《Niki's Karan》chp 3 Prank gone wrong


“you are gone, Mr.Karan!” Niki yelled picking up pillow which was just in front of her and aimed at me. Damn this girl is crazy!

“Are you insane, Niki? You know I was just helping you out there.” I said taking the pillow from other side as she missed the shot, and started walking towards her.

“Give my pillow back you duffer!” Niki tried to grab it from my hand but just on time I held it high in the air.

Why should girls have all the fun!?

“why did you through it, if you wanted it? Huh? Now it describes who is duffer!” I said and she just rolled her eyes.

“ok fine.” she sighed and sat on the sofa.

“Did you just said thank you?” I teased.

“In my dreams!” she scoffed.

“aww do I invade your dreams often, dear" I teased again.

“you know what, I hate you sooo much.” i knew it was a lie. She don't hate me. She don't have a hate bone in her.

“no you love me, duffer.” I smiled.

“you are an idiot.”

“na you are idiot, dumb, and most of all-“ I started but couldn't finish my sentence cause “you—“ I screamed loudly when I was painfully stabbed by a pen from no where.

You know it's really pain!!

“what happened ? Karan…?” Nik came rushing out of room.

“ Niki you did it?” he asked giving her a glare.

“no, it was her ghost! Can’t you see its paining.” I scolded him in pain.

“are you okay” Niki asked.

“ ya I am fine.”

“see, He said he is fine.” Niki smiled and walked away to her room.

"Are you fine bro? " Nik ask patting my shoulder.


" Ya, dude. But I tell you, your sis is a phyco."

"Tell me about it! I live with her." He replied giving me scared expression.

As we reached college,Niki made her way inside without me. Moody I tell you. Shouldn't it be me, who should act like that.

"Karan, are you fine? Do you want me to help you?" Nik asked from driver seat.

"No,yaar. You go, I'm fine." I replied and saw Tina coming towards car. "See, it's Tina.'" I pointed towards her and Nik whipped his neck so fast, that I feared if it could get sprain.

"Yeah man, let's go or Niki's early college mission would go in vain." He laughed and got out of the car and me mirroring his actions.

I walked to the lab, where I saw a boy at the door. He was staring inside. Though his back was in my front, I could tell who it was.


What the hell was he looking inside?

Before I could ask him, he turned around and left.

As I was about to reach the door, my foot collided with the something on the floor.

“ok..ay” I heard neerali's voice.“I am now sure your early morning is because of Karan.”

Oh yeah, it's me!

“He arrived?” Niki asked turning back, “o yeah!! Hows' you feeling dear?”

“you are going to pay for breaking my leg with that stupid pen Nikita Joshi!” he faked growled in pain.

Payback, dear.

“ is it paining too much? Just tell me” she asked me while placing me on table.

“na! I am enjoying this..” note the sarcasm. I was holding my laughter.

“ouch!! It hurts!!!” I gasped loudly when she touched the place above my knee. Well I guess, I am not entirely faking.


“ ohh! I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to do this. Is it paining too much? let's go to hospital. I can’t see you in pain.” she apologized.

Tears started forming in her eyes and felt bad for acting like that.

“don’t cry I am fine. Its just that…” I stared “ I was kidding." and I stared running away from her.

“you always do this, wait here you, pagal..” she reacted and started running behind me but stopped.

And then with the final bell rang students arrived and of course followed by mam.

“good morning students.” she greeted us and that time when her eyes landed on us “ahh!! You are early.. good to see that you took my suggestion. “

Niki just smiled shyly. Cute.


“hii!! How did it feel coming so early?” Nik raised his eyebrow at Niki playing with the fork at the canteen table.

We were at canteen. College canteen was good, spacious.

“it was…” Niki started looking down at her plate “amazing?” she completed with full excitement. Everybody stopped for a second for looking the sudden change and then went back to there normal state.

“Karan, I need your favour.” Nik asked and I just hmmed for him to continue.

“I will not be able to drop you guys home, as I and Tina are going for a industrial visit for our project work. As tomorrow is the last day of submission we have to complete it today.” I was listening him quietly and he continued “so will you two manage to go home by yourself today?” He asked. But I knew it wasn't a option but statement.

“we can…” I spoke and turned my eyes towards Niki.


“even we have a project to complete.” She responded.

“We will be completing it today. Don’t worry we will manage.” I said.

And the bell rang giving the signal of end of lunch.

The rest of the day went normal.

As the day ended I was waiting for Niki at the gate. She came after five minutes, chatting with Neerali. She was so busy in her own world that she didn't notice the boy following them behind.

She saw me and gave me a full smile, hurrying where I was standing. "Let's go!" Her voice was enthusiastic making me smile. I turned to see the boy, but he already left. There is something about Ram. I have to find out soon.

"Yes, m'lady!" I chuckled.


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