《Crazy Love - Pranushka Story》Anasuya, Anand


Anand became shock when Anasuya left his hand like that.

With so much difficulty he got into Train when it is moving.

Anand came inside the Compartment of Anasuya and Sat infront of her with angry face.

Anasuya : If we smile casually, these Boys will directly come to our Campartment.

When Anand looking at her angrily, she turned her face.On that time, she got call from his father Ramalingham.

Anasuya : Daddy, Just now you left the station, Immediately you called me, Why? Did you missing me from now?

Ramalingham : I said to that I forgot to say something that Your Athaya's (Aunty or Mother-in-law) son came to Hyderabad I asked him to go along with you to take care of you.He is 6 feet 2 inches like that, wear Blue Shirt and blue Jeans, His name is Anand Vihari .Did he came?


Ramalingham : When he came to your compartment don't scold him thinking someother.If your mother got angry or If you got tension, you both will behave like mad.

Anasuya : Hey Ramalingham..

Ramalingham : I know my name, You no need to tell me. Tell me this, Did he came?

Anasuya : May be he came.

Ramalingham : May be means, Did you scold him?

Ramalingham : I know this, You give phone to him.

Anasuya gave her phone to Anand

Anand Spoke with Anasuya's father

Anand : Mamaya (Uncle), Tell me.

Ramalingham : Sorry, Don't take her words into mind.

Anand : That's ok, Mamaya.

Ramalingham : First time she is going out without me.

Anand : Don't worry, I will take care of her.

Ramalingham : You know right, Last week only she came from Hospital.Don't talk about any death or suicide topics Infront of her.

Anand : Ok, Mamaya..

Ramalingham : Tell this to your mother also.

Anand : Ok, Bye..Mamaya..

Anand gave back Anasuya phone to her.


Anand opened Newspaper and Started reading

Anand : For not getting Water in Borewells, 20 Farmers committed Suici..

Anand : We will read Sports News – Sensational in Racing History 21 Years racer on railway track committed suic..

Anand coughed suddenly to cover that. Mangamma gave water to Anand.

Anasuya smiles on seeing Anand struggling like this.

Passenger: What!! that Somaraju's Daughter committed Suicide.

Passenger : Due to madness these Girls will do like that. Not that Girl we have to scold that Girl's father he pampered her so much, now she did like this.

Anasuya became sad on heard this. Anand observed it.

Anand took one Paper, And make sound on folding that Paper.

That Passenger became scared with that sound and left that Phone, it fall down from train window.

Anasuya laughed on seeing this.

Passenger became confuse how he lost his phone and he asked Anand

Passenger : What happened, Sir?

Anand : Nothing.

Passenger : When I was talking important topic, I lost my Phone.

Anand : Not only talk loudly on Phone but also you have to hold tightly also..

Passenger : What is that, Sir?

Anand : Phone.

That Passenger became calm after this.

Railway Catering bring food to them they called their names.

Railway Catering : Mangamma, Anasuya Ramalingham and Ananad Vihari, Your food Parcel.

Anand : How much?

Railway Catering : 150, Sir..

Mangamma before eating, asked Anasuya and Anand

Mangamma : Hey, Did you both observe this ? Your names, Anasuya Ramalingham ?

Anasuya : Yes..

Mangamma : Anand Vihari ?

Anand : Yes..

Mangamma : That means your names Started with first two words of Telugu Alphabets (అ, ఆ) (A,Aa),which are beside to each other.

Anasuya (Inner Voice) : Beside words to each other, But to meet each other it took 20 Years for us.

Anasuya first Day in Anand's Village Kaluvapudi

Forgive me if any Mistakes are there..

Pics Credit to Google..

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Loves You All..💕💕

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