《An Unknown Bond [Zeldris x OC]》Ch. 13 - The Prediction [e]
I hear noises coming from the door and slowly lift my head from the corner of Meliodas' bed where I fell asleep onto. Hawk walks up to me. "He really doesn't stop keeping women in his bedroom, huh?" the pig says, trying to light the mood with a joke.
I chuckle and stretch myself. "I guess I stayed longer in here than I planned to."
"Will he be okay?" asks Hawk as he puts his forelegs on the corner of the bed, looking at his friend.
"Of course he will, Sir Hawk" I say and pat his back. "You know, Meliodas is much stronger than you think. He just needs some time."
"I've seen him being hurt before but he was always back on his feet just shortly after" says Hawk worriedly.
"Don't worry about him" I say but feel just as worried. It's taking him a couple of days already and he hasn't even woken up once.
Hawk looks at me and nods. "The others are downstairs. I think they need a leader."
"And you're thinking about me?"
"After all, you're a less pervert female version of Meliodas."
I can't help but laugh at his words. "Thanks for keeping an eye on our creep" I say and push myself off the seat and follow the pig downstairs.
"Good morning, everyone" I say but find only Merlin, Gowther, Ban and Escanor downstairs. I remember that Diane and King have left again and the Holy Knights Gilthunder, Howzer and Hendrickson are back in the castle. I let my gaze wander along the group and tilt my head to the side as I look at the Lion Sin. "Hey Escanor, those glasses really do their job, don't they? You haven't changed at all!"
Escanor simply nods. "Do you feel any better Lady Yami?"
"I'm all good. How about yourself?" I ask and he nods a second time to tell me that he's fine. I smile at him but then see the serious look on Merlins face. "What's going on, Merlin?"
"The King of Liones invited us to the castle. Seems like he had a new vision."
"Okay, go then. I'll hold the line for so long" I say but none of Meliodas' friends move.
"The invitation concerns us all" says Merlin sternly, looking straight into my blue eyes.
"But ... what do I have to do with it? The king doesn't even know me."
Merlin just sighs, strained by my discussion. I understand. At least once in my life I should just listen to her. So I nod. "Okay, when do you want to start?"
◊ ◊ ◊
"Sir Hawk, you have a moment?" I ask the pig just before we leave to the castle.
Hawk walks up to me. "What's up?" he asks.
"I want you to stay in the Boar Hat" I begin and he already opens in mouth in shock, ready to discuss with me but I stop him. "I don't want to leave Meliodas alone and I trust you to watch him, you understand? It's really important to me."
"Why don't you say that right away" Hawk grumbles at me but then nods. "You can count on me."
"Of course I can" I say with a smile and hug the piggy.
◊ ◊ ◊
We enter the castle of Liones together and the guards at the gate simply step aside when they recognize the left members of the Seven Deadly Sins. Still, a hint of confusion is written on their face, wondering about the missing 3 members. Inside the castle, I discover Gilthunder, Howzer and some other Holy Knights. I even spy the Holy Knight I last worked with and his eyes widen once they meet mine. My heart(s) feel heavy when I realize how much time has passed since we last saw each other.
We enter the royal hall, where the king is already sitting on his throne, awaiting us. His three daughters are standing next to him, sorted by age. Elizabeth is on the far right of him and her looks go soft with affection when she sees us. I greet her with a gentle smile.
"Your Highness" greets Merlin and nods at the king, who nods back.
"Sir Howzer" he turns to the Holy Knight. "Please make sure that we are not disturbed." Howzer nods and sends anyone out of the room who is not part of the group.
"You had a new vision" says Merlin to the king, which just nods.
"My daughter told me what happened. I'm sorry for your loss." His gaze wanders over our group and finally rests on me. His gaze is so familiar and it seems to me like he can look deep into my soul. I have never seen this man before and yet he looks at me like we're old friends. It makes my eyes widen in surprise by the impact he has on me. "Lady Yami, it is nice to finally be able to welcome you to the kingdom. I just wish the circumstances were different."
Finally? I still look at him in surprise but then I remember my good upbringing and nod to the king. "It's an honor, Your Highness."
"Please call me Sir Bartra" he says. "I hope your friend gets back on his feet quickly."
"Don't worry, he's fine" I answer and wonder how many times I have to repeat those words to finally believe them myself. In the king's eyes, however, I read more than sympathy. There is a great deal of wisdom in them and I suppose he knows more than Elizabeth could tell him. He lets his gaze rest on me for a mere second and then looks back at Merlin as he shares his vision with us. It concerns the holy war and portends a great battle, he says. He turns back to face me then.
"You seem to have a solution?" asks Merlin and I can hear the surprise in her voice but her face stays the same as always. Furthermore, the king looks just at me and I start to feel uncomfortable.
"One of them and yet completely different. Only those who do not choose any side will choose the right one."
"What's that supposed to mean ..." Ban mumbles to himself in frustration. Merlin looks angrily over at us.
"The king's visions are only hints, like riddles." Then she looks directly at Ban. "His last vision was of a wild boar that, if you remember, would save his life."
"But what do you mean 'One of them'? One of whom?" I ask.
This time, I get Merlin's angry look before she looks at the king again with a softer expression. "We'll find that out. Thank you, Your Highness."
The king nods again to us in appreciation, then we are dismissed. We are just walking towards the door when he speaks up again. "Lady Yami, one more word, please." We all turn to the king in surprise. "Just Lady Yami, please."
"No, please don't leave me alone!" I whisper insecurely to Merlin and the others. But Ban just grins at me and pats me on the shoulder encouragingly before he leaves the room.
"Elizabeth, you too, please. Leave the both of us alone for a moment." Surprised and unsettled, the princess looks at her father, but then she nods and follows the Sins out the room.
"Your Higness?" I ask when I walk back up to him.
"Please, like I said, call me Sir Bartra please. Your friend Meliodas is a really good friend to me. I'm sure you know that he's been watching over Elizabeth ever since I adopted her. And the Seven Deadly Sins have fought for this kingdom more than once. I think we're past the title thing."
"Thank you, Sir Bartra. Meliodas would appreciate your kind words."
He laughs slightly. "He better doesn't hear me say those words."
I can't help but laugh as well. "He would surely fly high. Now, what's the matter?"
"I'm keeping something that I'm sure you'll need soon."
I look at him with confusion. "I'm not missing anything."
He once again laughs slighty. "You don't but your friend Gowther does."
"Gowther?" I ask and see him pulling something out of his pocket.
What does he have from Gowther and why? And what have I to do with this? There are so many questions in my mind as the king hands me something heart shaped. "What's this?" I ask.
"I'm impressed by you, Lady Yami. You've known three of the Seven Deadly Sins way before they knew each other and have a strong bond with them. You've been abonded by the humans and lived with the demons, yet you fight for those who betrayed you." I look at the king in shock when I hear those words. It sounds like he knows everything about me but that can't be possible. If he really would know, he'd never be that friendly to me. "You know Gowther just as long as Meliodas does" he continues talking to me whilst I look at the heart in my hand. "I'm sure you're aware Gowther is missing of this."
"Your Hi-, I mean, Sir Bartra... I don't understand. Are you saying this is Gowthers heart?"
"I don't believe a piece of silver can truly be a heart, even if it's shaped like one. What do you think?" he asks me and I feel the heart shaped silver in my hand. I twist and turn it and look at it closely.
"I don't think so" I say and look the king into his eyes. "But why do you give it to me?"
"It still belongs to Gowther. You must know, when we were younger, he used to fall in love with my younger sister who died at a young age. But it's his story to tell. All you have to know is that he gave it to me because he did not want his heart anymore."
"But if this isn't a real heart..."
The king looks at me with a smile when I finally figure out that Gowther never lost his heart but simply must have forgotten about it. He must have thought that this piece of silver is actually his heart and by giving it away, he forgot about his abbilities to feel emotions. That would explain why he still cares for his friends so much and shows hints of emotions here and there. "Why now?" I ask the king.
"I have a feeling he'll need it sometime soon."
I put away the silver heart and nod at the king thankfully. "I'll take care of it until he needs it."
◊ ◊ ◊
I walk back to the Boar Hat to find Meliodas' friends sitting there together, talking. I look at Gowther who's just watching the conversations. What did the king mean when he said he'll need it sometime soon?
If Gowther doesn't remember he has a heart, does that mean he will remember it sometime soon? Or will someone tell him? And if so, who's gonna be that someone?
"Lady Yami" greets me Gowther as he becomes aware of my presence.
"Hey Gowther" I say and sit down next to him, looking into his yellow eyes. "You're not joining the conversations?"
"I don't have much to say" he says.
"I feel like there's more to it. But you don't want to talk about it, right?"
Gowther smiles at me as he knows I understand him whilst I wonder if he even remembers me. It feels like he doesn't remember being part of the Ten Commandments himself. Otherwise he would've told the others the night I told them about Meliodas being part of them. Wouldn't he? And if he would remember, would he still remember me? I sure know the Ten Commandments but we had met just a couple of times which is now 3.000 years ago. But his familiar face makes me feel like I have reunited with an old friend.
"Is Hawk still upstairs?" I ask him to change the conversation.
"Yes and the princess is with him."
"Thank you, I'll be back" I say and push myself off the seat, walking upstairs. I slowly open the door to find Lady Elizabeth sitting next to Meliodas' bed, holding his hand in hers, Hawk sitting next to her.
"Hey Princess" I greet her when I walk up to them.
"Oh, Lady Yami... I didn't hear you coming."
I ruffle through Meliodas' blonde hair before looking at the princess softly. "It's taking him a while this time, you know? But I'm glad you look after him so much. He would do the same, you know?"
"I know he would. That's why I'm being here."
"Will you join us downstairs? We need to talk about your fathers words."
"Sure" she nods and softly strokes Meliodas hand before she places it down and joins me.
◊ ◊ ◊
"So, what did the King say?" asks Hawk. "Do we know how to fight the Ten Commandments?"
"I wonder if fighting them is really necessary" says Merlin.
"What do you mean?" I ask. "Have you solved the riddle?"
"It wasn't that hard" she says.
"Then enlighten us" I say and cross my arms. There's something about Merlins style that I don't like.
"From everything the King said, I'm pretty sure his vision was about one of us."
"Merlin, speak plainly" I say and I grow impatient. If we know how to end this war, she should just spit it out.
"Well, if you want it even clearer - I'm pretty sure the King was talking about you" says Merlin to me and I stand there in shock.
"You're kidding."
"Do I look like someone who makes jokes?" asks Merlin and Ban grins.
"That must've been the funniest thing you've said so far" says Ban to her and simply earns an angry look. "Why do you think the king was talking about Yami?"
"She'll find out herself" says Merlin, her gaze wandering back to me. But I feel nothing but anger when our eyes meet. I don't have the nerve for her puzzles or any visions right now. Whatever Merlin is thinking must be wrong and I'm mad that she avers that I'm the reason for this war to end. The only reason I'm being here is because I can help.
"I need some fresh air" I say and leave the tavern.
◊ ◊ ◊
It's taking just a few minutes before I hear footsteps behind me, knowing that someone is joining me. "I don't want to talk." I still haven't sorted my thoughts and I am angry with my friend who thinks she can carry the burden of the war on my shoulders. My best friend is laying upstairs and is unconscious, badly injured by his brothers and Merlin gets the stupid idea that a king who has never seen me before had a vision that I will end the war. Ridiculous.
"Lady Yami, I didn't mean to upset you" says Elizabeth but still sits down in the grass next to me. "I was just wondering, why did Merlins words upset you so much?" I don't respond to her instantly as I'm still looking for an answer, so she just continues. "I don't know if my words can cheer you up. But I know what a burden it can be to have to carry so much responsibility on your own. It's very scary. I felt the same way when I left to find the Seven Deadly Sins. But if I hadn't, the Holy Knights and the demon in Sir Hendrickson would never have been defeated and the kingdom would never have been safe again! By now, I know that the responsibility did not rest on me alone. After I found Meliodas and the others, I had everything we needed for the fight. I couldn't have done that all on my own." The princess looks at me with warm eyes and puts her hand on mine. Encouraging, she continues. "You don't have to end the war on your own because my father's vision might said so. We will all be by your side, Yami."
My heart fills with warmth at the loving words and even when Elizabeth doesn't remember who she once was, deep inside she is still the same Elizabeth. She still carries the same fighting spirit and the same love within her. "Perhaps I should focus less on who the prophecy was about and more on what awaits us until then" I answer cautiously.
"That sounds like a good start" she says encouragingly and smiles gently at me.
"You are right, princess. It's not a good time to mope now."
3.000 years ago
I just came back from the kitchen when I watched Meliodas, ready to sneak out. I followed him quietly out of the castle, where he spread his wings and flew up to the sky. I gritted my teeth in anger because he was leaving without a word once again. I still had no idea where he was leaving all the goddamn time but this time I wouldn't let him leave me behind. He always promised me that if he ever leaves the demons world, he would leave with me. I unfolded my wings and followed him, catching up closely. Ever since my wings had spread, I became one of the fastest flyer.
It took us some time but eventually, our surrounding changed and I looked at the new view in awe. I didn't know if it was the human world but this place looked just like it. I had already forgotten how beautiful it was after living in the demon world for 2.000 years.
Meliodas reached a nearby forest and landed there. I hurried down to confront Meliodas.
"Haven't you forgotten about something?" I asked angrily whilst folding my wings back in.
Meliodas turned around surprised and looked at me in shock. "Yami, what are you doing here?"
"You promised me to take me with you! But you're always leaving and coming here without taking me with you for once!" I said angrily as tears formed in my eyes. "What happened to your promise?!"
"Meliodas, who's your friend?" I heard a soft, female voice and turned around to see who it came from, only to find the most beautiful person I've ever seen. Well, actually she wasn't just a person but a goddess. I could see it in her eyes and she had beautiful white wings, wore a white dress and her silver hair was shining in the sun. She walked over to Meliodas and me and smiled at me softly. "Hi, I'm Elizabeth. You must be a friend of Meliodas. It's nice to meet you" she said all nicely and I was shocked by the difference to the demon world. After 2.000 years living in a dark world filled with hate and negative thoughts, Elizabeth seemed to be the absolute opposite.
"I'm Yami" I finally introduced myself. "I'm Meliodas' best friend. Or at least I thought so."
"Yami, you my best friend" said Meliodas carefully and walked closer to me.I could hear the guilt in his voice and could see it in his eyes.
"What is wrong between the two of you?" asksed Elizabeth worriedly. "I feel like something is bothering you, Miss Yami."
I turned around to Meliodas only to see him looking at Elizabeth with warm eyes and finally understood what was going on. My best friend was in love. And he couldn't tell anyone because Elizabeth belonged to a different race. That was why he always sneaked out."Nothing a goddess like you should worry about" I said to the goddess and then turned to Meliodas. "We'll talk about it later" I said and flew away to leave them alone.
◊ ◊ ◊
"I didn't think you'd come back" said Meliodas later that day, when he came back to the castle.
"I can't believe it either but it's the only place I've left" I said and watched him walk over to me, sitting down on the bed right next to me. "It's the only place I want to be at, Meliodas. Because you and Zeldris are here. If you leave, I have nowhere to go" I began to speak in rage, while tears formed in my eyes again just by the thought of being alone again. I would've never expected it but I had finally found a place where I felt kind of comfortable at because I had true friends and was treated with kindness.
Meliodas cupped my face in his hands, forcing me to look into his beautiful green eyes. "I'm not leaving you, Yami. Not now, not ever. Wherever I'll be going, you're coming with me."
I couldn't help but begin to cry, my walls breaking down for good. Meliodas kissed me on the forehead and pulled me into his arms to comfort me. "I'm not leaving you" he repeated many times whilst rubbing my back until I finally calmed down again.
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Living the Great Sage Life with my Fairies and Lovers in a New World
*Currently on hiatus* *This is a slow burn harem story. The beginning is fairly light, with suggestive content picking up in later chapters. All characters participating in explicit content are 18 years of age, or older. Said explicit content has been toned down and euphemized to meet site regulations, check this story out on other platforms for the uncut version.* An American IT with a passion for magic and fantasy died on his 39th birthday as a virgin due to a stab to the gut while protecting a coworker of his. He might as well died a 'Wizard' that needed one more year to become a 'Sage.' Then, like in recent isekais, he was reincarnated in a new world as Soar Osmis with memories of his past life intact. This new magical world of Manara is where everyone has a chance to become an aspiring Magician, be blessed with powers by forming contracts with fairies as Chaperone and Companion, and special abilities called 'gifts,' and it just so happened that Soar was given the 'Wizard' gift at birth. Thus, began the mostly slice-of-life harem isekai story of a man reincarnated in a world centering around the very thing he loved: magic, as he trained and used the knowledge from his past life to carve a path to a new one on his own terms while growing as a 'Great Sage.' Some RPG game mechanics applied with a growing OP MC with humans and demi-humans as love interests. Profanity and little gory violence is included, characters in explicit sex scenes are at and above the legal age (MC won't have such scenes until his new body is around that age). Some scenes include yuri (F X F). Updates once a week This story is also published on webnovel.com and scribblehub.com For news on this and my other stories, please follow me on twitter, @OrangeRain3477 If you'd like to give support for all of my stories and access exclusive content, please go to my subscribestar to do so. subscribestar dot adult slash orangerain
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Some random guy transported for some unknown reason in a random another World. He's also a Kitsune now for some reason. Watch his adventures to get back to Earth and maybe more.______________________________________________________Yeah, it's a pretty bad synopsis but we gonna roll with it.Searching someone who could do a cover for my fiction! Unfortunately, I can't pay you. But if someone is nice enough to do it, this will be at least posted at the end of a chapter with you credited! (Unless I really don't like the art or there is something about it. I prefer to be honest about this.)I'm open to critiques. So if you think something should be improved, post it in the comments or in a review.Comments and ratings are always nice! For reviews, even bad ones are still nice if I can improve thanks to them!I don't have any promises of posting regularly chapters. I post and write if I feel like it.
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