《Hostage》E L E V E N
I'm currently imprisoned with the girls. Rubi and Jada were sitting next to each other, conversing as if we weren't in jail. I was strolling back and forth because I couldn't decide whether or not to call Manny.
I'm sure if I do, he'll be furious, and I just don't have time for his antics. Rubi and Jada finally stopped talking to one another and focused solely on me. Right now, I can't even look at them. I'm too preoccupied with pacing back and forth and biting my nails.
"Could you kindly have a seat, Angel? With your back and forth walking, you're making my head hurt. It irritates me a lot." Rubi remarked, rolling her eyes.
Jada burst out laughing. "I'm not sure why you don't just ask the cop if you can call someone on the phone. We've been in this jail for the past six hours. And this hard ass seat starting to make my ass hurt."
I rolled my eyes at Jada because she truly believes it is that simple. They don't even know who Manny is, and they're convinced I'm going to call him. They must have bumped their heads.
Rubi shoved me out of the way. "Hey! Could one of you cops let us out so we can make a phone call?"
The cop looked at Rubi blankly before slowly walking up to the cell and unlocking it. I turned to face Rubi and walked over to the phone. I was getting worried because I knew exactly who she was about to call, and he was going to snitch to Manny and tell him where we were.
I grabbed the cell bar with both hands. "Who are you calling, Rubi?"
Rubi rolled her eyes as she looked at me. "The person I should have called 6 hours ago. I'm not going to sit in this jail all day. You're tripping, the fuck."
I smacked my forehead with my hand. I knew she was going to call Spooky. I should brace myself for Manny's outrage when he discovers that I'm locked up and not selling the drugs he told me to sell. All hell is about to break loose.
"You're not going to believe this, baby. I, Angel, and Jada are currently incarcerated. We had a fight in the mall with this girl because she had put her hands on Angel. Could you please come and get us? Do you think you can? Okay, thank you." Rubi hung up the phone and returned to the cell.
Rubi shifted her gaze to us. "Spooky said he's on his way to get us."
Jada sighed and closed her eyes. "Thank God, because I didn't want to waste my few days in this filthy jail. I would have called my sister, but we don't get along, so I know she wouldn't even pick us up."
I wish Jada had at least attempted to call her sister instead. I already know Spooky snitched and informed Manny that I'm in jail. I just leaned against the hard cell, bracing myself. After an hour, the cop finally opened the jail cell door so we could leave.
"Ladies, please proceed to the front and retrieve your belongings, and please stay out of trouble." The police said to us.
I looked at all of the women and men still locked up in the cells as we walked to the front of the police station to get our belongings. When I looked at this woman, she reminded me of Mariah. Mariah was the woman who looked up at me. She had a mean expression on her face, and I just smiled at it. Her eye was black, and she had a small cut on her lip.
Rubi looked at her Mariah and began to laugh, sticking her tongue out at her. " Aha, you're still in jail, and we aren't! And don't forget to conceal your black eye with make up."
She jumped out of her seat, ran up to the cell bars, and began pulling on them. "Best and believe me, when I see you bitches, I'm going to slap that smirk off of you bitches face."
Jada burst out laughing as hard as she could. "How can you do that when you're still in jail, dumb bitch."
We all started laughing as we walked up to the front to get our belongings. We gathered our belongings and walked outside to Spooky's car. He was smirking as he leaned against his car. I rolled my eyes because he thinks everything is so funny. Rubi approached him and they began kissing. I almost vomit in my mouth.
Rubi entered the vehicle after he opened the passenger door for her. Jada also got in, and I and Spooky were staring at each other. I want to punch the smirk out of his face.
He reached into his pockets. "You and Manny are going to have a lengthy conversation tonight."
In disbelief, I folded my arms and shook my head. "Perhaps we wouldn't be having a long conversation if someone hadn't snitched on me. I thought we were pretty cool."
He smiled as he looked at me. "We're cool, but you have to understand that when you do something like this, you're causing him to lose a lot of money. I have no choice but to inform him of what you have been up to."
I didn't even respond to him because what's the point of that? Because he is telling the truth in all seriousness. Instead of arguing with him, I just got in the car.
When we arrived at the house, I noticed Manny's car in the driveway. My stomach started hurting because I knew if he saw me, he's going to go off with no questions asked. We all got out of the car and went inside. Rubi and Spooky sat in the couch and began watching television.
Spooky glanced at me and nodded toward the stairs. I'm assuming he's informing me that Manny is in the room. I walked slowly upstairs because I was getting scared by the minute. I eventually got to the door and opened it. Manny was staring out the window, hands behind his back.
I focused my attention on the back of his head. I also started fiddling with my fingers. I waited for him to say something, but he didn't, so I went ahead and went first.
"Please accept my apologies. It was not my intention to be arrested. I'm not going to let the girl disrespect me because she started with us first. I'm sorry if my actions caused you to lose money, but I promise I'll make it up to you."
He gently turned around and approached me. He gave me a hard backhand, and I landed hard on the ground. He knelt and grabbed my chin. He was really squeezing my jaw.
"You think I'm a joke, don't you? I don't give a damn about your apologies. Every time you pull some shit like this, I lose money. You're not going to stop until I murder you, your sister, and your mother. You'd better figure out how you're going to repay my money now." Manny said this while staring at me with a devilish grin on his face.
I started clutching my face against the spot where he slapped me. I shifted my gaze away from him and onto the gun on his hip. "Stop putting your damn hands on me. It wasn't my fault at all. I swear I want to murder you right now. You're so heinous."
He followed my gaze until he realized I was staring at his weapon. He took it off his hip and handed it over to me. He snatched my arm and lifted me up. He put the gun in my hand and pressed it against his temple.
He wore an evil grin on his face. "Go ahead and do it. Go ahead and kill me right now. I'd like you to do it."
I was taken aback. I started shaking because I wasn't sure if I should do it or not. I mean, I should because he's telling me to, and if I do, I'll be free. I started procrastinating because if I killed him right now, I might die as well.
He gripped my hand tightly and pushed the gun even harder against his head. "DON'T BE AFRAID, ANGEL! DO IT!"
I started crying since I was at a loss for what to do. I threw down the gun and knelt on my knees. "I can't do it. I just can't do it."
He laughed as he picked up the gun from the floor. "I knew you wouldn't be able to accomplish it, Angel. You wanted to kill me so badly, and I gave you a full opportunity to do it, but you didn't."
While tears stream down my cheeks, I continue to stare at the ground. "Look, whatever job you want me to do right now, I'll do it. It doesn't matter to me. Just tell me what you want me to do, and I'll do it."
He gave me a friendly smile. "Is that so? I'm glad you spoke up because you need to murder someone for me."
I sighed and rose to my feet again. "What is the person's name, and where does he or she live?"
He took his phone from his pocket and showed an image of a man to me. "His name is Antonio, but he goes by 600 Breezy. He stole $100,000 from me recently and has yet to return it. He stays in Santa Monica. I'd like you to handle that right now."
He tossed a loaded gun in my direction, which I took and put in my pocket. He called my name to gain my attention before I could exit the room.
"Stop hanging out with that girl, Jada, before she figures out what you've done and who you really are."
I walked out of the room after staring at him for a few seconds. He has a point, but I don't want to quit hanging out with her because she is a pretty fun person to be around. She stated unequivocally that neither the police nor she knows who killed her boyfriend, therefore I have no need to be concerned.
When I got downstairs, I saw Rubi and Spooky sleeping on the couch. I rolled my eyes at them, wondering how they could be in love with each other when they had only met a few days before. I walked out of the house quietly, closing the door slowly. I quickly get in my car and drive away. My phone rang, and when I checked it, it was a message from Manny.
The message indicated the man's current location as well as where he lived. I quickly drove to that location, which took me only 28 minutes to reach. I arrived at this man's location, which is the gas station. I'm not sure which car is his, but I guess I'll find out once he walks out of the gas station. I parked the car and waited for the person to exit.
He walked out of the gas station after approximately 5 minutes. He walked out with two cigars, a bag of chips, and a bottle of gatorade. He also uncapped his gas tank and began pumping gas. After a few minutes, he was finished pumping gas. He quickly closed his gas tank and drove away.
I dashed up behind him, but not too close. After a few minutes, he finally arrived at his destination. Because I don't want him to see me, I parked a few blocks away. His house was beautiful and spacious, and he lives near the beach. I drew my gun and donned my ski mask. I got out of the car and made my way to his house as quickly as I could.
I dashed up to his door, but it was locked. I dashed over to his back door, which was one of those glass sliding doors that wasn't latched. Tonight, he made a tremendous mistake.
I glanced in the kitchen but couldn't find him. I glanced in the living room, but he was nowhere to be found. I glanced in the bathroom as well, but he wasn't there. I searched through the extra rooms he had but couldn't find anything. I just have one room to check, and I'm very sure he's in there. He was in there with a woman when I swiftly opened the door. I fired a shot at him and missed.
The woman screamed and knelt on the floor, covering her head. He was able to get his gun out of his dresser and began shooting at me. I took cover and waited for him to come out of the room.
"I'm not sure who you are or what you want, but you're not coming into my house thinking you're going to kill me." I heard him say something to me in a deep voice.
"Antonio, 600 breezy, or whatever you want to call yourself. You already know why I'm here. You stole some money that did not belong to you, and I came to recover it. I'm not going anywhere until I get it."
I could hear him laughing. "I know Manny did not send a woman to kill me. That is quite surprising. Listen up, bitch, you're not getting anything back, and that's on my kids. You should probably prepare to die."
That's hilarious because he and Dave both claimed the same thing about Manny sending me to murder them. I could hear his footsteps approaching, so I fired a shot at him, and he swiftly dove. He fired a shot at me, and I raced for cover once more. I'd say he's quite adept at ducking, and I'm starting to become nervous.
I heard his footsteps approaching me again, so I quickly shot at him, and this time I didn't miss him. I shot him in the shoulder and heard him scream.
In pain, he hissed. "You dumb bitch. You're going to be sorry for what you did to me."
I laughed a little at him. "All you have to do is give me the money, and I'll let you go."
He chuckled. "Do you honestly believe I'm going to give you $100 bands back? You must be slow or retarded hoe."
We both leapt from our hiding places and began shooting at each other. We both missed, and he attempted to aim at me again, but his gun appeared to be jammed. As if he were surrendering, he raised his hands.
"All right, I'll show you where the money is. Please, don't shoot. You already done the shit once."
I grinned, but kept my gun pointed at him. "Show me where it is right now before I shoot you."
He began speaking slowly. "It's.....right..here!"
He football tackled me on his glass table. Both me and him began moaning in pain. He was attempting to climb on top of me in order to obtain the gun. I kicked him in the face and attempted to take the gun from him. He hauled me away from the gun by my legs. He crept up to the gun and snatched it.
He was panting like hell. "Get up and walk outside right now."
I shook my head and rolled my eyes. I walk out the door and head towards the sea. I can't believe this man is about to murder me by the sea.
"Stop right there and turn your ass around now."
When I turned around, he was pointing the gun at me. I notice he's bled through his shirt. He yelled at me to stop looking at his wound and covered it with his hand.
He raised and lowered the gun. "Take off that damn ski mask and show me what the hell you look like."
I yanked my ski mask off and ran my fingers through my hair. He looked shocked and lowered the gun.
"Damn, you're fine as hell. Let's work something out. You be my bitch, we split the money, and you live."
I gave him a crooked smirk. "Or I can take the money and kill you."
I kicked him in the nuts and snatched the gun from his grip. He collapsed on his knees, clutching his stomach.
I aimed the gun at him. "Now tell me where the money is hidden?"
He began to cough. "I'm not telling you shit bitch, you might as well kill me right now."
I burst out laughing at him. "Sure. 600 Breezy, see you on the other side."
He stared at me with an evil look on his face. "Suck my dick."
I pulled the trigger and shot him twice in the chest. I watched him stop breathing and dashed into the house, where I began looking for the house for the money. I dashed into the room where he and the woman were and began searching through the closet. I took a duffel bag, and I know the money is inside.
I looked to my side and saw a woman crying in the corner. I didn't want to kill her because I felt so bad for her. I raised the gun and pointed it at her.
"If you say anything to anyone, I'm going to kill them and you. Do you understand?"
She began to sob even more. " I swear to you. I'm not going to tell anyone about what happened. I swear to you, I will not."
I dashed out of the home as fast as I could. When I got into my car, I suddenly felt a sharp pain. When I looked down, I saw that I had been shot in the leg, and I tried not to panic because I didn't want to make things worse. I'm not going to the hospital because I don't want to be interrogated. I went through my contacts and dialed the number of the only person I can depend on.
I dialed Trevante's number and it rang a few times. He finally picked up the phone, and his sleepy voice gave me chills.
"Wassup?" With a drowsy voice, he asked.
I wasn't sure if telling him I was shot was the appropriate move, but I went ahead and informed him anyway.
"Hey, listen, I was shot, and I'm in need of your assistance. I don't want to go to the hospital because I don't want to be interrogated by the nurses or have the cops involved. Do you know someone who can safely remove the bullet?"
His lazy voice changed to a more serious tone, indicating that he was concerned.
"Where you at right now ma? I can come scoop you up."
"No, you don't have to do that. I'm in my own car. I'll just drive to your place."
"Okay, cool. Just let me know when you're going to be outside. I'll be here waiting for you."
I just hung up after he said that. I started my car and drove over to his house. I tried not to panic while driving, despite the fact that I had a bullet hole in my thigh. It started to bleed a little, so I accelerated to avoid further damage to my thigh.
Hello, everyone. I decided to continue working on the book because, to be honest, it's a lot of fun to write. I'll get into these moods and say things like, "Oh, I don't want to finish the book because no one will ever read it or the book is boring." I will do everything in my power to keep writing this book and not give up. I hope you enjoy this chapter, and if you do, please let me know in the comments 💞
Love, Red ❤️
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