《Lessons in Devotion》Chapter 14
Sigurd hurled a battle ax at Bonnie. The weapon hurtled through the air towards her heart nearly at light speed. With a flick of the wrist, she sent it flying in another direction. Not giving her time to recover, Floki swiped at her neck with a sword. She dropped low. The sharpened blade missed her by a fraction of an inch. In retaliation, she laid him flat with a leg sweep to the ankles.
Her supernatural senses pricked. The disturbance of mystical energy subtly shifted. She felt the birth of the energy ball mere seconds before its release from Ayanna's hands. Splitting her focus from an approaching Sigurd, she chastised the sorcery. Took possession of the magic, and then turned the witchery back on the practitioner. Ayanna's screech sounded from behind her as she collided with a tree.
Bonnie took off running towards an oncoming Sigurd. Both on a collision path with the other. Right before impact, she ran up is body, wrapped herself about him and used the memento to send him soring sideways. Before his body could hit the ground, her sorcery caught him and held him suspended in mid-air. She looked over to Ayanna and Floki to assess for an impending attack, they were too busy licking their wounds. So, she walked over to a floating, but squirming Sigurd.
A smile twitched for dominance over her lips. "What do you say?"
He raised his head to glare at her, and then dropped his head back. "I'm not saying it, I won't!"
"You know the rules, Sigurd," She smiled down at him as she stroked his bangs from his face. "If I best you, you have to say it."
His eyes rolled, while exhaling a sigh. "You're the topflight warrior witch of the world," he mumbled.
"I can't hear you, Soldier!" She yelled putting general in command bass in her voice.
"Of the world, Valkyrie! Of the world," he yelled back.
She kissed him on the corner of his mouth, and then lowered him to the ground. In a move swifter than an average human, he swept her off her feet, literally. Her back smacked the ground harder than Creed drilled Conlon.
Once down, he rolled on top of her. "Never relinquish your guard. Even when you believe your adversary is defeated. Because that is the moment when they will strike, for they have far more to gain than they have to squander."
He glared at her a bit longer before rolling off of her. When he stood, he held out a hand to help her up. She took it and allowed him to pull her to her feet.
"Look the sun is half-way across the sky. Training is done for the day," Ayanna said, before disappearing behind the cloth barrier of her keep.
Floki released a high-pitched tinkle of a laugh. "Come, I think she wants to be rid of us."
Bonnie and Sigurd followed Floki into the forest. They took the familiar path they'd utilized all winter long. Every day when the weather permitted, they'd trek to Ayanna's cabin. Floki and Ayanna taught her more than she ever knew about her sorcery. She'd been an active witch for ten years and she still couldn't believe how little she actually knew. Yet, she shouldn't be surprised since everything she knew about her magic up until that point was self-taught.
Once they were satisfied she had a strong understanding of the fundamentals, they began training her in supernatural warfare. While Sigurd schooled her in sword play and hand to hand combat. Thanks to Rayna's knowledge in these things, she was already at the head of the class in this area. Hell, she could probably teach the class. There were times however, like that day, when he taught her a thing or three.
"Your training is coming along nicely," Floki said as he led them through the woods. "A few more new moons of days like this and you'll be prepared for whatever may happen next."
She shook her head. "We don't have a few more months. Bjorn and I will be sailing for the Mediterranean Sea as soon as King Harald arrives, which will probably be in the next week or so, and..." She glanced at Sigurd and paused for a moment, "Ragnar will be arriving any day now."
"I shall be glad to see him," Floki said as if he were attempting to assure himself rather than stating a true feeling.
Sigurd tried to mask his annoyance with a nonchalant expression. "As I've said before, I care not for either outcome. Whether he returns or remains gone, it matters not. I'm no longer a boy desperate for his father's attention or wisdom."
"That may be so, but you still have-," she began only to be shushed into silence by Floki.
He waved a hand, gesturing for them to move off of the path. They did so without question. The last thing they needed is to be caught coming from that direction of the forest. Once hidden in the over brush lining the path, they heard movement coming their way. Familiar voices reached them before they had a visual on who approached.
"I shall miss these small distractions once you're married to your witch," Margrethe's flirtatious shrill disturbed the quietness of the forest.
"Don't fret, beautiful Margrethe. You'll still have Hvitserk," Ubbe's comforting tone nearly tore the beating heart from her chest. "Besides, who says our time together must come to an end once I enter into matrimony? Am I not allowed to have bed slaves."
A sharp intake of breath echoed throughout the canopy of trees. "You'll take me into your household? What will your witch think?"
"She'll think herself so blessed by the gods to be my wife, she'll do whatever task I request to please me," Ubbe bragged as he and Margrethe rounded the path.
When they ventured into view, Bonnie attempted to rise. Floki and Sigurd both snatched her back with the quickness. She wanted to spark the hell out of them for stopping her from confronting Ubbe and the side bitch who'd flown over the coo-coo nest one to many damn times. Sigurd gave her a hard look with a firm shake of the head.
"Oh so that's how it shall happen?" Hvitserk said from a few paces behind the embracing couple. A grin inched across his lips as he cast his gaze to the side and locked eyes with her. His step didn't falter, but his expression took an apologetic turn. She placed a finger to her lips. He nodded once before swinging his stare straight ahead.
Once the threesome moved further down the path, Bonnie barreled out of the thicket of bushes and cut a path straight back to Kattegat. Floki and Sigurd raced after her.
"Don't follow me!" She bellowed over her shoulder.
Lightening shot from the sky, slamming into the six feet of vacant ground which separated them. Sigurd's eye sockets damn near gave birth to his eyeballs. When she was sure they'd accurately interpreted the picture, she continued her march. By the time she reached the gates of Kattegat, she'd worked herself into a, Waiting to Exhale, frenzy. If this shit fest didn't qualify for Mary J. Blige and Vodka, then she'd hate to see the fuckery show that would.
As she passed by the market tables, she heard people call out to her. She, however, had tunnel vision and was on a mission. Ubbe had her all the way fucked up. Talking about she should feel lucky he agreed to marry her. No, he should feel lucky, she didn't spark his ass on sight. Anger had her mind so twisted, flashbacks of Jeremy and Anna started assaulting her brain. Men! First Jeremy and his ghost. Now here Ubbe was trying it with a deranged slave. Nope she did not come back to the Viking Era for this General Hospital story line. She could've stayed in Mystic Falls for that madness.
When she entered her home, she used her sorcery to call for everything that belonged to Ubbe and anything he'd given to her over the course of their engagement. Once she'd packed and stacked it all next to the door, she called in Blida and Hilda to take the various items to the great house. After she'd cleansed her keep of all things Ubbe, she lit a sage candle, and let the hurt burn. A bottle of Belvidere Vodka, a magically rigged Alexa speaker cranking nothing but the saddest of Mary, Mariah, Celine, and Whitney, helped to ease the pain.
After a couple hours of self-medicating, persistent knuckles slammed against her door. Her eyes rolled as she muted the speaker and stuffed the bottle of Vodka under a pillow. She took a quick glance at herself in the mirror, fluffed her curls, and then answered the door. Hvitserk stood outside, looking over all the offerings that still kept coming despite her protests.
"Humph," Her upper lip quirked. "So, he sent you again. Well, you can turn right back around and tell him not to waste your time. This betrothal has ran its course and I'm done."
She turned to close the door, but Hvitserk stuck his foot in the way. "Allow me to enter, please."
"Fine, but you say one thing about him and you're out," she said, holding eye contact for a moment before opening the door wide enough to let him slip pass.
Allowing the door to close, she turned around to face him. He paced around her keep, taking in the throw rugs and the clear coats she'd added to the wall paneling. She even pilfered a few choice paintings Klaus himself painted. Somehow having them hanging on the walls made her feel close to him.
"You've nested well." He eyed the glass and brass dinette table set she'd upgraded to from the stone table. "I imagine Odin would find comfort here." He looked like a fish on its way to the frying pan.
She sat on her bed, and then removed the bottle of Vodka from under her pillow. "Would you like something to drink, Hvits?"
"Yes," his head bobbed with his signature grin in place. He gazed at the bottle in her hand and moved closer. A frown scrunched his brows. "Is it water?"
"More like fire water," she opened the bottle and passed it to him and thought better. In the series Hvitserk was a drugged out alcoholic. Last thing she wanted to do was help him to that future. "On second thought never mind." She put the top back on the bottle, then stuffed it back under the pillow. When she noticed him shifting from one foot to the other she patted the empty spot next to her. "Come sit down, you're making me anxious with all that fidgeting. You okay? You seem nervous."
"Nervous, no," He sat down and began to run his hands down the front of his trousers. "I thought I might've angered you as well."
Her head jerked back. "Why would I be mad at you? We have no obligations to each other." His face dropped and so did her heart. See that's why she barely dealt with him. She couldn't understand the emotions he provoked in her. The familiar feelings, she felt whenever she heard his voice, he stood too close, or goddess forbid he touched her. "Hvits?"
"I'd like to make you an offering," he blurted out without looking at her.
"Excuse me?" His request snatched her head sideways. She readjusted herself on the mattress to stare at him full on. "W-what kind of offering?"
"The kind of offering Ubbe makes to you, and Sigurd. Though he won't admit it," Hvitserk said, finally turning to gaze into her eyes. He leaned closer, his face mere inches from hers. "Will you accept me, Hjarta?"
"Hvitserk," she whispered, like they'd be overheard if she spoke at even a normal volume. Her eyes grew wide when he produced a dagger from his trousers. "You don't know what you're saying. The act is very intimate and it's about more than you just bleeding for me. It creates a bond which lasts a lifetime. I couldn't allow you to make such-,"
He sliced open his wrist. The scent of his blood had her drooling from both sets of her lips. Her tongue swept across her bottom lip. Anticipation and yearning had a chokehold on her inhibitions. He urged her to lie back on the bed, and then pressed the spurting extremity to her mouth. The first lip smacking hit of him was unlike anything she'd ever savored. If screaming orgasms, selfless fourplay, scaling the walls lovemaking, and happy endings had a flavor the taste would be none other than him. Her gaze rolled to the back of her head to side-eye the hell out of her brain. Not wanting to take too much, she tore her mouth away from his wrist, and then healed the laceration with the mystical energy pooling in her palms.
Hvitserk's hands slipped underneath her Babydoll night shirt. Another item she'd pilfered from the 21st century. "May I drank from you as well?"
Why not? The bond was already established, she might as well cement the link. She nodded once and he gave her a smile born of sheer gratitude before he began to descend her body. He blazed a trail of open mouthed kisses down her abdomen.
"Hvitserk, what are you doing?" She asked holding up her wrist.
He did the full-face grin she so hated to love. "I'd prefer to receive your favor from here." His fingers tapped the pulse point at her groin. "May I remove the layer protecting your chastity?" When a frown buckled her brows, he explained further. "So, they're not soiled by your blessing."
That made sense. "O-okay," she agreed in a dehydrated rasp.
She allowed her head to fall back on her pillow. This was all kinds of wrong, yet a very shameful part of her wanted to see where it all would go. Once he reached the upper part of her thigh he used the same dagger to tear open her groin. The slash hurt until his mouth covered the wound, and then applied suction. Slurps, moans, and grunts filled the room as Hvitserk made a meal of her femoral artery. She bit her bottom lip to lock down her own whimpers, but the way he was doing her it would've been easier to hug the sun. Her hips squirmed from left to right to alleviate her need for friction. Yet, between his sucking and her bucking the squirming only served to turn her on more.
Taking pity on her, he began to stroke her clit with the pad of his thumb. That's when things went utterly left. Hvitserk moved a few inches to the right and dove face first into her cookie jar. The next thing she knew, she was riding his face from the bottom. While he grabbed a fist full of her ass to encourage and guide her throwback skills. The sensation of him nibbling, licking and sucking, ripped screeching moans from her throat one after the other. He was fucking her over better than anyone she'd ever been with and he was doing it with no hands. Three seconds after the first glorious spasm knocked her backbone loose, she made the decision to invite him into her candy shop.
"Hvits," she panted pulling his mouth from her good-good and tugging him up her body. "Ooh I want you so bad boy. Please take all of this shit off."
Not waiting for a yay or nay, she started ripping the clothes from his body until he wore nothing but a stunned expression. She lifted up and captured his mouth. Slipping her tongue between his lips, the taste of herself forced a groan from the back of her throat. When his shock gave away to lust, he snatched her legs wide and wedged his hips between her thighs.
Turned slap out by anticipation, she grabbed his dick and damn near swallowed both of their tongues. She broke the kiss to gawk up at him. His arrogant ass had the nerve to smirk. What the hell? Were all of the Lothbrok brothers hung like bulls? She gave the situation a mental shrug. Well just like any other red blooded thrill seeker she was willing to climb Everest once. She shifted and positioned his manhood at her entrance. Mum was the word as she prepared for pain, and then fireworks.
"Now you see, Valkyrie," Ubbe's voice had the same effect as ice water on an open flame. "How very simple it is to make a mistake. The regret is instantaneous is it not?"
Bonnie jerked her head to the side. Her gaze collided with a pair of calculating sky blues.
Ubbe knelt next to the bed. He scrutinized her with the knowing eyes of a person who believed themselves to have proved a point. The penny shot to the moon. She scoffed, and swung her stare back to Hvitserk, who looked like Wilbur when he got into the offerings of honey. Sorry that he wasn't sorry. The penny dropped!
"You set me up," she shoved Hvitserk off of her, and then placed a healing palm over the gash at her groin. "For what? So, I'll be able to relate to your fuck boy ways? Well, you should've spent a little more time on your plan, because I don't feel guilty. Just played." She glanced over at Hvitserk who was redressing. "Hvits, I thought..." He opened his mouth to say something, but she raised a hand. "Know what, it doesn't matter. You showed me who you were, I'll know better next time."
"Hjarta-," Hvitserk began.
"Don't blame Hvitserk, he was only being a good brother," Ubbe said, watching her with unblinking eyes as she wiggled back into her panties.
"I'm sorry," She twisted her features into a confused expression. "You're still here, why? There's nothing left for you to say to me. You have your belongings and my message notifying you of the end of our betrothal. What else can I do for you, Ubbe?"
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World tag#001
When you wake up and you are told you are dead and in the process of reincarnation, do you believe it's a dream, a hoax or the truth? Talking with a self declared God, who apparently doesn't care at all, spring much more questions than answers, so the adventure begin.This is my first attempt (highlight on attempt) to write and I'm not a native speaker, so sorry in advance for any mistake and hope it will be interesting.The cover and the, hopefully, future maps are generated by: topps.diku.dk/torbenm/maps.msp
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