《fundywastaken oneshots》Engaged


Fundy smiled as he looked at his boyfriend sleeping on his chest. They were watching a movie at Dream's house and the blonde had fallen asleep on Fundy. He ran his fingers through his hair and continued to watch the ending of Treasure Planet. Dream woke up and looked at Fundy.


"How long was I asleep?"

"Not that long. Treasure Planet is just ending." Dream hummed and turned to see the credits starting. "Hey, I have something to ask you, can we go to the park?"

"Didn't you say your uncles were hanging out there."

"It's just Tommy and Tubbo. They already know about us." Dream nodded and got up from the sofa. He helped Fundy up and they both grabbed their shoes and jackets.

Fundy waved to Tommy and Tubbo who were about to leave. "Wilbur is gonna be mad if you don't get home tonight. Hurry up with your date." Fundy nodded and led Dream to a hill. They sat down on the grass.

Fundy leaned his head on Dreams shoulder and looked at the sunset.

"What did you want to ask me?" He took a deep breathe and moved to sit in front of Dream.

"I know this is probably going to seem super cliche but we've been dating since we started high school and you make me so happy. So Dream, will you marry me?" He pulled out a silver ring from his pocket and held it out to Dream.

He was shocked to say the least. He never expected Fundy to be one to let the government tell people they loved eachother but he wasn't exactly against it. He smiled and nodded. Fundy slid the ring on his fingers and tackled him to the ground. They shared a kiss and layed down next to eachother on the grass.


Fundy looked at the time and sighed. Dream looked over at him and frowned. "What's wrong?"

"I have to get back to my house. I have time to walk you home though." Dream nodded and they stood up. They chased each other to the street and started walking hand in hand back to Dream's house. "Do you think your sister is back from her soccer game yet?"

"Probably. Do you just wanna wait outside so she doesnt ask you about the engagement ring?" Fundy nodded. His sister can sometimes be...a lot. Especially when it came to her brother. They turned on the street and walked to the front of the house. Fundy was about to walk away but Dream held onto his hand. He looked at him confused. "Aren't you forgetting something?" Dream pulled his fiance into a kiss before walking into his house. "Goodnight fiancé!" Fundy blushed and walked away.

He got a few blocks away from his house when a car stopped in front of him. The window rolled down and revealed his dad, Wilbur Soot. Fundy opened the door and sat down. The first thing Wilbur noticed was how smiley his son was. The second thing was how pink his face is.

"What's got you all happy?" He asked while pulling into the garage. They got out of the car and walked inside the house. Tommy turned towards them and smiled at Fundy. "Did my son finally get a girlfriend? Or boyfriend?" Fundy blushed more which caused Tommy to burst into a laughing fit. "What?"

"Oh my god Fundy this must be so awkward for you. Tubbo get down here!" Tubbo came running down the stairs and noticed Fundy awkwardly standing in front of Wilbur.

Meanwhile, Dream was washing the dishes while his sister finished cleaning the table. She walked into the kitchen and grabbed a soda from the refrigerator and sat on the countertop.


"What's that?" She pointed to the ring Dream set aside so he didn't drop it into the water. She grabbed it before Dream was able to and looked at it. Inside of it she saw a small heart carved into it. "Is this like a promise ring or something? Is it an engagement ring? Did Fundy ask you to marry him? What did you say? Please tell me you said yes." Dream laughed and dried off his hands. He leaned against the counter beside her and grabbed the ring.

"Fundy proposed to me." She squealed and hugged him. "Calm down. We haven't talked about the wedding yet."

"My brother is getting married!" Dream shushed her and laughed a bit. They walked to the livingroom and sat on the sofa to continue talking about what happened.

Fundy avoided looking at his dad in the eyes. He hasn't come out to him let alone told him about his relationship with Dream. Wilbur never really liked him. With almost getting arrested for not going to school and being sent to detention almost daily while they were still in school. Tommy and Tubbo watched from the sofa soon being joined by Techno who honestly didn't know what was happening.


"So...Umm shit. Y'know Dream, the guy you always say is a bad influence.."

"You've got to be kidding me. Him?"

"Isn't he that green dude I beat in that fencing tournament a few years ago?" Techno asked. Tommy and Tubbo immediately shushed him and turned back to the other two.

"Dad. Dad, I know what you're thinking but before you do anything irrational please listen." Wilbur didn't say anything so Fundy continued. "He makes me really happy and I love him so much and he's not as bad as you think he is." Wilbur sighed and looked at his son.

"He really makes you happy?" Fundy nodded. "Ok..." Fundy smiled and hugged him.

"Boooo." Techno stood up from the sofa and went back to his room. Tommy saw Fundy looking at him and gave him a thumbs up.

"I proposed to him today." Wilbur pushed him away but held onto his shoulders. "We've been dating for almost four years. I'm suprised you didn't notice."

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