《Hostage》T W E N T Y S E V E N
After completing all of the previous activities. Tonight, the girls and I decided to do something enjoyable. I, Rubi, and Camila were getting ready to go to a nightclub. To be honest, I'm relieved to leave because I don't want to be around Manny right now. All I want to do tonight is have a good time with the girls and drink a few drinks. We were all getting dressed to go to the club right now. Rubi walked in, fully dressed, but her hair was a mess.
"Hey, sissy, could you please braid my hair?" She said this while poking her lips out.
I laughed and shook my head at her. "Come on. Please take a seat on the floor."
She sat on the floor in an Indian fashion. I went to the bathroom to get some edge control and a comb. She held her phone up to my face as soon as I sat on the bed.
"I'd like to have my hair braided like this. Don't fuck my shit up now."
I smacked her on the back of the head. "Shut up, girl. I know exactly what I'm doing. You just keep your damn head still."
She held the spot where I smacked her. "Ouch, bitch, you know you didn't have to hit me that hard."
I burst out laughing at her. I began by parting her hair and braiding it in the manner depicted in the photograph. I was braiding Ruby's hair when I heard the door open and it was Camila. She was grinning like hell, so I'm guessing she's ready to party as well. Her outfit was both cute and classy.
"How do I look, guys? I did my best to choose a fashionable outfit." Camila said with a smile.
"Girl, you look fucking amazing. You look like you about to walk the runway for America's Next Top Model show." Rubi said while snapping her fingers into a z-shaped.
"You look adorable, Camila, but I have a bone to pick with you." I stated.
A nervous laugh escaped her lips as she rested one hand on her chest. "Why? What have I done?"
Rubi swung her head around and gave me a direct stare. "Yeah, what did she do? Because I needs to know the tea. Is the tea sweetened or unsweetened?"
Rubi quickly turned her head around after I smacked her in the head with the comb. "What will be unsweetened is me not finishing your head, so remain still."
Rubi sucked her teeth, and I could hear it. I continued braiding her hair, ignoring her. I'm not sure if I should bring it up because it could be a sensitive subject for her, or she might think I'm intruding too much in their business. I mean, I've already made her nervous, so there's no point in changing the subject now.
I let out a sigh. "I came across Manny's son and his baby's mother. Why didn't you tell me he had a child?"
Rubi was shocked while covering her mouth with her hand. "Girl, shut the front door. Does Manny really have a kid for real?"
Camila sighed and shook her head. "I mean, I thought he told you already. I didn't realize you didn't know anything about Marcus. Manny is a very private person, so I shouldn't be surprised he didn't tell you."
I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Yeah, I'm aware of that now. It's just the principle of the situation, you know. You should at least tell me you have a child if you want me to be your woman. That, in my opinion, is important information. Now that I know it's his child, I have to say that his child favors him greatly."
Camila gave a warm smile. "Yes, my pooh bear resembles Manny to a tee. He's such a sweet kid, and he's well-behaved, but he does have Manny's attitude. You know you have to understand Manny's perspective. You must give him time to open up because he is a private person. That's just the way he is."
"I understand that, but still. I'm just the type of person who doesn't like it when things are kept hidden from me because it makes me feel as if I can't trust you." I said to Camila.
Camila nodded, indicating that she agrees with me. "And that is completely understandable, but you and Manny will have a discussion about it sooner or later, but right now all I want is for us to go to this club and have a good time."
Rubi made a snapping motion with her finger. "Exactly, girl. I can hardly wait to get some drinks and shake this ass."
Rubi's remark made Camila and me laugh. Maybe Manny and I will talk about the situation, but I don't want to talk about it right now. I was finished braiding Rubi's hair in a matter of minutes. I finished by applying some edge control to her edges. I handed her a mirror so she could see how she looked.
Her mouth widened as she ran her fingers through her braids. "Oh my goodness, sis. You did the fuck out of these braids. These braids are absolutely stunning. You should start your own hair salon and called it Styled by Angel."
I laughed at her and shoved her out of the way so that I could put on my clothes. "Please, girl, those simple ass braids."
Rubis's outfit now stands out even more now that she has her hair braided. She looked fine, and I know Spooky is going to be upset about how she's dressed, but Rubi won't care.
Because everyone else was dressed, I quickly looked for my outfit. It took me a while to figure it out, but a few seconds later, I found this adorable ass outfit. I put it on and sprayed perfume all over my clothes and neck. I applied my lip gloss and lashes, and I was done.
Rubi gave me a sidelong glance. "Oh my gosh, this outfit is fire. You should let me borrow this one day."
I ignored her and grabbed my phone and purse as I walked past her. "You are welcome to borrow this outfit from Fashion Nova."
She rolled her eyes and sucked her teeth. "You don't have to be stingy, hoe."
I covered my mouth and chuckled because she was furious that I wouldn't let her wear my outfit. We were all ready, so we left the room and went downstairs. We can hear the boys yelling just as Camila is about to open the door. We came to a halt and turned to face them.
"Wait a minute, where are y'all going dressed like that?" Spooky inquired, his face contorted in rage.
They appeared to be down here smoking, drinking, and playing cards. Manny scanned me from head to toe when I looked at him. I know he was enraged by what I got on, but I'm not going to change my outfit. I wear whatever the hell I want. Danny was biting his bottom lip and lifting one of his eye browns up when I looked at him.
Camila's arms were folded, indicating that she had a bad attitude. "We're going to a nightclub to drink a few drinks and to dance our ass off. Why are you so concerned?"
"You guys, especially Rubi, look like you're going to a strip club. When it comes to your outfits Rubi, you know I don't fuck around. Before I get on your ass, you need to change it." With a cigarette in his hand, Spooky pointed at Rubi.
Rubi had an expression on her face that said, "I don't care." "Spooky, you already know I'm not going to change a damn thing, so you should just smoke that cancer stick and leave me alone. I'm leaving."
"Rubi, bring your ass back in here!" Spooky screamed at her.
Rubi never returned, so Spooky rushed outside to check Rubi. Now it's just Camila and me standing here. I looked at Danny and noticed he was still staring at me.
"Angel, you're making me like yellow now, and I hate fucking yellow." Danny said, still biting his lower lip at me.
Miguel gave Danny a hard smack on the back of the head. "You know that's Manny's girl, homie. Chill out."
Danny wore a pained expression on his face. "Shit Miguel, bro, don't hit me like that no more."
Manny looked enraged when I looked over at me. He got out of his chair and approached me. His hands were behind his back and his jaw was clenched.
Manny yanked on my exposed thong. He almost gave me a damn weggie. "See, I think you enjoy pissing me the fuck off. Why did you put this shit on? Your panties are showing."
I yanked his hands away from my thong. "Look, Manny, I'm sorry, but I don't have time for your childish antics. We just want to have a good time and drink a few drinks. So, could we please leave now?"
He kept his jaw clenched. "Not until you change your damn outfit."
I walked away from him without saying another word because, for one, I'm not about to argue over a simple outfit, and two, I don't want to talk to him in the first place. When I walked away from him, I could tell he was furious because he kept clenching his jaw and balling up his fist.
As we approached Camila's car, we noticed Spooky and Rubi still arguing about her outfit. Rubi was yelling and pointing at Spooky.
"You have to understand that I'm a grown ass woman who can wear whatever the fuck she wants! I'm not going to change shit, so you might as well dead the conversation!" Rubi remarked.
Spooky sighed angrily and palmed his face. "I'm not going to say this shit again, Rubi. Go back inside and change this shit. Your fucking nipples are visible through your shirt."
Rubi sucked her teeth and waved him away. She climbed into the car, and Camila and I followed her. Spooky tried to open the door on Rubi's side, but he couldn't because it was locked, so Camila cranked up her car. Camila started backing up, and Spooky immediately backed away from the vehicle. We drove down the road after Camila put the car in reverse.
"Tuh, Spooky got me bend like a bad back. He really thought I was going to change my outfit? He got life all fucked up." Rubi said with a laugh and a roll of the eyes.
Camila laughed. "I'm not sure why they're trying to act like they're someone's father or something. We're literally grown."
"Exactly. We're all around the same age. They irritate me with their overprotective behavior." I said, rolling my eyes.
"Riiiiiight!" Camila and Rubi both laughed as they spoke.
It didn't take long for us to get to the nightclub. The club was pretty packed, to be honest. Camila took her time looking for a parking spot and was fortunate enough to find one. Camila parked her car, turned it off, and we all exited the vehicle.
All eyes were on us as we walked towards the entrance. We approached the security guard and presented our IDS. We were let in after the security guard gave it a quick glance. I could hear them playing Over It by Summer Walker as we walked in.
Rubi dashed over to the bar, and I rolled my eyes because she just can't lay off the shots for once. We took a seat at the bar, and the bartender smiled at us. The bartender was a very attractive young man.
"What can I get you lovely ladies?" The bartender inquired.
"What alcohol gets you drunker the fastest?" Rubi inquired, a skeptical expression on her face.
Camila and I both face palmed. The bartender laughed at Rubi, but I hope he realizes it's not funny because Rubi knows she acts stupid when she's drunk.
The bartender shrugged his shoulders and laughed. "Gin, Tequila, Bacardi, Vodka, Mezcal, and mixing beer with Vodka can also help you get drunk faster."
Rubi made a "ooh" expression. "Oh, yes, could you please combine Vodka and beer for me?" I'd like two shots of that."
The bartender aimed his finger at Camila and me. "Can you tell me what I can get you two ladies?"
"Could you please get some Paloma for me?" Camila expressed herself to the bartender.
The bartender gave Camila a wink before pointing to me, signaling that it was my turn to say what I wanted.
I shrugged and smiled softly. "I guess I'll just get Kahlúa."
The bartender nodded and resumed his duties. Me and Rubi both looked at Camila because we had a feeling the bartender was feeling her because he just winked at her ass, and she probably didn't give a damn about it.
"How come you guys are staring at me like that?" Camila inquired, awkwardly laughing.
"So you mean to tell me you didn't notice that sexy ass bartender winking at you just now? I believe he is trying to get between those legs." Rubi exclaimed, her face lit up with laughter.
Camila laughed as she tucked her hair behind her ear. "Oh no, he probably does that to other women all the time."
Rubi aggressively wiped her mouth after taking her shot. "So you're saying you can't take down the other women, girl? I'm pretty sure he's only interested in you."
"Camila don't pay Rubi ass no mind. She's a little mentally challenged." I stated.
Rubi looked at me with a stunned expression on her face. "Now, why would you say something like that about me? I should punch you in the damn neck for that."
We all burst out laughing. The bartender handed us our drinks a few seconds later, and Rubi quickly took her drink to the head. Rubi needs to go to rehab or something for her drinking problem, I swear. The bartender smiled as he looked at us.
"All right, ladies. I hope you have a good time with your drinks." Camila was then pointed out by the bartender. "Your drink is on the house."
I smirked at Camila because he was literally shooting his shot with her. Rubi looked at the bartender, surprised that her drink wasn't on the house.
"Wait a minute, hold your damn horses. Why wasn't my drink on the house? Oh, you're not getting a dollar or a penny from me, so don't bother asking for a tip." Rubi said it with a negative tone.
I put my hand to my mouth, indicating that I was about to whisper. "Don't pay any attention to her. She's a little coocoo. I understand what you're trying to accomplish." I spoke in hushed tones to the bartender.
The bartender laughed and returned to his work of making drinks. Everyone took their drinks to the head and began to get hyped up. Even though the DJ started playing Spanish songs, we went on the dance floor with Camila and danced with her despite not knowing the words.
For a short period of time, the DJ played Spanish songs before switching to Whole Lotta Money remix by Bia featuring Nicki Minaj. That's when we got really excited. Rubi and I both started twerking. Camila began slapping me and Rubi on the butt while we twerk.
"It's whole lotta money in this motherfucker." While twerking, I rapped.
"Ain't gon' keep me 'round no broke shit, that broke shit get old." While twerking, Rubi rapped.
To the music, we continue to twerk. Rubi knelt down and simultaneously moved both of her butt cheeks. When she did that, Camila and I hyped her up. When I and her favorite part were approaching, she jumped to her feet quickly.
With a gun hand gesture, I pointed to Rubi. "I put on my jewelry just to suck my nigga off Fingers on his balls like I'm 'bout to tell him, cough."
Rubi made the same hand motion as I did. "Wait, hold on, Holiday You can't give it to 'em dry like that. You gotta get that shit wet first,
You gotta prep them for shit like that
Bring that shit back, bring that shit the fuck back."
Camila continues to dance alongside us as we continue to rap the song. Rubi and I continued to rap the song until it was over. The DJ then changed the music to Toxic by Kehlani. I was ecstatic to be able to rap this song because I adore Kehlani and I love this song a lot. We all began grinding our bodies to the music as soon as Kehlani began singing.
"Damn right, we take turns bein' wrong
I get real accountable when I'm alone!" Through the speaker, Kehlani sings.
I continue to grind my body to the beat, but I don't see Rubi when I turn around, and I see Camila dancing on the bartender when I look the other way. I looked at them, perplexed, because how are you going to leave the bar when people are in desperate need of drinks? He's probably on his lunch break or someone is filling in for him.
I was going to ask Camila where Rubi was, but she appeared to be having a great time dancing on the guy, so I didn't want to ruin it. Rubi most likely went to the restroom.
I decided to take a break from dancing and head to the bar for another drink. As I got closer to the bar, I noticed someone I didn't want to speak with right now looking at me. Manny enjoys following me and bothering me. I'm not going to lie, he gave me a look that made me want to eat him up.
Now that you think about it, if Manny is here, it's likely that Spooky is as well, which explains why Rubi wasn't dancing alongside me. Manny and Spooky swear they are the fathers of us. I sighed and sat next to him because it was the only available seat.
Manny sipped his drink and hissed as a result of the burning sensation in his throat. I'm not going to lie, I wish I was that drink right now. He set the drink down and continued to stare ahead of him.
"I see you were having fun on the floor." Manny said as he sipped his drink.
I took a sidelong glance at him."I see you be having fun doing pop-ups."
He made a funny face at me. "I just want to make sure no one is trying to get with my girl."
I burst out laughing. "Who said I was your girl? I never agreed on being your girl."
- End492 Chapters
Humanity has been gradually transported to the Abyss by a bored god to compete against other races and monsters.The problem is… humanity failed. In a last desperate push the strongest survivors chose a comrade to travel as far as possible back in time.
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Peter V. Kastell is taken from the cycle of reincarnation and given a purpose. His purpose can be fulfilled in nearly any way he chooses. BUT His soul is damaged. And because of that, he will be disadvantaged in an unforeseen way.Thanks to a benevolent Goddess he will gain different advantages to compensate. Along the way, his story will be uncovered, and he will gain powers beyond what he ever thought possible.A unique Lit-RPG series. Is mana really all that important anyway??? Currently on hiatus until further notice. A very special thank you to: Spoiler: my Top Donators on PayPal! |Wesley R.| |Braeden R.| |Caleb W.| |Christopher J.| Spoiler: my monthly Patrons on Patreon! |Braeden| |David J. R.| |Newguy Roy| |Fjopt| This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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The Sea of Destiny
[Let me be straight with you. This is trash, like old dime store novel trash. Don't expect grandiose writing, anything profound, or much beyond being free of spelling errors. Like my profile says, it’s hopefully like a salty snack, decent and satisfying for people looking for this kind of thing (at least that's my hope). It is simple, weird, and most likely growing in ridiculousness as it rapidly escalates.] Michael just wants to get away after a rough breakup. He figures some time alone cruising on a sick jet ski will help clear his head. After a small series of mishaps he winds up as humanities last hope adrift at sea after nuclear devastation destroys the mainland. Will he be able to solve the mystery of the bowl of the ancients before nuclear winter freezes over his dwindling food supply? Who are these mysterious women he keeps meeting, and will he even care about the talents they bring to the table, or will he be too focused on how they keep ruining his carefully laid plans for survival at sea? Read this cheesy short story to see for yourself, and discover the true mystery behind the hand of fate.
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