《Niki's Karan》chp-22 Complicated confession!


While driving all I thought was how will she react. I know my prank are always successful, but this time I'm really nervous. That's for the first time in my life. Talking to her is as easy as drinking water from glass. That too a weak glass.

"Karan, you know some time I really think I should take you and dump you in a mental hospital." Niki advised well if you consider it as advise.

"And why do you think so, don't you know I already have a doctor for my mental disorder treatment."

"Really?" She asked amused "And who is it?"

"Of course, you, my psychiatrist!"

"Am I suppose to laugh at that?"

"Well, it depends on you. Now, stop talking, don't you see I'm driving, don't distract me!"

It would be really funny to see her expression, but with my good and really very good luck I'm driving other wise her look could have just killed me.

"Why are we on this road?" She again asked.

"Didn't I just just told you to keep your mouth shut! We are just.."

"minute away from my house. I know that! What I'm asking is.."

"You will understand, just wait a while."

The car halted just in front of my house, so now it is the time. I turned to look at Niki who in turn was looking at me with a really confused expression.

"Get out." I ordered


"I said, get out. We reached our destination." I got out of my car and so did she.

"Niki" I called her name and caught her hand in mine she looked at me and before she could say anything I being to say what I wanted to say.


"Niki, it was here when our mom met for the first time. Where we met at the first time. The place where we started our journey, our friendship."

I still remember the time when my mom dragged me to wish our neighbours. I was least interested at that time. I saw Niki's mom standing in front of my house with Niki holding her mom's index finger.

"We became friends here. Right?"

"Of course silly, I was the one who took your hand in mine without saying anything and shook it. I would be silly to forget it!" She responded with a cheeky smile.

"Yes, then we went to the same school racing about who will get in school bus first." I reminded her still clutching her hand and taking a step closer.

"Yeah, it was always me who won the race! But why are you suddenly asking or let just say saying all stuff?"

" And then when we finished our school. Your dad bought Nik a car so that you and your brother can ride to College together. But you being stubborn dragged me out of my house on the first day my .... Oh, no our college, so that we can ride together-"

I was interrupted by her.

"And I regret that cause you took that opportunity to grab the front seat! And I'm going to make you pay for that one day! I will seat on the front seat--"

"You already did that now if you see, while riding here." I announced with cocky smile. She opened her mouth to say something but closed. I knew it! She looked down at the intresting floor while I took another step closer to her.

"How about that friendship day celebration? Our day! when we became friends."


"Huh? " She jerked her face to look at me "Now we are standing at the same place, at the same time and same day." We were almost inch apart from each other.

"Kar.." she stopped like she got the information about why pigs couldn't fly!

"No, no,no! How can I be so stupid-"

"Well, how can I know."

"to not understand what were you doing-"

"Really? I thought you were smart enough."

"You rewind everything. You silly peice of idli! you rotten chatni, you ugly peice of somosa."

"Should I consider it as you are cursing me?"

"No, you shouldn't consider, cause I definitely am cursing you! Damm you!" She didn't finished there she continued, talkative girl you know.

"The college, the canteen, then school, now here. You took me to all the special destination where we had our special movement! Damm you!"

"So now that you understood, I wanna say something." I lifted her hand placing a feather like kiss in her knuckle. But it's our love story, it can't be easy right! And I was right.

" Karan," she spoke before I could even utter a word. "If you gonna say, 'can you be mine till this lungs in ribcage can tolerate breath,till this little beat box can beat and pump your love in every nerve of my body, till my mind could fill itself with all your memory of past, present and future till ...till my life gets dormant foverver ' then I tell you that.."

Is she really human, or is she really a girl? And most of it, I have told her hundred of time not to use her science language with me but no, she will always do that.

"Well, haven't I told you before not to use your science language with me. And for your kind information I wasn't going to say that!"

"Oh! You weren't. Hmm..." She blushed trailing out the sentence looking here and there. So cute.

"I was saying, " I got on my knee still holding her hand in mine. " Will you let me hold you and be your one and only prank maker, to be your that one who will be more important for you than your favourite dairy milk, and yes, most importantly Will you please honor me to be forever."


"What? Did my ear just heard no?"

"Yes I said, No! Now stand up!" And I did what she said but slowly. When I was fully standing she stared in my eyes for a movement or two and then in just next second she was on her knee.

"Niki, what are.."

"You are not suppose to leave my hand, you are and will always be my one and only prank maker who will be always be shocked by me to spoil them, and about who will be important between dairy milk and you the answer is because you will the one who would never tell me to hate dairy milk. And most importantly you were, you are, and you will always be "

I knew it! I really knew it! She is the craziest and weirdest girl one can meet.

"You know you are pagal."

And I pulled her up and hugged her tight in my arms which was reciprocated instantly.

"Yes, I know." She replied.

"Ok, let's go. We have final destination to go." I said parting apart.

"Again! Now where?"

"To you room, of course."

"Karan .." and I dragged her with me towards her house. Now that's gonna be fun.


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