《Mysterious Blue (KnB Fanfic)》Generation Of Miracles


As usual, the clouds made the day gloomy as usual around the entire relm but mostly everyone were used to it. Since it was a new week, students were filling the empty spaces in the halls while a group of five color haired teens were in the student council room.

"Akashichii, I heard that a new student is here today." A blonde model that could copy specific powers from curtain people reminded his friends.

"Ya I know, I heard that we should respect him more than anyone else for private reasons." The president of the student council replied while looking over some paper work from the office. He has red hair and red eyes, named Akashi Sejirou who has a percentage of power since his father is the principal of the school. He is also a vampire that is ranked at the higher-range.

"Do you know why?" A purple haired giant asked, eating his bag of chips. Named Murasakibara Atsushi, who has powers of a goblin, in human form. "No, father refuse to tell me." Akashi sighed, and closed the form and placed his own in his bag. "I'll bring it to the office." A green haired teen said, adjusting his glasses. Named Midorima Shintarou who is a wizard.

"Thanks." Akashi said, giving the form to the teen. "Is class going to start yet?" A lazy navy blue haired teen asked who also has dark skin and sharp teeth. Named Aomine Daiki who is ranked as the high-position of the wolf pack.

"Ya let's go." Akashi stood up along for the rest. As they opened the door, some girls walked up to the famous council teens for an autograph or a date.

Midorima's P. O. V

As I successfully made it through the crowd, I pushed back my human tooth back in my pocket which is my lucky item for today. As you could guess right, I believe in luck and Aho-Asa said that the transferred student will be good luck to stay with. So I need to find this person as soon as possible.

While I passed by the classrooms, I felt a warm; gental presence near by. It was unexpected that it received a shiver throughout my whole spine. I hurried my way to the office so I could find where that presence was at. I knew it was nearby, I just don't know where and who is sending it. I than opened the main office door and placed the form on top of the others then quickly headed for the scent that was also being produced along with the warm presence. Vanilla, so sweet for my taste.

I could feel that I was close, I rushed my way through until a sturn voice stopped my traces. "Sintarou, what are you doing?" Akashi asked, as I turned around to spot my friends. (That I don't admit) "Nothing, I was just heading to class." I lied, adjusting my glasses along with a fake cough.


"Anyway, let's get going. Class is going to start and I'll be damned if I get stuck in another mob of fan girls." Akashi threatened with a small glare as he took the lead towards class. As we walked to class, I spotted a blue figure through the door window. I looked back and stared at the most beautiful person I've never met before.

I couldn't see very clear but his hair was shimmering blue that matched the sky. My eyes widen in awe while the presence was coming from that person. Boy or girl, I feel like I need that person now. I was going to enter the classroom but I heard Akashi's voice who ruined the moment for me to get in.

"Shintarou, hurry up." Akashi said in an impenitent tone. Looking back at them, I saw Kise and Aomine raising a brow while Murasakibara took another candy out of his pocket. "Yes, sorry." I said, walking back with them.

'Who was that? I'm sure that that person was sending me the tender presence. He had beautiful hair as I remembered it was sky blue. What room was he in again? Agh, I forgot. This can't be good, but I have my lucky item to give me hope. I'll find that person eventually.'


As soon as the bell rang, students were heading in class to take their seats while our Sensai who a half man and owl, coming in with his black suit case. "Good morning class, we have a new special transferred student in the campus so if you bump into him please do give him a warm greet." Sensai informed as he took out his attendance sheet.

"What does he look like Sensai?" One asked out of the blue. "Blue hair and has a presence of a vampire, but what I remember he has more powers than all of you." Sensai explained while some students gasped in surprise.

"So is he that strong?" Another asked with excitement. "I haven't seen his moves but from what I heard, he is pretty strong." Sensai answered. To my right, Akashi rose a brow as if he was interested in this new student.

"Alright class, as you all remember you had weekend homework so pass that to the front for me to grade." As soon as Sensai reminded us, Aomine growled knowing that he forgot to do his.

"Aomine, do you have yours?" Sendai asked, knowing the answer. "Uh, no Sensai." Aomine looked down with embarrassment, while Sensai handed the attendance sheet to the little hawk who collects all paper sheets.

"You know the drill, in my class during lunch." Sensai said while putting the pile in the basket on the drower. Noticing some Snickers, they instantly stopped when Akashi glared at them. Sure, Akashi could be coldhearted, but he sure has a sweet spot for us.

"Since we got that in the way, please open your history books to page 983. Today we will learn more about the Kuroko's past." Sensai said while everyone opened their textbooks.


"So as we all should know already is that they are the rulers of the relm that has been going on for the past 10 million years. The Kuroko blood is the most powerful in all the demon relm that holds all Satan's powers. And a fun fact you all should write down is that the Kuroko's also has Satan's blood. Meaning that they are related." While Sensai finished explained, the class gasped in shock knowing that the Kuroko's are related to the one and only Satan.

"As you write that down, please raise your hand for those who wants to read the first chapter." Sensai said, putting his reading glasses on.


As the lunch bell rang everyone headed for the cafeteria while Aomine was drooling out of his mind on his desk. When I finished packing up, I walked down the stairs and headed towards Sensai. "Exuce me Sensai, but do you know where the transferred student's classroom is at?" I asked while he looked up from one of the student's homework at me.

"Oh, Midorima I'm afraid not but the office surly know. Do you know him?" Sensai asked, looking back down and writing an official grade which was a 93%. "No, just curious." I answered truthfully, while I walked towards the sliding door.

"Aomine, wake up!" Sensai shouted as Aomine shot back up. "Idiot." I murmmered, closing the sliding door behind myself. When I entered the office, I asked the nearest elder for information on the new student.

"Excuse me, but do you have information on the new student?" I asked the half fish and human that was on the computer.

"Oh hello Midorima, let me check." She said, looking over the files. "Here we go, you could actually keep it, we have an extra on that so help yourself to ask us for any other problems." She smiled as I took the file.

"Thank you." I bowed and headed to the library to look over the file in peace since the library is pretty peaceful in my opinion. While I took a seat on the second floor in the library next to the window, I opened the file and firstly spotted a picture that I thought was beautiful.

'So cute.' I twitched at how adorable he looked. I flipped on the next page where all the information was written.




Light Blue

Ocean Blue




'That's weird, how come there's no name on the guardians?' I asked in my head until a voice out of no where scared me to death. "Excuse me, but why do you have information about me?" The voice besides me asked while a spirit wolf was sitting politely next to him.

"When did you get here?" I asked, calming my heartbeat. "Just now, do you mind if I sit with you?" The beautiful figure asked, holding a light novel above his chest.

"Uh, ya go ahead." I excepted while he took a seat in front of me and the spirit wolf was laying on the floor. "You didn't answer my question." The blue haired teen said as I thought of a lie. "I just had a friend interested in you, so he asked me to get information on you." I adjusted my glasses, looking back down so I could hide the small blush on my cheeks.

"Okay, what's your name?" He asked, opening his novel to the first page. "Mi-Midorima Shintarou." I stuttered like an idiot. "It's nice to meet you, I'm Kuro Tetsuya." Kuro politely smiled which made my heart skip a beat.

"Nice to meet you, too. So is this your first day here?" I asked a dumb question. 'Of course it's his first day you idiot!' "This is my first day in a real school, back then I was home schooled." Kuro explained, while petting the spirit wolf's head.

"If I may ask why?" I asked. "My parents just didn't want me to go, until they changed their minds. It's actually a nice school in my opinion." Kuro said, looking out the window.

"So adorable." I muttered. "What?" Kuro asked as I immediately adguated my glasses. "Uh, I said how interesting." I stuttered. "No need to be shy, just think like I'm just an ordinary person that you see mainly." Kuro told me. "I'm not shy." I huffed.

"No need to be a Tsudere too." Kuro chuckled a bit in the most adorable way possible. "Whatever, so did you make new friends or anything?" I changed the subject. "No, but would you give me the honor to be my first friend." Kuro tilted his head a bit as he asked me to be his friend.

"Not that I want to, but I guess so." I looked at the spirit wolf who had the same eye color as Kuro. "You know, you're my first friend. All my life I've been the loner but I guess fate brought me you." Kuro said smiling in relief. "That's... Nice to hear. Did you eat yet?" I asked mother like, while I placed the form in my bag.

"Oh, I didn't yet. Could you walk me to the roof where I could eat? I can't eat in the library since that's one of the usual rules." Kuro asked while he put his novel in his handbag and stood up. "Okay." I excepted, while walking besides him. "Nice, let's get going than." Kuro said, while we headed out the library.

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