《hot stuff ☕︎ | richie tozier》19
'richieeeeeee come on!'
'wait for me babe, i can't do everything at once!' richie yelled to me, trying to balance his science project with one hand and riding his bike with me on the other
'this isn't working richie!' i screamed as he took a sharp turn,
this kid is never going to get a drivers license
'relax, we're almost home!'
awh, he called my house home
how sweet,
but onto some realer things, we hadn't even left the bike racks at school
richie, being richie, not wanting to disappoint his girlfriend, kept on battling with the bike and the project,'i got this, babe'
'richie, y'know i could just hold it for you' i said to him, reaching out to grab the project about radiation and atoms
'you know what, fuck this shit!' richie groaned as he got off of the bike, and let the bike smash to the ground
he threw the posterboard that had little cups with liquid all over it into the trash and sighed, wrapping one arm around me
'oh, richie. your quick thinking intrigues me' i laughed, jokingly
then, richie noticed something, or someone, in the crowd of kids that had just come out of the school,'oh shit, vic. it's patrick cockstetter' he smiled at his crude joke and I giggled a little bit
'oh, richie' was all I had a chance to say before he came walking over to us with a creepy smirk on his face
'what's up, losers'
'go away, patrick' I lazily said to him, not wanting his attention nor harrasment
'oh, we could go somewhere private like last time, vic; remember how you were screaming my name?' he asked me, the smirk getting even bigger than before
richie stepped closer to patrick, fed up with his lies,'don't you ever talk to vic like that' he pointed at patrick,
but then he slowly put richie's finger down,'now, now; trash mouth tozier. remember our little deal?'
richie quickly shut up and held me tighter around his arm
'that's what I thought. so keep the peace bitchy richie. or else you know what will happen' patrick said with a wink before walking over to the rest of the bowers gang and laughing with them as henry punched an innocent kid in the nose, blood spilling everywhere
we walked back to richie's bike, peddling off to my house
when we arrived, he dropped his bike on my lawn and we walked into the house.
no one was home, and we went into the kitchen to get some snacks
after we had gotten some chips and sprite, we went into the living room and sat down on the couch and turned on the tv
'hm, baby?'
'back there, at the school. what deal was patrick talking about?'
he looked at the tv, then at me, then back at the tv,'probably just something that crackhead was mumbling to himself. I don't know what he was talking about, vic.'
i sighed,'alright.'
a couple minutes of silence passed
'yes, honey?'
'can you dance?'
he turned to me with a shocked expression on his face,'are you challenging me to a dance off?!'
he turned off the tv and put in a dance cassette,'five six seven eight!' he screamed
he started dancing wildly to the music, and he wasn't even that good at it
laughing, I got up off of the couch and turned off his music
'i meant slow dance, richie!' I laughed at his obliviousness
'oh, of course not! why?'
i walked over to him and grabbed his hands, and placed them on my hips
after placing a slow song onto the record player, I put my hands on his shoulders
'okay, richie. follow my lead. one two, one two.'
he was horrible, but I was too
after about five minutes we were both rolling around on the floor, laughing our heads off when steve walked in through the front door, baffled at what he was seeing
'oh my god, what are you two doing?!' he said while laughing
'steve, we're trying to figure out how to dance but neither of us know how!!' I cried out for steve
'here, let me give you guys a hand' he said, pulling me up from the ground while richie did it himself
once we were both up standing, steve walked over to the record player and put on a new song
it was 'every breath you take'
'alright guy, since you both obviously don't know how i'm going to teach you guys'
me and richie walked closer as steve put richie's hands on my hips and wrapped my hands around richie's neck so my wrists rested on his shoulders
'okay, now feel the music and start swaying to it' steve said as he turned up the music a little bit
me and richie started slowly moving to the rhythm, thinking it went well;
that was, until steve yelled out in frustration,'you guys are stiff as hell! loosen up a little!!'
it was funny, so me and richie started laughing
and, I guess, that resulted in our bodies loosening up and actually moving to the beat
we danced until the song was over and steve looked happy to see we finally got it
towards the end of the song, richie twirled me around and brought me into his arms which resulted in a hug
after we parted steve clapped,'now you guys are ready for the dance! now here's twenty bucks, you guys can bike down to the diner and get some late lunch'
he handed me a twenty dollar bill and went into his own room after turning off the music
'how can I help you guys today?' the waitress asked us
me and richie were sitting at a booth in the diner, ordering our food
richie spoke up,'um yes can we please have one chocolate milkshake with two straws, and two orders of a cheeseburger and fries?'
she smiled at him,'coming right up!' before leaving the table again
'so, richie; have you figured out what you're going to wear for the snowball?' I asked him
'yup, and it's a surprise!' he cheekily grinned, trying to annoy me on purpose
'well, then I'm excited to see it!'
he smiled at me as the waitress came back with the milkshake, and said'your food will be out in about fifteen minutes'
we nodded and she left again, most likely to tend the other tables
we sipped on our milkshake as richie's eyes widened as the door of the diner swung open,
revealing a very mad patrick hockstetter
i turned my head to get a better view of him, I thought for sure he would come over to us,
and i'm pretty sure richie did too
but, he just went over and sat at a table and ordered food from one of the waitress'
a couple minutes passed with small talk about the snowball, and then richie said,'I have to go to the toilet, don't miss me too much, hot stuff' before winking and walking to the restrooms
a few more minutes passed after richie left,
richie was still gone when the waitress came with the food
i was starving, so I started eating some of richie's fries
then, without me hearing it, or richie coming back and noticing,
patrick had snuck up behind me, and he put his hand over my mouth and yanked me up over the booth and out of the restaurant
i was trying to kick and scream, but nothing worked
he was too strong
he dragged me out of the parking lot and nobody noticed it,
not one person
after walking a few blocks, it was almost clear as to where he was taking me
he was taking me either to the sewers, or to the woods
they were right next to each other, so it was 50/50
i tried kicking and punching him, but he kept his hand attached to my mouth and his other arm wrapped around my neck,
i could feel the cuts and scrapes that were forming on my legs, since I was wearing a sundress and my legs were exposed
about halfway down, patrick picked me up and threw me over his shoulder
my legs weren't being dragged on the concrete anymore, I wasn't even touching the ground
or anywhere near touching it
damn, he was taller than I thought
screaming, I yelled at him,'LET ME GO PATRICK! LET ME GO!'
he mumbled a stern,'shut up, bitch' before throwing me onto the ground
we were in the middle of the woods
'WHAT DO YOU WANT YOU PHYCOPATH?!?!' I screamed at him at the top of my lungs
he looked at me with an evil smirk, the creepiness plastered all over his face
'you see, victoria. me and your little boyfriend had an agreement. but he broke it. and I knew hurting him wouldn't hurt him so much to make him do it. so I decided to hurt the thing I knew mattered most to him. you'
he didn't wait for my reaction, nor did he care for one
'now, i'm gonna hurt you. gonna hurt you real bad'
i was laying on the ground as his body hovered over me,'really, really bad'
his face was far more creepy than just creepy,
it was demonic
horrible, it scared me
his hands grabbed onto mine as they trailed up my arms
he was completely focused on them
his hands wrapped around my neck and he gripped tighter,
he was choking me
he pulled me up by my neck and I couldn't breath at all
it hurt so much and I tried kicking him but it was useless
he let go of my neck, dropping me to the ground once again
i could almost already feel the bruises forming as I whimpered in pain
he smiled again, enjoying the fact that I was in pain
he grabbed the sides of my arms and pulled me up once again,
my heart beating out of my chest as we were inches apart, i've only ever been this close to someone with richie
it felt horrible
his fingers clawed into my skin, hurting me more with every second that passed
'you like that, don't you victoria?' he grinned, I could see the creepiness in his eyes
he put his right and under my arm, pulling me up even higher and closer to his face
my feet were dangling at least a foot off of the ground
whispering, I pleaded with him,'patrick, please'
he let go of me for a split second, almost letting me fall to the ground
but he quickly caught me again, wrapping his arms all around me
if someone saw us from far away, it would look like we were hugging
at least, it didn't physically hurt
our chest were touching, with no air to breathe between them
our faces were less than two inches apart
worry filled my eyes, and near satisfaction filled his
'bet I kiss better than richie' he smirked at my reaction
'no, please no' I begged him
his eyes shifted from me to something in the distance and then back to me
'hold on, princess' he whispered with the same smirk plastered across his face
i knew he was going to do something bad, and one wrong move could, and would, lead to something horrible,
so I held onto him
it was good I did, because he started sprinting at full speed
if I hadn't had held on I would've fallen off, and that would've hurt
he ran for a long time, considering he had a girl half his weight clinging on to him for dear life
after what felt like five minutes of him running, we were in a completely different place than where we were before
we were in what looked like a neighbourhood
houses filled the entire street, but there wasn't anyone else there other than patrick and i
he started walking, not even out of breath even though he had just been running the past five minutes
he walked up to one of the huge houses, and dropped me right in front of the front door
i couldn't make a run for it because he would basically kill me if I tried, and he was blocking my way
he reached under the doormat and grabbed a key
oh my god, this was his house
he's taking me to his house
i'm as good as dead now
he turned the doorknob, no one was home
forcefully he basically threw me into the huge foyer
and then slammed and locked the door behind him
'is this your house?' I asked him, afraid of what he would respond, but trying to buy some time away from him hitting me
'shut up'
he stepped two huge steps and was suddenly hovering over me again
patrick stepped back again, and was now over my feet
he picked me up by my ankles and started dragging me up the huge stairs,
my back hitting every single step
i screamed in pain, begging for him to stop, but he didn't until we were already up the stair case
he pulled me by my arm into another huge room that was littered with posters of half naked girls and cars
it had a huge bed in the center of the room, which was basically not even a real bed, just a mattress and a frame
it was 100 percent his room, even though it was surprisingly clean
he picked me up and threw me over his shoulders, throwing me back onto the bed
it smelled like his cologne, which I had briefly gotten a whiff of before he started running back by the woods
his cologne smelt nothing liked richie's
they were both polar opposites
all I wanted was for richie to be with me right now, dancing the night away at the snowball, that is,
if I even make it out of this house alive
'oh c'mon baby. you should be happy right now. half of the girls at the school would be dying to be in your position right now'
'about to get beat up and hit by you? yeah, bet on it' I said sarcastically
'oh, baby doll. i'm not gonna hurt you, i'm gonna give you the pleasure bitchy richie never could'
oh my god
he took off the button-down shirt he had on, that wasn't even buttoned, over the white wife-beater he was wearing underneath it
he shot me one of his creepy smirks as he walked towards me
the door was open, I have my chance
i jumped off of the bed, pushing him a little as I bolted for the door
he laughed a laugh, as if he was taunting me
we both knew there was no hope for me, but I clung to that little bit of hope I had
that hope was crushed when he grabbed me by the collar of my dress and ripped the back
'shit' I mumbled, knowing steve had just bought me that dress and it was my first time wearing it
he pushed me back to the bed, unbuckling and taking off his belt before going onto the bed,
hovering over me for the millionth time today, he whispered,'it's time to take that pretty little dress off' and winked
'no' I cried to him
he wasn't having my bullshit as he took one of the sleeves in his hand and ripped it straight off
he was stronger than I thought, and that was gut-wrenching
one by one, he ripped my brand new dress to shreds
i thought I could hear something happening in the distance, but I was far too focused on what was going on in front of me
he leaned in and kissed my lips,
i screamed, and he took the opportunity of my mouth being open to slip his tongue in
i tried fighting it, fighting him, but there was no use
i screamed more and more and tried to punch him,
but he held my wrists down
he let go of my wrists as I screamed and let his hands roam freely down to my waistline
'NO! NOO!' I tried screaming, but he laughed it off
his hands slipped up my dress, almost touching me until suddenly the door to the room burst open
'RICHIE!' I screamed for help
patrick let go of me as he walked over to richie, towering over him by almost two feet
'well, well, well. look who decided to show up' he said, leaning provocatively more closer to richie's face
'don't try, cockstetter. just give me victoria and buzz off away from derry'
'i'm afraid that's not going to happen, bitchy richie. have you forgotten about our deal?'
richie swallowed his spit, still looking patrick in the eyes,'you know the deal, and you broke it.'
'well, you broke it first'
'i know, just give me her back and don't ever touch her again and the deal will still be on. please?' he asked
'alright, fine. but you know the deal, so stick by it. understood?'
patrick walked over to me, and dragged me up from the bed and basically threw me to richie
i was standing in nothing but my baby pink brallette, black flats with my white frilly socks, and lilac underwear when richie wrapped one arm around me, not wanting patrick to take me again,'understood, now let's go vic'
we walked out of the room, leaving patrick standing, watching us like hawks, as we left the house
on the way out, I could see the window that richie had smashed to get into the house
he unlocked the door and as we left the house, he took off his huge winter jacket and handed it to me
we walked in silence, as his arms were wrapped around me, in a very protective manner, not wanting anything to happen to me or anyone to touch me; and I was silently crying into his shoulder
i didn't even want to know about that stupid deal
'victoria, baby, i'm sorry I had to put you through this' richie finally spoke up
'it's not your fault. things would've been worse if you hadn't come and saved me. so, thank you, richie. thank you'
silence struck upon us again
it was getting dark
we still had a good thirty minutes of walking back to my house
richie didn't have any coat on, and I could tell he was freezing
'richie, you can have your coat back if you want it' I spoke to him
'no, I don't want the creeps of derry to see you in nothing but your bra and panties'
i didn't reply and we kept on walking until we arrived at richie's house,
which was significantly closer than my house, so it saved us ten minutes of walking
we decided that I was going to sleep there, since richie's mom was out traveling for work the next day and a half,
and I couldn't go back to steve like this
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