《Lessons in Devotion》Chapter 27
Bonnie stood at the bow of the ship with her hand resting on the figure head. She stared out at the ocean, marveling at how the brilliant light of the stars reflected off the inky waters. Still saddened by the loss of Queen Aslaug, she gave herself a moment to grieve the fallen queen. She'd be the first in the long line of many to perish. Her thoughts drifted to Sigurd and Ubbe who were left to wade through all of the changes now taking place in Kattegat, while having to deal with the death of their mother. Then her mind drifted to Ivar and Ragnar. By now Ragnar would be a prisoner of King Ecbert's. Ivar would be on a ship back to Norway already grieving the loss of his father. Her chest ached at the thought of him hearing of his mother's death without her there to provide him comfort.
"You can't become distracted with the lives of those who've already come and gone," Floki said, as he came to stand next to her. "This end was always going to be Aslaug's fate. Ragnar's as well. I shall miss my friend."
Damn. She'd forgotten to inform Floki about making Ragnar her mate. "Floki, I probably should've spoken to you about this sooner, but with everything going on..."
"Spoken to me about what?" He questioned, tearing his gaze from the horizon to look at her.
She inhaled still unsure if she'd made the right decision, but what was done was done. "Ragnar told me if I made him the other half of the prophecy, he'd renounce Valhalla, choose me, and help me find a way to defeat the Hollow."
"What was his response when you told him such a request was impossible?" Floki asked, now completely turning to look at her full on.
"I..." Her head tilted to the side as she brain wrestled with her answer. "I didn't exactly tell him it was impossible." Floki's eyes narrowed. "I-I agreed."
"You cannot!" Floki bellowed, causing a few crew members who'd begun to bed down to glare in their direction. He gave them a cursory nod, and then grabbed her arm. Pulling her close, he lowered his voice. "That's not how fate and prophecy works. You've already marked Ivar as your eternal mate. I watched you do it myself the night you marked your trusted." Her mouth flapped open and closed as her head swung from left to right. "Yes you did. You placed your mark over his brow and upon his neck."
Her face scrunched as she waved him off. "Oh that, I'm not sure why I did that, but even so, it no longer matters. Ragnar and I performed the eternal mate blood exchange. Now the only thing left for him to do is to choose me at the time of his fated death."
"Bonnie, you foolish, foolish, girl! What have you done?" He threw his hands up to grab his head. "If Ragnar remains habitual, decides to pursue his ambitions and chooses you, then you will have doomed us all!"
"Why shouldn't he choose me? Ragnar's dormant mystical energy is unmatched and he's one of the greatest Viking warriors to ever live." She glanced back over her shoulder to be sure they weren't being overheard. "Besides, my magic chooses him, and it wouldn't be the first time it's done so."
His brows touched as his face slightly crumpled. "How so?"
"I've met Ragnar before. I'm not sure of the extent of our association, but he claims we were once in love," she said, while giving a nosey Hvitserk a nod as he passed.
Floki gave Hvitserk a, move the hell along, look. When Hvits made it halfway to the other end of the boat, Floki turned back to her. "Bjorn said something to the same effect, but how's it even possible?"
"How's it possible for us both to be here in the Viking Era?" She questioned, sarcasm dripping from both sides of her mouth.
"Bonnie, come," Bjorn called from the tent he'd erected at the stern of the ship. He poked his head from the slit. "Sometime on the morrow we'll reach the Iberian. We should slumber well, for the next rising we raid."
The warriors roared and cheered, while beating their weapons on various parts of the ship. She inhaled and released an exaggerated breath as she cocked a brow at Floki. If history served facts line for line, then tomorrow they'd have their asses handed to them. Especially, if those Asturians weren't under her dominion. Even if they fought back her hands would still be strapped down because Bjorn would've passed the proverbial first lick.
"This vacay just keeps getting better and better," she muttered to herself as she spun around to head toward the tent. A hand reached out to grab her ankle. She glanced down and her eyes connected with Rollo's.
"So you're the woman he met when he went to the mountains to prove himself as a man to Lagertha," Rollo said, smirking up at her. Stunned, she attempted to squat.
"Bonnie!" Bjorn's bellow nearly shook the floor of the ship.
She pressed her lips together in frustration, while narrowing her gaze at Rollo. "Later." The mutter fell from her lips, before she hurried away to the back of the ship. Moments later she ducked into the tent. "Bjorn, you know it's okay to close your eyes without me righ-," '
The sight before snatched a knot in her vocal chords. Cast in the inviting glow of candlelight, Bjorn lay on the bed furs in nothing more than his trousers. Though tongue tying as that may be, what sat next to him in the small space is what left her speechless. A pail of water, along with her duo body wash, scraps of linen, and scented oil. He'd taken the time to gather things from her basket and fetch her clean water so she could wash.
"Remove your clothing," he said, while eying her as he propped himself up on his elbows. When she took too long to move, he lifted a golden brow. Slowly, she shed her body of her layers of clothing until she stood before him wearing nothing more than an expression riddled with expectation. He held a hand out to her, "Come to me, Mystical One."
She closed the distance between them in a step and a half. Once she was within reach, he tugged her down next to him. He then grabbed a linen scrap and plunged it in the pale. In a slow methodic rhythm he used the linen to drizzle water over her body until every piece and part of her dripped for him. When satisfied she'd be thoroughly saturated, he doused her in the cleansing wash and proceeded to bathe her. He descended her frame in lingering circular strokes, massaging the soothing gel into one shuddery inch of her at a time. Her protector didn't stop until every split, crevice, and crack on her body knew the caressing encounter of his touch.
As he dried her, she craned her neck to look up at him and one word rolled from her tongue to fall from her lips. "Why?"
"I know how you must suffer to be away from your cascading water in the forest and your great basin, so I thought to ease a bit of your suffering." He leaned down and kissed her shoulder.
She gave him a closed lip smile, and then leaned forward to grab her scented oil moisturizer. He took the bottle from her hands, before gesturing for her to lie down. Doing as he ordered, she stretched out on her back. His intense Lothbrok blues crept over her body at a dawdling pace. The glint of hunger kept her breath just out of reach. Cool oil hit her stomach. She gasped, and then came undone as his large hands massaged the lubricant into her skin. Firm sure strokes blaze a path up her abdomen to her breasts. A moan vibrated deep in her throat as he kneaded, flicked, and tweaked her in all the right places.
Once he oiled her breasts to satisfaction, he slid downward. He opened her thighs, hitching each one over his hip. Grabbing the bottle of oil, he splashed the liquid over her legs. After replacing the bottle, he grabbed her left leg. In contracting squeezes he began to rub her foot, gradually working his way up to her calf until it gave way to her thigh. She held her breath as his strokes persisted all the way to the welcome mat of her candy shop. Instead of touching her where she wanted him to the most he switched legs and the entire process restarted. When he denied her once again in favor of flipping her over on her stomach, frustration snatched her cross-eyed.
Face down and at his mercy, she purred when the sorcery that was his hands began to work their magic on her back. He broke her down with unyielding caresses that had her literally humping the bed furs. By the time his fingers slipped between her nether lips and pressed against her clit tears of fuckstration had their entire space looking as if she was ten leagues below sea level. Sobs of relief damn near choked the life out of her as she slow grinded into his fingers and the heel of his hand.
"Make love to me, Bjorn," she pleaded between her sobs. "Please."
His body covered the back of hers. He nipped her earlobe before kissing and sucking her neck. "Marry me, Bonnie."
The dam broke. Saltwater heartbreak rolled down her cheeks. "If it were up to me don't you think I'd have married you by now? You, Torvi, and those kids mean everything to me." She struggled to roll over.
He slid off of her and withdrew his hand from between her legs. "What does this mean, 'if it were up to you'? Who else's will is greater than yours?"
"Despite what everyone seems to believe, I'm still beholden to fate just as everyone else," she said, sitting up and pulling her knees to her chest. "If I stray from the path set before me for you, there'll be consequences. I'll not risk your future for my happiness."
"And what of my happiness?" he demanded, moving closer and invading the little space their cubby hole afforded her. "Fate wouldn't have sat you before me if she didn't intend for me to love you. Bonnie, my happiness is dependent upon you."
She cupped his face in her hands and rested her forehead on his. Squeezing her eyes closed, she forced another rejection from her lips. "There'll be other women who will make you happier than I ever could, Bjorn Ironside. Please don't continue to ask me for more than I can give."
"I'll continue to ask you for everything, Mystical One," He pushed her down on the furs, and then rolled on top of her. With strict purpose, he began to descend her body. "For I know eventually you'll give me all."
When his lips and tongue collided with the sopping spot that throbbed for him, her breath caught and held. A blended combination of lust and love infused with heat incinerated all of her noble intentions. She released her doubts and muted the alarms sounding off within her soul. If she couldn't have him for life then she'd claim him for herself for that single moment in time.
Her eyes rolled closed as air fled her body in a sigh driven exhale. "Bjorn..."
"I'm l-lost," she chattered as she warmed her hands over the flames. Her gaze traveled over the possible beautiful monster. What did he do to be banished here? "I was trying to get home, but I ended up here. Now I think I'm stuck."
He watched her a moment before nodding and returning to his stool next to the cabin. "Stay as long as you want, I don't mind." He went back to skinning his rabbit.
"Are you here with anyone?" She questioned as her magic seeped from her to investigate the surrounding area.
"I'm alone," he said without looking up from his rabbit.
Suspicion narrowed her eyes by a fraction. "Why? What'd you do?"
His blade paused mid-swipe. There stares collided. "Do you believe me to be a skogarmaor?"
"A skoga-who?" She demanded, her brows nearly disappearing in her hairline.
"I've not been banished. See," he said, lifting his arms to pull back his sleeves before raising his hands to push his silky hair from his face. "I bear no marks of an outcast."
She side-eyed him a bit as she attempted to figure out his game. "Then why are you here?"
"For the woman I long to marry. The woman I hope to one day bear my sons. She's a shieldmaiden like no other, braver than most men, more beautiful than the rising sun and yet," his gaze dropped back to his rabbit as his shoulders slumped.
She lifted her chin to look down her nose at him. "And yet what?"
"She has her sight set upon my elder brother Rollo. He's the best fighter among all Earl Haraldson's warriors," Ragnar placed the blade back to the rabbit, before letting both slip from his hands.
Confusion pushed her head sideways. "So, what, you've come up here to freeze to death in hopes of finding some love in her sympathy?"
"I've come here to prove myself a man. If I survive the winter here she'll know I'm capable for providing for her and our family," he growled as incandescent mystical energy lit the depths of his indigo glare.
Bonnie's own sorcery slammed her insides, writhing and squirming to be released. "That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. If this woman wants to be with your brother, then let him have her. Life is to unsure to be pissing away time on unrequited love." She rolled her gaze back to the fire as Damon's mad dash back to Elena traveled across her mind. "You're hot, I'm sure there's some other woman on your," she glanced over his homely attire, before continuing, "farm who'll appreciate all of that sexy you got going on."
"Hmm." He stood, and then turned toward the cabin. Before opening the door, he tossed over shoulder. "It's clear to me"
Her face scrunched. "What's clear?"
"That you know nothing of love," he said, and then slammed the door after him.
A voice called from behind her. When she turned she saw first season Ragnar standing a couple hundred feet away. The sight of him provoked awareness to slam her harder than a coked up rock star at a death metal concert.
"Bonnie," An all too enticing voice whispered next to her ear. Warm lips trailed kisses down the column of her neck. "We must rise. The Iberian Peninsula has been sighted," Bjorn whispered as his palm fondled her breast. "Come so we may prepare."
A grin teased her lips as she opened her eyes to discover his face hovering over her. "Make me cum, and then I'll prepare." She palmed his dick through his trousers. "Enter me, Ironside. Let us go into battle with no regrets."
"Agree to marry me, and I'll happily fill you." He pecked her lips.
She swatted him back. "Go away and let me sleep, you tease!" Rolling away, she attempted to burrow deeper into the bed furs.
"Bonnie, Floki would like to speak with you," Hvitserk's attitude drenched tone floated to her from just outside the slitted entrance.
Taking a deep breath, she blew out a growl through the slits of her teeth. "Tell him to give me a minute to dress."
"You're not dressed?" Hvitserk's questioned hit her like a well-aimed accusation. "Why would you forgo your garments on a ship filled with warriors and splintered wood?"
Bonnie's glare shot to the cloth partition. Bjorn placed a hand in her lap. "Seek your leave until Bonnie emerges, Hvitserk!"
A moment later they heard footsteps retreat from the tent. She gathered her things, and then began to dress. Her mind occupied with speaking with Floki, what awaited them on the Iberian Peninsula, her ever growing feelings for Bjorn, Hvitserk's attitude toward her as of late and her dream of Ragnar. It all just swirled about in her head confusing and distracting her at every turn. Once dressed she moved to leave the tent. Chorded arms wrapped around her waist from behind, pulling her into a backwards embrace.
"Remain at my side when we reach land. I'll not have you hurt," he said, kissing her neck before releasing her.
Glancing over her shoulder, she gave him a nod before slipping from the tent. Activity bustled about the ship. Seamen readied the oars, warriors readied for raiding, while others scurried about and prepared the boat for making land. She caught sight of Floki helping Helga to secure their things near the front of the ship. Threading herself in and out of the madness, she crossed the boat. Once at his side, Floki glanced up. Worry haggard his expression and shone within the depths of his eyes.
"What's wrong?" She questioned as she knelt to help Helga secure the ties on her bundles.
Floki went back to securing more of their items to the ship. "What's wrong is what I don't sense. Supernatural energy or sorcery. This raid will be devastating, and you'll be unable to do anything to come to our aid."
"I'll just protect you all the best I can without harming them," she said, passing a bound bundle to Helga.
"Why not advise Bjorn against raiding there?" Helga asked, her large expressive eyes swinging between Bonnie and Floki.
"We have absolutely no inkling of what a variation of that nature will do to history or Bjorn's legacy," Floki said, casting his gaze in Bjorn's direction, who stood at the figure head of the ship glaring toward the coast of impending land while giving orders to a couple of warriors at his side. "This raid and the ones to follow are what launches his name and notoriety. All events must occur as once before."
Helga deflated. "How many will be lost?"
"We'll not lose too many. Yet, there'll be many whose prides will suffer under the failure of this defeat," his gaze skipped to the ship coasting a hundred feet or so away from theirs. Harald stood at the prow with Halfdan in discussion. "Who may even question the gods favor for Bjorn."
Bonnie opened her mouth to comment on the bitch assness of Harald when she caught sight of Hvitserk glaring at her from the back of the ship. Without saying anything, she rose and made her way to the tented area. As she narrowed the distance between them, she didn't slow. She instead shoved Hvitserk through the slitted tent opening.
Once inside, she invaded his space and got in his face. "Is there something you'd like to say to me Hvits, because lately I've been feeling some kind of vibe coming from you."
"I'm uncertain of this vibe feeling you speak of, but if it's the cause of why you've made a whore of yourself with Bjorn-," Hvitserk began.
She slapped slob from his disrespectful mouth. "Call me another one." Hvitserk grabbed her by the neck, and then slammed her back into the stern of the ship. Ultramarine sapphire sparked from his sockets as he glared down at her. She backhanded him again. "I dare your ass to call me another one, Hvits!" He just continued to glare down at her with that glowing preternatural stare. Blood trickled from the corner of his mouth. She forced her gaze away from the tempting red goodness to meet his. "No matter what we come to mean to each other, there will never be a time when it's okay for you to call me out my name or forgo respect when you speak to me. You don't try Margrethe in such a way, and I'll damn near your ass before I let you even attempt to deal with me as if I'm less than her."
"Margrethe? Why would I think you less than her? She's a slave." He relaxed his grip on her neck.
She slouched against the stern. "Please save the, she's a slave, nonsense. You care about that girl, you and Ubbe both. Hell, you even took her side over mine, Hvits. But even before that, you came to my keep with the sole intention of seducing me for Ubbe. Every time you've dealt with me you've handled me with the upmost disregard. So it blows my mind fate has saw fit to entertain the thought of you and me."
"I've never disregarded you, I've always-," He began.
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