said, cautiously. "You better tell them to pick up the pace then." Todoroki's face didn't move as he talked.

"It's going to be a long night."

"They are halfway now." A voice said on top of one of the many buildings. "If so make sure your team is behind them when they enter. We don't want any escaping. Not until the main show!" The voice said and laughed. "God, Dabi. You're sick. I love it, dude." "You better hurry. You'll miss the big reveal." "Yes sir!" The voice said hanging up his phone. He smiled as the cars went out into the distance.

He sighed and then he laughed. "Can't wait to finally see you!"

@ /SagaciousTsuya

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