《Lessons in Devotion》Chapter 25
Bonnie sighted a cloaked figure sitting upon a boulder overlooking the harbor. With absolute certainty and without discernment from her sorcery, she knew the figure. Ivar. She hadn't spoken to him since the night before when he'd questioned her about Enzo. Her first mind told her to leave well enough alone. Ivar would no longer be part of her fate. Attempting to explain anything of her past to him at this point would be nothing more than pandering to his pride. Yet something within wouldn't allow her to sail away without righting things between them first.
She handed Blida her basket. "Take these things to the boat. Tell Bjorn I'll be along shortly."
Blida nodded and continued to the harbor. Bonnie detoured and took the path which led her up to the hills into the cliffs. At the top of the overhang Ivar sat with his back to her. She watched him for a moment as she tried to work up the nerve to approach him. Her mouth opened and closed several times without the benefit of a single word crossing her floundering lips.
"Have you come to say farewell, my love," he said, without turning to look at her. "For I will be sailing away with my father in two risings time."
She rounded the boulder to stand in front of him. Pain darkened his gaze and shadowed his features. Her heart infinity knotted within her chest. Although, she'd loved before, she'd never been struck, consumed, and overtaken by an unconditional devotion which spurned her strength of will and comprehension. Ivar was a tsunami for which she never planned. She could only pray, when the waters finally returned to the sea he'd leave enough behind for her to rebuild.
"I wanted to see you once more before I go," she said, running her gaze over his face, committing every distinct and not so distinct characteristic of his features to memory. Out of nowhere liquid pain filled her eyes and brimmed her lower lids. "Because, I'm gonna miss you and it hurts to think about when the tides will see fit to bring us together again. It also fucks me over to believe things may never be the same between us again." She forced a smile, turned her face to the sky, and closed her eyes. Silently, she pleaded with her tears not to betray her. "This is stupid right...I know." She turned her back to him and pretended to be considering the harbor below, while she covertly wiped the salty wet evidence from her face. Deciding she wasn't getting anywhere, she put on her Jackie O RayBans.
"I don't understand," he said, grabbing her arm and gently turning her to face him. His face scrunched as he eyed her sunglasses. "Why do you believe things will no longer be the same between you and I?"
A blend of hurt and anger burned her chest. She scoffed. "You wouldn't understand, Ivar. Ever since I've arrived here you've never seen me as anything more than a means to an end. You have no genuine feelings for me. Not anything beyond the impassive flirtations you so idly bestow upon me in passing. When in truth you probably wish I never bothered you at all." She tossed her hands up and threw her head back to glare into the sky, before resettling the burden of her scorn back on him. "But I only have myself to blame since you did ask I keep my distance. Well you can forget everything I just bitched up and whined about. Well everything except for this!" She placed her hand on her hip, while jabbing a finger in his face. "Because this is me granting your wish."
Bonnie spun to march away, but a firm grip on her wrist snatched her backwards. She tumbled into a granite solid chest. The glasses were ripped from her face. Bands of chorded muscles wrapped around her as soft lips and a determined tongue laid claim to her mouth. Her hands rose to tangle themselves in the short strands of hair at the back of his head. His grip around her body tightened. A moan burst from her mouth as she burrowed deeper into his embrace and gave more of herself over to their kiss. When they tore their mouths apart they both panted harder than an entire pack of dehydrated dogs.
He cradled her face in his hands as he pinned her to the spot with his gaze alone. "Oh, how I love you so, my love. You must know that your leaving distresses me. For the past two full moons this moment is the one I've dreaded most. If I were able to wish for anything it wouldn't be for your departure nor even normal legs. I'd wish that you never leave my side."
"You love me?" she whispered, running the pad of her thumb over his eyebrow.
He placed an enduring peck on her lips. "Of course." He glanced around. "Do you know where we are, my love?" A small, closed lip smile took possession of her lips as she shook her head. "The place where we'll marry. Whenever my faith in us is unsettled, I come here to remind myself, fate has already decided upon you and me. I only need to be patient and wait for it all to come to past."
"Show me?" She rested her forehead on his.
"No, my love." He smiled, pulling her even closer. "Some things must remain a surprise."
"I should go before Bjorn sends warriors to collect me," she said, not yet ready to leave him.
He took a deep breath and exhaled. "Alright."
His arms fell from around her, and she stepped back. She turned to leave and thought better. Once more she rushed back into his arms and her mouth crashed into his. After a few more moments of oral exploration, she broke the kiss.
"I love you too, Ivar," she pecked his lips and peppered several more kisses along his jawline. "Take care in England, learn what you must, and then come back to me. We'll figure out the rest together, alright?"
"Alright, my love, but you have to vow to do the same," he said, while running his nose along the side of her neck. "You must come back to me."
She kissed him once more before breaking away. "You have my sacred vow, Ivar Conqueror of my Heart."
When she turned, she nearly collided with Ragnar. Not knowing what else to do, she nodded and continued on her trek to the ships. Once she made it down to the harbor, people who knew her stopped to bid her a farewell. Others, who wanted to garner favor pushed baskets into her arms, while a few random people she can't remember seeing before pushed and shoved each other to lick her palm. Moments later a group of warriors surrounded her, barricading her away from the horde who'd gone from adoring to Stanatics.
A pair of slender arms wrapped around her waist. When she glanced down, she found Guthrum smiling up at her. Hali who'd squeezed between them, managed to enfold his tiny self around her leg. She grinned and reached down to lift Hali into her arms and wound an arm around Guthrum's shoulder.
"While I'm gone I expect you both to keep up with your reading and writing," she said as she walked with them to the end of the harbor. "Attempt to work on your math, but it's okay if you find yourself having trouble. We can go over it when I come back." After pushing a few stray locks from Guthrum's eyes, she cupped his cheek. "Do you remember how I showed you to get into my keep?"
Sadness filled his gaze as he bobbed his head. "Yes, I remember. I wish you didn't have to go, at least not until I reach my raiding summer."
"We'll be back by the end of the summer," she said, while placing Hali on his feet so she could kneel next to Guthrum. "And because you have a calendar, you know exactly when that'll be. Just mark the boxes off the way I taught you and you'll be able to keep track of our journey."
"Okay," he said, still having the look of someone experiencing the worse day of their life.
"Now, watch this." She stood and plotted a vacant space of water.
Lifting her hands, she allowed her sorcery to bring the largest object she'd ever requested through time. A cloud of sorcery mushroomed out to reveal Klaus' 75ft ocean crossing yacht which he'd christened as 'The Original'. Wow, she didn't think it would work! Guthrum gasped and Hali squealed. Shrieks and yells came from the gathering crowd. She grabbed both Guthrum's and Hali's hands so they wouldn't be lost in the shuffle of bodies.
"No, no, no!" Floki appeared at her side as if he'd teleported there. "Put it back in the 21st century."
"What do you mean? I brought this here so we could all be comfortable while we sail to the Mediterranean Sea. Hell, we'll even arrive there in half the time," she said waving her hand at the yacht. "It has four cabins, two full bathrooms, and a living area, and..." holding up a finger, she pointed to the deck equipped with a jacuzzi. "Helga can lay out next to the hot tub and sunbathe."
Bjorn bogarded his way through the crowd with Torvi at his side. "What is this?"
"A yacht built for crossing oceans in a matter of risings," she said, eyeing the delicious slice of days to come technology with pride.
He studied her for a brief moment before swinging his gaze to Floki. "Will this, ya-hot succeed in getting us to the Mediterranean?"
A smile lifted the corner of Floki's mouth. "If the weather is agreeable, but if we're met with unfavorable winds and waves it'll more than likely be over turned."
"Ack!" Bjorn waved his hand at the yacht as if wishing it away. "We shall journey within the ship Floki has built for us. His boats are more than capable of bearing winds and treading waves." With that Bjorn turned and stalked away. Torvi frowned after him, and then turned to entwine her arm with Bonnie's.
"Floki, you know very well that boat is capable of weathering a hurricane if need be," she said, whirling on him.
Floki leaned forward and kissed her on the forehead. "There is a time and place for that monstrosity which is neither here nor now. Let us keep the air and waters in this Era as clean as we can for as long as we can, hmm?" With that he to walked off, but not before saying, "Put it back!"
"You are aware that you're the Most High?" Torvi chuckled next to her.
"Yeah?" Bonnie allow her sorcery to replace the yacht back in its correct place in time. "You try telling your husband and Floki that."
She shrugged. "Why not join us in matrimony and we'll tell him together?"
"Hmm, maybe having a sister wife could have its benefits," Bonnie said, allowing Torvi to guide them back to the boats she and Bjorn would be taking.
Torvi cut an eye at her. "Oh, there'll definitely be benefits."
"Torvi," Bonnie lifted a brow, while a smirk laid claim to her mouth. "I think you may have stumbled upon a weakness of mine. Perhaps a trial marriage between us three would be in order for the coming winter."
Torvi's grin turned flirtatious. "Guthrum what do you say to having your favored girl as a second mother."
"I say no!" Guthrum's out of character callous tone snatched both of their attentions. "I'm going to love and protect Bonnie the way Bjorn loves you. So, she can't be my second mother if she is my wife in my heart." He then turned and disappeared into a horde of people.
"Oh, no, Bonnie. My son is in love with you," Torvi said staring after him.
She waved Torvi off. "Calm down, Torvi. It's just puppy love. A little crush, all boys experience at one time or another. He'll get over it. Bet it'll be out of his system by the time I return." She picked Hali up and kissed his cheek before handing him over to his mother. "Now go say your farewells to Bjorn while I go and look for him."
"Bonnie!" Ubbe called out to her from a few paces away. He looked as if he hadn't slept, and his shirt still had splatters of blood on it from the night before. "Can we speak for a moment?"
"What is it? Would you like to threaten and blackmail me again before I sail away?" She snapped as she stopped in front of him.
"I'm sorry for how I've mistreated you since entering our courtship," he said, gazing into her pupils with eyes brimming with sincerity. "Time and time again I've hurt you and there's no explanation for my misdeeds. I accept responsibility for my actions. So, know I release you from your vow. You no longer need to marry me upon your return."
She placed a hand to his cheek. "Ubbe, our vow stands. If you remain true to me while I'm away, then I'll marry you." His face brightened as he tried to pull her into a hug. "But if you betray me then someone who holds you dear will perish." A frown scrunched his brows. She cradled his face in her hands and stared into his Lothbrok blues. "My beautiful Ubbe, this isn't a curse, but a simple truth as I've seen it. So please beware." She produced a picture of her Damon had claimed for himself while she was stuck in the prison world. When she placed the frame in his hands, he almost dropped it. His mouth flapped open and closed. "Something to remember me by while I'm away."
She pressed a kiss to his lips, before walking over to where Queen Aslaug stood with Sigurd and Hvitserk. When he saw her, he closed the distance between them and lifted her off her feet. He kissed her long and hard before releasing her. "Valkyrie, you had better have returned by summers end. One rising too late, and I swear I'll come for you."
"No worries, My Devoted Savage. I'll be back here by summer's end wearing bells and tooting whistles," she laughed giving him one last peck on the lips.
He tucked a curl behind her ear. "I believe this subject may require privacy."
She hugged him once more, before turning to Queen Aslaug. "My Queen, I do believe it has been an honor and privilege to have known you. Until we meet again."
Bonnie held out a hand to her, and Queen Aslaug pulled her into a hug. "The honor and privilege has been mine Most High." She rested her forehead on Bonnie's. "Until we meet again." For a second time that day, tears flooded her eyes.
"Until we meet again," Bonnie uttered once more. She smiled despite the storm gathering in her eyes.
As she turned to walk away, she spotted Lagertha with Guthrum at her side. When she approached, the earl halted. "Supreme."
"Call me Bonnie, Lagertha," she insisted. The former shieldmaiden nodded. She glanced around to be sure they weren't overheard. Once she was certain they could speak freely, she lowered her voice just the same. "I know you plan to overthrow Queen Aslaug and take control of Kattegat."
Lagertha's eyes flared. "Are you opposed to this?"
"No," she shook her head, "I only ask you not harm any of Ragnar's sons in the process. Do whatever has to be done to keep them safe and out of the way during the pursuit of your conquest."
Lagertha nodded her head. "You have my word, Bonnie."
Bonnie nodded and dropped her gaze to Guthrum who studied the ground. "Jedi, may I have a word with you for a moment?" He glanced up at her with his wide blue eyes and reached out to take her hand. "Give us just a moment," she told Lagertha who nodded and stepped away. She kneeled to be eye level with Guthrum.
"I'm almost twelve summers, Bonsie. I know my mind and my heart," he said staring up at her as defiance glistened in his eyes.
A sad smile trembled at the corners of her lips. "I know and I didn't ask to speak with you to disregard your affections. Merely, allow me to say this, a wise woman once told me, there will be many loves a person will encounter in their life. You will meet one woman who makes you feel perhaps one or even two of these loves, but you must not lose your heart to this woman. Because there's a forever woman who'll make you feel them all and she will be the one who's worthy of your heart." She rested her forehead on his. "Do you understand?"
"I understand, Bonsie," he said throwing his arms around her neck.
She exhaled a sigh drenched in relief.
"Bonnie, it's time," Bjorn yelled from their long boat.
"Okay," she yelled back. "Remember what I told you about your lessons and don't allow Wilber more than one bowl of honey a rising. Oh, and never permit him to have it before slumber. It gives him night terrors. Kiss Asa for me. Tell her about me every night so she won't forget me."
Guthrum laughed even as his eyes developed an extra shine. "I remember, Bonsie."
"I know you do," she kissed his cheek, "It just gives me an excuse to linger a little longer. Take care of Hali, Asa, and your mother. You're the man of the keep until your father returns."
He nodded and she looked to Lagertha who watched them with the same shiny eyes as Guthrum's. She hugged him and kissed his cheek once more before hurrying away. When she made it over to the long boat, Bjorn plucked her from the harbor and placed her next to him. Once inside, the ship began to pull away from the dock. As she watched the people she'd come to adore grow smaller, her heart grew heavier. This trip marked the end of peace and snatched away a comfort zone she'd come to crave. For the hands of change had begun to turn. Kattegat would never again be the same.
"Are you still not speaking with me?" Floki asked as he sat down on the other side of Helga.
Bonnie released a sigh. "I'm not ignoring you, Floki. It's just hot, I'm sweating like a pig, I'm uncomfortable, Hvits won't stop asking stupid questions," Hvitserk glared at her over his shoulder, and she answered him with her best and what expression, "On top of all of that, Bjorn won't even let me go for a swim."
"Aw, you'll get used to sailing," Helga patted her hand. "Just give it time."
Bonnie nodded, before getting up to go join Bjorn at the head of the ship. He huddled over his cloth map, scanning the coast for any distinctive landmarks. "Where are we?"
He looked up and gave her a hitched smile. "Frankia."
Floki scoffed, before side-eying the hell out of Bjorn.
"Are you going to try and contact Uncle Rollo?" Hvitserk questioned.
She rolled her eyes. Another dumb ass question! Goddess, he was killing her. "No, Hvits. Why ever would he contact your Uncle Rollo when he can simply say excuse me to his navy and sail on by?"
"Why are you being so ornery?" Bjorn backed her into his arms, before wrapping his arms around her waist.
"Why is Hvitserk behaving so hollow headed?" She countered. He nipped at her neck and she snickered.
Hvitserk's face folded in on itself. "I think I'll beat you at least once every new moon once we marry."
"And I think I'll set your bed on fire while you're sleeping," she said, staring him directly in the pupils.
"Bjorn, speaking with Rollo will be a mistake," Floki said, leaving his place by Helga's side to join them at the head of the boat. "He's betrayed his people more times than one man should be allowed and still permitted to breathe."
Bjorn exhaled. He then pressed a kiss to her neck and released her. "Then what else do you advise we do Floki? Fight our way through or turn and go back? For the map offers no other choices."
Floki opened his mouth to say something smart no doubt when Rollo's navy bust a turn around a cliff and began rowing there way. Hvitserk stood and stepped in front of her. His actions surprised the hell out of her considering they were not vibing at all since operation Seduction-Gate.
"Conversation it is," Bonnie said, peeping around Hvits arm.
They were led into the throne room of Rollo's castle. Soldiers lined the walkway up to the thrones and not one among them were supernatural. The only ones under her dominion was Rollo, and his children. Everyone else were untouchable if unprovoked, less she start a war with nature. Hvitserk slipped his arm around her waist, and then pulled her closer into his side.
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