《Letters // Dream x Reader》22


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We were leaning in closer and closer...

Lips almost meeting....

When suddenly he said "I like you Y/N, like- a lot."

"Oh I know. Now kiss me already letterboy." I smiled, closing the distance between us, pulling us into a passionate, heartfelt kiss.

The blondes hand moved up to my neck, deepening the kiss.

Out lips were like made for each other, fitting perfectly onto the others.

We slowly pulled away, the beautiful moment ending.

He giggled. "Letterboy?"

"Yeah, my new nickname for you."

We fell into silence, not comfortable but not much awkward either. After a minute I broke it.

"What does this make us."

"Whatever you want us to be."

"Ok, then we're friends."

He started wheezing, and leaned his head against mine. "Fine then, female friend."

I giggled a bit too. "I think I like the word lovers best."

"Then it's settled. We're lovers."

Then we fell into an actually comfortable silence. I moved so I was laying in his lap. He took my hand in his and started tracing the details on it with his finger.

"You're beautiful, Y/N."

"So are you, Clay."


Half an hour later the sun had already set, and the stars were beautiful. I came up with a few figures from it.

"Look, those look like a little heart."

"Oh yeah, they do."

We were eating some of the snacks I brought, taking our time and enjoying the moment.

But soon, it was sadly time to go back.

"I think I should add that I'm (insert your sexuality bc ik damn well most of yall aren't straight, if you are- dk)"

"Oh, that's cool." He smiled. "'m unlabeled."


"I know, you've told the whole world. Brave move from you there"



When we got back home, Patches greeted us by cuddling against Clays leg.

"Hey Patches!" He said, picking her up.

"Looks like someone missed you." I smiled, walking over to her food bowl and filling it up. "I'm gonna take a shower."

Clay nodded and continued petting Patches.

After my shower he went in and I went into the group chat with Mason, Niki and me, which we created a week ago.

Butterfly Trio

Mansion🛐: Bro I can't anymore I'm so gay- I can't even handle myself 😭

Niki <3: you'll survive

Mansion🛐: no I won't 😭 there are so many hot women everywhere

Sorry to interrupted but it's kinda important-

Niki <3: Hm?

Mansion🛐: what's up?

I'm kinda dating someone now


Niki <3: congrats!

Niki <3: Wait you're dating Dream?

Yep- we're lovers now lol

We got together today

Feels unreal

Niki <3: I want details rn

Mansion🛐: same. Rn.

Ok so we went for a picknick and when we talked for a bit he asked how long we were friends, I told him so then it went on like

"Would it be weird to ask a person you've known for two and a half months if they like someone?"

"Would it be wierd to tell someone you've known for two and a half months who you like?"

So we went on like that and then we basically said we liked each other and kissed


Niki <3: awww that's so cute

Niki <3: @mansion🛐 did you really start singing slay soul sister at the end?

He what.

Mansion🛐: 💃

Gtg my lover is here 🕺

Just reminding you that yall are single😔


Mansion🛐: fuck off

Niki <3: good night


"Done." Clay said, walking into my room, another crop top and sweatpants on.

"Well, now I can finally ask for cuddles." I smiled, putting my phone aside and opening my arms.

"You could've done that way back." He smiled, putting the towel he had around his neck away and dropping himself next to me, hugging me.

"You look great in crop tops, by the way." I smiled, pulling my head away from his chest and pecking his lips.

"Thanks. I mostly sleep without a shirt though." He said, kissing my forhead.

"I wouldn't mind." I smirked.

"Great cuz I get hot easy."

"Obviously, you're hot, how wouldn't someone how like you get hot?"

"You're really bad at flirting." Clay smirked, standing up and taking his shirt off. "But thanks."

"Rude." I sad, looking over at him.

Fuck he was hot.

"You're a simp you know?"

"A proud one." I smirked as he got on the bed and cuddled up to me.

"Good night, love."

"Love?" I smiled, blushing.

"Yeah, love."

"Well, good night to you too, love."


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