《Niki's Karan》Me.


My day always start with the alarm clock ringing high at 6:00 am in the morning. Yeah, I know it's too early for teenager like me to wake up. But it's my routine.

I wake up, do exercise, have breakfast and then make my way to Niki's house.

I have worn a orange T-shirt with black jeans. The weather is quite warm so I restrain from wearing any jacket.

I went down to see Kamala aunty have already prepared my breakfast and sit down to eat. I yell a thanks moving out of the house.

My family is small with my dad and me. My mom died five years ago in a car accident. It was the worse time of my life. I wouldn't have handled myself, if Niki wasn't by my side.

After my mum's death, dad have indulged himself in work. We barely see each other. He mostly stays out of India or in his office.

Today, is the day, I lost my mother. No matter how many days, months or years paas by, that lonely feeling, it still linger inside my heart.

I have always thought my life would not be this wonderful if it was not of Niki and Nik! They are my best friend!

Toady as usual Niki was late, this girl is always late and then she enjoy when Nik complain. This girl! Really she is something!

And I tell you, she really change when she is in college or public place. But the one who are close to her, know real her. Like me and Nik,her twin brother.

Nik was already in car so I made myself comfortable on passenger seat. That's my fix seat in car.

Beep... beep... beep" Nik blows the car horn and turns to me "good morning, dude. Niki is late again." He says and before I could react we hear Niki's voice.

"coming! Coming! wait a second." She was yelling and while descending the stairs I think and then came to the front door with a little sour face.

She closed the door and locked it properly and almost ran to the car and then placed herself at backseat cause front seat was always occupied by Me. And atlast she took a breath.


"You are always late, why can't you wake up early, it's because of you I am always late." Nik complained while driving.

"Don't you get tired saying the same lines almost every morning?" She repeated the same line she say after his complain.

"I don't know how you two can be twins-." I exclaim " - you know, twins have a special connection, they love each other, and they understand each other just by a look. Are you both sure you are twins?" I asked eyeing both.

"no" both said in unison and within a second we are laughing.

Me and Niki study in same field while we three are friends from childhood. Karan stays near my house . Nik and I are like "bro". Nik had chosen commeres field while me and Niki choose the science stream. Being a little different we often meet in some classes.

We got to the college.

" Niki we are getting late." I said pulling her to the gate while Nik moved to the parking.

" I hate organic practicals you know." She pout and I chuckle.

"don't be like that. I know you don't like but I can see you getting all the results. How ?" I asked her while walking through the corridor.

" its just I do what's written in the book and the result come. But I hate it." She says as I see we reached the lab. We open our bag and remove our apron and get ready with an excuse for getting late.

This is the only practical when we are together.

"may we come in, mam?" I ask with a small smile on his face.

I saw all the heads turning around to us and watching the scene with a great interest.

"please come in my late latif students." mam responded or should I tell just sugar cotaed taunt.

"what is the excuse for today, can you elite us with it." she asked putting her specks back to her eyes which where lying down her nose bridge.

"my alarm didn't work today, I got a little extra sleep." I replied cause I know she would never give me punishment as being a straight A student have it's perk. And plus I don't want her to say anything to Niki.


"okay, get back to work every body." she commanded and then turned to our self and said "I don't want this to be repeated. Am I understood." And we just nod in response.

After that long 2 hour practical session we were heading out of the lab.

I took my bag keeping my things inside and searched for Niki.

"are you going to tell me?" Neerali, niki's only close friend in college asked her while she was busy putting her stuff in bag.

Neerali is surly opposite of Niki.

Niki, is neither fat nor thin, having brown black eyes and black hair coming till her waist. Like always she was wearing jeans and top and her hair were in high ponytail.

While neerali is a little fluffy with brown eyes that are always covered with square spects and a out going personality.

"same yaar. No difference." Niki mumbled. And we made way to our classes.

"I love microbiology lectures, you know that.." Niki said with a huge smile on her face.

"yup I know, now go. Meet you at lunch." I said and waved her. I don't have micro classes with her because of chemistry as my only subject while she had taken both as her primary subject.

I walked to my class and the lecture strated. Now that I am not with Niki, my mind started to wander and the emptiness in my heart came back.

Before I knew, the bell rang and it was the lunch time.

I made my way to canteen, and sat to the table with Nik and Tina.

" hii guys." I heard Niki, she and neerali waved at the table where me ,Nik and Tina where already seated. They walked towards us and Niki got seated next of me and Neerali between Niki and Tina.

"how was your day?" Niki asked raising her eyebrow up.

"amazing like a hell..." Nik whispered low and I saw a small smile across Tina's face. Tina is Nik's classmate. We met in college itself and its great hanging out with her. She is pretty young girl with brown hair coming till her shoulder.

"tell me, or I am on dieting from today..." Nirali said and everybody stared laughing.

"its just that he was not allowed to attend classes for being late." Tina elaborated and we all chuckled.

"poor guy... its all because of you." neerali exclaimed eyeing Niki " you better be on time from tomorrow." she finished.

"mission getting early to clg starts from now.." Niki said and we all had our lunch.

I saw Niki glance at me serval time. when we were heading back to the classes she stopped me.

"what happened, are you okay?" She asked me and my eyes got wet. She looked confused for a while and then took her mobile and saw something. And then realization drawn to her.

"need a hug?" She asked.

"yes" I replied and hugged her tight , "I am missing her.... A lot.." I continued.

"I am sorry... don't get upset your mom will be happy seeing you that you have managed yourself better. We are always there for you." She consoled me. We then we went to the respective classes.

My mom died 5 years ago in a car accident. And I was shocked at the news and I have seen the worst time of my life. And I am happy that I have Nik and Niki in my life.

We completed our classes and met near the parking lot.

I saw Niki at the back seat and Tina at my passenger seat. Nik said she will be coming with is cause they have a project together.

And I have to sit at back with NIKI!


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